Created: 2/26/1959

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on the nuclear-test-ceBsation issueebruary speech ln Moscow were intended to support the Soviet delegation's efforts at the Geneva talks to prepare Moscow's public position should the negotiations break down, Kbrusbchev charged the United States and Britain with seeking to prevent agreement so that they may resume nuclear tests and warned that, while tbe USSR would regret It, "we shall be compelled to do the same in the intoreats of our securityise settlement Is found,"

The principal burden of his remarks on the test issue was to present thereasonable" light ln contrast with that of the West, Ho strongly attacked the Western position as "absurd andreating at length the Anglo-American viewpolnta on voting in the control comnls-sion, staffing of control posts, the functions of the control organization administrator,inspection teams, and new data on detection ofexplosions.

Khrushchev charged tbat, while "only two or three weeks" should have been needed to prepare andreaty on test cessation, the United States and Britain have delayed the negotiations with theintention of "thwarting" the talks and laying the blame on the Soviet Union. He stated that Western proposals at Geneva were designed to give the United States and Britain power "to dictate their will to the Soviet Union" through majority control in the commission. He charged that the Western proposal on staffing of the control posts would force the USSR "to hand over our territory toby the aggressive NATOuch proposals do nothance of being accepted."

The Soviet delegation at Geneva this week continued its efforts to discredit the Western



in the talks. that the Western delegations were ignoring world publicSoviet chief delegate Tsarapkin onebruary read into theong series of highly emotional messages from Individuals inside and outside the bloc appealing to the conference to reach

Onebruary the Soviet team complained aboutin the Western press of Moscow's position on of the control posts. Tsarapkin then "restated" the Soviet position on this issue, suggesting for the record that foreign "controllers" in the Soviet plan for staffing the posts predominantly withfrom the host country would perform not only operating tasks but also "some executive

Queried on this statement onebruary, he stated that there had been "no change" in the Soviet position concerning operating and executiveof the controllers, but that the Soviet delegation would be prepared to discuss later the question of whator administrativecould be assigned these foreign personnel.

Onebruary Tsarapkinraft article on peaceful uses of nuclearstating that, although the Soviet position remains that explosions of all types should be subject to universal cessation forever, Moscow wants to prevent the peaceful-uses issue from becoming an obstacle to agreement.

The article would require submission in advance ofull description and blueprints" of the device to be detonated, internal and external inspection

of the device, and strictcontrol of the site of the explosions. The Sovietcharged that failure of the American proposal on peaceful uses to provide for technical inspection of the device isof the West's desire to evade real cessation of tests by testing bombs under the guise of peaceful explosions.

In New York, members of the Soviet United Nations delegation have approached the American mission in an effort to discover whether the United States will break off the talks at Geneva and refer them tomember Disarmament Commission. to one Soviet representative, the possibility of reachingin the commissionreakoff at Geneva is remote. There are still no indications, however, that Moscow will take the Initiative in ending the negotiations. UN Secretary General Hammarskjold doubtsajority of UN members would be overwhelmingly convinced by reading the record of the Geneva talks that the West's position is unassailable. He fears the West has a. tendency to feel too confident that its case on record would carry in debates in larger forums.

A member of the Sovietin Geneva said privately chat the USSR did not expect any Western moves at the talks until after the conclusion of the Macmlllan visit to Moscow. Despite the rather severe tone of Khrushchev's remarks on the test-cessation issueoscow probably still hopes to succeed in includingoint communique" at the close of thetatement which it could claim represents British endorsement ofviewsermanent ces-sation of*

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