Re: The FAQ system approaches obsolescence. What do we do now?


Joe Sewell (
Fri, 9 Dec 1994 10:43:18 +0000

At 9:28 PM 12/8/94 -0600, Tina Sikorski wrote:
>I'm not sure I understand why there is all this fuss about "Putting Your
>FAQ On the World Wide Web" to begin with. Everyone I know who maintains a
>FAQ of any sort has it on the Web, but like me, most of them opt for
>plain text files, without the tons of jumps to other places that _would_
>require it to be HTML-ized. I've been scratching my head since this
>discussion started (my initial reaction was 'But my FAQ is on the Web and
>I didn't do anything special'), and I still don't get it.

It really depends on how "spread out" your FAQ is. So far I've got an
"Introduction to Sentai" FAQ for When I wrote it, there
wasn't anything else out there to reference (well, maybe the Power Rangers
FAQ, but...). From my point of view, Webbing it would be a waste of time;
about the only thing I'd get out of it is styled text.

Now, though, there's at least one Web page dealing with the subject. I
could very easily refer to it, which could justify the HTML version. On
the other hand, I only have a PPP connection to the net. I'd have to find
a Web server willing to put my page up. (My service provider MIGHT be able
to do that; I don't know.) For my FAQ, it's more trouble than it's worth
right now.


Joe Sewell       * What's the point in being *  Internet:
                 * grown up if you can't act *       CIS: 74136,360
Is reality merely* childish?                 *       AOL: JoeS10
virtual fantasy? *                           *   Fidonet: 1:374/328.7

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