HIDDEN indicates that the field is invisible and the user never interacts with it. The field is still sent to the CGI, and scripts can also use the hidden field.
HIDDEN is commonly used as output of a CGI which creates a new form for more input. For example, a web site which facilitates online discussions may use a hidden field to keep track of which message is being responded to:
<H2>Your Reply</H2> <FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="../cgi-bin/mycgi.pl"> <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="postingID" value="98765"> name: <INPUT NAME="realname" SIZE=30><BR> email: <INPUT NAME="email"><BR> subject: <INPUT NAME="subject" VALUE="Re: Hamlet and hesitation" SIZE=30> <P> comments:<BR> <TEXTAREA NAME="comments" COLS=50 ROWS=10 WRAP=VIRTUAL> Joe Smiley wrote: : I think Hamlet doesn't act because if he does, the play's over. </TEXTAREA> <P><INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE="Send It!"> </FORM> which gives us
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