Created: 9/28/1960

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nor neutral, but Is already committod to the Soviet bloc."

B. First major bloc arms shipmenteptember.

Included ten tanks, ntiaircraft guns, cachlneguns, larg quantities of ammo and electronic equipment.

More ships en route.

A number of Cubans have been undergoing training, in Czecho-

Slovakia for some months, possibly for Jet aircraft.

II. Provocative anti-US acts continue.

A. Ambassador Bonsai noted that 19 September demonstratorsalleged indignities suffered by Castro in New York were unusually determined and could easily have been incited to violence had government so deslrod.

B. An embassy officer recently informedriend In Cuban

foreign ministry that Cuba preparing break diplomatic relations with US.

1. New Cuban charge lo Washington may provoke US request for

bis recall as pretext for ountor of US Ambassador.

C. Castro regime has apparently decided to launch campaignto causo US to evacuate Guantanamo naval baso.

Campaign would probably bo launchedew "Assembly of Cuban Poople" called at time regime feols itew dramatic appeal for popular support.

Likely to be in form of strong propaganda campaign aimed at subjecting US to worldwide pressure on issue, and could be accompanied by provocative acts designed to force US counteraction that could be exploited in propaganda.

Might also involve appeal to UN Security Council or General Assembly. (On leaving New Torkept, Castro said he would return in week or ten days.)

ampaign would be consistent with Cuban Communist party program adopted at August congress.

Trends toward tlgbter dictatorship and Increased Communist control continue.

independent TV-radio network seized 12 September.

vestiges of an independent judiciary fust disappearinggovernment campalgo to "revolutionize" Judicial branch.

front" groups being formed in municipalities fn aneffort to build Communlat-domlnatcd political machineroots.

0. Communists have now virtually completed capture of powerfulof Cuban workershich taker, leading roleCastro's macs'

Govcroncnt facing growing unrest.

A. Guerrilla activity continues in Lscasuray mountains andapparently having trouble in efforts to destroy theseveral hundred guerrillas.

An American engineer who had been working in area saideptember that situation becoming too dangerous to continue; prolonged gunfire heard nightly and travel on roads hazardous even in daytime.

He added that one guerrilla band composed ofell-armed and well-trained ex-Castro soldiers.

Other sources roport guerrillas gottlng stronger with uew recruits and supplies coming in from opposition groups in Havana, other cities. However, guerrilla bands stilldivided into mutually antagonistic groups.

B. Spontaneous clashes between pro-Castro and anti-Communist groupsown in Matauzas province led to anti-governmentsuppressed only after police and militia fired into demonstrators. Resentment high.

C- Workers oo Havana's waterfront grumbling at Communist seizure of unions and over their own declining income.

1. They also complain at exacting requirements of Soviet ships loading cugar. Economy showing signs of serious weakness.

of living rising steadily and consumer goods getting scarce.

oil refineries forced to cut back because ofin catalysts used In refining process.

ulfur conteut of Soviot oil causing corrosion

in refineries, which are having trouble getting needed snare parts.

lubricants also in short supply and novermnentto force private companies in US to front forpurchases.

In Castro speech laat night, two notable point*.

again that would recover Guantanamolaw**.

for formation of local "vigilant*be Communist "block system" of informers.

Original document.

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