6.2. Introducing romantest.py

Now that we’ve completely defined the behavior we expect from our conversion functions, we’re going to do something a little unexpected: we’re going to write a test suite that puts these functions through their paces and makes sure that they behave the way we want them to. You read that right: we’re going to write code that tests code that we haven’t written yet.

This is called unit testing, since the set of two conversion functions can be written and tested as a unit, separate from any larger program they may become part of later. Python has a framework for unit testing, the appropriately-named unittest module.

unittest is included with Python 2.1 and later. Python 2.0 users can download it from pyunit.sourceforge.net.

Unit testing is an important part of an overall testing-centric development strategy. If you write unit tests, it is important to write them early (preferably before writing the code that they test), and to keep them updated as code and requirements change. Unit testing is not a replacement for higher-level functional or system testing, but it is important in all phases of development:

This is the complete test suite for our Roman numeral conversion functions, which are yet to be written but will eventually be in roman.py. It is not immediately obvious how it all fits together; none of these classes or methods reference any of the others. There are good reasons for this, as we’ll see shortly.

Example 6.1. romantest.py

If you have not already done so, you can download this and other examples used in this book.

"""Unit test for roman.py"""

import roman
import unittest

class KnownValues(unittest.TestCase):                          
    knownValues = ( (1, 'I'),
                    (2, 'II'),
                    (3, 'III'),
                    (4, 'IV'),
                    (5, 'V'),
                    (6, 'VI'),
                    (7, 'VII'),
                    (8, 'VIII'),
                    (9, 'IX'),
                    (10, 'X'),
                    (50, 'L'),
                    (100, 'C'),
                    (500, 'D'),
                    (1000, 'M'),
                    (31, 'XXXI'),
                    (148, 'CXLVIII'),
                    (294, 'CCXCIV'),
                    (312, 'CCCXII'),
                    (421, 'CDXXI'),
                    (528, 'DXXVIII'),
                    (621, 'DCXXI'),
                    (782, 'DCCLXXXII'),
                    (870, 'DCCCLXX'),
                    (941, 'CMXLI'),
                    (1043, 'MXLIII'),
                    (1110, 'MCX'),
                    (1226, 'MCCXXVI'),
                    (1301, 'MCCCI'),
                    (1485, 'MCDLXXXV'),
                    (1509, 'MDIX'),
                    (1607, 'MDCVII'),
                    (1754, 'MDCCLIV'),
                    (1832, 'MDCCCXXXII'),
                    (1993, 'MCMXCIII'),
                    (2074, 'MMLXXIV'),
                    (2152, 'MMCLII'),
                    (2212, 'MMCCXII'),
                    (2343, 'MMCCCXLIII'),
                    (2499, 'MMCDXCIX'),
                    (2574, 'MMDLXXIV'),
                    (2646, 'MMDCXLVI'),
                    (2723, 'MMDCCXXIII'),
                    (2892, 'MMDCCCXCII'),
                    (2975, 'MMCMLXXV'),
                    (3051, 'MMMLI'),
                    (3185, 'MMMCLXXXV'),
                    (3250, 'MMMCCL'),
                    (3313, 'MMMCCCXIII'),
                    (3408, 'MMMCDVIII'),
                    (3501, 'MMMDI'),
                    (3610, 'MMMDCX'),
                    (3743, 'MMMDCCXLIII'),
                    (3844, 'MMMDCCCXLIV'),
                    (3888, 'MMMDCCCLXXXVIII'),
                    (3940, 'MMMCMXL'),
                    (3999, 'MMMCMXCIX'))                       

    def testToRomanKnownValues(self):                          
        """toRoman should give known result with known input"""
        for integer, numeral in self.knownValues:              
            result = roman.toRoman(integer)                    
            self.assertEqual(numeral, result)                  

    def testFromRomanKnownValues(self):                          
        """fromRoman should give known result with known input"""
        for integer, numeral in self.knownValues:                
            result = roman.fromRoman(numeral)                    
            self.assertEqual(integer, result)                    

class ToRomanBadInput(unittest.TestCase):                            
    def testTooLarge(self):                                          
        """toRoman should fail with large input"""                   
        self.assertRaises(roman.OutOfRangeError, roman.toRoman, 4000)

    def testZero(self):                                              
        """toRoman should fail with 0 input"""                       
        self.assertRaises(roman.OutOfRangeError, roman.toRoman, 0)   

    def testNegative(self):                                          
        """toRoman should fail with negative input"""                
        self.assertRaises(roman.OutOfRangeError, roman.toRoman, -1)  

    def testDecimal(self):                                           
        """toRoman should fail with non-integer input"""             
        self.assertRaises(roman.NotIntegerError, roman.toRoman, 0.5) 

class FromRomanBadInput(unittest.TestCase):                                      
    def testTooManyRepeatedNumerals(self):                                       
        """fromRoman should fail with too many repeated numerals"""              
        for s in ('MMMM', 'DD', 'CCCC', 'LL', 'XXXX', 'VV', 'IIII'):             
            self.assertRaises(roman.InvalidRomanNumeralError, roman.fromRoman, s)

    def testRepeatedPairs(self):                                                 
        """fromRoman should fail with repeated pairs of numerals"""              
        for s in ('CMCM', 'CDCD', 'XCXC', 'XLXL', 'IXIX', 'IVIV'):               
            self.assertRaises(roman.InvalidRomanNumeralError, roman.fromRoman, s)

    def testMalformedAntecedent(self):                                           
        """fromRoman should fail with malformed antecedents"""                   
        for s in ('IIMXCC', 'VX', 'DCM', 'CMM', 'IXIV',
                  'MCMC', 'XCX', 'IVI', 'LM', 'LD', 'LC'):                       
            self.assertRaises(roman.InvalidRomanNumeralError, roman.fromRoman, s)

class SanityCheck(unittest.TestCase):        
    def testSanity(self):                    
        """fromRoman(toRoman(n))==n for all n"""
        for integer in range(1, 4000):       
            numeral = roman.toRoman(integer) 
            result = roman.fromRoman(numeral)
            self.assertEqual(integer, result)

class CaseCheck(unittest.TestCase):                   
    def testToRomanCase(self):                        
        """toRoman should always return uppercase"""  
        for integer in range(1, 4000):                
            numeral = roman.toRoman(integer)          
            self.assertEqual(numeral, numeral.upper())

    def testFromRomanCase(self):                      
        """fromRoman should only accept uppercase input"""
        for integer in range(1, 4000):                
            numeral = roman.toRoman(integer)          
                              roman.fromRoman, numeral.lower())

if __name__ == "__main__":

Further reading