Linux Development Platform Specifications (LDPS) and Linux Standard Base (LSB)15
1.5.2Managing the Development Team
The manager has to keep track of how development among different parts of the software
is going on. If part of the product is behind schedule, she has to re-arrange resources to get it
back on track.. She may also need to hire new people to finish the development of a particular
component on schedule.
1.5.3Resolving Dependencies
Usually software components are dependent on one another. If the development of one
component is lagging behind, it may affect development of other components. The develop-
ment manager needs to keep an eye on these dependencies and how these may affect the over-
all progress of the project. Well-known project management methods are usually helpful for
this task.
1.6Linux Development Platform Specifications (LDPS) and Linux
Standard Base (LSB)
Linux Development Platform Specifications
or LDPS was an effort to design a common specifi-
cation so that programs developed on one Linux distribution could be easily ported to other dis-
tributions. The specifications define components and packages that must be present on Linux
development workstations. The latest version of the specifications at the time of writing this
book is available at web site.
Linux Standard Base
or LSB ( is the new forum to standardize
Linux distributions. LSB specifications 1.1.0 is available at the time of writing this book. LSB
compliant applications can run on any LSB compliant distribution without any modification or
recompilation process. Specifications are detailed and the latest version can be found at http://
The following libraries will be available on LSB compliant systems. While developing
applications for Linux, the developer can assume presence of these libraries on target machines,
provided the target is LSB compliant.
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