Attributes for <SCRIPT ...>
FOR = "object ID"
EVENT = event name

Usage Recommendation
don't use it thumbs down

FOR and EVENT, which are MSIE extensions, are used together to create a script that operates as an event handler for an object. For example, the following script sets itself as the onsubmit() event handler for the object whose ID is myform:

<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript" FOR="myform" EVENT="onsubmit()">
var response=confirm("are you sure you want to submit?");
return response;

The script is then applied to a form by setting the form's ID to myform:

<FORM ACTION="../cgi-bin/" ID="myform">
name: <INPUT NAME="realname"><BR>
email: <INPUT NAME="email"><BR>

which (in MSIE) gives us this form:


This technique for setting an event handler isn't any easier than the traditional method which is also much more universal. Any object that has an event can have that event set with the appropriate attribute. For example, to set our form to check if the user really wants to submit we can use a script function and the onSubmit attribute. The script would look like this, creating a function called submitconfirm():

<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
function submitconfirm()
var response=confirm("are you sure you want to submit?");
return response;

The form would call submitconfirm() in onSubmit like this:

onSubmit="return submitconfirm()">
name: <INPUT NAME="realname"><BR>
email: <INPUT NAME="email"><BR>

which gives us this form (try submitting it):


About the Author
Copyright 1997-2002 Idocs Inc. Content in this guide is offered freely to the public under the terms of the Open Content License and the Open Publication License. Contents may be redistributed or republished freely under these terms so long as credit to the original creator and contributors is maintained.