Created: 1/1/1961

OCR scan of the original document, errors are possible




This StCtion tec* prepared for the MSthe Centra Intelligence Agency, astittonct or cmtrttrtttma from the Bureau of Intelligence and Research,f State; the Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for inwfcV ccnee,eparttneni of the Army; the Office ot Xcwat IrtfetUgence; and the Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff,SAF. it %sas coordinaXed ty thetnteUigence Commute*.

EvtiuAisao and development of tto scientificPxcnat tWos and rec*nt trends

istorical bockfround

a rr^mttaiTir tadi ihe naaanrlifwrrdT

1 Oovtrnment rwarrh

a CtikiHste Academy of Sucnroi

b. Rw&arch orguilaoLftn tit tno minlstrlM

c Itaaaawh undo? prorincial gc*iviTUDf<nU

3 Raa rjjcJi 1insUtatSona

Eiclianc* of

C. financingacJenllnc and UKhnlesJ activities

D 8ctanUflc andjOT"

cientific and tonnlcaJ

1tor rtjaoarca and dff^ywnt

Xand aa^Wii pcatatsan of atWnUsts and



O- 3

. TO-14


This Sectionrepared fors by the Office of HasM Intcmgence, with oontsHtettons from the Office of the Assistant Chief ot Staff for Intervene*,partment Of the Army, and the Office of the AstSstant Chsef of Staff Intelligence, VSAT, and wtth assistance front the Central IntetUgence Agency. Tt teas wotosnated the Scientific Intelligence CGtnnxtiiee*

L Capabilities and. Backgroundj-anisatioa

a. History

o. Orv^uiisaUon






B. Major roteajch and development by

adio and tefrtialotifl

a, BroadcaaMyFflJ

tL angle

t MiUtary and commurjcallor^typ*


a Carrbrr-vavv

b lOcxovav* rriay7

c TeJepfintef and fi>caatfj>i

d_ Lnag-dkianor wavcffutde coem unseat


f Ionosphere*0


Radar other Ulan navigation


* Uwkrwat*x


Vacuum tnbe* and arrnkondjetot drrtcca .

il Tacvjci tube* .

b Stoleootoctor material* aod



C Sfcaflfcaot reaearchTloproent

D Outstanding

C CoarnenU on principal

Air, Ground, muJ Nu*at Weapon*

This Section was prepared for the NIS bp the Office of the Auiitani Chief of Staff. InteUtgenee, VSAFt with con-tritetiotu frtm the Office of the Assistant Chieftaff for Snte&taertce, iteadqv&rttr^ Department of Viet Army. <md the Office of Kami Intelligence, end with assistance from the Central tnteRicence Agency* It uxw coordinated bp the Sdentific Intelligence Committee. Snformaxicm on guided miitttes ms coordinated bp the GukUd MUtSe and Astro-nauztc? Intelligence Committee.



Capabilities and

Bacfcgteund *nd



tpftttBtla* tad

2 BtttkflQuad tVBd2

) opoicfil by4

a, *- *

b fllfucluics jea-rarch. ,4

C. Materials4

I Akmtt4

t Alramrt


BlmiAc&nL rewarrhattfopffoenl&


C Guided mUUiot and4


ackfround and

tod drttkp&eni br 4

A rrfTCCtrol. . v * . *4


C. A* ii 4

d Warbradj and4

tonUkAM rowch find devHopmwt

& Ground mpon* and7


rttuM andy8

rwvartb and development

S. Hava)8

apaaiMla* vids

rouod aod8

nwamren and totfcyreo* byf

* UoJ

b Ship


yjgniikfljit rewftrch


Coautwnta on principal Kourcea



Atomic Knerfv

This Stction was prepared for thr VIS by the Central Intelligence Agency, with assistance or contributions from the Bureau of InteUxgence and Research, Department of State; the Office of the Assistant Chief of Staffepartment of the Anna; the Office of Naval Intelligence; the Office of the Amstant Chief of Staff. Intelligence. VSAF; and the Atomic Energy Commission. It was coordinated by the JovU Atomic Energy Intelligence Committee.


I. Capabilities and

2 Background and1

Manpower and

reaearch and

C Source and production ol back

materials,iB ifl

of nuclear

reaearch, development, and production9

a. Outstanding

H. Comment* on principal

Biological Warfare

This Section teas prepared for the NIS winder the general mpervtsion of the Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Headavartmt Department of the Army, by the Office of tha Chief Chemical Officer, with arststance from the Office of Naval InteUigence; the Office of the Asttetant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, VSAF; and the Central Intelligence Agency tt teas coordinated by the Scientific Intelligence Committee.


a. I

B. Organization related to

C Research and development related to

D. Significant facilities doing research and development related to

B. Outstanding

F. Comment* oo principal7


Section 7S. tlwnikal Warfare

This Section was prepared for the NIS under the general supervision of the Office af the Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Headanarters, Department of the Army, by the Office of the Chief Chemical Officer, teeth assistance from the Office of Natal Intelligence; the Office of the Assistant ChteJ of Staff. Intelligence, USAP; and the Central Intelligence Agency. It teas coordinated by the Scientific Intelligence



Capability and

Boj^ground1 and1

a. Research, development, end fitid2

agent research and

of CW

& Flam2

material aod2

clothing and2

and decontamination2

agents and3

research and devrlopsncnt


on principal

Section Vhyricalathematics and Medicine

This Section mar prepared for the SIS by the Central inteUiaenoe Agency, with assistance or contributions from the Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State; the Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff forHeadquarters. Department of the Amp; the Office of Naval MeUigence; and the Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff, tnteUtgencet USAP* St am coordinated bp theIntelligence Committee.





B.ciaocw and4

hemlrtry and4


b Major :March and davaloptnent by*


(I) OrganicA



4S) Cbamkal

(S> KXpaoaMa and

m Hattfuvr

e. BVBWni raaaarch

d. OuUtandlng

I. Meteorology


b Major raaaarrh and development By


ydrology and

c. SgnlOcani raaearth

d Outitandtfig



h Ma)or march and

c. fBgniaeant raaaarch

a." ami


b Major raaaarcti and development by




agnincont roararch

d OutaUodlng



6 Major raaaarcb aod daretopraan: by


(I) Camp i*

Coamk raj


(Bl Kutiaar





pptr aUnoapbrre

ft Significant maarch





I* Major reaearch and development by

fl) DUTtrvntiaJ

(j) Theory of proUbOilj and rnaihceaatxai


cej Opceasaom:,c




(B) DlflerenUal georottry

Functional analyses

bccvy of


d Qui Handing

atror*omy and upper atioospfcere


b> Major reaearch and development by field

<z> Solar


igh altitude cosmic raj

ill lorsoapheric

c. Significantresearch

d OuUtandlng

C. Medical and veterinary


b Major research and dereloprrjenl by




Traditional Chinas*?:

hysiology of nerve,nd

lacbffjrcopa m


(I) Medkal



ilitary medicine

1 Veterinary


r* Major research and*4

c. Significant research63

d+ Oulstarjdinp personalities

& Comments on7

















Chart Photo Chart







Photo Photo Photo Pho/,o



















Photo Photo Chart


Organisation of science

Chemistry building, AS

Organisation of the Chinese Academy of

Principal reaearch organs under the various ministries

glossary of Chinese Communist scientific

andm* Location* of electronic* lesasuOi and drret-

retttaxrr* crgmnttaUort of QUDS* Cc*nm=tranic* remrcn and eVvesopnscni


Transmitting equipment or ringl* sideband equipment

Output terminal of single ildeband

High-frequency radio receiver Microwave communicaUons equipment Perforator for Chineae character teleprinter Printer for Chinese character takprtnlar Crimes* CROSS SLOT radar Radar used by the Shanghai Central Mececc-

cayca: StaUcn CTLmese copy of Soviet BZSM II cogtal ocen-


Copy ofomputer

Chinese "Augustigital computer

Analog computer "Fu"

Analog computer

Chinese vacuum tube*

elevision tub*

laboratory of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Science*

Semiconductor "factory^ at Perrang

TTtefmoeicrtnc generator trial reorraocd in Earbtn

Glossary of Chinese Communistconcerned with electronic*

Balerftr views and equipment of North Chin* Radk> Equipment and Materials Plant, Pdpiog

Pel ping Electron Tube Plant

Interior views of Pelptng Kiectron Tube Plan:

Oiawry of orcanliauon* concerned with air ground, and naval weapons

Orgar.aaOon of Ctdneee wvapona researen and cWreiOfenent

Locator* of air. ground, and cavil wcipotu actMties

Jet aircraft assembly plant ai Mukdeo The Firing Dragonrobable organisation of Chinese navaland devflopmunt

O- 6


n- o

tz- 2







Photo Photo Tool*






Photo Photo Map





Photo Map














LJxatsans of atomic energy reaearch and development activities

DrganUation of the Chinese Communistenergy program

Organisation of the Institute of Atomic

He-scarch reactor and cyclotron building of

tholAE Research reactor at theMe* cyclotron at theMajor nuclear physics research equipment,

Cocrununltt China Eectronicequipment for uae in nuclear en-

ergy research Bcnortcd uranium deposit*. Communist


KndtoacUve deep-well surveying equipment Ifadtocobalt unit for medical therapy.

Glossary of organization* concerned with atomic energy

Three-watt reaearch reactor duringTientsin

Chines* Communist aerosol unit

Chinee* Communist aerosol unit, inside Tiew

LocaUon* or facilities poaslbly engaged in research with BW impUcAUcns

Probable organisation of the Chinese CW effort

Glceaary of organisations probablywith chemical warfare Chemical Warfare School and RasearchatGlossary of organizations concerned with

science and technology Pel ping Iron and Steel Research Institute Location* of kJco Uric and technical octliiUe* Standard weather instruments at cosmic ray observatory on to-hsueh Mountain, near K'un-tnlng


nvhi*onde and pilot ball con stations

meteorological orgaJuaaUOO* and in-

weather stations

seeding experiments

control experiments conducted by


observatory. Nanking

subordination of Chinese Cornmu*

orgviuaUccM conccrneo withgeophytdc*


Centers of research *ot)Ttty In terrestrial gtopbyslcs

SclsmtfoglcaJ station*



Horizontal seismograph* dereloped InChina




* n

Pagx Vll-lx



to Users

CMAfTw VII ofescribes and evaluates dentine research inChina and the development ol materiel through the prototype stage.cHpUoni of existing and potential Industrial support. rr.*nu?acturisig, and budgetary appropriation* may be found tn Ourraa VI of this NIS. Cbatteh VUI discusses military use of matericL The user may And further data oo scientific personnel in Key Personalities

Maps showing tbe sedations of scientific and technical activities in speeLalisoo

Standard Telegraphic Code (STC) numbers, numericalf Chines* characters, are given for the nam* of those Individuals and organisations mentioned where Chinese characters are available.

The date that the Scientific tatcutgeoce Corxunlttee approved the material for use in the NTS appears at the top ot each page. Although research on some of tbe subjects may have been completed somewhat earlier, the conclusionsare cceuudered lo be valid at the time of approval

PaOM Vii-xl


70. Introduction

I'lvul nation and developmentc itlie rlTort

nwnl >latu> and

Coromuruet Cow* nurelatively Urgeud dmlopONSt tfUManl rapaato of prvraung United tut effectiee supportrveajlymiuuui uai connected -r.iwrjni (orodern industrial and military eaUbilafimentenerally adequate ('ii under*landing ice Urologyin Wc pbuiU, proceseea. and nyilnmoivijn countries, thus providing Uiewltn amopportunity lor planning andwithout complete dependence on Um Soviet in. .ci ChM acMUSc tad technical prraonnel aref" leefinlcalneeded Io mimuxw operation! nagrlculiUf. pufrll* tealto Hnm. natural resources deratopreeni. and UM MJMry amn Hoal mURh and development work la carried out veil within Uie rurml tttf* or in* att found In trienilflcaiiy advancedhortage of well trained scientists capable ol lha planning.vising, oi carrying oul u( advanced and cpiulcila stringently limits the number of such projects, although Uie countryumber ol <tiy talented ruearcbera capable ol producing sig-ruficaot laauJla

Rraaareh andwort; haa to* foilot Iht government and binaapaars to be an effective syiina lotccorcUnaUng.aticnaleffort EdpoaA tt placed co those tech-rsCooglcal IWMa which the regime bellevee will most rapidly it.inotional power Atomic rneigy receive* first priority; other Heidi include electron-ka, jet engines, metallurgy, and public Iwalth. Curesearchn fulfilling tacit-nological goals Nevertheless, iho value olaclcnee Is believed to be well understood by IM regime and Ihoweave Teal FaWI foror sons effort la Ihis ana. Inrend

hsrsdarnenta) reeeairh was beecnung evident Aa Ibe number of capable engineers and technicians Increases, th* lew sclenltiu capable of workot* advanced nature in research and Cwvelop-

irjenl will be wed lass foe routine engineer Inn and technical work.

ttacllltset and personnel are graduallyBudgiU for science have Im-mtwd len time* between IHAhen Ihe aaenc* bidget aimtiuitadof thr total national budget Tht araa cnilcai to totare progreaa la theof now artanto'i capaUo of wort at adtancrdaod ererilualry working IBM anaaa of newKnowledge; and lecbncdaffkoJfrograma foe tn* traoung ofhina only recently nave reached wnat appear* lo be an effectiveon-Mquemre, few capable acleoUaU havo bom trained to dale tn China Current program! of Uoinlng appear lo be cap&Me of producing. inuarchen at an approclablH rale In Iram five to (on yaari Man new capable aclentltta have received lliett traUUDg In the Soviet Union.aclentiali. though nUauvaty In cite mnditahat proportion of the better trained nawrrhm avafJaMa

The aikxalloet of resourcea bet wean military and crvbian reoaarchot known, but an arfort of direct mOllary Intamu.In atomic energy, la progreaMng. It Uthat moat resources are being allocated for nwaicli and development In aupport of bnalc In-dualtial niaas Ihal constitute the ulllmalefor national power, including Its military

Before the era of modernlentlfic and taehnlcalcoraparmble lo or greatar than Uvoaeother groat centers of ciiiiiiatOi Aor ds'alopmmti were road* byauny10-

troaUctaannown Chlneae Inven-llons and development* include Ihe mm pass,printing, movablek, poroehun, and gun powder, other examples of Chinesedeiesopmenla during Iheir three or lour Uiou-land year hlatory Include achkernivnu in bronK and cau iron vennotofy. and such derelopenenU as an ironroea-bow. canal lock galea, blowen tor aaeUa^afgaral use. ef-Snent animal hameaaea. and therud-

Paai TO-1


In medicine. Chinese development Of mineral and botanical specifics is famous. Recentresearch credit* ihe Chinese withechanical tn^pfmenl foe waler-paw-eied clocksenturies before the Ruropcari development ol ibe escapementew examples, plus Uie extensive engineering works such aa China's famous canals, roods* and forti*dating fromh centurya lung IradiUon for Hie development of technical devices, processes and works. In ad* rJjU0)i>Wdi technicalumber of fields of knowledge such as mineralogy, botany, entomology, astronomy, geophysics, andcame under varying degrees of systematic study. Extensive mathematical literature ar well as astronomical and seismic recordserei of devefopriwnt that compares favorably or esxeeds lhe accomplishmentsup to the time when such Europeans aa Bruno. Copernicus and Galileoew em yf tsfcntitKittd leelmtcal advance*

At the turn offi sirred the advent of tbe era of modern science.nderstanding and use of the forces and material* of nature were no lesshi most Acids than those in western Europe. For various political, economic, or physlcal-gcographl-col reasons, it was in western Europe and not In China or elsewhere that science and technology began lo grow and gather the momentum that ultimately made it the dominating factor

A* longear* ago, some Chinese began to become awarerowth of western science and technologyhe following century of Curinoti and (evolution, the condltxtns in China were unfavorable for promoting science and tech* no-logy as was done so successfully in Japan. By the lum ofh century,ometo do so was clearly recognisable. Peking and Futon Universities were founded about moo and Tsinghua was foundedince theor the republichere haser* went effort and a* gradual growth in scientific and engineering education and research despite the discouraging conditions. Tha follow big *ell-known universities were rounded as follows: Nan* kairnoyhungshanuhannd Yunnan Inhe Amdemux Sinka waa founded in Kan-kins to serve as the national academic body; il was Hip-ported by the government but was rclaUvely free af government supervision, being responsible only lo lhe president of tbe republic. It was not only an honorary body but one actively engaged Inand coordinating research work andits oitt research institutes:. the national Academy in Pelptng was founded under the auspices or the Education Ministry to serre the same purpose as the AcodenUa .Vmica. except that Its location at Peiplngind of advanced echelon in an area of the country where Nationalist control was somewhat less assured Research bodies operated by the governmentthe Natxmal Agricultural Research Bureau and tho National Industrial Research Bureau, thenter eats covering almost all aspects ofumber of private research institutes supported by both Chinese and foreigners were aim In existence during the period of thecontrol of mom land China. Scientificwere also organized during thla period* Science Society ofhine*hemical Society of China and Agricultural Society ofUs were commonly founded by students unite studying abroad. The societies were active inup and operating libraries and laboratories and publishing Journalshere wereccjelics and research institutes for the natural sciences and fl? for the applied sciences.

The government of China under thefully understood the value of the promotion of science and technology and planned for lisalong with Its planning for industrial dc-YcLoptncnt to be carried out as soon a? cessation of wars and Insurrections coulderiod of stability. This came. Isowever. only with thoof the mamtond by they this time, the Chinese under the Nationalists hadexperience in operating universities research laboratories, organising and national bodies of science, developing andgovernment laboratories and research planning bodies, and most important, hod supported or en* couraged the trainingucleus of severalvery capable scientist*ew thousand other scientists capable of useful research and de-vrtoprnenl work. Byhere wereigher educational institutions in Chin* with an enrollment ofhe Communist* took over these assets and carried forward the Chinese plans to devetop science and technology for lhe Support of rapid Industrialisation and the growth ofpower.

The scientific and technically trained leaders available to the Coenmunlsl regime to commence IC* effort to advance research and development ca* paUlitlvS were nearly all trained In such tries as the United States. United France, and Germany, and many badreputations In their Adda. Some ot China's well-trained scientists were In Chin* at lhe time

CIA-Jamuaky mi

of the Commwtibl takeover and an appreciable number nave reUiroed since that time, Probably kit equal number of well-tr&lncd Chinese scientists tiavv remained ebixad or accompanied the Sa-ticciaUst government to Taiwan.

Inne month after the cstab-ushment of Uie Communist regime, the AcoOemxo Stittca'v assets, left behind after ila withdrawal lo Taiwan, acre combined with those or the Na-Uoctal Academy at Peiping to form the Comma* nuts' Chinese Academy ofdtmic iriRtcu continues its existence on Taiwan. In the eleven years following tbe Cornmunisi takeover, the Academy or Sciences has grownew hundred researchers to an. The number of research organizations under theministries haa increasedimilar rate. TheQ-S5 were devoted Jarpety lothe educational and researchNext followed two years largely spent In planning, with Soviet aid andong-range prcejram for the general advancement of science, with particular attention given to advance* ment In specified technological Acids.research and development activity was underway, although training of new scientists con* linued loajor task of ComrDuniSt China's

B. Organisation and functioning of theprogram

L General luprrrison and cutdant'ii

Research and development In Communist China Is carried out In goreinment operated Instltuteon* in accordance wiih detailed yearly and loaur/range plans. Overall planning, control, and supervision of all rmtforcb and development activities are rated in ihc {Slate) SrsenUnc andommission (ICWisitei. Chtshu Wci-yuan-hut) of the Stale Oouncil, although ultimaterests with the Chinese Communist Parly (CCP) (soc Ttevxtost significant amongctual conduct of research is the Chinese Academy of Sfdenrocs Important work is aboby the research organ* of the technical mm-tatrie* and by the ucivertJiiea and colleges* Of coruMerably less importance is the work of the iv*atarch organs of the provincial governments and other lower political units. In the preparation or plana and *orfe programs individual researchers and higher research units are expected toand exercne judgment, bul all plan* andmust conform to the planning andrequirements or successively higherPlans generally musi conform to ihc national

Year Plan (or Scientific Development

The CCP cstaaianc policies tor theand leehnoMpial effort and ilnrn mates Ibe wort ihrough party officials placid In key pwJ-lions In research organs and tbivugli Party Cora-millets set up at all levels ol theno-Itthment. Decisions on broad policycience and technology are made al high levels In Ilic Party. Including the PolilBuro The Party's office regularly overseeing scientific affairs is ihe Science Section of tbe Central CommitteesDepartment Tho Parly's mass control or-ganuattan in Ihc field ol science and technology is Uie Scientific and Technological Association or tbe People's Republic of China (CAa no-Asa Jct-min Kimo-to-lcuo K'ohsueh Cttttha Hitehhvi) to which belong an scientists, technologists,nd teachers ot scientific and technicaland miii others connected with technical affairs. This asmctalion was fanned In19S8 by amalgamating tlw All-Chinaof Scientific Societies and tbe All-Chinalor the Popularisation of Science and Technology.

The (Stale) Scientific and Technologicaliho government's overall planning and controlling body for science and technology, utbe State Council. Its chairmen is aof Ibe State CouncU along with tbe lieads ofTbeesponsible for determining Ibe level of technology that should be sought In various technbml areas ol tho economy and forthe research and development effort that should be made to foster the Introduction ol new technology or tbe achievement at particularobjectives. The commBskin works In closewith the State Planning Commlaoun (Kao-cftia Chi-haa Wci-gaan-hitl) far long-range planning and the Stale Economic Commissionng-chi Wet-giars-hai) for annual planning. In addition lo Its planning role Ihe Scientific and Technological Commlasaan isfor coordinating and generally supcrruing Ihe entire resesrch and development effort. Ttu:role calls lor close collaboration with tho oiganlralions respccisiblc lor scientific sndoperations, vii, the various technical ministries, iho Education Ministry, and IheAcademy of Sciences {Chsny kaaS, Pel ping.

Tbe Scientific and Technological Ccmmissfan hasembers and overtvstuns.articular Held ol teciinology. basic B, oi some other aspect ol science end tech-

The A3 exercises considerable influence over science and teciinology. It probably is aand effective advisor to Ibe Scientific and Technological Commission and providesacademic leadership for all reaearch andestablishments, as well as for Institutes ol higher educauoa in oannectian with Uteirand engineering courses and their research work. The academy does not. however, have any administrative control over any organisationlis own structure.

Planning of scientific and technological work ht centered In the Scientific and TechnologicalIts work is done under broad policies adopted at high levels in the Party andpassed down formally through government channels. Since research and development work itari of tbe overall national effort to reach economic and military objectives, research and developmentntimately connected with those objectives. For this reason, theand Technological Commission works inwith the Slate Ecoiwmk Commission, the State Council's body responsible for preparing the yearly plan for production and rariaos economic services. The Scientific and Technologicalalso may beto assist tbe State Planning Commission tn long-range planning There are no Clear Indications, however, of the

I Will VC 4



channels ur iBOChanWm by whichul ul interaction between Umvui mmmlc sums are effected The Sclcnttfte andGonuniaann probably supplies high Parly ol-IVJaU withndopinion bearingollcywiaklng and would be IM most hkely body to subml' poUcy proposals In lb*Ufic and IrrtinoiogKal Arid9 Pally pollry-naakfesg eodx. including the Poulboo

Willi research and envelopment elm* Intimately twl toand miliuryppLedmphasized. NereruVleiii It I* belle-red thai much luiMleinenlal research wUI aim come under planning, at least lo lhe ettenl Of choosing research area* wheren obDoue ur likely connection wilhtoelcal fields and where

Tho foundation (or operational planning al allhe Twelve Year Plan toe Hulonce De-vrlopmteil. Tha plan had lla ermeep-Uan In5 Thr determination ol IUoard aa much on poDUcal, economic, and miliary0 acKnutV and ucducala fatty Miptsssetaflty wita lhe PotlUHiro IM ttaal apBcmrc body. Tne plan wm worked out In detail curing IB"carnce runnine Comiuittee art up lor the purpose in March IBM. To accomplish the planning laid, th* enmmittee mobilised moat ot the capable scientist* In China; lhe woik cccuptcd most ol Uiem formonths and many ol themood parieariirrta alsohe planning work, pn.iablyery ilrrf-tr.'. degree

The plan baa two basic aspects: I) raising ce-

most smpoetantomciunlat Chinasnd J) rawer icrneralhe "ifbui field* ot science la "ulld Icicli

Power cautpx>tnl ami btavj mnehineti Velio*nsist Him eevelopnww AoKutioit <methanintiim. alectiieealltin. sen-cultaral ehfeninibii

A twelfth broad area tor MncenlraUon Includes particular subjects ol basic research, such atphysics, nonlinear differential cquaUong.

Technological fields designated (or emphasis are aa follows: and thetvnihcab u) pro-

tons- Tht IsaUc science subverts appeal to have been selected Mr IboV priousr lo provide eoltytsusdsng coolrtwuoea to appsscaisossaeaera; lajectlta of tbcae spect-nedo attain reaearch and dmMpment clpiblfltaw lucaoury to handle all the (achnxal probiema artiuif In Inilustrr. agriculture, and other technical atprriaof Um ctancmy.

The arcond pait ol Ihe plan la Inlended to raise the general ItiaI of competence In nxiat areas of tba natural acwaora to world tovela by lhe end Ot IMF In order lothe Kirr.tllV: Toundamc lor BMnnf romrd IntotachneMfxal reabnt and being oni trrma In many areaa wiih other country* of the world Thlt part of the plan la not connected wilh apeclAc teClUWlOgl-Cai objoclliwa butto the general strength-enlng of aclnntiftc foundatloni

echnological pari of Ihe plan was broken domi Into It7 broad woiklng prcigiano. the tatter Iwviimg ibe sprcial huie *cmce nb-yecta and the task of setUDa;elniunc doea-srenlatkei center These working program* were further djvtdMrojreu. tne detaila ot which are not ataliable.

Using the Twelve Veaihe bub. re-aearcb otgaiu inch as lhe A3 anil ministryand developmentael lorUi Uirll yrailyelatively broad tertni Inewr ar*rogreatlctly mcreajaiic detail a* they paea from top eetteaooa down through iha vanooa adntelstrauveto the ka-dXIdba] tcamuau or reieaich team* Woek pio]-ecu tor carrying out the oblactlvra are developed lor each laaearch group withinnitltutea and an- )io*atd up Ihrough channels for collation and coordination. As (at aa reasonable. Ibe AS Is eapNied lo coordinate IU planning wilh the

I -lei ,r 'timvrrslliri

lo aoane exteal asaocsate ihrtr icsearca workity facimea. iarma minrand prrn^maOlj consider the prcblem* ot au'li orgaju-taiicni In thetr punning work. The academy, miniitnea. and poaHbly prmincUl governments submit tJieii plana to the State nolcntlQc and Technoloihal CotnmlaaioD for final collatloii and coordlnatfen The rammuelon preps im thestale plan lor reaearch and develnprnent Tlic psanelieved to be BsrladeS in tort una! Beoocmc Planand devcEopawflt work actually pursuedprobabty ccnauiled generally tn consonance with the yearly plan.



overnment research oreanbations

a Cmsste Academy orTheresearch and development organ inChina is the Chinese Academy ot Sciences. It operates under the direction of the State Council, particularly the State Council's Scientific and TrcriiwlogxalCoauniwion. Althoughtlieacademy isonstituent part of the State Council, the procedures for appointment Of IU president and vice presidents are tbe same as for the heads Of ministries and commissions, via. being nominated by the premier, approved by the National People's Congrtss or Its standing committee, and formally appointed by the Chairman of the People'sor China. Basic operating policies and regulations Of the academy ore subject to theof the Stale Council.

The academy has no control over the activities of other organs engaged in research andbut by virtue of Its concentration ofpersonnel and relatively extensive facilities, it is able to exercise considerable leadership In *clontinc affairs.

The academy provides the covernmcDteservoir of scientific competence on which It can draw for assistance and guidance in planning and upon which il relies for the major portion of its research and development. The academy blor conducting major comprehensive and relatively long-range projects* keeping abreast of world technological developments and conducting fundamental research. Most of Itspplied research in direct support of production andeconomic services, and some actual production is done in small attachedajorresponsibility of the academy to theof newesponsibility it shares with the Ministry of Eduration.

The headquarters of the academy Is located In the middle of Pciplng, and many of the academy's research institutes are located in Petping Annew compound of laboratories and tivlng

AA winr: [jurLh-

west Of Ihe walled city as part or Ihc so-coltedcenter, which includes Peiping and Tsmghua Universities and numerous teclinlcal colleges.2esearch building of the AS) film liar new large research centers are beingat Slon and lan-chou. Other concentra-tsons of academy facilities are found In Shanghai. Nanhang-chu*un. and Shenyang.

The organisation of tbe academy is believed to be as shown inumber of new institutes, in addition to those listed Inave been set up


The lonnel supremo oi gon oi pawer In theis the Academy Council of Ihe AS. particularly in tbe turm of Its Standing Committee which In actual prectsor probeUy has power ecjulvaJsttf to tne whose Council Tne coeapotiiaoo of tnets not known Tbe Standing Cnrrsoajltte of theay be tree posed of the academy's presairnt aad vtee peeatdenU plus th* chief seccomprwtson that would be umo test Standing Committee of the State Council.

AsaUttrag the aradamy CouncUecretmraU with three tacjitaiiai and five deputy secretatsea Trie duties of the secretariat apparently Include both administrativernUftc lubalantlie mat-


ters The Secretariat I* believed loody. On Uic administrative andsre the various bureaus foi perstruiel.personnel training,un) puMkallim and administration.wlenline uoe.umber ofIJhrary of tba Acadeany. the ChinaScience and Technology (CfteaffAho X'c'.uci. and thedeptuUitervu un-

der which Ibe aradroay^si.-lulea

la meet casta Ibe bureauwucale about as muen aanown about U* bureau function The Uauon Biirroii ia rcasonstblr fee renrralwith ibe pubttr. uMimuiea, schools, and foreign countries The fMrntUV mscsinel Troln-mg Bureau, in it adrajruetraUin of tbe academy '* prociam (or tha Irmuunf of acwnluta. prcOalMy handles aome affairs bearing on IheChina Cniveculy of Science and Technology, but theot believed to be atrtctlylo this bureau

auemy hasumber oflo handle specific subjects cutting acrosi lhe Interest of several deitirlmmiU or Involving theof other government bodies. The Tranj-Ullon and Publication Committee determinesfor Klontlfkc pLinhrsr'nr. examines andpublication plans, oigantrcs the editing work, and generally orrrsres work in the field al publication and translation

Tlie comprehensive Rapaditions Committee handles general policy, planning, and picbebly op-crations ol teams meJung broad surreys ol mineral, power, transportation and other leaourceear-Ueulai geographic area tor the ultimate purpose of cronsawjc eipwaulawi and development

The Scientific Scholaisl.lp Committer review's tbe aJhserrenenla of ChineawIOC (bef reroDunendsng quadrennial awards lot roerl-

Tne collection aad HawiiiHHliw of sclent!Qe n> focroatasn ia earned cart by the Crdarws Institute of Sctrntiae and Tecrutotogscal tnfertmticei <Ch*Jso-*ao K'oAt+ati CaeJtaaoo in-cAla-sol When set up tn September ik4 wUb the name Scientific Inhumation Institute of the Climes* Academy of ficlrnrrs II waaart ul the academy, bul since the name waa changed during IMS to the China Scientific and Tech rural Information Institute, It may hara been removed from Uie formal organisation of the academy.

The rcwarrh institute* of the academy an? or-ganliofl unrter tlie live. fcaoli department Is responsible for plan-

ning, promoting, and geneiuliy supervisingoperations, training programs, andof papers by lis subordinateepartment committee madeeminent seSrnUaU. both from within theand (ram unlvrisitMs os elsewherenvrnoeri are asjn In rankbeAcadeansciao. bat an suchsed atChina. DeeoutsnerM cosrsasfttee* oreto sosartear and at Ibai Use*cepaclGiec'. ^msnitW* rivet

ing knewn aa the lepartment ctenrnillee ccnfel-enot These coaunlltees appear lo be mere tn the naturemaaa" body lor controlledand the making ol pronouncamenta than fox substantive discussion, policy mailing, or even ad-vising. Each depaiunent committee has acommittee consulting of the department di-reooi. Uie deputy duecuui and several otherrnembm Tho standing committee meets at leastonth and probably serves aadvisory function

Under lhe five department* are aomef which many of the moreare baled in3 The names afsre unknown or uncertain.eea recently created Of frjrrnod from tranches ot seeacca ot elder institutes

Each tnaUtute is under the dommatair cd the Party, whcee members are dlsperoM throughout the institute Any institute actionsubject to review by Uie Party committee. One of the deputy dUKlors or even the dlreclor Isell-trusted Party man who iscientist. Some Institute Official! who are scientists have become Party members Ul recent years, but lew. If any. are believed Io enjoy Uie same degree of confidence from the regime as do the prof cotton al Party men.

The scientific comniltloe, which operate*under the director of an Institute, -tof scienissbi who are leader* In thefield of work. Scene are researchers in tne iasUtute lo which the roramlttee Is aUached. others may come from other institutes of Ibe academy or freer, outside Ut* academy. jailkisaMly from aiTWssties and colleges Unlike the deportment cocraatteca. the scientific ccenmiilees of Institute* appear to be important and octree bodies They deal with practically all substantive matters,tbe preparation and cooedinstion ofplans, examination of research result*,ol research underway, hearing disserta-Hons by research siudenls. ami acting In generalotum for the discussion of all academic



mil lees turn ably potion I

lo which lhe scientificoi Known; theyodies, but im-Uie scientific aftiiri ol lhe

Sintlineranches of the academy have been set up In most provinces, autonomousand centrally administered niiuiicipaUtini. The dulio) and authority of the branches ore not cJear.clieied thai they exercise littleoresearch work done in Ibe institutes, specifically liww institutes wlilch have been referred lo by lhe Chinese CornDiunisU as "senior researchhe purpose of the many newly formed branches appears lo be:o prcenote theq Hon o( science and technology; andspecially, lo promoteoss effort to improve all workand products through technicallo which all workers ore implored to turn Utelr attention. The branches provide an organisational structure for forty onntroiield whele tbe prestige ol bung associated with tbe academy Is probably useful. The mass-movement nature ol the branch purpose is suggested by the fact that each branch was organized by the local Fattywith the Parly Secretary or other localpersonage named as head of the bronch. Hundred* of new so-called research Institutes have been established at provincial and lower levels,communes. The ihonage of seJontlncIn Communist China precludes lhealHIily thai much significant scientific andoutput could result from Utlsof research and development organisations. As port of the trend in Communist Chins toward de centralised control, it may be the intention lhat each branch is loeading rote in alland technical activity in its area, but this does not appear ta be Ihe case as yet.authority In this Held would more logicallylo the provincial scientific and technological committers, local bodies akin to the nationaland Technological Commission. Strong coa-UOl of all significant reaearch and development aetlitUes appears to continue In be centered in Pel ping

Before the great expansionmbels Of branches startingbe academy had. or was reported to have set up. regional branchin Ch'ang-cb'un. Shanghai, Canton. Man-king, Wuhan. Stan, and Lan-chou. Ttie blanches al these locations may havesefulfunctioneglceml basis for Ihe academy hoadquartrik In Pctping; Hies* blanches may be cmneilly more significant than ihe others because uf Ibe relatively laige concentration ofacademy research imlltuU* in those cities The role of branches In academyhas noi been dearly of any great significance, but an elevation of thsli role could rcaieeKaOcy be

Manpower reporter! ia be employed by lheal the end of IBM0 persons in ail categoosa This toresCG reaearch workers, the remainder being in various aelrrjn-mrarive.schnicsaa and labor csOegonea. The number ef support-type personnel has nscn sharply lo JS.oae) fromepceted by the CammuruaS* Dl IHT. Many of the new rsrrscr-.nel are members of army unitsfor reasonshave Been demilitarised and assigned to reaearchhere they are eipeeted to aa out in the research work

Ofeported as professnnsJ tesearch workers, the Ccenm unlets have describeds being scientist* or renown. TheIs that this Is the maximum numberby the Communist* to be capable otIcadeiahip In ilgnlfVraitt insrnich work. OfOO sclentlsta. scene BOO have received doc-lorate-lrvel teaming. The remainder have hadaining of widely varying qualityoctorate level raicoiihera (notmedical doctors) Include 1Z0 trained In Ihe United Slalei and other Western countriesossible MO brained In lhe Soviet Union. Thr resosreheft of loser leiel training areof China's universities and an estimated IOC graduates of Soviet higher educational institutions There are probably turns researchers who have had undergraduate or limit id giudualeestern colleges, but theot known; however.ay be hi the general order of lestOU out of lhe IDOC-iOX of this type iruessghout Cam*.

Tbe training ef new scientistse* spoosibJily of lltr eoadrmy since It* feonebng tn November IMS. hut few competent researchers had been trainee up lo Ibe end of 1M0 Onlyhas the academyettingelatively well delineated scheme of trainingraduate students were In thetraining program and nn additional graduate siudenls are known in have been admittedhat time. An under graduate program was started in September lOtiH with the establishment of Ibe academy's China University of Science and Tetb-

Students enrolledr" itu-denU are pfesvnabiy admitted nibhingnal Uaacn orMnuair uairrrMiy csDnl the Shanghai CnrrrrMy af Science and Technol-ogy was also set uptudents enrolled9 In addition lo these untvcrslUM. Iho Chi. nesc Academy announced in the summer o( IBM thai itselling op osghl coQesjrs to Be located ta acaAni* research tnstltiiice- Apwwh Um eightroUorn tor the study ol machmery.and precision instrumiiiU. and chemistry in Ch'ang-ch'un; forestry and pedology Inotanic gardening in Nanking, and eaophys-icsin PMpUtg,

a IUiuiq oacsxturioa r> res Misisiaua

Each or the technical rnmuirlcs coadiiel* research and development work. I'lerumnbly. each ministry has some central ctHm li> provide overall planning, coordina'lon. and some supervision or theruiinnr>pmamlevealm eazee would also be the ministry's organ lor bassos withtale) Sctrnunc and Technological Commuuir. One known riample ofody Is the Ministry of Public Healths Commlltee for Medical Riaeorch.

Actual reaearch oneratlcna are carried owl either in central researchof the manttUlesn laboratories attached to factarsei.r other pmduetosn units The central reaaarch or

air intended to woik on key problemslcular Industrie.', whereas plant laboratories are especUd tu solve plant production problrrru.

(to itanitanl pattern lor the organisation ofwrtam the mlnastrKa has barnibaae casesesEbrr ofinistry nana under unifiedIhe teniiIiin Ihe name at rendered in Bngllihaie the Ministry ot Public Health'sAcademy cf Medical Science*nd the Mio>try est Ag.

rtruIturCi Chinees Academy of Agricultural Sciences tClnnp-knn rfaoo-peAothumber ol subordinate uvu'uirhuteri and appear in be generally ri'ipuciitibte for all reaearch and development In Ihrlr Arid throughout UMeounti) TbenrgiT'ailnnal status of IheerIt prroably "Jadalent lo bu-raausif not hkghec. Other known mnus try aradetnaa are tht Ministry of ForestryAcademy of forestry Researchrfi ATo-ftsueJin-jitain) and Iheof Otology'scademy of Oeologlcal Reaearch (CAaagntaoraeAtherprobably also have nek academy organuatains lor the manarrncm of Iheir research and dcTlopmenl operallreis See Fioutsor the principal research or emitthi' various ministries


twinx. UrbnwiiaKiiCaase-vaaf

fCI-aiMitj I'li-rAlu^il. lYipliu.



l""'J>iu ill lntluicul Kiaiia-nni iH lliclliif Bililiiu.

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Cii.Tti Vt. JTiT*Jt-

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Mvm* /NiihlPWi

cr Bfe|AT4,

organisation and operation ol iMrnrch and development InIiumii ol Ifstkinal Defense (ftuo Fong nil are noi known with one certainty except (ar medical research RepOTleilly. theCommunism have established an Academy of Military Sciences* iuno-euo yea-mia Cnien-

.'unou-i K'o nuie.'i (rtdii OS Clunfl-iluf. JTo-

of teeearcli ore^uii-auspices has been

hnsc* viant to guide the army', study ofscsrnce. lo utilise fully the latest sdenlinc and technological developments, snd to carry out plannedased en Soviet savancaa In military science, with the goal of accelerating the modernrsaimn ol tbe Chinese Communist army. Some ta forma Um suggests lhat ihe Academy of Military Sciences probably jars personnel and fa-dailies of the Academy of swJtaroh because the shea-tage of sejleatbeu In Cesuucwt Cbsna pre-easSSSt the efleetive sUArsgocr.pletefyand mdeymdent raatowh and dseatOgOBtal organ real inn Tn*at eserriH (unc'idetaliie aithor.ty In particular nelds wruun the organtsalicn af thef Sciences it teems rnannable lo suppose thai tbe military would control and operate proving grounds and testingechanical and Electricalunder the control of the Ministry olDefense has been reported, bul II It not clear whetherhs same as the Institute nf nectromechanlci (Oll-fUSeh TieH-cAiO) ol the Academy of Sciences, an Instituteimilar name In the First Ministry of Machine Building. Otdistinctly dllterenl institute under tbe academy ol Military science*.

tablishmenlarge sat tons under local


Militarynd Xiupneenna InHltute and the

Miliiary Enalnerrln* Initltule. II la not known

whKhec these are alternate names. nubtedlnaie

Ofgtiu, orlnjj tra cunBeeOon wtUi lhe

Arndemy ot MlEoij adcoie.

" Thar* has Uea on oxulrrsatica nf unj icluil rclm-Ufict

repotted. Many of three facilities are port of local production units.en nations areto serve the teclUiM'aJ needs of localand sb'vj.Iand to prarsole the Irmovs-laon of technical improvements This Increase inmber of iwsisrch Inslilulsonshe number of larurersiises and cot-rges. Both merrasat are Ban of the -groat Hap rswwarci-AlthcASghelieved staltstkaEy fictitious, mead of Ibe new instKuUorii. freer the ttoadpconl of quality, do not deserve the name ummrsily or feeeorch instltuta Taose mslninsnrj represent lhe regimr's so called mam-taie In educabon andine which iUesaet thai science tech-rsroogy and learningeraijbudy* iceicern The regime ts eager to apply the benefits of reaearch snd development lo production al all levels and to gel all wntken lo think aboul how Ihey can do

Local research and development activities ore directed by the provincial governments aided by their local scientific and technical commit lees. In each province thereranch of the Academy of Sciences headedocal government or Party official. The academy branch organisation was set up as part of the program for stimulating local scientific and technical activity aod ts believed to be moreocal than an academy operation. At present tlie provincial and other research andorgans are believed lo be of littlelo China's scientific and technological

esearch at educational Institutions

Tbe Chinese Communists consider theand facilittes of the universities and colleges as important resource* for research andTbey believe that research andwork In the universities and colleges not only aids industry. amtculUire. and other technical arras, but is also an important factor in theprocess, inasmuch as students aa well as Ihe faculty, are expected lo participate In Uie research

and development work. Cradu-ttJng student* are expected to prepare Uiesc* of some practical value In gestural, practical problem* bearing onnit* ccnpiiiUiKd in Uie- reivrtrch and de*effort Many Jraututxint haveacts vitii nearby lnduatiial viianU. whereby Uie

plant* gri tecluilcel aattctorxx liuru

If. i| tells-rO lhai iicnJ>^irjL WOIk ta tielntf done

by tae timprelwfMlTv tmWrtrtiat and tbe merendtWav Uui Ln%ti .utk-oa Tlvse utif-mataM and coUegt* itftdertaJn fairly lifcnLVantof prodoc*r:intmf nUtmlyarjji* pn^Meixa ia*fundamental theoielka.lcou.

Trie bank orgaiiintltxial ucill In Ul*toUc|.ci l* llm UacJung and it mix hciqrariihrnt haa amrtu avicb group*plan, evaluate botb

ataatlartaort and mich wort within partjeuUrf ariaam or trcteoaogy. aurti aaphysics, ntftHtfotOfj. GOOJeTrowi rr^Chirgy. cU.ehmd that aa-cb iinfreratty andentral rearareh office for overamng the rueaich planning and uperatlona. The Parly mmraittee of tne iiiuvmlty or college haa uJUmale controlrUiluat

Tn* nuoiaw ol uiXtortfUftfl and oaUrgea at classed by Uw CtxtiaMrM* toaaw to MO and toortaC. ^aaaaaaaaajuTiaibei#ew edijcalkmal tortttiitlcna hare bren wt uphe auHiices oft^ynnimenle. com-


actory rninn* He. Moat ot thou*arcrand coUr^et In namwu not representurceanjratnrrnirtnlUiattegn viber*actoaUj approach nigher educationalother count nri, numberoatcmprehrjuivt* unlvctalljes are ofquality. parLjrularly Pplplng,and Wuhan Of.cxprng is tbrAbo zxArwcxUrjnj. Tleitt*bi> Hartita InduattaaltadvuUlal Unlveraltieaauo^tlnvct* calledCollege) axul Kanking Lni;liti>>ThehUitUvr pnrnotkiii ofandrverywhere and *'

vortt of aome nature t* tctaAurted In an or aawrv ail rdgtivrtnaUlulkxia. aJUUMgh rrjoat la Of low trClWc^ Irvai SignulCantarried en.n the iintwtftLt* and coLInc^ named abnte andew of the apr-ciaLirdl ooUegrahe IVjptng Prr-rouar or ih*MIn-aaaatarOaaaaJa.

Nont arark atby prtrmU and ann.-irifjt*Wrnuniiratary ofrnunUt irlentlnc


-J fmttrt YW*rlllh lf.ln-|rVf.



hUlrti. PL.I

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E&cnauge of

Theommuntal regime In the List Jew yean bu rigoroualy promoted tike aide collection, my availability, rapid dtrrusxm. and rxssLmuoui review and use of new tcMUnc andfGttrOr. Tbe practlr* of classifying muchflc and termsirsU aaJcamaaiJOft aa stateeiieved tn haveaxrIv ofto aotnr decree larrrrthcieaa. tbe T> bcarw the services lot translation andnT and the genera: management of toe storage snd dsserminsfkin of KtenUAr infomauon areto be providing eJlvetlve support to the Chi tats* Communist reaaareh and development effort Host foreign scientific and engineering journals ind significant hooks from both the Communist ind Western worlds are balUvcd to be available In

Irnproieeuenl of information workone of Lhexplicit tasks art form lb the Twelve Year Plan forskicancat tn IsM InMttMX tne Chinese Academy of Ac lewshaicsestttta fetfMMaaal MIMictv^aart JrToHPUaea^aAats purpose was tohavafta with foreign organrmUoru and to keep the Chinese Communist scientific communityof world scientific developmentsurther planning and reorganisation of In-rormatson workdeswed by the State Council approralPlan for tha DeveKipiurnl oi ScienUflc and TechnokajJcaJ Inforrnatlonne plan had been tsjbmittad by the SUUUAc and Ts^tmcitosncalthe body rnargtd with theayinieftmij Mr fanning and superrMng Enforrnauon week ta tne field of stlrnc* and tecnnrlogy. The commission's work tn this field Is hanfikw! by its ScientificDM Hon Detail* of the Plan for the Development of Scientific and TechnologicalWork have not been published, but the State Council aessonentsnuingfor improving arstntLfic information work. Probaoty. as part of the plan, was tb*>of thetenlson to hate rwry organ* operate an InJcsmnaUon centerainertng InEcaTnatawi us iu field, supplying infor-cation useful for Its paannlnc aork kee^-ngarnsation inrormed of pettineot newnd foreign catvesosanenta and raaavrrilnaling to 9tner organs information about Its own new de--elopments Another probable outcome of the plan during IBM was Ihe change af the name cf tne Academy's Scientific Information Institute toSctentlilc and ToehnoaagMal Informaiion InsuUite. Thenstitute may now beunder or may be more flittely controlled by the State SrfonUftc and TechnologicalScientific Information Division.

The China Scientific and Technological Infor-raauwi Institute is not only Uie principal organ for colkKUfjg foreign acienldie and iecnnical 1r> fortnatun but also luss tlie rrSftrsrslbUlty for keep-mg under contmusui rvaluatson andm Ibe ami assd tread of asswastic and foreign aclerjce and>

Tne Lserary of the AcaAVaaj of Bcserjces at tbe most sagaunnanthe Add of science and Uiaanjlogj In us central horary ta PvipOg the: ifilawlj has scene two ntfJuwa voiumes In thepecial libraries in the various research institutes. Uboralorle* and beanehea are sonse four mtuson additional volumaahe Academy Library announced It was Increasing itsto foreign language journalsjQC0 titles. The CommunfctU report that




exchanges publicationsinountries,ac exchanges arc modi: mostly through the China ScjenUfic and Technological Information Institute.

The general library service of Comrnunbl China centals in the Natibrary rn Peiping. In addition lo ottering Die usual library services, it la the national depositoryopy of all item* published in Communist China, The Kationalcollects foreign journals and books through exchange arrangement made by its international exchange sect Ion; il alio develops library rnauaee-ment methods, aids libraries throughout China, trains library personnel, and dUreeta theof union catalogues.tsExchange Section hadrgantxatfcms Inountries; ofournal* In the Katlooal Libraryad been obtained through exchanges and ot those 3Q% had come from the Soviet Union The HattanaJ Uorary has some six million vol* uiaeev Other especially Urge general libraries in Communist China arcanking and Shanghai

The libraries of the unlm*Jt^ and coHegts are another important resource for scientific andliterature; they numberhe com* prebertsive universUlcs have the better general Libraries and of those, the library of Helpingis the most outstanding. It la an old and weiRstabUshed library with aome Iwo million volumes. Collections of engineering literature are probably better at Tsinghua University and otherniversities and special Uod englnocr-ing colleges.

The division of responsibility in exchange work between the China Scientific and TechnologicalInstitute and tbe National library is not clearat Ibe National Library operates in all fields. Another apparent distinction Is lhat the China Scientific and TechnologicalInstitute extends its work Into the collection of commercial catalogues, brochures and various serials of industrial concerns. Probably exchanges are arranged by any organisation that ha* an obvious common Interestoreignn. Individual scientists also have been pressed Into cultivating exchange* with scientificabroad.

The general acquisition and coordination of subscriptions to foreign journals are under thedirection of tlte Central Council of Library Affairs set up in under the National Library; the council was composed of representatives olajor libraries This council is also tbe central body for Initiating and generally overseeing tbe compilation of uruan catalogues, book lists andin major libraries throughout the in the scientific and technical ncld alone theInformation Division of the (State) Scton* tine and Technological Commission is believed to be the central policy and supervisory itfgan and probably wouldrominent voice in tbeCouncil for Library1 Affairs.

The overall policymaking and coordination in scientific and technological publication wort lato be the responsibility of the ScientificDivision Of Cw (State! Scientific and Technological Curnmlssfcm. Publication ofand technological books and periodicals isout by the Academy of Sciences' Science Pressii*Ji Cfttf-pM4to) and by the publication organs of the various ministries and otherorgans of tho State Council Duringhe name of the Science Press may have changed to the State Scientific and Technological Press (Kuo*iiuffh CAisnuhange maywitch away from fullcontrol to closer control or operation by the (Slate) Scientific and Technological Commission.

Trie academy's publications cover the usualand professional engineering areaspublished by the ministries support* theSror technical responsibilities. ThePublication and Translation Committee has genera] respoiuibiLlty for academy publication work. Operations are earned out by the academy's Publication and Translation Bureau, the Science Praw being under this bureau.

amais are edited by the various scientific and engineering societies, institutes of the academy, and higher educationalumber Of Chinese journals have abstracts or tables of contents In foreign languages. The CAt-we Medical Journal has an edition published tn English, The Science Record andn tea, academy journals for originalnyfield, are written in English or otherlanguages. Tbe academy's general news Journal, the Chinese LanguagesrtfAlias tables of contents In both English and Russian; Uie title Sckmtkt Is carried at the head of its English tabic of contents

Sclentinc and engineering societies have been organized in all general fields and in manyareas. The attain of societies are in the hands of boards of directors and standingThe Chmcse Chemical Society, which may be typical,oard ofersons meetingeartanding committee ofeeting quarterly The standing committee is the effective executive body and elects Its chairman and other office ts. The societies edit Journals and hold local and national meetings, conferences, symposia, and


- Jaxjmby 1DGI

forth. An hrjpjilaiitioltof ^ititiea in Commu-nut China is loommunication(or Uie control of Ihe specialized personnel In vanous Ecientirk* and technical fields

All scientific and ^ngmeeunji societies arelo Ibe Scientific and Trcrmolcfctcal Atso-I'latton o* theepublic of China. This associativa ta Ihe mass control organisation for scientific and technical personnel. Ihe oksccm-lion was foundedR by amalgamating Ibe All-China Federation of Scientific and ihc All China Association for the Popularfjstioo of Science and Tbchnoloey. The amalgamationno new duties but reflected the regimes atlempt to strengthen tbe cow>ectlon between the work of scientists and engineers and the- technical innovation program among workers;r<mps are considered by the recline to have tbe comrrxm objective or contributing to the regime's programast technologic revolution.

Tboonnds o: publishedarly

&Utule Of (VlKITIi has


The Soviet Uruon and other bloc countries liave provided much scientific and technical literature* COttttttlng en&Dtenng and industry, works have been translated and !hincse. Soviet Journals are recu-In China. Th* Sovietin-and Technical fo formation been, sending vanous periodicals lo loan arrange-effect with Important libra no in Ibe Soviet Union

Exchange of Informal ion, joint research opera-tiona. and aid to Chinese research andhave been expandedear Scientific Creement waa signed IS January Communist China and the Soviet Union, Similar agreements are In elToct between Chins and other bloc countries. Many Chinese re-searchers have Tinted the Soviet Uruon and,esser extent, the Satellite countries Lo confer, lo Inspect research underway, and to exchange in-

Sincehr' Chinese Communists have participatedew International scientific con-ftrences. Their participation has not yet beenand does not appear to be increasingthe Chinese Ccmmunbl regime recognizee the value of mam lain ins; international scientific contacts, political conshierattons have restricted the growth or international scientific associations. One of the main political problems for ihc Chinese Communist* La tbe presence or possible attendance of representatives of the Republic of China. As an example, the Communists formally withdrew In0 from the International Astronomicalhen the union admitted as anbody the Astronomical Society or theof China.

The Communists are presently members of the International Unions of Biochemistry and of Pbys-utogr. the Division of History of Science of the International Union of History and PhUo&ophy of Science, and bare been accepted In IbeUnion of Pure and Applied Physics,as Kationatat China was also admitted to the latter, the Chinese Communists may beto withdraw. Resides participating: in these few1 organfczaUom under the tnternatfonol Council or Scientific Unionshehave participatedew international con-ICTcnccs and symposia called by other bodies,those held tn bloc countries scientific relations with Japan storied5 and appeared to be increasing upS, when contactsceased. There axe some indications that scientific contacts with Japan may resume. On the whole, international scientific contacts have not been extensive with any nonbloc country.

C. Financing of scientific and

Startinghe regimes financialfor research and development and Iheof scientists is believed lo hare been runningate close- to the amount that could beeffectively. Budget flcurea for theseore too scarce to permit anything more than the most general observations. The view thatIs adequate Is based largely on the fact that IttCX of funds Is not mentioned cither by Uieor by foreign observersindrance to science development. In addition. It is known Ihat appropriation* for lescarch and development went up sharply6 and0 bad risen fourfold0 budget planf the total nationalroportion considered relatively high In view oforlage cf component researchers.for research and development and the appro-prUUon's percentage of ttte total national budget are given In the following tabulation:



amounts shown Include funds forand equipment. as well as theuch as wages, travel, librarymaintenance, etc. The research and develop* tnent appropriations cover the expenses ol the Academy of Sciences, the research and develop mcnt organs of the various mirustoa and Slate Council technical bureaus, and unknownand technical activitieshird group called "cultural, educational, and sanitationhe content or purpose ofhird group I* not known, but tbe more significant unknown is whether the research and development activities of unJversltle* and coliege* are budgeted under theategory of the Chinese Communist national oudgek the category herein referred to as tbeand development apprcpnalKin. Tbe cost tf -research and development In the universities and cottese* is believed to be relatively smalllo all other research and developmentFragmentary budget figures for unlvec-sity and college research work put tbe amountiluon yuan4 andillion yuan

Appropriations chargeable to the training of set-enlists ore not Known and adequate budget figures on higher education are not available.4ublished flguiva put the budget for tilgher education atillion yuan for each year. For comparison,udget wasmillion yuan. Much .ruining of research personnel is carried out by the Academy of Sciences and-it is probable that much of the expense Involved Is chargeable to the academy's allotment from the "Science"

D, Scientific and technical manpower

hina's manpower resources for science and technologymall nucleus of competent Western-Trained scientists now being augmented by relatively well-trainedreturning from study in Soviet blocparticularly from the Soviet Union. Other personnel graduated from Chinese untvcrcittcs and colleges are noi well trained by comparison. The number of competent scientists available ts sufficient toprinkling of leadersreatly expanded establishment covering nearly all scientific andields* Satisfactory programs for training new scientist* have been slow In getting underway and few competent new scientists have been trained In China since the- Communists assumed control of the


cientific and technical education

Oi tbe moreXI college graduates in Communist China at the endbout one-half had been trained in scientific and technical fields as shown In the following tabulation



The quality of Chinese educator* has not been high. Many studentsereafter only two or three years of training The fields of specialization in many cases have been so narrow that graduates have hod very spotty knowledge of scientific and engineeringe quality of the teaching force has also been relatively low. as the large majority has been young andarge pro* portion of theime has been taken up with political lectures and discussions and with practical work In factories and on farms. All these conditions have tended to reducestandards, but large numbers of narrowly trained students provide valuable manpower re-

i Chinas current stage of development. Upraming in the Soviei Union and other bloc countries has been the most important source of weU-tralned new personnel under the

W:thm Communis* China the training; of new scientists Is carried out by the universities and colleges and by .the Academy of Sciences. The comprehensive unlvcraucs, which ore similar to the faculties of aits and sciences of

venules, have the particular function of training research personnel and teachers for higherInstitutions. The Academy of Sciences'

I Science and Technology was established specifically to provide undergraduate training for personnel wbo are to be trained for further research wort. The polytechmcol and specialised engineering Institutions trainprimarily for Industrial and engineering work, but these institutions conduct research work, and some of their graduates are assigned to research and development establishments. The agriculture and forestry college* and the medical colleges also supply some research per-

AD education comes under the generalof the Ministry of Education, and theoperates Uie comprehensive universities and some industrial and engineering Institutions, specialised technical colleges are believed lo be controlled largely by Ihe corresponding technical ministries. S, there hasast




In the number of lnstituuons called "universities" andllb as manyring reported in existence Mcst of the nf* education institutions nave Men set upe auspices ol local governments, communes, factories, mines, elf, and represent Uic regime's effort to spread scientific and technical knowledge and promote, workers' interest In mici'.gInnovation! The level of education In tnese many so-called universities varies widely, but. In general. Ihelr standardsonsidered of higher educational level. Known universities and eoliefip?.standards may actuallyigher educational level, numbernd consist of the following types:omprehensive universities;olytechnics! and technical:griculture and forestry;edicine,eachers; andthers.

The departments ol comprehensive unlvtrsl-tics include the basic academic fields such at mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology. Some, but not all, of the comprehensivetram students In astronomy, meteorology, geology, and geophysics.ost of the comprehensive universities were probablyacademic standards compatible with Uie needs of Communist China's research and dereBp-ment establishment but, previously, theirwere, in general, poorly grounded In theof scientific subject* and til-prepared to go on to graduate study and research work, leading comprehensive universities include Pel-ping, NanWai,. Northeastnd Wu-lmn.

Among the technical Institutions Tsttighua(Chinf huael ping. Is the most famous. Also noteworthy among theinstitutions aie Cbtao-l'ung, Tientsin. Harbin Industrial and Northwest Industrialand NorUieasl Engineering(sometimes called Shenyang Kngmeertng College) and Nanking Engineering College (Cluao-t'ung University is sometimes referred lo by Iti translated name "CommunicationsThere are specialised technical colleges in most fields; examples are the Pctplng Iron and Steel College, Fa ping Aeronautical College. Pel-ping Post and Telecommunications College.Petroleum College, Bast China TextileCollege. T'ung-chi University (civilShantung Oceanography College, and Pciping Agricultural University.

The Academy of Sciences, since Its formation Inas hadajor duty the training of new scientists Efforts to carry out this duty hate not been appreciably fruitful be-the academy scientists capable ol training advanced level researchers were occupied, not onlyultiplicity of research andtasks, but also with many administrative and ocganixaunnal duties. Another handicap was the dearth of university and college graduates who were adequately prepared for graduate study. Not8 did the academy commence aprogram that had seme promise ofegular supply of new and competent- re-

in the summerB the academy set up Ibr China University of Science and Technology, which hasepartments. The leaching staff was to berom the scientists of the acad-and the students, carefully selected, were be associated In the course of their studies with actual reaearch activities In academy research institutes The initial enrollment in the fallB. Tne announced areas of study In lhe new university suggest thethat the university may have been set up particularly to train students for work In theenergy field, bul no further indication of such special nation has appeared.

Formal and Informal training at all levels,graduate level, may be expected to be found at all Institutes of lhe academy. The China University of Science and Technology, bo*ever, is the only academy university or college whose existence is well establishedducationalhang: of Science and Technology was reported lo have been set up8 but its existenceere said to hate been enrolled3 Eight colleges also have been mentioned, bul also uncMifiTmed, as having been established In research Institutes of the academy

of student* for higher education Isfor academic achievement, physical condition, and understanding ofpolitics Normally students matriculate from upper middle school, but college Students may be chosen from among those In Ihe working force, including those who may not have completedsecondary education. Higher education is not free, bul provisions are made lo aid those need-Ins; It and it is believed that no promising student Is permitted lo drop out for financial reasons

No academic degree system Is currently inin Communist China. College graduatesertificate attesting to the5herelan under consideration whereby those completing lhe four-year postgraduate training program then being Initialed would receive the degreehis plan to award degrees, however, was criUclsed. bolh from the academic

ol the difficulty under current conditions In China lo adopt and enforce academic standards for Ihe degree, and Abo (ran tbe ihc degrees werebe plan to award degrees was not adopted.

Training ot new researchers at the graduate level hu lagged, and the number In training haa been limitedhortage ol qualified candidates and competent Instructors. Before IBM, tneand colleges bad two-rear graduatedesigned primarily for training teachers (or higher educational Inatitutuns The Academy of Science! baaoe ramut the program is bellered to hare had little stg-ninfant educational value in its early yean.

Four-year programs designed to train newcommenced In tbe Academy ol Science! la IBM and in the universities and collegesifficulties apparently arose and.T, the Its announced enrollment persona admitted (orin electronics. Formal enrollment in theand colleges also may bare beenas no enrollment in subsequent years tn either the academy or Ibe universities andhas been mentioned In Chinese Communist literature. Graduate training undoubtedlybut expansion appears to be slow and may not be noticeable until larger numbers of the bet-ir trained graduates ol tbe China University of Science and Technology and other universities with unproved standards begin to becomefor graduate training.

Graduate training in Uie Soviet Union and other Bloc countries will continue to be morethan training In China for the cipan-sxm of tbe research force, at least for Ihe flret few years Ofs. All, or nearly all,sent abroad In the fall7 andhave been graduate students. Before that time, most were undergraduate students, and these numberedear or more5he* rate Is bellered lo have dropped f> one or two hundred per year78 and then to haw risen toer year

Students returning to China9 amounted lo. of "horn some TOO ore estimated to have reached kandUal level (roughly equivalent lo.rom the litra. possiblyave returned, olave Bad graduate training Kearly all o( the returnees are believed to have studied scientific or technological subjects. Duringcademic year, therehinese studying in the Soviet Union, of wliomt the graduate level. Tbe number

Iclliies inearf whom

Total SludMiU TMal SluilcrtU

Sent through net SJO* hrough


atudjinj abroad.

Returnees from tbe Sonet Union constitute nearly all the capable scientists currently being added to China's scientific manpower resources. Randrdat -level trainees should be returningate of several hundred per year for tbe next tew years.ew new scientists are Believed to have been trained completely in China. Graduate training in China cannot be evaluated precisely quantitatively or qualitatively, however. It is probable that China-trained, new scientists with reasonably good capabilities will not be addedale muchew hundred per year tn tbe early years ol.

Z. Manpower for run-arch and development

Of theollege graduates inChina, as many0 are believed to be employed by research and developmentincluding personnel engaging in research In the unlVfTSitios and colleges This number does not include physicians in clinical and public health work nor engineers In Industry, where their duties coll for some engineeringwork such as adapting foreign designs to Chinese production conditions. OfOO are reported to be employed by the Academy of Sciences, onO arein ministerial research organs,0 are estimated to be devoting some time toin the hlgtier educational InaUluUons.

The quality orDCO vanes widely:old doctorate degrees from Westernand possibly BOO are newly returned Soviei bloc kamtidat degree holders. Some of thesedegree holders and scene other well-trained and experienced personnel constitute China's scientific leaders those who at* capable of planning, supervising, and carrying out le-searchuality that could be of Interest to scientists in advanced countries Tbe number of such personnel Is estimated to Bo. Of Iheouldbe called research scientists; theDCO may be betternts, trainees or technicians




Social amii ol aclcntlstj and nftam

In Communlil China, scientist* and engineer* generallyarmed aerial and economicThe uileUorluali. itttrtlculeily lhe auentlsle and engtnreta, hate been referred to by lhe retime aa aof imotl of ibt better 5atr.tM> and engineers howwrtr, bare beenor hate hadesternUet recto* concern aeoat their podUeoJ rtsuasaatty. Tr-atneat ol aclenliaia and engineers haa probably tanrd. de-peuLcf on how acsiieij Uwlr erevkea hate been needed and Bow arsenate they hate beendeo-bfpcalew are knowr. to hare been removed rroro pnu'imi of Influence in recent yean,he early days of the Coirim unlet era some may hare been eliminated. Many scientists, especially those educated in foreign countries,hare undergone considerable mentalbut It la be Ikied thai moat hate adjusted to Ihe new conditions of life and work under the Communist regime Moat ot the aclentisu are be-

to be imng far belter lhan average Chinese-and under no more threat lhan la usually expectedotalitarian regime

Monthly wagea of researchers and associateand the equivalent grades, of professor and asuKtale profraaur In tl* unlversltlrs and college* range from ISOuan per month Assistant researchers and assistants, andrades In U* wlttrallni ayattsc. receive (raceo IM yuan pri Trie avenge pay ol workers aiagsss OC aalarlM la beliesed to be about do vud par month la addSUom to monthly wages. Use acwnlarts and ensnoeeri nayreeominal rent and varsoos allowances, than Ja no income taslso Opportunity for additional tfttotne from theof papers or from translation work.

A system of pciaea and swards for sCMntiSts was adopted in IBfin. The Academy of Sciences Is tba awarding body Outstanding work iaby medals, eartlltoatea, or monetary awards up0 yuan. These honors are to ba awarded every four yean, the nnl having been given In January IM?


H CommrtiU on principal

CwjDjnMt pubJcalkru cOfUlJUiieto^rca of iMftTMim.

fcnttel itj-rporU baaed OD0bUiM4 from Sector* ana Weil-en tra-xhfi tn China* Ofr* tne twaiiiCTu of tbt Joint PgbKctfWs He aeuch Serrice The luinKIKn hoVm of tbe VS. Comulate Getiertu in HLtng Kong hat* also oven of ftUtA Among; in* Clunas* ConraunLst ^uixu of parUcula/ value tn tlve prepantMn at Sacrionuna-poo. trie Chinese Academy of Science*'Journal of scientific reports and now* of acUvlUes in the scientific

unity ATUctei in flcmrt journal*ptwluto newtkm, pfcrtioiUrty report* of the tapermcee ofcatftUate in Cbtfva

:r. ia faf**vml twavquate Tbaof opc/aung and In* wna of Lacprxcram* ara noi doa/ty oaicenubir. In-'onulaa about tba otm^lmUon aad opmtav: of researchnfliT tbas aapacauiy zcaaftr. wtlbearth of mai*-riaJ availabla on iba Uiniatry of National Defense. The uxtonna^jon ai kille UeTO3 toeisorjbly accural* iketeft of CofiV^-irilat Chinas adenuikr rvaourcaa, plana, and general opmUoru. but aonio evaluations mutt he ennodered tenia-

iFTBan 1M0

71. Electronics


I. Capabilities mid trends

From the beginning ol We Chinese Communist regime Inajor emphasii has been placed on applied rather than on fundamentalChinese leaders have stressed repeatedly tbe paramount Importance of placing science and technology at the service of production and ol"science lor science'shis stress on production la applied not only to research and development (acuities connected vith industrial units, but also to tbe Academy of Sciences and educational facilities.esult, comparatively littleection ka research haa been conducted and major attention haa been given to

. known and

has been concerned with adapting Soviet bloc and Western electronics devices and equipment to the manufacturing conditions ofprocessa high degree of ability on the pariery considerable number ol Chinese engineers.

At present there Is an Incteaslng tendency to permit more research and development having long-range goats. To cope with Ihe new situation, additions have been made to the present Twelve Year Prospective Flan for Scientific andDevelopment. The Three Year Program for Research on Pure Natural Science presumably Included material concerned with electronics.

There appears to be no system of priorities In Chinese development of the electronicsmaterials, and apparatus required forpurposes and foe Important civilian uses such a* taieeoromunkauons and broadcasting. The Chinese- are attempting to achieve self-sum-ctency in the production of such Items by giving equal and simultaneous emphasis to all fields of electronics The Chinese now plan to surpass the UK.'s level ol production by the endthe twelve-year plan& Development ofItems Is based almost Invariably on Soviet

The Chinese are becoming more sophisticated In their attacXs on electronics problems and are In (act rapidly becoming self-sufficienttde variety of electronics Gelds. At present thaare believed to be almost completely self-sufficient in vacuum tubes (excludinglubes such as magnetrons andomponents such as capacitors and resistors: and broadcast-type radio and television receivers and transmitters. Tran tutors and semiconductorare rapidly becoming available. Production of consumer-type electronics Items such as radio and television receivers Is restrictedumber just sufficient to meet the government's needs for propaganda outlets and for "prestige" goods, principally for export.

The total Chinese Communist electronicsisuality and quantity to that of Japan but is much greater than any other Asian country. With the exception ofown larger units such as the Pelping Electron Tube Plant (Pei-phlng Tien-lru-kuanelping. and the Institute of Electronics iTien-uu-hsuehclptng. of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (duiag-kuoS. Pelping, Chinese electronics facilities concerned with same phase of engineering or other electronics development probablyaximumB people at any oneIn mid-Marcn IHO, the number of Chinese electronicsinstitutions, andat least someor other development wasB0aximum ofen are employed on ekctronics development.1 shows the locations or electronics research and development acUHUts In Communist China.)

a8 thaindustry was very small andof units where foreign-madeassembled. Between 1MB2 theprincipal aim was to repair andproduciion capacity and tostability. In addition, some verywere made to construct newand produciion facultiesor example, the Chinese set upelectron lube research unit at IheNanking Light Bulblant nowthe East China Electron Tube PlantHanking. On Ihe same

day, canst rue lion started on Ihe NankingTubean-china rten-fto-*uananking, andear this plant



-Skptimbm lOflO

, mi.


C-htd-l"ll io-1'l ton-rii' mt Plant

K -

w1li| <'tU>aa. lUiUaial Hidil Rfilp-enat ud Ualrttall llanl

H,.u.Ha Gaaehwal Otatrn.

u -

v.ik,i rwii.- Em a_

i . . i , w -1

l. l.,le

tuna.'K. Ilfttli

ad kaaaaa Cm, ItMllaW rf Clmpi-autvmiuWmrwln, IvUiuiaMaluBlUu laaUMIta i*tin HaSn


MiiitiUi Font:iroijiwUr^ lj).ilpruii andu-fiuli Find; Piipirj imimn Tiibt Raul: i'tlpln* lw'i-Binni Pilplna. Peala and TilKCBFiiiiiuuilaiKiping TetesMnnuiifeiiMut EvuptntH rani; Palpi'*nd nuultatluw IV)[im Kqnpninl and MiUU Plait. Plata and THtntnaUbrwIixii BtknUfituiUtnta.u UafvarattV-

JI'U'N.,s( Rn-liu Tttn.I'xia aad TXttcttiniiMtaiifui EUnthaJ*oa Mawiali llwi:Bavtiltal lndiau> llwt;

Licit Bulbugnal Kidln Foul;it; Snuical Vang V'aiuutn


to produce copiesonsiderable number. vacuum tube* Early attempt* also were made to utilise native raw materials, such as tungsten reserves. InheLight Bulb Plant {Shanghaio Ch'ariff) (the prewar General Ekctnc Light Bulb Plant) completed three years of experiments on the pro ductton of tungsten wire. The first batch of dec-trie bulbs with Chinese-made filament* wereinnd inarge-scale production of tungsten wife was be-gun. Inhe plant also producedfilament* for light bulbs.

Volume production of electronics devices and equipment did not begmumber of large electronics facilities built with Soviet btoc assistance were placed In opcratoom During erection of one of these facilities, theElectron Tube Plant* the Soviets assisted the Chinese in surreying the site, constructing the buildings, and Installing the very latest type of Sovlet-bullt equipment. Another example of bloc assistance Is the North China Radioand Materials Plant (Kua-peJ WsL-hsien-ficn-frat Ch'i-ti'atiping, for which the East Germans furnished moref the materiel.ast Oerman specialists went to China In connection with the plant and TO Chinese were sent to East Germany forrangingoonth* The clTect onlectronics of the reported withdrawal of bloc technicians from China cannot; beat this time.

b. OirtssntATJOMTtta organisation of electronics institutions,

h :vnta* d

applied electrontcs research and development was being socialised very gradually untilnao Tse-iung calledapid speedup oi socialization and collectivisation and, by the endf the electronics and other industries not previously state^owned had been organised intolnt stoic^pnvatc'* enterprises.ear private business had been largelj eliminated, and0ery small number of privately owned units ^Cwcmed. witii electronics were

In recent years control over all kinds offacilities has been ckcentrallsedery constilerable degree. Byesponsibility forf the total number of facilities under Ibe central Industrial ministries had been shifted to theowever, large Industrial units such as tbe Feiping IDcctron

Tube Plant, and roost defense-Industry and other "special'* facilities almost certainly were not transferred. Decentralixauon also has taken place in educational ImtHutftns concerned with

During the lost four or Are years facilities of the Academy of Sciences hareon-slderahle amount or electronics research, most of Lt directed toward the Immediate needs ofThe most important of the academyin this field Is the Institute of Etec-trrxues at Pelping. Another important unit of the academy is the Institute of Physics (Wv4freaping, formerly tbe Institute of Applied Physics. Much fairly fundamental work on semiconductor devices and transistors isat this institute, a* well as serialof transistors.

Other electronics research Is conducted atinstitutions and at various facultiesto the Ministry of Posts and{Yu-Ucnost of the work at thraeIs directed towards the immc-

Fivc categoriesnlxatlons no* comprise China's electronics Industry:

FadUtfe* mo* very few) owned and opsratcd br

private Individuals radlltln jttutiy operated ly private

and by the ceatral or local foreniiRfnu. FiuiilUfa jubtaTdlaate to provincial and count?

There Is no division of reaporulUUty forand appliedmong theaeKurtber. within each category, instltu-Uons pnmanly responsible tor researchare ovang scene production, and protection OTgarUsaUnpa are caaadurisng research For ea> amplc. an Academya instituteimber of educational units are manulartorlngJurly large quanUtiea On the

taring feesuses hare csmioptd and peodseedusing translator andSee2 for the organiiatJiT- of major Chinese Communist ckectronlc* research and development fadUtM

c PianrsMBroad poucy dKuMoi coo* rrrned with ikclronies and other KtenUfte fields are mode at the highest IpvpI of the Ojmtnunlst Party. Party leadership is manifested not only


formula boo of policy, butscrowed down to the Individual reward- Lratltutlcctt by Party members who rrequenlly have Little or no scientific or technical tew*ground

The State Scientlnc andomma don. formed In6 from an aroalfia-

and Ihc BcirnUOc Planning ConunLMlon, la Ihc main tupeevlMiry and cctondtttaUoi; oipan nfctenttnc and lec^nc^oflca] rwareh; it ft dlrectl* AutonUiuie to tbe Stale OtOMfl Aiaaog otherbetoiifffltWttc naiukinfirpcrttdlyTfflt of RadJcrcvrjcepart-nwvil of IHectrofiic* Tr. ordrtr to irripiment the "policy of combat readinra in the nulttaryeocwE" department* were "toand investigate their respective tsdenUIV research or-EanlxaUona" Similar departments are probably roundhe new ScientifichnoIogtcaJ

Inbe former Sclcm.flu I'UEinlne Commlltee prepared the final draftwelve-year plan lor erientlfic dewlotimcnt Accordi/ip to Choti Cn-Iml. the aim of the plan wu to rait* MsMf* hrm, to thai by JK7 Chin* would approach "The wceid'a most advanced kteevj* la certain "WalAlto-retfecr the plan earned ST aspect* eifLKilidaied Intoategories. Tne arcotvl of Lheae wtu drvcribed at "new electronicsOiKludtnf semiconductor electioniei, com put in* nmachlnn, and vupef-hli;li<lriv|iLenvyn March IteS the cceomltlee. approved thr

L'Aaa '1 4


scientific uk! technical programoveringubjects, Electronics items Included:

RCMMett lata te&JcuQjducUin. "trxtwllnf Uw

Research into ulu shahtr=iiH ory Uennlpm,

carrier system* of tefetomnvanlct Bom end ss-weuud egulpoient. CoDsUBiUiin ol therce oom cuter and tne wcnr-iciB conitruiUce ul In*

does not Implyrial run liaa been made on the assemblyt la reported, for example. Iliat the Peiping Broadcasting Equipment and Materials Plant (Pel-chiag Kuaag-po Ch'l-U'at Crane)opyoviet type,In the range ofoeters In four bands. The transmitter was produced and reportedly placed in service in four years counting tha re-

is believed that persons now responsible lor refinement of the twelve-year plan and the de-velopmeal of supporting yearly plans are less Important figures than those who took part al tbe beginning.ewer Central Commit-tee members appeared lo be taking directrosea In the scientific and techno locks! areas. However, further important nationalon such items as electronics almostwill be made at Ibe top level of the Patty, although the Scientific and TecJinotoflcaican and will oiler advice and originate policy recommendations. For furl heroo important Chinese organisationsand planning scientific research, see Sierraf this MS.

B. Major research and development by field

adio and triirlslon coram tin Irs t

a. Bsaiaocajt -rm radioThe Chineseindustry, although small-scale when compared wrtb that of the west. Is scattered over theIn Peiping. Tientsin. Shanghai, yanking, and other todustrtal cities. More than ISO different models have been developed and now are being produced. Radios are high on the List ofexports and several brands have been offered for sale throughout the world

In tbe field of wire broadcasting, much work Is done by small local units on remodelingreceivers Into mother receivers with aof loudspeakers. Usually dry-cell batteries or kerosene lamp thermoelectric generators are used for power; however, in lateodel6 wire-broadcasting equipment used an animal-powered machine to generate its

Many of China's broadcasting problems wereprobably stillthe aid of lhe USSR, Czechoslovakia. Hungary, and Easlhowever, since the trial manufacture8roupllowatt shortwavethe Chinese bare been able lohigh-power transmittingrial production" or "manufacture" probably Indicates lhat an Item has been turned out by hand and

Cbtna's first frequency-modulationstation began operations at Peiping reii The station broadcastsrequency8eters).

6 rune Shanghai plants In cooperation with the Academy of Science's Institute of Radio Techniques (Wa-hsUu^lenhanghai, trlal-pieducedemiconductor re-

TTils Institute probably gives considerable assistance to Shanghai's thriving radio industry.

b Stxcu siDrJuumAnatl sideband equipment was produced by the Posts and Telecom tnunjcatwns (Helping?)and Materials Plant, rometimejee3hejournal Tten-hswolume no. G,aper describing this device which appears to be based on VS. equipment aod


luuuuraor TUKiXt.a*tiwvn nt-nrxBti

technology. "The authors choose the wideband crystal filter ostein lor both their transmitter and Ibeir receiver, the pass band of the (liter3ilocycles and the currier Ire' quency in thai caseilocycles. Therange ol the transmitters ishe receiverouble conventional superheterodyne, and live Drat and thirdare crystal controlled. Tbe Intermediate fie-quenctes employedilocycles'

c.rm cototvnicatioxpsVery little Is known of Chinese development and production In tha held. Inhe Chinese announced thai radioequipment for jet airplanes had beenReportedly, the quality of the equipment was completelyhtwsedcveloped high frequency communl cations receiver Is shown In

In6 radio commiuucallons equipment used by the Chinese Army reportedly waaChinese in design and manufacture It waa supplemented by limited quantities of early post -World War II Soviet equipment. One source says that the Chinese-made items are usually modt-

Bed copies Of. equipment It bthat the Chinese armed forces now are using Cnlnese-built equipment based an more modern Sonet and western prototypes.

d6 andhe Chinese-Sonet Commission on SdentlfK-Tech-nlcal Cooperation agreed that tbe Soviets would furnish the Chinese with technical dOcuro enConcerning construct IonelevisionChinese specialists were to visit Sonetand become acquainted with the work of television and audio broadcast stations.

A preliminary plan for the establishmentelevision station and the installation oftransmitter was completed in9 ot7esign unit ot the Sovietof Ccenmiinlcattont- Before the plan waseam from the design unit waa at PeipingShorough study of the locality and for collection of data The plan was to belo the Peiping authorities In

China's first television transmitter wasIn9 and formaloviet experts as wellTelevision Research Section of the RadioDepartment, Tsinghuaeiping, and the BroadcastResearch Institute (Kaanp-poPeiping Broadcasting

Equipment and Materials Plant In the trialof thr transmit leillowalt transmitter operates with the videomegacycle bandwidth, and UN audioJ5 megacycles. The sunning rasterines.

The Radio Department of tbe Cheng-lu Posts and Telecommunications Engineering OllVel (CA'rno-iii Ya-tUn-ftaun Kung-cWmgh'eng-iu. reportedly was scheduled to set up an experimental television center and atari

KMuunt Del According lo Ihc

Chinese. the department na lo become one o( the nation's research centers foi ihe studyroblems. elccUutnacnellsni, andtheory Nettlingnown o* If-iS project.

Atcaedlng U.Ultesc. InTifl the Przpit

audience used (rsmnon rxwmi msde ic iheUnioa acJrrwn kU haKw.Ount ds*isopsd aad natx-ifacturtd- China's Aral tats vision iwnw wis manufactured by the TientsinPiantTsmtsin. Thii tetoviet-made mel>et were used al Ihe flm ttyout of Um Pelping transmitter on.

A number of ji Lanta uiv now concerned with Iclcnnon received One of Ihe largest is Ihc Shanghai Bionriiostlng Equipment and Materials Plant (popularly known a> Ui* Shanghai Radio Plant) (Sftanff-hoi Jfuanu-po Ca'Mfafn mld-lDM tne plani reportedly bad completed the lest manufacture of two Shanghai brandtube television arts The plant re-pjnMIy plans lo leal produce popular model lelc-vfcjjonolor televisionrojector-typei art.ombination leiensan.pUyct. radio, ana rocoedinc art In late1M> DMand mat ihe ptani badUS serial ptoducUon of tbe It-tune -Shacg hai" brand lelevmcei wt. bulll io lie own sengr-Tbe an could tatem prcsjranM on flit freqism-lies All of IU elecimaUc tubra were made in China, except the picture tubesrystal tubes"

Intbe Shanghai Bolar Eneifly Equipment Manufacturing Plant (Xhang hai Tit-uang-nena Ch'thileh Chih/Mio Ci'iinp) repnrlciliy manufac-turcdKrowave anlennns for the Pelping and Canton television stations According lo theUna waa the Anil time thai microwavewere manufactured in China

P. Other CBRUminliaUiinl

a. Caoan-wsn wnnmrThe Chines* are extending |MMI eflorta on tbe fleidn-meet ana prodtsrtssn offqidpBCBL Accocdlnc to tke Cntnata. tbe am native IS-camnnn equipment wastured by the Shanghai Long Distance Telephone Office tn August Itit Th* equipmentequired onlyays from design Tne equipment1 qjencics of HangarUnhannel cairMc-vave

equipment and uUltase crytlal. namw-bandAll raw materials used were Chinese, and tbe in China. The Posts and TelejCommunlCAaans Shanghai Equipment and Materials Plant aided in Ibe project

ByH channelhad oecnal-manufacturedby the poita and TelecommunicationsReaearch Institute Inannounced thai the country's firstearner-wave erruiprnsit had beenby the Piwl* end Tfifioii amcatEquipment(Tu-

s siSbanghal tore plana include productionCO-CC-channel carrier sets.

b.BlurScmctimc before October ifllB, tbe firs' Cliintw irial-raan-ufacluiehannel micro wai?equipment reportedly was successfullyby the Peals and TrlerorniDunkat>9ns Scl-

entiflc Reeearcb Inslltuto infriM&ijj al Peiplng Th. equipment wasperate tnOO-mcgacyda fre-qaeocj bandead width of SOarabolic antenna at used In less equipment; Use antenna gain ranches as dentets isee Fxcs*

According lo lbs Cblaesw. Use country's flnt set ol dO-channel micruwaie relay equipment was produced by the Posts and Telvcommunicalssni Pelping Equipment and Materials Plant ono-vetituei ISSSays of workrequency rangeand an output poweratts: IheSO I

Some mlcrowaie rrimirli appealshe institute ol Klectroulcs, Chinese Academy ol Sciences, bul details ol this proj^ainlai- i

e. TjitwaiNiiamu nyiimmInpttcc typend rrs*aiiia<lurad by Ibr Posts and TriaaxShangbatd Materials riant Tba structure of thisaiKalt) the ears* aa thatarsaerss HaliteWeal Germany) teleprinter Modelan-formed to lhe main tpecuVellceis (oe lelepctntcr machnes ai approved by the Chinese Loag-Obtance TtlacAananuiiacataaria Cvattal BureauTmhiHn Tiun^rHu) These speei-Ikatnninlandard cedeill be adopted, the machine willper mlnuU. the imigih of the atop pulse will beimes the unit pulse, and the speed of transmission will be BOn using the Model til) lo tiansmll Clilnos* messages, themust convert ihe Chinese characters Into the standard telegraphic code" Aceutdlngestern observer who watched the Modeln Operation, the printing mechanism of lhe machine appeared to be crude, and hr believed it probable that other eompwenta of Uie machine, where more atoll is demanded, were also inferior in qaal-to toe Smsenta: In Novcimswt IMS. tne Matdatry of Pons aad TMatOsaawtWil rations decided to produce Otsrsese-charactet lest printer eo/trenent that would eHrc-mate coding andetailed plan (or producing such equipment was made Dl4 and inn* trial rrianinactura of the equipment waa comparted. Tha equipment Is composed of two units, the perforator andhinese characters Both the perforator and printer am electronically controlled See Fionas*nd lis

Duringfficials of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunicationsisitor that tests Of two new pieces of equipment were then underway al the recently constructed Peiping Posts and Telecommunications building One of the machines allegedlyigllcode numbers into characters; the oUier machine converted hand-written characters Into

To overact* th* problem of irarornlttlns Chinese

rhiwUtri la variouselpctDnmiinlcaUora the ChlKie eunSard TMtgrupbi: Cod* vol de-

to reproof.'. Chinese characlres.> Hiararur.

thelglt coda numbers. The ma-ciiinea were displayed but not In operation.

Chinese development Of far*Unite equiprnenlat areas, as early5 Onhe annoum-ed that (acaimile trlegraprjc aqaBsmcnt for tnnseNitlng Chum* characters. Ota gm of ru atnd an Use nalSOQ. wasompleted on4 aa Ch'ursg-ChTtg and had bees put into eipritao-Btal8 an iisUdeaUtVad type of Chrr-ne rrsade facs.rr.ueapanesehe equipment had the following characters.tars.

Sue of nililnal B

BtllilfneUr-aM* lapr

ulmiiaUi at tianaeaiiiloa cylinder:

LcnEin ol eillniler I

m. lilcl tpreCaBlr

IK revelations perrural Srannlnc numMrt: IS per 1




plttbi*IM "a

CDoiitlOAUni >M lit PM I"

plkh; M number if Manning Unitull-

AitJUrtlEIDI IfUM Of frejoeney virls-

lions In um* r mutta

ut frkiU* Mi^la* units I

Tbe Chinese laismiilc equipmentiUear. nrr frequency modulation type, and Ha structure conlccined tn CciR* CosueJtnfiraJiii ilaadaida

. Ihc Chinese wee*yisra. with aiJcb newspaperthiowghc'jt the country would be abet toiti Hem smiuttane-ousry an tbe day at was announced Furthet data en lacsitaiss transmission of newapapers appeared ta* when lb* Chtaws* announced tbat tbe Perptng Long DistanceBureau reneatly bad Urn! rnanufaC.ured the flnt late] leleiacslmUr art tn China and that In tbe future, tbe Helping People'i Dally aouM be lians-nuued to vaclcua majory I* Le facsimile The Chlnaae claimed that in order toewipaper. ordinary aria had to cover one page Ln eight aectlorj. whereat, the new art could do apage at one time No deacripUoo of Iht new machine was given

Other activity may be concerned with the name device. By July 1USI the Pelping Lung-DUtance TelecommunlcuIIwut Buinuu hadingle narrow frequency-bandaph-facsimile scanning machine. RMearch on facsimilebegan In IBM at thla atme bureau. The re-tearch waa dlrocled toward solving problemA In power sourer* Ibal affect sptchrrciiscU electric mo-tori Pour Improved facsimile machines were being produced In irM en cornpleticei. they were lo be leated bstmenand Tientsin, at thisjlyapanvae lelreornmuriea-boa journal also reported indsratsms ollor far*male puMsshbay. of inthroughout CttEtr.uniM China faeismJcwin be EOJtsbtnsd snVi Xakagawaornutomatic Irpe-onoUIng snaeJUne to print tbe aasne seMMn of Use Peiatfi Oashy tor smuilaneobs nationwideuring tbe spring ofbe Pespaig LceignBtanc* Trie-corEmunicatains Bureau and the Peiplnsj Poets and TeleconunururatansruarcFi lr.-stituU continued the study ol facsunlle liarisrrib-sion of newspapers.

A gieot deal of other rtaearcb on raadmiienderway in China, the mostof which la color transmission in Kovem-bei lOau. Ihe Chirms* announcedactimile telegraph machine foi Iransnusalrm In color had been made- by tho Pelping Vrau. andCollege 'iheolledt-quire* only one scanning and con transmit the various colors directly lo photoarnrJIlve paperto the receiver The machine wasthrough adaptation ol oolur trl* vision prlnciplra. According lo the Chinese. IhisU sample In ronstruciicm and easy toThey seam the trial model was completed Bt aura*aysasptir the scarcity ol ma terials to bwldacrme

d.seranca wavaaunafseersnrjfligof the InUl-

f Iisrlranlca, AS, Bssva essadurted amatate-tiona ot kag-distance nretutfc oenmjnicaUMis. With the sid of Soviet watvguSO* ipecieltrla.two-year and fret-year plans lor researchwere emptied In 1BC4 Chinas* and Soviet waveguide dssnsrtssona. waveguide elements, and methods of measurenenu are now standardoed to facilitate nchange of technical doeiunenta-Uon on the electronic components As one of the norms, an inner diameteraveguide equal


A committee ccenpconl of representatives or the Academy of Sciences, Ministry of Posts and Tele-coromunirauons. Ministry of Rallroadi. ndlo-pro-ductioniesumber of otherwaa created lo dlioct tliool long-dit lance waveguide communication In China. All scientific work Is directed by the "Central(Institute of IMclronlcs') in Pulping, dl-icctty subordinate to the commit lee.

e Titiriiomhere here been IM marked new drrclopmenu in Chlrteae trkpphony inuUdings ol theiprnnnl Plantra*Assen tsenoping, were completed and the most Important equipment badrHJ produ-tue: and luil-eralr produciion of Ibe But auUcnatic lelrfhone switchboards produced In China were Isgan Tbe plant was built with So viet aid. All major vgjltenenl and praddon err-uprnenl were supplied by the USSR During coniirjctaai1 npert* In ceeistmc-Ison lerhntquea.irtallitlon. andwere sent tu auu*.

Telephone equipromt W produced also Ttkphone KqulpmentCA'dBfi In Canton

f. Iowoarnans ueaaacsiThe physicalof the Ionosphere and Ihett effect on rtao-Iromagneitc wave piopngatlon are beingby Uie Ionosphere Division of th* (lcophynl-cal Observatory (Ti-rflVuuanJiiUing-I'aii, Wuhan Biancli ol the Chinese Academy of

ccording lo theet ol Ionospheric stationsn charge ol verticallor measuring lhe heighteflecting layer and Uie degree ud lis wtilsatton. and or studying the ability of the ionising layers to reflectparticle* InI the Chinese announced some success in the development of scalier communications equipment Seef this KIS for related Information.


Very little information is available on Chinese work with this type of equipment. The9 issue of Ts'e-tMno Chih-t'u Hneh-paoOf Oeodetlcs and Cartography) stated that workomestically manufactured airbornehean Imitationovietas conducted at Uie Institute ofand Cartography (TsWsanp Chlh-t'su-ch'ang, Chinese Academy ofThe article describing the unit wasunder the direction of Soviet specialists and was based on both pertinent references and on tlie experience of the Chinese writers.eed for further reaearch.both the Chinese text and Ritssian-lan-guage extract of lhe article specifically refer lo this equipment ashe device would not be considered as such in the United Stales.lhe article refers lo the airborne portionhase-comparison (hyperbolic> na*leat*in system, basically similar to the Britishystem plots the position of Uie carrying aircraft accurately (within severalai

adar other than nastgation aids

interest In radar can be traced back to tne earliest days of the Chinese Communistadar Institute fTlea-taorwas located0 al Hankingonsiderable number of radars supplied byR.ew by Host Germany, the Chineseumber of Japanese. radars. The Chinese also are attemptingor example,radar and meteorological radai. and in- and C. band radar.

The Chinese learned lo maintain various types of radars during the war and afterwards. Inthey probably began to make some radar parts as early1evelopment and production of complete radars probably began6 The earliest known Chinese claim of radar productiontatement ir. the7 issue of Tien-nsiK K'o-hsutfi (Science of Tele-communlcatlons) that -radar for maritime use

and for nationallready had beenA year later, another Chinese source said that radar had been "produced by modem plants."

The first eye-witness report of what may havehinese-made radar occurred In8isitor to Cantonobile radar uoil on displayemonstrator said the radar was built in China. As displayed, the unit consistedcanner mountedow platform trailer and too caravan-type control trucks. All three units were linked by an interrogation of the sourceat frame coveredine wire mesh and measured abouteet long andeet high Tills was mountededestal on which ItThe visitor estimated thatade one revolution every Ave or six seconds. Theof Uie radar scanner caused Uie observer to believe that it might haveummy. The information furnished by this source Is obviously too meager tor identification purposes and. Init is quite possible that the device ma) haveummy. Thereesnbililj that the source was mistaken In describingflatf the frame were parabolic, then tbe entire assembly would be relatedulldozer type of radar reflector: however, lhe source does not mention the preancelpoleaveguide as Integral lo the scanner.

The next radar observed, the Cioss Slot, is the only Chinese developed and produced radar on which reasonably complete data are available This radar was Drat seen8 whenwere obtainedadar installationat Tat-meiite formerly occupiedoviet Tonus radar. Cross Siot consistedut paraboloid antenna mountedower and fedoaxial cableuilding adjacent to the tower. Seehotoindicated lhai the antennaeet longeet high, constructed of screening supported by cither tubular or shaped Structural members mountedotor Pie-dominant signal characteristics of the radar are:

Preaotncy. llfC-MB) roc/a.

