Help with FAQ formatting.


Philip Blundell (
Thu, 15 May 1997 20:07:15 +0100 (BST)


I'm trying to prepare HTML and ASCII versions of my FAQ, following Mike
Meyer's recipe at <>. I can generate
HTML from the initial SGML file without any apparent problems. However,
it's downhill from then on - when I try to add the table-of-contents,
htmltoc seems reluctant to put any anchors into the original document, and
so the hotlinks on the TOC don't work. And when I try to format it into
ASCII I get zillions of errors:

kings-cross:~/csan-faq$ gf faq.html
sgmls: SGML error at /usr/local/lib/sgml/gf/html.dtd, line 77 in
declaration parameter 158:
Non-significant shunned character number 160 not declared UNUSED
sgmls: SGML error at /usr/local/lib/sgml/gf/html.dtd, line 77 in
declaration parameter 158:
Non-significant shunned character number 161 not declared UNUSED
sgmls: SGML error at /usr/local/lib/sgml/gf/html.dtd, line 77 in
declaration parameter 158:
[... etc]

Is there anybody who's successfully using this scheme and could give me
some hints? Thanks in advance.
