Re: What's taking so long?


Pamela Greene (
Fri, 3 Oct 1997 21:10:52 -0400 (EDT)

> The FAQ maintainers must be really backlogged in mail now... I sent a
> message to about a month or so ago, and have
> not received a response...
> Does anyone know what's going on?

The news.answers moderators are really backlogged in mail right now
(and have been for some time). It's simply a matter of having lots of
work to do and too few people to do it. Three new moderators are in
the wings, at various stages of knowledge about the moderation system,
and I expect the situation to improve considerably once they're all up
and running.

If you're requesting a simple change of headers or an additional part
to an established posting, you can help us and shorten your wait by
making sure the Subject of your request has "change" somewhere in it.
If you're submiting a new FAQ, you can speed things up *considerably*
by using the automated FAQ-checker described in the guidelines.

- Pam