The state of Ohio State HTML FAQs


Thomas A. Fine (
Tue, 11 Jul 1995 14:48:31 -0400

The short answer:

I changed jobs, I don't have access, they're falling apart, I've been really
busy, I'm going to move them, they'll be on a commercial site - I hope
you don't mind, there will eventually be better searching, there will
be support for individual remote maintenance.

The long answer:

I'm trying to finish up school. At the same time, I've switched jobs due
to what we might call a difference of opinion with management if we were
being particularly diplomatic. (Just so you don't think less of me, I
wasn't fired, I quit, and I was neither the first nor the last to do that
in the past year.) I have another University job, but they can't provide
the resources for the FAQs. :-(

I thought I would have continued access at OSU-CIS after I left, but they
changed some systems, and I no longer have direct access to the server
where the FAQs live. Because of this, things are gradually falling to pieces.
I have at least (I think) fixed the problem with the amazing shrinking
FAQ list, and it should automatically clear up tomorrow (I can't rerun
things by hand because I don't have access).

So I'm moving them to a commercial site that desparately wants to draw
attention to themselves. The service will continue to be managed by me,
free of charge, and it won't contain gratuitous ads (there will be a
link and a thank you) - the only commercial benefit to the company will
be their mere presence.

My benefit is that they have some supposedly impressive text indexing
software, so I hope to make the FAQs full-text indexed. I'm getting
no monetary compensation, and I'm in no way affiliated with the company.

I'll be moving the RFCs also, so RFC references will continue to be converted
to links. The man pages won't be moving to the commercial site, for legal
copyright type reasons, but maybe I can continue to point to the ones at
Ohio State.

I'm also going to provide a service where you can use forms on the web to do
some maintainance tasks - things like replacing my version of HTML faqs with
your version; and providing other FAQs that are not part of the news.answers

I know how touchy some people have been about commercial interests invading
the FAQs. If you don't want your FAQs on a commercial site, I'll pull them.
However, please consider the following:
They will never be charged for.
They will be better supported.
There will be no gratuitous advertising built in.
I'm reaping no monetary benefit.
OSU also has commercial interests, so nothing is significantly different.
By including them, you are widening your audience at no cost.


P.S. The access of the FAQs at ohio state was up over 70,000 a day, until
things started to fall apart.

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