Publishing Character Entities (%isopub;)

%isopub; — Publishing Character Entities


The %isopub; parameter entity includes the ISO character entities with the public identifier:

  ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Publishing//EN


The following character entities are defined in this entity set:

Code point
emsp 2003
Unicode 2003
Em space
ensp 2002
Unicode 2002
En space
emsp13 2004
Unicode 2004
Three-per-em space
emsp14 2005
Unicode 2005
Four-per-em space
numsp 2007
Unicode 2007
Figure space
puncsp 2008
Unicode 2008
Punctuation space
thinsp 2009
Unicode 2009
Thin space
hairsp 200A
Unicode 200A
Hair space
mdash 2014
Unicode 2014
Em dash
ndash 2013
Unicode 2013
En dash
dash 2010
Unicode 2010
blank 2423
Unicode 2423
Open box
hellip 2026
Unicode 2026
Horizontal ellipsis
nldr 2025
Unicode 2025
Two dot leader
frac13 2153
Unicode 2153
Vulgar fraction one third
frac23 2154
Unicode 2154
Vulgar fraction two thirds
frac15 2155
Unicode 2155
Vulgar fraction one fifth
frac25 2156
Unicode 2156
Vulgar fraction two fifths
frac35 2157
Unicode 2157
Vulgar fraction three fifths
frac45 2158
Unicode 2158
Vulgar fraction four fifths
frac16 2159
Unicode 2159
Vulgar fraction one sixth
frac56 215A
Unicode 215A
Vulgar fraction five sixths
incare 2105
Unicode 2105
Care of
block 2588
Unicode 2588
Full block
uhblk 2580
Unicode 2580
Upper half block
lhblk 2584
Unicode 2584
Lower half block
blk14 2591
Unicode 2591
Light shade
blk12 2592
Unicode 2592
Medium shade
blk34 2593
Unicode 2593
Dark shade
marker 25AE
Unicode 25AE
Black vertical rectangle
cir 25CB
Unicode 25CB
White circle
squ 25A1
Unicode 25A1
White square
rect 25AD
Unicode 25AD
White rectangle
utri 25B5
Unicode 25B5
White up-pointing small triangle
dtri 25BF
Unicode 25BF
White down-pointing small triangle
bull 2022
Unicode 2022
squf 25AA
Unicode 25AA
Black small square
utrif 25B4
Unicode 25B4
Black up-pointing small triangle
dtrif 25BE
Unicode 25BE
Black down-pointing small triangle
ltrif 25C2
Unicode 25C2
Black left-pointing small triangle
rtrif 25B8
Unicode 25B8
Black right-pointing small triangle
clubs 2663
Unicode 2663
Black club suit
diams 2666
Unicode 2666
Black diamond suit
hearts 2661
Unicode 2661
White heart suit
spades 2660
Unicode 2660
Black spade suit
malt 2720
Unicode 2720
Maltese cross
dagger 2020
Unicode 2020
Dagger 2021
Unicode 2021
Double dagger
check 2713
Unicode 2713
Check mark
cross 2717
Unicode 2717
Ballot x
sharp 266F
Unicode 266F
Music sharp sign
flat 266D
Unicode 266D
Music flat sign
male 2642
Unicode 2642
Male sign
female 2640
Unicode 2640
Female sign
phone 260E
Unicode 260E
Black telephone
telrec 2315
Unicode 2315
Telephone recorder
copysr 2117
Unicode 2117
Sound recording copyright
caret 2041
Unicode 2041
Caret insertion point
lsquor 201A
Unicode 201A
Single low-nine quotation mark
ldquor 201E
Unicode 201E
Double low-nine quotation mark
fflig FB00
Unicode FB00
Latin small ligature ff
filig 007F
Unicode 007F
Latin small ligature fi
ffilig FB03
Unicode FB03
Latin small ligature ffi
ffllig FB04
Unicode FB04
Latin small ligature ffl
fllig 0090
Unicode 0090
Latin small ligature fl
mldr 2026
Unicode 2026
Horizontal ellipsis
rdquor 201D
Unicode 201D
Right double quotation mark
rsquor 2019
Unicode 2019
Right single quotation mark
vellip 22EE
Unicode 22EE
Vertical ellipsis
hybull 2043
Unicode 2043
Hyphen bullet
loz 25CA
Unicode 25CA
ltri 25C3
Unicode 25C3
White left-pointing small triangle
rtri 25B9
Unicode 25B9
White right-pointing small triangle
natur 266E
Unicode 266E
Music natural sign
rx 211E
Unicode 211E
Prescription take
sext 2736
Unicode 2736
Six pointed black star
target 2316
Unicode 2316
Position indicator
dlcrop 230D
Unicode 230D
Bottom left crop
drcrop 230C
Unicode 230C
Bottom right crop
ulcrop 230F
Unicode 230F
Top left crop
urcrop 230E
Unicode 230E
Top right crop