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Looking for information about indenting? You might want to check out the Indenting Tutorial
<BLOCKQUOTE ...> indicates that you are quoting a large section of text. <BLOCKQUOTE ...> is rendered with a paragraph break before and after, and usually (but not always) indented.
The quality of mercy is not strain'd, it droppeth as the gentle rain
from heaven upon the place beneath: it is twice blest; it blesseth
him that gives and him that takes: tis mightiest in the mightiest:
it becomes the throned monarch better than his crown.
gives us
The quality of mercy is not strain'd, it droppeth as the gentle rain
from heaven upon the place beneath: it is twice blest; it blesseth
him that gives and him that takes: tis mightiest in the mightiest:
it becomes the throned monarch better than his crown.
The <P ...> , <BR ...> and <A ...> tags work well within <BLOCKQUOTE ...> .
However, avoid using <BLOCKQUOTE ...> for anything besides its intended purpose: that of designating a long quote. In particular, avoid using <BLOCKQUOTE ...> just to indent a section of text. The results will be inconsistent across browsers and frequently look sloppy.