Created: 10/17/1959

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waawMNarroai aw. o. UR CK* No.

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JOTCOyVHDrjK FOB: The Executive Secretary

fattanal Security Council

Report to The President by the President's Board of Consultants on Foreign Intelligence Activities, dated8

Memorandum from XCI to ES/KSC, Same Subject, dated9

second part of the Board's on la coDCerned vitb the location of responsibility for the formulation of intelligence estimates and of reccassendatlona upon which plans for operationa are based. It suggeata that such responsibility not be located in thst portion of the agency which is responsible for planning operations.

The problem of insuring the provisionalid and unbiased intelligence base for operational planning purpoaea baa been given much consideration within CIA during theof the Clandestine Services planning cycle. The Board'aeel, has been net by the procedures described^below.

Planning for Psychological, Political and Paramilitary operations,tated ln ay earlier report, is not based on intelligence provided solely by the DD/P. The primary source of intelligence for planning purposes Is the Office of national Estimates (OltE). Presentrocedures provide for the use of ONE guidance throughout the entire planning cycle. TheServices General Plan, TJD/P's basic planning document,frco current ITU's the contingencies againat whichactivities must be directed. Moreover, specific projects are tested against pertinent RIZ's or,urrent or relevant ATE Is not available or time is sufficiently urgent tooordinated IHE impossible, on ORE estisvstive aessoranduo Is obtained.

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M rectorppeT"t, and Sm Taapaator QeMral.

j. MgxrtflcaBrtyrojeote berrin* political Laport and la-

TOlvlns espCSelltuiei nH*lm ft thorough y th*

Departeaxrt of Statey Umgroup, before final approval by tha Director, thereby adding thaaeletazit to the Praaidant for Bmttonal Security Affairefficial of the DefezuM Depai'teaat to thoee grestlng ocncurrenca. Sacn ecaesnrrane* le eongnt on tha baale of relevant Intelligence available to tha Agency ae a

While PP/PK projects aay be reecseaended by the DD/P, aetdoa thereon, in all significant caaee, ii not poeeible until Internal and external procedure ae deecrlbed above bew bean satisfied, firoe action le not taken on Intelligence or rccbseMnidatlona frca thelone.

Finally, certain organisational changee ln tha Clandeetlna SerrlceB are nov undereration vhlch should further lsrprore tha planning end control of covert operations. Aa these changee are put intoball report on theei in detail to the Preeldent'e Board.



Original document.

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