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FAQs: A Suggested Minimal Digest Format
Section - 3. What Should the Overall FAQ Look Like?

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Top Document: FAQs: A Suggested Minimal Digest Format
Previous Document: 2. Table of Contents
Next Document: 4. What's a Section, and How is it Formatted?
Most FAQs lend themselves to a format like:

	<news headers>
	<news.answers required headers if the FAQ is registered>
	<title and author>

While FAQs aren't always lists of questions and answers, they usually
have "sections" of text -- whether they be sets of lists, individual
Q&A's, groups of Q&A, textual sections, whatever.  The digest format
is all about how these sections should be delimited for automatic parsing.

Note that this FAQ doesn't attempt to explain the news headers and
news.answers subheaders.  For this, you should really consult the
FAQs on how to create news.answers postings.  It's worth noting a
few things here.  You should use Expires/Supersedes to manage the
deletion of previous copies of your FAQ.  It is also a very good idea
to use References: lines to link the parts of multi-part FAQs together
so that they remain together with Usenet news readers.

Top Document: FAQs: A Suggested Minimal Digest Format
Previous Document: 2. Table of Contents
Next Document: 4. What's a Section, and How is it Formatted?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM