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Poor Gabriel's Almanac -- July 10

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Interesting things that happened July 10th:

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Birthdays on this date:
  In 1509 John Calvin, theologian
  In 1723 Sir William Blackstone, English jurist (Blackstone's Commentaries)
  In 1792 George Mifflin Dallas (D), 11th Vice President (1845-49)
  In 1834 James Whistler, artist, mama's boy
  In 1856 Nikola Tesla, physicist who developed alternating current and radio
  In 1867 Finley Peter Dunne, journalist, humorist, created Mr. Dooley
  In 1871 Marcel Proust, French novelist (Remembrance of Things Past)
  In 1888 Giorgio De Chirico, Italian painter
  In 1915 Saul Bellow, US novelist (Herzog, Dangling Man) (Nobel 1976)
  In 1917 Don "Mr. Wizard" Herbert, TV science teacher
  In 1920 David Brinkley, newscaster (NBC, ABC)
        + Owen Chamberlain, codiscoverer of the antiproton (Nobel 1959)
  In 1921 Jake LaMotta, boxer
  In 1926 Fred Gwynne, actor (The Munsters), writer
  In 1927 David Dinkins, former New York mayor
  In 1931 Del Insko, harness racer
  In 1933 Jerry Herman, Broadway composer
  In 1942 Pyotr I. Klimuk, Soviet cosmonaut (Soyuz 13, 18, 30)
  In 1943 Arthur Ashe, tennis pro
  In 1945 Virginia Wade, tennis pro
  In 1946 Sue Lyon (in Iowa), actor
  In 1947 Arlo Guthrie, singer (Alice's Restaurant, City of New Orleans)

Events worth noting:
        + Dog Days
        + Feast of the 7 Brothers and SS. Rufina and Secunda, virgins
  In 1832 Pres Jackson vetoed legislation to re-charter the second Bank of US.
  In 1847 Urbain J.J. Leverrier and John Couch Adams, who predicted the
          existance and location of Neptune, meet for first time at home of
          John Herschel.
  In 1850 VP Fillmore becomes president following the death of Zachary Taylor.
  In 1890 Wyoming becomes the 44th state.
  In 1892 First concrete-paved street built (Bellefontaine, Ohio).
  In 1910 Johann Galle, first to see Neptune with telescope, dies.
  In 1919 Pres Wilson personally delivers Treaty of Versailles to the Senate.
  In 1925 Jury selection took place in John T. Scopes evolution trial.
        + The official news agency of the Soviet Union TASS was established.
  In 1932 Jack Burnett gets 9 hits in 1 18 inning game.
  In 1933 First police radio system operated, Eastchester Twp, NY.
  In 1940 The Battle of Britain began as Nazi forces attacked by air.
  In 1943 U.S. and Britain invade Sicily in WWII.
  In 1945 Robert Goddard, rocketry pioneer, died.
  In 1949 First practical rectangular TV tube announced -- Toledo, Oh.
  In 1951 Armistice talks to end the Korean conflict began at Kaesong.
  In 1962 Telstar, first geosynchronous communications satellite, launched.
  In 1966 Orbiter 1 Launched to moon.
  In 1973 Bahamas became independent after 3 centuries of British rule.
  In 1978 E.F. Helinand, E. Shoemaker discovers asteroid #3484
  In 1980 Ayatollah Khomeini orders release of Iran hostage Richard I. Queen.
  In 1982 Miguel Vasquez makes first public quadruple somersault on trapeze.
  In 1985 Coca-Cola Co. announces it would resume selling old formula Coke.
        + French agents sink Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in New Zealand.

And remember ...
  Baked Beans Month
  Hot Dog Month
  Ice Cream Month

                                 =  =  =

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Although efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy of this information,
several errors have been found in the past.  Don't place any bets on the basis
of what you find here.  -- Gabe

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM