Created: 8/23/1960

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HargonsTrial fcfetlcuLout

n G'jraun tc-Gtraany,CGO

(Christian Vilh-fla Rargens, cdvocste civthe Danish Supreoe Ccurt, cn the lower3 trial)

(Suaaaryj ttuoad nil sessions end wast the aetlculcuer-ess rivh which thes> conducted, lh* trial ras wall rrcranduabex of ccerti.-sions, which eulaltUcJ the. results of their investigations. Every were at the trial was translated into English byxperienced irwulatora. as particularly interested in the defense,rust soy that Peters' counselcutsVjndirig. His addr&ss was excellent and effective. could not bsv*etter laayer. One cannot but say that th% def*ndant was sentenced with eanplete Justice. Th* sentence cas lenient if one considers the grcvity of his crlaa.

I an cctivinctfd that Pcwars kept onnyack,verthsleus confessed frankly that be hodriao, arid ha understood the natura of the criae." Suarir^ ups^ressions of tbe trial, it aust bo stated that all de&ar-is which could teust trial, whether in tha East or thewere oat,

who attended the trial finds it difficult not to askt eceparlacns. Abovea lapaUed to cc-eparc it with the Rosenberg case. Everyone will reaeacer heariro innocent pxcpl* were sentenced on the basla of eooipletflly unproved accusations, and everyone aill reacaber that tbey were sentenced to death ss the result of an Indictocnt, the credibility of which does not bear any coapcrlson whatsoever with tb-lewful character cf the charge, against Poeers who wns sentenced tcears of deprivation of freedom.ears in prison.

"The thoughtsxpressed hers are not subjective,ave talked to many lawyers froo var?<Jus countries sndalked to aald exactly the saw thing: The trial was conducted In an unlapeoehoble aanner endesrnot give rise to any


Rogers BellsDefense

Moscow, TAGS,Padioteletype in English to Europe,C

(Text) Frank Rosers, tha lanysr cf th* Pcwere fanily,roupncwsasLew tcontha bt-fors their arrival in thehis colleague Alexander Parker and he had studied the Scvlet .

It .T'st be saii, Kojer* pointed out, tat It. wasbserved at fa trial, ru said tbat hla coiles^j* endc of Mfll, opinion about Kikhoil Grinev. llo other, lie oaid, couldputxrter defers* than did Grinev. fulfilled his profess;or.alttf it veil.

Less covaiAse oy aug.^

Ecce Service Report

ttMCOVj Soviet Hi service,

(recorded repcrtace frcn the Hall of CoItstM of Trade Union House)

(txerpta) Come^tator: The entrance tf the Juafaa. far three icy* tWkaSaCt these vord* have fee-en spoken nt th* beginning e-irisc-Shayhreatening revertesreticn in th* ears cf Powers' of all calibers, big and ssall, all those vbo have taade vtr their busineca, vhoaanbliug on the blue-'* stock exeiAn'e of death for bigger profit*,tie 3'ief ani tenrachers into streaaa ofte enrich ?rcs aerchanu. The echo of these vorde has resour-dei throughout the world, for soo*al_ of justice, forope for the victory of lav, end fcr jcoe as the toll of the funeral bell, ilhat hu been buried is the idea that one can jo unpunished for ccscuittina crinesace, that onejniahec for vielatice -he sacrea frontiers of our hc&eland.

The 3tate prosecutor, an outstanding Invyer vho gainedame ne longas the trial of the uajcr Hitlerite var cr lama is in lloresberg, Pcuan Andrejevieh Rudenko, begins his speech for the prosecution. Vith bead bowed, the defendant listens tomall black, figure against the light background of the vhlte-colucnod ball, n* is obviously ashancd, painfully askaaed.


Ir. ais speech, the procurator-general quoted incoaircveviifcle factsU.s; atate oripana and BUitagV office* took part inrioinal flight as' veil es his cajesty oioneyboas which Powers flaw vas cod* by tbe Lockheed Tbethis Icrj? California ccBpariy aasiwd the obligation not only lane but alao of training its pile--. It icoff placeention here that OB* of the tCelrJiaedice President fileh-rd Hire*. Is this not tbe reason foraLt*rr-ca to discredit Soviet. *

The procecuua- continues to speah. ri locking toward tht balcony atcanustacho. He is en Ac-Triisn journalist. cf riuflanico'she btsstily trxh cutn. inutes hoved his cote-bosk is st'JLlsdKxaSatt la still eupty. But this Axcr'ear. blushes. and fan* fci-raelf . (Fescr-iins oi Eudanko sxat ir_-

That the.nspired, and organised Powers crincarerrefutable proofs nrc quoted oy the prosecutor general. art sistinc ncst'ae the box libera thejf iai.ily or 8afe.'idant rovers arc, oaran'hit* Lsir, is toraentad by snasw. Each word of the prosecutor fa."Ua cn hertone, -la fact, the purpose cf that speech ii tc protect rjilliocs ofers fron tht torssat to vi.izh tha bessaa of MaiMngWa have cendar-ad this vecaa. Soviet Justice is he lag dons ir. this hall so thetnot tears, may be seen cr. the faces of mothers, pussSan or African, Japanese or Cuban, Congolese cr Pritiec, all thoseink of peace, act of vex.

(Hecccding of Kudenkohe court to sentence Powersears iar.riaorrasiit -xjitted)

C'-OTcntatcr: Tba hall ia applE^in-. Chatial, but those who ara present in this hall could not refrainpplauding. These ap-'ja'-ding are Soviet people vho admire the atL-eajTth and logic of the ideas of oocialisa heard is the vivid speech ta da by the IGSS prenoral. Those applauding alao include foreigners, people who arc very remote froa then ci*jt country, ever bltne tourseoiswheae editors had told then not to spare eny effort in their attempts to blacken Soviet legal procedure.

They applaud the hiasenity of aoc.ailat lav which tries crininals for their crines and never proceeds froo censidejatioot of hatred and revenge. The procurator hai every reason toxceptional punishnent, the death sentence, snd did aot darnrwl it. Bo did not der-and it because Soviet lav docs cot seek"revenge.

Mikhail Ilytch Or-jiev, the defendant's counsel, begins cis speech. It is difficult to net ue counsel for tbe defenserial ia vhich ^he defendant's Greet guilt hasvad so fully and clearly, but $ov_st laV danar-da that counsel for theeek end findr?>ieilt of Oar AiftmAnnl, ifst.


- asScs

Orioev: presiding Judge, cct.ra.uea people's assessors of the

Military Colle.jiuB of tbe USSR Sunreus;" ill cot conceal frca yaurer.*ly difficult eel unpreceoaetodlyitwt'ca

i far tha defense i'iitda Maself la thistfeads-ii rovers is uccusederious er-iae, cf intruding into airspaceiev to gatherapior.age inforaatioo and carryt aerial pbotograafay of industrial and defense objectives as uell aa gothericg ether data, of an eeaicnase order.

C'imor.titor: The hail listens attentively te tnt speech of acur-stl for tte defense.

Qrinev: it io regrettable that it ia only Pavers vho aits in th* defendant's dock. If those vbo sent his to his crine vara sitting beside his; one eould te sura that tne positioneac*ct VOMM vculd be different fur he vculd theniece cf secondarycrtence andould

punlabnent. tba defendant

31st birthday. lso believe it cy duty to rented the court of tbe fact that when he signed his contract vJthral Intelligence Ageocy he did not know the true alas of tie tasks given to bin.

'-"hen I, as Powers' counsel, askisrocaad not only free, the nctive3 of the crii^e, the circumstances ir. which it vaa ccnaitted, and Powers' behavior after his detention. lso prcceed frco tha strength, eight, and power of the USSri and frca tite propcaltiva that initiative oca strength ore now la the hands of peace-lev lag fcrces, tte caap of peace and aoeiciisa. Tliat, ctrrrades saln ask you to take into account, vhen you pass sentence, the considerations I put fcrword and to apply toilder seasure ofhan the cne deseeded by the state prosecutor.

Citceeotator: The defendant waitsg^or tha aotceot vhen the presidingallow hill to speak ia-aonelus*lcn. Oh, hew these vho sent Powers onflight have feared this uuaent. They provided hie withpic. They fitted an ei^losiv* device to hie airplane. Theywanted, thirsted for Ms death, aad cow they vouldeath sentence. Cr In Ira Is like to know thst none vill be eath vas necessary to thea to draw the punishingthe lavcbief criminals in this trial, froa those vbo

devised, pretexad, and launched this pvovocation against the Soviet people, against the whole of aanki&d. Tbe accused is ate iking.



trovers' voice, tafcM froa tfc* Srgllch, trst-nlsted into fiuoris'. riras? by pciase) You've nesrd sii the evidence la the caoe, etd now you tcust aecids vhat ry pvclcfoment ia to bo. nr.-eraveraei cririr andb- {raaxssart for It. a court to vetsh all it* rriaaacenly tb* rvrtoactsaxd th* ottos MS alsocireunrtar.cs** to dc- ao.hat tt* pasaian people? as ar. oneay. at understand tnat,ocld Itta to atross tea factc not fcal norver felt any Matty whatsoever for tne Suscionh the court to judge a* noteng> butunee being vho is not a. personal enenjy of the ?ussias people, vhoi tuy charges brought against hlE la say court, end who ia deeply repentant and supremely sorry for vnst he has dooe.

'rarest* powers' lest settesce, vhlch vas net traolatel, and continues.) The court leaves for Tfcase present in an* tail go out Into tne foyer. re awaiting the ceelslof! cf tbe court voice is tc fairly judge the crlse ccnalttet by Francis Gary Fever;.

But cccebody brinas Joyous rev;. new Sovietew otep by the Svviet psopl* in the conquering of lnt-rplacstary The faces of ths journalists are confused, 'ihey do not fccow whether to go and Set detailed inforcotioo oc the new reas of Soviet scientists or to wait fcr tne verdict. When aecesacry, the Journalist roust deal vith both 3o'cs at once,oaremcpesdent dictating an toeoust of tne court proceedings ca tbe telephone who interrupts hi*. aLaost shout* into the ooutnplece: "Step. ie aft. ew Soviet apacechi?.' ne pronounces the word(Socrxac for ship} It has slrcacy tecceje internatiocai.

Atioe, th* bourgeois press wrote of a'niricilo^stc the Soviet space progrej. Weil, geotieswn, you nay regard thl*oincidence rise. At tiRr tiac Coriet technicians and ecgiaesrs Is'inched yrt soother peaceful star, the Soviet courterdict co anvhorican nochlnery for aggressioneaceful 'p#opJ.e,revocation egalcst pceccful toll. There was so need for Powers to be at the bar. Be could be preparing fcr apace -lights. His experience end health are suitable forurpose, but he haspy. He was pushed onto this raad by tbesa who thriaten universe: peace. He was pushed oa thisby the vhole savage aystea ofj

The Hall of Columns is crowded ooce again. Tbe concluding pert of the-verdict states: (Conclusion of verdict otaltted)

gcn;nat*tcr: e aseteec* jesaea oc PoveTI comas navavr.intf ta ai bbsm who intend, toa upon to*Melon'sS our people's peaceful toll. It will cool tbatall and bit rovers' "seynnd tbe ocean.

THe trial naa eo.Wd; Aoarloeo Icpsrisliis basecnd.jwies.

Coverage cf Trial

tfcditor'sreglceal tracscsitters relay Moscow Padl trend cut cf reccrdel excerpt* of Powers' teesiccoy ecd Ifcsccu fcadio' broadcast of the iodictsecb

Several Soviet regional transmitters tlsofeooca? re Jay--ac anncir.cer's reading ofdeoso'a final suyjcatioo--ofi Acg. 3lago7tsbch*ns, Khabarovsk, tlso Ude, and Vladivostok extend tseir usual Moscow relay tiie tc air Sudecic'setrepsviovsit breaks into regular local prograa tla?. sirobidmon, Tekutbk, end yuthno-Sakkallnsk do cot carrycow relay, tut continue with locally Originated] progv*na.

Soviet regional trans-sitters, la general, refrain free coacentlng independently on tbe trial of JteaaoU C. Powers during th* trial, but relay Moscow Boce Service arcount* or fiive trees la ted veroacuiar versions. Several tran3aiM*rs report that tee Local pr*se carries official SASS reports on the trial.

On lug. SO, Soviet reglcce! trsnscitttrs report worker* rctetings and cocoent on the amtence passed on Powers, unanlac-usly that tb* sentence is Just, that powersair trial, and that tbe conduct of the Soviet court of Justice woe ver/ hurane. All Soviet reglocnl coc-sentarie*oint that In the dock with Power* wer* the ruling circles of the United States.


An Aug, SO late evening acujenat frca Eaku reports that workers at the lenin textile coabine metiscuss the sentence as soonspapers arrived st tha plant. Sxpressirg general casiefectioo at th* sentence, workers said that the sentence was alned also against these vbo take part ioleat tho Soviet notberland. 'At the-saoe tine the decision of tte court has shewn the whole world tne humanitarian attitude of the Soviet people toward persons likelopl* infltruaent in tbe bonds cf the

Scgloosl coxoeotaries have aada no allusion to tbe future prospect* ofrelations, butstate that th* Soviet people with to livec* and pan good relations vith otter nations.

Original document.

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