Attribute for <MAP ...>
NAME = "text string"

Looking for info on how to make an image map?

See our tutorial How to Make an Image Map
NAME sets the name of the image map. NAME is used by <IMG USEMAP="..."> to determine which map definition the image uses. Note that <IMG USEMAP="..."> requires that you put a hash symbol (#) before the name of the map. For example, the following code creates an image map named map1:

<MAP NAME="map1">
HREF="contacts.html" ALT="Contacts" TITLE="Contacts" 
SHAPE=RECT COORDS="6,116,97,184">
HREF="products.html" ALT="Products" TITLE="Products" 
HREF="new.html" ALT="New!" TITLE="New!"     
SHAPE=POLY COORDS="150,217, 190,257, 150,297,110,257">
<IMG SRC="testmap.gif" 
ALT="map of GH site" BORDER=0 WIDTH=300 HEIGHT=300
[ <A HREF="contacts.html" ALT="Contacts">Contacts</A> ]
[ <A HREF="products.html" ALT="Products">Products</A> ]
[ <A HREF="new.html"      ALT="New!">New!</A> ]

which gives us this map:

Contacts Products New! map of GH site
[ Contacts ] [ Products ] [ New! ]

About the Author
Copyright 1997-2002 Idocs Inc. Content in this guide is offered freely to the public under the terms of the Open Content License and the Open Publication License. Contents may be redistributed or republished freely under these terms so long as credit to the original creator and contributors is maintained.