Re: FAQ on CD-ROM.


Regebro, Lennart (
Fri, 16 Dec 94 09:09:03 CET

>Actually, this should in _all_ versions. People do get FAQs from FTP
>sites, and some of them are quite out of date.

I hav a statement in my FAQ that says that I don't allow re-distibution of my
FAQ without asking me first. That means, that if my FAQ is on a FTP site that is
NOT an *.answers archive, they have violated that statement. The statement is
there so that people wont distribute old copies.

I do say where to get the latest one, but if the get it from or
some of the other FTP sites that archive *.answers, it will always be the latest

The CD-ROM issue going out now will be out of date when it comes out...

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