6.19. Installing Vim-6.1

Estimated build time:           0.81 SBU
Estimated required disk space:  24 MB

6.19.1. Installation of Vim

This package requires its patch to be applied before you can install it. Make sure it's unpacked before running the installation commands.

If you not wish to install Vim, build instructions for alternative editors are available at http://beyond.linuxfromscratch.org/view/cvs/postlfs/editors.html. Currently, there are instructions for Emacs, nano, and joe.

Install Vim by running the following commands:

patch -Np1 -i ../vim-6.1.patch &&
./configure --prefix=/usr &&
make CPPFLAGS=-DSYS_VIMRC_FILE=\\\"/etc/vimrc\\\" &&
make install &&
ln -s vim /usr/bin/vi

If you plan to install the X Window system on your LFS system, you might want to re-compile Vim after you have installed X. Vim comes with a nice GUI version of the editor which requires X and a few other libraries to be installed. For more information read the Vim documentation.

6.19.2. Command explanations

patch -Np1 -i ../vim-6.1.patch: This patch fixes a compile problem with GCC-3.2.

make CPPFLAGS=-DSYS_VIMRC_FILE=\\\"/etc/vimrc\\\": Setting this will cause vim to look for the /etc/vimrc file that contains the global vim settings. Normally this file is looked for in /usr/share/vim, but /etc is a more logical place for this kind of file.

6.19.3. Contents of Vim

Last checked against version 6.1. Descriptions

6.19.4. Vim Installation Dependencies

Last checked against version 6.0.

Bash: sh
Binutils: as, ld, strip
Diffutils: cmp, diff
Fileutils: chmod, cp, ln, mkdir, mv, rm, touch
Find: find
Gcc: cc1, collect2, cpp0, gcc
Grep: egrep, grep
Make: make
Net-tools: hostname
Sed: sed
Sh-utils: echo, expr, uname, whoami
Textutils: cat, tr, wc