Usage Recommendation
use it if you use <EMBED ...>

<NOEMBED> provides content for browsers that do not support embedded objects. For example, if you wanted to allow your reader to hear a piece of music, you could embed a MIDI plugin in the page, and for readers whose browsers do not support <EMBED ...> you could link directly to the MIDI inside <NOEMBED>.

For example, the following code uses <NOEMBED> to provide a link to a MIDI of the 1812 overture. Remember: if your browser supports <EMBED ...> than you won't see the contents of <NOEMBED>.

this code produces this
The 1812 Overture: 
<A HREF="../graphics/sounds/1812over.mid">1812 Overture</A>
The 1812 Overture: <A HREF="../graphics/sounds/1812over.mid">1812 Overture</A>

About the Author
Copyright 1997-2002 Idocs Inc. Content in this guide is offered freely to the public under the terms of the Open Content License and the Open Publication License. Contents may be redistributed or republished freely under these terms so long as credit to the original creator and contributors is maintained.