Re: The FAQ system approaches obsolescence. What do we do now?


Eric S. Raymond (
Thu, 8 Dec 1994 18:39:55 -0500 (EST)

> | Given that the Web is going to make USENET distribution of FAQs
> | obsolete very soon
> I disagree with this premise. Let's not forget that FAQs are periodic
> postings to newsgroups to reduce the number of people asking the same
> damn question over and over again. That goal isn't going to be obsolete
> anytime soon...

No. But what happens when your newsreader is a Web client, or vice-versa?
I'll bet my left nut that N eager hackers are building that one *right now*.
I could do it myself in a week by bolting the WWW library to my newsreader.

> The Web will need volunteers to maintain lists of resources, etc just
> like Usenet did.

Sure. You're making my point for me, in a backwards kind of way. The
technical problems are fairly trivial; I opened this debate because I'm
trying to noodge everyone into thinking about how our community mechanisms
for authoring, filtering, and archiving FAQs map over into a WWW world.

> Imminent death of Usenet: FAQ at 11.

I don't think anyone is arguing that WWW will kill USENET. I'm sure not.

					Eric S. Raymond <>
					WWW: //

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