IMhr stMlh lerowceod.

Original photographic studies from Tai-incl Shaneight finder at lhe sile. This suggested possible useround controlledsystem; however, subsequent sightings with one exception liave been In coastal locations,robable early-warning surface-search utilisation. If this radar wereround cool rolled Intercept mode, lis probable


ncvsaaia ar rm Smvulu Cdctvii. I

would be Wat than that of Toxxn; in amode. Us capability wouldbat or BittMKiaa.

An overall photographadar developed and maniiracIIIinil In China and used by theCentral MeUorologlca)own in Ficust0 According lo Uic Chinese,ange0 miles).

No rociflrmad intelligenceialiable to show where Chinese tadari wri* decplopcd andCc>risiderabH welghl ran be given, bow-ever, ta the hypothesis that Chinese radars are ananulacturad ai Use Wanting Radio Plant

lAmj CA sag) A njmber of

sourcesmg am ol reaaonsbc? high order have placed radar production al rtankmg. The Institute af aOsetrfsnsts af low Chinese Aeaderrj of Science* reportedly boughtenumeter radars at .Nanking bt addition, the Radarrrrnrtad to be an Nantmg0 may sUl exist, and seme work on special purpoa* tubes such as traveling wave tubaa as conducted at Kan-king Aa for the Banking Radio Plant, two low-grade sources reported radar prodiietlon there: what is known of the plant rnakea radarpossible, and by FtBruary 1MB the porcelain shop of the plant reportedly producedporcelain for parts In CIbm Ireceivers, aviation ladto stations, and Jet

Several other facilities and organliatlons are of interest in connection with the development and production of native Chinese radar. One of them is thecIdeal Industry Plant (Sob-ylng Tiea-pehhanghai In late IBM, in addition to such Items as copper printingand seamless copper tubings, this planttelevision microwave tubing,receiver printer drculls. and radarInadar Bureau, General Ordnance Department, was probably under the Ministry ol National Defense, but no details of Ibe bureau are known.

Inha People's liberation Army-many new weapons which had newer been before exhibited In public" Kaval equipment

shown included Infrared direction finders.the Chinese are capable of developing and manufacturing infrared devices, this particular equipment may have been obtained from thebloc

In recent years, the growth of Chinese worknfrared absorption spectroscopy has beenrapid. At Helping University (Pri-cniaoolplng. monocrysiala reportedly are being grown (or infrared spectroscopic devices, but no details of tlus work are known.


underwater acoustics rosea.reftcenters on the work of Uaof tikeofhinese Academy olTO facilitate this research, at least two "fairly large coastal boats' at Tsmgtooaboratoryarge tank and underwater none generators at Pelping are available.Is aasd to involve the use of quarts crystals, essential for the manufacture of sensitive-transducer* It tt known thatanufacturing cchasounders, one recording type ha vine been developed By th* Yangtsc Water Con-Mi vat ton Committee.

The Chlnew completed their tost largedigital computer earlyhisa copy ol the Sovietasfrom Soviet plans and with Sonetsupport. Seeew other copies nf Soviet models of small digital computers ate available In geoGiaphlcally scattered locations. Among Uieaeopy of Ibeat the Northeast (Polytechnic) Engineering College (Tano-pei {To-k'o-hnKflukden,opy ol the Sovietcomputer (Chinese name ist the Institute of Compulation Tecliniques (Cii-miB CAi-shu yen-cAiu-ioJ In Pelping. Both of these computers were constructed from Soviet plans and with the aid of Sonet specialists. Seendhere are also Sorlcl URAL computera al unknown locations, one Of which may be at the Harbin (Polyteehnico])College (Ha-crh-piK (ToJCo-Aiinpiarbin. These URAL computers were direct imports and, lo dale. Chinesehave mode only minor Improvements upon Soviet work. Development of original Chineseoi included in the present Twelve Year Plan and is unlikely until alter immediate needs ol priority projects have been satisfied


available In the West and Innd

neer* IfcspLay IOC 17

There is cwalderaWe emphasta on appifcatlojis computers in support of proJecU of military iuid economice In China The Peipine University and the Tsinghua Unli-mity have concerned with cwnputer mathematics.

Tdttt. along with Uie Institute of UaUxmaUcf {Shu-havenS. Peiping, hare coop* with the Institute of Computation Tpcn-Lji unu^rUklng development of methods and techniques for computet appUcaUona* Thie work Is just gelling underway and Is still highly dependent onH for support. Mral of Ihe applications repotted to date are typicaland scientific applications such aaaocutlom of problems Arising in connection with construct.Cft of dams ani Scene application of computers punning problems has begun and scene wor* on ntachine translation of Chinese, ia underway. Ttiere are limited indications of military Interest in computers but no specific military applications bare been de-wrlbod-

Ko intelligence la available on ChinesedereioproeDt of electronic counlermetfeurebut auch development is within their enpa* btlittcs One firm report of electronic jamming by tn* Chinese Communists ts knownSM KatlCfialiH Chinese radar tttttensactive jamming from an airborne source forinutes. Jamming evidently originated from eight Chinese Communist aircraft, probably active aboutiles north of (Chlng-even) Kinsmen during the incident. Theinvolved was height rinding andeaser dcfrcCj. search radars. The Chinese Communist aircraft were seen through the. officers at the radar sites stated that jamming definitely occurred and originated from Chinese Cc*mmunlit aircralt, The equipment used may have been either Chinese- orThe Communist Chinese frequently have used chaff,

acuum lubes aod scouts ndueUir devices

acuumr. additionideift ty of ordiriary vacuum cubes, the Chinese claim to have developed and manufactured special tubes such as traveling'wave tubes and magnetrons ProbatHyew of this latter type areat present Ordinary vacuum tubes are baaed principally on foreign prototypes; intubes developed at the Peiping Electron Tube Plant are adapted from Soviet models; those at the Nanking plants from US- types. See.

lusts performed on receiving tubesIn Communfei Chinat the Peiping Electron Tube Plant) show that: a) Internal cleanliness- especially of stem



is usually good; b) despite rather thick and sotnowhat overxncltcd seals* the glasa construe-tion is veryhowing excellent color oi Du' met leads and items; c) the cage assembly is veil supported and positioned vith ample tabs on the elements, Ibe use of rootybdeoum grid wire* should produce tubes with very tow micro phonics and rtuotutnt frequencies; d) grid lateral* of rooiyMriiiim were found In allven those for which. In Western practice, molybdenum would be considered unnecessary; and e) in two tubes, the control grid badmfl cylindrical mandrel forming acontrol surface for presentation to tbecathode This technique of grid forming baa been employed widely for only about live years In the United Slater

Development and production of vacuum tubes at very email units mayart of thevacuum tube indusiry. During1 the Chinese press referredhaofbal facility, theng Vacuum Tube Experimental Plant {Tien-Z'ung Cfttn-Afunf^kvan Shih-ycri-oh'anQ).

No further reference to this facility Is known8hinese broadcast stated that "theElectron Tube Plant of Shanghai, with only nineurned out good quality electron tubes and vacuumigh-grade engineering development would be required beforeacuum tubes could be produced with only nine workers, but such production is feasible. Al* though inefficient by Western standards,ube factory would correspond with the Chinese desire toarge number of very small-scale production units in some technical folds

With respect to more fundamental vacuum tube research, the Institute of Electronics waainn klystrons* magnetrons, and traveling-wave tubes. Reportedly the UisUUite was anxious toam.orn. lubes, (One traveling-wave tube had been produced but the noise Level was tooo other details of this research are known, except that somewere belne encounternl The Institute


ill- I*r



Interested tn makinglor sob-nvUltrrvrtw wave radar, butork had not started

umber ot years, in erotic stuns hare been cccidurtcd a! the Institute Of Electiteiks on tan-out types ol calhodra.tnyllltad newlor koiwao-tur^sun cathode preparation haa beer, round Inuauon. evaoornllon. pcason-lag. secondary etrctronandeharaclrtUlka an laillllilj comparable with those attained In the West

Socie researcn on and production Of vacuum tunes hare Been com ucted at higher education*', institution* since tha early days o( Communis* China. Beginning in 1MT. workraveling -ware tube, beam power tubas, and hydrogen-Oiled thyraticns was Cone at the Flanking

In 1MB, Luer of the cc liege,ook. Sapcr-AipA-fre-gjMKssa Slecfroa Tabs* TO link teaching with scientific research and production, electronic! tubes were among Items turned out by Tautghua University at Helping and by other educational facilities. In addition, small-etale vacuum tube production as well as some imam eh andare probably conducted at the Poping Prole and Telecommunications Collegeeiptng In

luring electronic tubes was established in theSchool of Radio Indusiry for trainingpersonnel to design, improve, maintain, and manufacture the various machines andfor making electronic tubes.

ocnm uinius anato the ChlitM* press snd radio, semiconductor devices and transistors ate now being used widely It is Believed that the Chinese lend to icier la all semiconductor devices asand many of Uie units deacilbed by them as transistors aielimit certainly diodes, which arc much simpler lo manufacture

Tile first Chlnrne work on acmlronduclorand tranitstoiB began about IBM and hat continued wiih increasing emphasis At present at leastacilities aie concerned with' and production In this arid, and there are probably many more. The Institute of Physics with Its laboratory of Seenlronduclors Isost impartant rvaaarch teciWyU) Other fertilises tnctade fdocoUona! fn-sCtutmna such as Pesnwag Universityhe tostitute ofhe Fetping Posts and Tclecornrajnlcwtlon* Researchthe Pelping Electron TUt* Plant, and the North China Radio Rqulpment and Katervala Plant at Petping at*lt.

Progressing from than- early work on copper oiide rectifiers and lead and cadmium sulfide pho-lOCOBdnctora. the Communist Chinese began the exttaction and refining of germaniumhis was followed by Ihe production ofdevices, such as diodes and transistors-8 they were using native materials for theof fairly loige quantities of germanium single crystals and had gained considerableeisence In Ihe extraction and purification ofHecent evidence indicates the successful productionnikty of germanium Iraiuottnrs



- Simmb11!

with frequencies up lo several hundredper second. In Addition, other manufactured semiconductor device* Include photoconductcrs, tf*nnulOTK. photoelectric cells,wait tfiermoeleetrte generators. An example ol aSor>et semiconductor thermoelectric generator is shown In. The device converts Ibc heal energyamp Into electric current used to operate home radioarge number ol such generator-receiver sets nave been produced, it Is reported, and distributed to areas without electric powerrool ofscientific pjogress and aa an effective tooltheir propaganda.

It. Other electronic* components

Minor faculties for manufacturing electronics component* existedumber of Chinese cities before World war If. but volume production of these Items did not begin until1 when the North China Radio Equipment and Mn ItPlant began operations at Poping. Products developed and produced at the plant includeceramic, and mica capacitors: electrolyticcarbon resistors, carbon potentiometers; glaied-wire resistors, ceramic parts; speakers and microphones; electric meters; and selenium rcc-UOers. During Ibe first halfhe plant beganon ctagnetic

In June IPSO, the Chinese announced thatln Radio Equipment and Material* PlantOT Wu-hrtentun Ch'ttfal Ch'angiicrominiaturized ec* ramie dielectric capacitor. "This type ofis made from ferroelectric materialsigh dielectric constant In tubular and disc shapes. Its outer diameter measures onlyillimeter, and Its maximum weight is3 gram, which is only Hi. the weight of the miniature type of ceramic dielectric capacitor that Isroduct of this plant. Its maximummaylcroralcrofarad and it may be used at temperatures fromIOC,elative humidity as high, and at atmospheric pressures upn thef the Chinese claims

' thewy high


instkutsthat during the four-year, the Chinese planned to produce sufficientinstruments (as opposed to precisionso thai Import of these Instruments would no longer be necewary. At the same time, they said lhat research already In progress onfor automatic regulation and remote control would continue but would notfit The overall plan presupposed some specific Items of foreign aid; Bast Germany, for example, was to supply specialised devices for measuring heat.

Although the Chinese claimed In0 to be self-sufficient In Instruments and meters of all kinds, they still are attempting to obtain aof electronics items from the west Some of this equipment may De required to replaceunits; others to be used as prototypes forby the Chinese. The Chinese haw made many claims ot high precision in then* In-


snd meters and such claims ably substantially true.

b. Automatics vicsaPractically tbe only source or Information on automatics and remote control are papers thai appear In the Journal Ttu-tung-huaedited by the Preparatory Committee of the Automation Society of China. Among original Chinese articles published by this journal from7 to9 were paperswith the followingircuit analysis Of the automatic null paint-type operationalused in theomputer built by theof Automation aod Remote Control.Academy of Sciences:5hree-phase power magnetic amplifier, such as isn electromagnetic-typeregulator;ontaetlcas remote signaling systemulse frequency modulatedsystem of Chinese design:analysts of various types of error-delecting and error-correcting receiving circuits reportedly suitable for either systematic or nonsystematJc codes, but not both;implified methods forcomplex parallel and series tettynS) proposed engineering method forrelay circuits; andethod for the synthesis of feedback control systems- All these papers acre written by members of the Institute of Automation and Remote Control {Tmlaiy-hua Chi yuan-eAu-li Ti'co-fiunpelping. except theauthor of this paper was fiom Chkao-tMng University.

C. Significant research and development fa

1lossary of Chineseconcerned with electronics.)

Inttttute of Compulation Technique! (CAi-iuon Ch'i-shuerdirector probably yen P'ei-Unnder the direction of Min Nai-ta. who defected to the Westhe Institute Isto Ihe AS. Moat ot the Chinesefor computer development are concentrated

Hw.iiv ov cniMisk cqumcmct onr.AtiiitaTioKB conckhnid

BfKuUSc Rncurfc IllJiliW

TaV-pira Equlptuit HiU fA'anf-ia'an TYn-

fmlimbji, d'toi-Ui PoksTrtReStnwtftsiw* knilo**tiic

(iVufli i'kuw^jfuii Ouimi Acblivy uf Hcitoeca (Cavuf-li** K'flfwl-iwiJ.


FM Chun Hmiiq TUto


HwbiD IPelyMlilifcwIIin"

Imlilutt of AiAonaUui tiiC Hivioli OMif< ir.wlmv

I'MilHltiW. /fflnf IniOli/tr ef CanfilalKQ ToUmiiuai

il KMciraiBa- (IViovUiiU fn^irii),tfil CxUfWOrI'm-

uMaiUo {fflv-Aiutrilpm. IlMiliAeolVaAPMplfC. tirUttlr i' BLUin 'rnhntfM |ilwa> CAi-iSi in.

WMii-mI.isBjiilpum Bid MtUriitt Plan!

anMkBiilrr if Pali anS TiDommsiciiliuu '. fa-llai fi rtfmtlnsnP!uii (Msa-ctMitCVoafl.





Koth CUu ttvluisUtinb Flint CS.^j-

nVbinWi'id-iiu CViU'aitfullwlKislcrlns tkllfp-

atrMli Plinl If

IVplitfTain rWl irv>-atia| Tlrmr.rYaar).

PapuallaauiPhbiiu PnpUa KM) ouS IWiu-Mia(PsHWa* IV

p-*aa Tan ifw.v



m ihaniiiiiMil iMOva

' >

PVaai aM Tiliaup iiiiiihi Saaao** BeaSpsmMa-

flaa! ira-Ha SSiiujSh CS"aJa'al CSamV BkuillWa rMav. . aa-iua BactrxM TvSadcf IWI iSWfiaj IB. nl rt'akli.

Usuipum (Mmp-uioi'.ioi,

(5tu-sCl'l-Ji'm rA'ufi,

iiil ail ann| Put lJ*ne-

< r> um rviaws"i-

Klidlia.ttaaunl. linnauka>Sava II.aMBal

- IHataWMHans PlaaaSaiil iCh'aafl.

