Created: 7/28/1959

OCR scan of the original document, errors are possible







Claah of Dniver*ity Student*ardla

Kaclonal at Hon, Hloaregua,JcUU/,

0*ti or


1. The poll"-leal aim of the student pared* In Leon, Nicaragua,on i39 waa to protect the deaths of Napoleon UBULi Baca end Victor Kanuel RIVAS Gani, former Guardla Nactonel officer* who participated in the recent Invasion from Coata Rica, and to pibllolz* disapproval of the Inoldent at SI Chaparral, Hondurae, where some Hlcarefiuan rebel* were killed by the Honduren Anny, including one Hlcaraguan

university student. The student* were not carrying bcsibe rr area,and when the prooea-


b'onoint one block fro* Quaidlantending to tun. left fcivl olrcle the blook, Quardla Haolonalonmanled by Major CRIB, wamod the atulent* to halt. erbal azohanfe In which the etudent* shoutedDent slogans, Quardla Haclocal troop* hurled tear gas Into the procession,osusing the crowd to begin to retreat. At thl* point the troop* opened fire, soae firing Into the air, other* Into the group ofhe Incident wa* over within



' two

minutes, but oome-unlcatlcw between Leon end Managua vara suspended for

an hour following the tjiih,ar, orders of the Quart la Saclcael. The dencoetreto

not attack any troopa or Quardla Haelonal building*. etodcnta orgar-ired their own parade.whlch waa not Intended aa provocation,and no Ouan'.la Hacional troopa ware wounded. The lateat eaaualtr counti aaren atudanta are deed,re wounded, two of whoa Kay not live*

he burial of the two atudente at the Rational Onlreralty In Leon waa bald on the afternoon ofuly and waa attended by three thouaand people. Guardla Naeional troopa, who were under ordera to remainracks,we re not aaen during tM funeral. Leon raaidenta and atudanta dreieed In black attandod the rltaai ronldenta flew Mearaguan flag* draped In blank, and all atoraa In Lace cloned for the day. The student governing body,whose president waa one of the wounded,voted anperiod, but agreed to return to their claaaee.since these offered the best means nf continuing aotivitlea and keeping In touob with etudeuta of other schools. isiec-graphed student manifesto circulated In Leon denounced the unprovoked erlnlnel act'on of the government troopa* a. algn waa pottednlvanlty building calling on the atudanta not to teatlfy before the military commission inveatlgatlng tht> Incident.

3. tudanta par-tioipatedanifestation in Managua on Only four ware wounded, one seriously) four persons were arrested, nw of The Hioaraguan Government la olaLxlng that Coraminlst

agitators used the atudanta to provoke the Guardia Haelonal, but no Communist* have been arreated as yet. uly Presidenttatement for the press, lamenting the deaths* and promised Justice but avoided open oritlclsD of the





taken by tha Ouardia Haelonal troopa. Onuly Leon and Managua vera quiet and aoat of the ahopa reopened in Leon. There van widespread publicbut no evldenoe of organised civic action against the government. The students can be expected to play up the shooting of peaceful demonstrators In an attempt to-attract the attention and sympathy of student groups and public opinion in other Central American countries. It is felt that the publicity will serve to dleoredit the SOHOZA regime, nullifying ita creditable performance In handling the recentwhich waa neutralised with little bloodshed. The Leon shootings are providing further ammuiition for SOMOZA's eneoieSfVho will be represented at the moetlngs of the Foreign Ministers in Santiago, Chile.)

End of Message

Original document.

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