Attribute for
<MAP ...> Looking for info on how to make an image map?See our tutorial How to Make an Image MapNAME NAME <IMG USEMAP="..."> <IMG USEMAP="..."> # ) before the name of the map. For example, the following code creates an image map named
map1 :
<DIV ALIGN=CENTER> <MAP NAME="map1"> <AREA HREF="contacts.html" ALT="Contacts" TITLE="Contacts" SHAPE=RECT COORDS="6,116,97,184"> <AREA HREF="products.html" ALT="Products" TITLE="Products" SHAPE=CIRCLE COORDS="251,143,47"> <AREA HREF="new.html" ALT="New!" TITLE="New!" SHAPE=POLY COORDS="150,217, 190,257, 150,297,110,257"> </MAP> <IMG SRC="testmap.gif" ALT="map of GH site" BORDER=0 WIDTH=300 HEIGHT=300 USEMAP="#map1"><BR> [ <A HREF="contacts.html" ALT="Contacts">Contacts</A> ] [ <A HREF="products.html" ALT="Products">Products</A> ] [ <A HREF="new.html" ALT="New!">New!</A> ] </DIV> which gives us this map: |