Created: 11/30/1959

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Doer Allan,

etired Foroitn Swrvioe Offloer ooma into my office mbith what "ppoara to me toonatruetlverelative to tbo President's ourrent trip, Hla suggestion,aaa on to you, lai

f the President is not already planning to do so during his visit to Prenler Nehru, seriouo consideration be given to offer India,oken of abiding United States Interest in Asian cultures and religions,ributeroat Allan religious leader and patriot, endymbol of our hope for tho eventual froodoin of the courageous Tibetanuitable oollootion ln mlorofilm of items in Sanskrit-Tibetan-Mongolian from the magnlfioent Library of Congress Asian Colleotlon to bo known as the 'DALAI LAUA LIBRARY'. Bolievo it might be appropriate te houseibraryoint United States-Indian 'Institute for Asian Cultural and Religious Studies', and that it Might ba feasible to flnanoe this projeot fron U. S.unds in in-lia plus possibly sou funds to oover US fellonshlps ia Asian oultural aivl rellgiouo etudieu.

I further suggest, that should tills approooh provo aooeptable tit US aud Indian Governments and to Dalai lama, tliiB might pavu the *ayater approaob to Chairman Khrushchev, seeking to uuikoimilar miorofllm oultural exohango with Outero would off or similar miorofllm library to Outor Mongolia on tmdoru lundlng qua]U3 Mongolian eoholars bo admitted to lalouofiliy sultubloiterary and oultural materials at Ulan Bator (snd possiblyIn Outer Mongolia). Tho objsotivo would be to rvppea door to US ouholarly research In Outer Mongolia^ closed elnos tho days of Dr. Roy C. Aihlrons."

With bsst personalemain

Sinoeroly yours.

Mr. Allen ff. Dulles.

approved fct release


Original document.

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