BORDER : size of border around the tableCELLPADDING : space between the edge of a cell and the contentsCELLSPACING : space between cellsWIDTH : width of the table as a wholeBGCOLOR : color of the backgroundBACKGROUND : picture to use as backgroundALIGN : alignment of table to surrounding textHSPACE : horizontal space between table and surrounding text |   |
VSPACE : vertical space between table and surrounding textHEIGHT : height of the table as a wholeFRAME : parts of outside border that are visibleRULES : if there should be internal bordersBORDERCOLOR : color of border around the tableBORDERCOLORLIGHT : color of "light" part of border around the tableBORDERCOLORDARK : color of "dark" part of border around the tableSUMMARY : Summary of the purpose of the table |