Bada PUMTun-


lag paeBbaiii si uiInuaSu Tainnarp>i

S'aM liin>wl Otllln. Itllnl ttaUbtM of t'pparPlivan. av




this irulltutc. In which IM major achievement to date has been the conttructioo and operaUcnarge higli-spred digitalopy of the Sonet hwk II. Currant activates ue strongly oriented lowaid liainiag ana toward Or* "toping the eJiClt needed lo constructcopies of Sonetalocanssil o( teccn-que* neededse computed in support of Chinese economic and military pecsn-anu is also accented. Currently, no workbeing don* tooriginal models of enmpoien. research ts confined to restudylng accomplishments from Other rountrlei. mostly Soviet. In order to make minor improvements and lo adapt thefor Chinese use Capabilities for making component* for use in computers are Beingand construe lion of several copies ofmodels Including the desmomputers, Is being undertaken. The staff numbersncludingecent graduatesnoie experienced spe-cialim. in addition to AS personnel, tneIncludes people from military, industrial, and educational crganlutlons.

;-r rea-

3ile*Ku Te-huen One* July IMS. DspstfMS ate Ta-yu and Ko Ymg-rtane The institule is suixeduiaie to tae AS Pans for tne estabhahjsuru of the iBsUtute wereid IBM and actualtook place in late iftje or earlyhe Oee-treeurs Section of thenstitute of Physics probably formed the principal basis of the new Institute. The institute has the following scientific departmrnta: transistorave propagation; ultrasonics, elect roacousllcs; electronics Instruments; radio (including satelliteicrowave; chemistry, electron lubes; and electronics. The electronics department as subdivided Into Ave groups oikae-cathode; elec-UOlumlneecence: electron optics, thermonuclear research; and generation of micro- and sub-mM-waves. In sddslion. the institutee wcrbhepa Although lhe total staff of ma insu-tute reportedly numbersoo. there are only SO senior scJensatta

1 Sumatra TrlrerBphlcC> aunbtra. nu-mulni ripnimtsUsos of Chinese characters, lie

Blvm for tlie imu ef thuM wininiiillimi tor

hirocltri art STillible

fasrsftfeVj i'4Vli Tea-cAsa-ee).ay Dmum Ju-wet sinceuburdt-to the AS. this institute was formerly caJed the Ins-Kate lor Applied PhyaKa The majorr latnrsloilre if the intitule ore con-cerned with lomcrmauctoia. metal phytic*,roll! stale JurotiMeic'ice or radiation physics, Hw-trmpeialuie jrtivatcs, magneltsm.ay or specltal analysis (spreUnecopy) Major aclilevemeaU have been In the field of applied wild state physics and metals theserelate to the practical technological problems of electronics and metallurgy. In mid-idol,numbered about MO. ofereworkers andechnicians or laboratory assistants The work of the institute r* of fairly high caliber, but is hindered by lack of equipment and experienced personnel.

Horlh Ckflaa ftaifso realaeaeef and MaitroUWas-swl Wn-AaeaK-oMfj seTavojw jmi are*lant aa* built with East Ocraune Initial plsrn.rg1 aad constructsor. began asinety percent or more of If*for the plant waa twrroshsd by the last Germans Among othei llsms. the) are leporled Inslaliauoru. andO0 poeces of measuilngook and device*0 oidlnary tools. Some of litis maleriel alrneat certainly wasillegally from the West. Altogether.Oerman specialism went to China In connection wlin the plant andhinas* were sent to Cast Germany tor periods rangingH months. Modern larjoreloites are attached to each of the three principal work area* of the plant inthe plantarge central laboratory, which the Bast Oermani eipected to become the center lor Chinese scientific research Inand high-frequency engineering. See.

Pn-otao Klacfroi Toe* Haul3 :suhi-sdinate to theol IsachSM Indastry. fAinngths* plant lhe Bonn* tesested tha Chineselhe site, cc-nstit-ctsng buildarsgx. andmachinery and eqtslpraeal of veryand of the latest type manufactured tube eafaaust ma-

chines appear lo be quit* sopi-laUcated snd the deslgD of the test aquipsnent for retelling tubes above average. The "snow srhlle" rooms at lhe plant indicate some sophistication tn the control of dust in lube aotembly areas The plant em-phaslies productrai nf tungsten andMomenta Tho up-todalo diawlng machines are mud to be capable of malting esliemety thin dements withinome filamentsiameter of only II microns In additionumber oflaboratories for testing chemicals and other maleilaU used tn produc-

lion, the plant include* facilities lor engineering deveMpmcril where foielgn vacuum tubesap tod to Chineae manufacturing conditions When tbe plant opened, one of Its most important functions was to be -eiperunental production of tubes and rq-jipmcnt of manyome of this 'equipment"nown to be transistors. In lateeteasenVaUvc of the plant said thatew research scsentista were actuallyto the plant, awe8 and

Ptiping Paxil and TiUoymnuKGlais Coilegt iPet-ehmaa tfioM ynaa)J.liSl.7iOI.uborainaUor. of this college is unknown but it is probable that the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications has considetable control over its activities.adioire Communications Engineering Department The Radio Communication*consist* of the former Deportment of Tientsin University and additionaltechnical personnelndto that deparUaml by she Ministry ot Prats and Teleco-amonirmUosta. The departmente-merimentalor esactreff) and ton tube amplifying equipment; reed ring, tran* mission; and fundamentals ot radio In addition, research Is done on and courses are held tn the following: electron tubes, tan tubes, electron tube amplifiers, radio receiving equipment,wave broadcasting and antenna engineering, television, radio transmission equipment, and

Posts and rcfecomntonItatlom ScientificImtitutt (TU-ficn tVo-hiurh Yenchai-xO)

The institute probably is subordinate to theDepartment of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications. The institute contains: a) QcoerUncntal Plant, b) Instrument Section; c) long-Distance Telephone Section; d) Municipal Telephone Section; and e) Telegraph Section

Shanghai reiectwun an (col torn Ratarch In&ti-late fShang-hai TUn-tulninstitute is concerned with theapplications or semiconductor devices,communications, and else Ironies. Inhe Institute was lo utilise "present

Southmt Radio roagi-wnflnialt Plant

'HSt-aon iru-As-eH-fien CM'.Ml CAflROJ

facility was constructed with SovietAccording to the Cluocor. Iheplant fsriBHc* Including the maj. building,produirmg buildingbuild-

ings, -oachine plsscesnent. -sates lines, andorpuxBats-n. were baaed corapletelj on tbt zrcat recent Soviet oeaigns Ifeguiserlfig develop-Bient is condJcted hen on capacitors, resistors, ill similar ror-ponrnti

7ii--hsa fainersity (dnsf-haa Ta6 the unlveraty offered courses in electrical machine manufacturing and -ketiieal materials manufac-tuilng. including electiovacuum techniques, courses In signalwins, including radio engineering, weir also held. The Radio Bn-glnccring facultyelevision research section waa organised al the university8 in cooperation with the Academy of Sciences; Il te used for reaearch by facultyThe Radio Bectronlca Department made equ^prnent for industrial television9 tbe unirertty larJwdad anadn ksecirontcs Department, and an AulesnaUr Control Drpertoent

sFa-Aaae en at or-TTt. nesvfThe cAiservatory is subordinate to tlie Wu-han Branch of the AS and Is aim known as the Institute ot UpperPhysics. Among Ihe missions of the obicrv-

cwexch ia upper tttnoifttortt ph) wiro*Uvf rtdu comrrjnxttlfriaicmttilrii three dirtxaccu. loRtupfrrr*ca: AUraptwtk Owi* madav Httwlco,

IM CamK Dtrt-

the physicalot< inMiiajiiini


f) OuUUnd.tig

Cli'JEW fttAttol Dr

MalW. iMUloU o(rxt im MM* mw. immune ComaatUc. Purpt* Mounuin Aetro-

a jinifAj ithirrtiiory to WIT Mwabiro*ptot rvjto obt^iUon ofrorthwi )MT Kn^r, Ukt-UUrt* of Pujiirt At mDtwrttn TtcA^sV*. to ApnibH Mot-

of ma*

lSJMSC tOfdLilit.trwi rilud vuhbiu* ttu


o*l oMtan lxj*oiUtofi+ M


ii<iT*<tor elrtulU, tajtl*

luU ar Phjitoi, Itvf-JT MrrowLptnv> llOtt lo ul IhiM kMn. Of*dvoir afco-drnl lopngtaeoflnc it nraotiljii rrisyt-rfiniv: Jwrtttuta,M1-K. ftontnt puMk^ttoni "AppU-CatiOO of Orfmhrktim As>lUU(.* Ctfrult

ltybi%4 tltiMhrtttt wHtttOB ai

ctii* Tiltrowliii Comrtva-

artx* uo <oooorn^ot *" Idwcatotl Ia rronc* In tmrtj

it [ntuUtiilo of'ttn-mtait.

vnicii wwin ttioitinf ml*jotr^twh(r^

new method! for maklnj quuti -AatoifaiUte cry*UU In 1M1 uiliMd by ChliiOKto

U Mlstv^po^H. lao to iwgBtlat f wit* otolliit TK no)colwU cvmot

flotl. im bwm, uu cn

Ucjcco City. HoTtmyf ItMT Mamtio. ChlnMF

riflf ^clrfbime whichKb**puni ud ;w

JcAdff VFB. oolh ia JtlwX June llfrl.

vm. mttnUr rtHtormi Baud, avu PBfriiw Jtfiio*

.nrrtn ot CKVUk ph^ltC*'f ^tenttflr lnttruwnU Cantor Ifloniwi BcUvvcit io 1


Navy Sz-rstbim:

A'u'!"ny oi

LfcMnfw.frarn IM1 to ABUtant In

Ocjirtarat. Katlonalhvul m, initruetorphyiTtA

D*rocrnal>CfliJni iKd at Wuihi KhiJiCia province.

luh Kiln pitmf-*

Inf ond tt-vlrcintct fitimbv. irtttltuta of Cftaputa*

S, ilncc tl totstbart* of

norr Group. K* Lab*

oratory, NaiKnial Central lihivcriaty. Hinting, from

la, from iWi* Educated

at &Unford UnlwrtUyto China

In IM1 YUHrtIn iW Smte hla return to Chtn* bu ariltrn prvpaj^dlitlc MtUantnU ud eo*

alfiacd on open tetter to Chlnote Mttdenu in tht united

Statet umtrc their return to Chin* Koe-nt rtmrfh rrornaasatr at Phyatoi Dapai-niant. Vol-tYnlty atirrfcrtty.A-Of. and trachiBi LKlfUnt from iMt ta IhU KOipLiyid al Utrrnatlonal itucttOarrnmto ItH. Mtrmbtc; PTiyikraof Ghana.Xi frattfnlty. OraduaU aludvnl al UnlHnltr ofe re ftt hdd on eKreJtrnI aeademip rf-tordUtla

aplttuda foe ratrarah ttkil ftflar MmAfor tht* PhU.

f rfurareh In raaUhart and point- ttMmatA Mraunliin Ulodaa, wi I* ivooanty toard on hlallla-la. IflT.

for convened aatftehiriit of eleelronw

mean* of ft maixietif field. BofrtJ pthMh'uan (MH.ti.-lflWli. Prof Df

natneeMrml hud. Art* PAyrtea Xi*Mv Vita cJiilfm*jiH Canton MunktpaJ CoinmlV-ee,' PcUttClJT Bceaffad DaVrom llnrrardMlartii-nhn. Har-atdrom IMi hrtumr4 to Cbhna In IM* Dean. Unfnan Vrti-mKy tn Cante* frank.o Ian;ar, Cfcaatf etaaa Ua.aararij. tn ffcaAn al IM Policy Dvwotor. 'natftirr of rhyafca. AA jonae'lar1K4 On*tary. tr j

ofj fthiPttj dotnat ant:

ttgbtt eupaJo for hat mvtTf prahc of U5 at-

rifniman tn attvaro thwiNli radar.

rt pmi itioaa, atUaaoloi


WO'lhl/TTIl' Dr -JHyint"Ri: and fttveroaaiet Senior Iruiltuu olt tlrxa HUAp*rHjor tsof tinner ae-alantor -Irvlr ii - 1m< aptiyt,rrvun

Uufht wirw In rleet-^mitifnaUE throry atUnl-verttty of On(on.US. free* Oa3fC*rnia Ihltl-loU ofin 1KB. 1 mftodn

intiyttu, dtretor, lAOOTHtury& EtTtttO'* Deportnwnt of Phyatnt. Pttptn^ittv* at twt 1VM ifrmbtT, tVtcntitV CxcmitUti, In*

*ututo of Phyiiu. AS.4 and mt. Member of

C^plJlaKfvt ofhfoaiitry. and Mathematio. AS. Won Third Olua Xat>NUl fklrnr* Aaard Iron*

Aebdoray of ScKcrCcnT fort*ory of CrysUJ-

Unity *H frorrj hrhto. Vnlvrrdty.

InThird A

Mwt In

Uwry of

KAO Ttntt-ta-B | MmKondtiC-

toe*profoMOT. PhyrTka Deporfjivrit.

U Chlaatf iWl/iWiDirortor. Inouutc of Ktortr^nlra fromtoDtf^rtor ur the TTir<niaaia>ravt(ona aharaaa. Mlntatry a* Poata and Trftfu.unthxan iMa toity XntTvien afTraa*Cinnnlnthe Cn'r-rttr tehaiay aa Uat CUA Ih IIV; aawahrr.iaaaaH of Tt^ua: itVwosMJ. armd on -Jwvtte* for aa lat Al Cfcan* tWUrtiand In IM*it*eaaanaan af Iha SW-fi^tetn fate^tige andaaratin Inaaaflaa* la flat UUixa^cal FOfhadraatinihaht at Ploraaet. Italy, and aaa tha Chiaf Chlnaaa Oelecata Ic Un Jen Saaahha Ofnhrtratrn Coanrtl of IhaN nkm hold

UA Ta-ynProf ttt ftintna; tha iaadUtaipaclaltat tn China Deputy dlrertor.

livutQk otAd, tinea ItoA Dean, echoot

of Knclneorliif, Pelpini Vnlvaniilytatuielatad allh IbtUtste of rhythm Art, fMan abODt lftM torxkf, Hiirftaxial of Ohlnaf Selenllltc Soctellra Chairman, Chir.aftocjety afem-

bar mpArtrnanlTachnloil BctttKea, AS and Chin re*

artr iKodlad In Uhltad Kiatai at L'CLA and Harvard Attdiidad Fc*rth AB Vnm Atwtntlei Ui Ibt Chhll In ItHA Rtaearch:

TANO Ya*thl,chtahlttry andraphy EiuUl-Jto of Phyilca, AS. linof IS6d+

Stiiff. DeporUnfGV ofPrlplnr: tmimaty. tinea lt6e Cxaeutlvit dlrnclor. ChJhA Chftnttdl oo*

OtKy Rwlred PhD fron Cnllfornta ie of

Y4^lvncCccy In JIM. Returad to tThtnb mvia

the IVrond InUrnatlonalfapJiy in SWkhoto. tn+ Reanarehr rrroainf ilaa-e

otwtum tartrate cr>ataia for AdfAitofd tiec^

ironic computen; eryirtal* of aodSum ehk-rlda and lu



72. Air, Ground, and Naval Weapons


aod trends

Communist Chinaa scientific and technical competence Is not adequate tor the native datni and development at modem weapon systems.capabilities in this field are hamperedby tbe lack of adequate facilities snd trained scientific manpower. Moreover, thelacks the capacity to mass produce (oreign-denened systems in sufttcsrnt numbers to meet ils military requirements. The developmentature industrial technology that permits the production of these advanced weaponne o! Uie primary objectives ol Communistleaders today. To attain this goal, Chinese efforts have been and continue to be supported strongly by Soviet assistance.

In air weapons, Communist China is totallyupon the USSR lor advanced fighter and bomber aircraft and for guided mtailea.with practically no aeronautical designthis nation has made some progress Inative capability lo design, develop, and produce low-performance aircraft.experience has boon gained In producing therainer version of this aircraft.

In ground weapons, there Is noing-range armaments research and development program underway in China. Only cote significantmm field reelect launcher, lias shown originality of design and Ihis weapon is now obsolescent.

The Chinese are not doing any significantengineering research but are devoting Iheir meager facilities to solving practical problems and to training personnel. The only Important achievement that might be credited toew class ship, the Shanghai class. This ship, wiih fast patrol-type lines, hasbeen sighted ta toe Chinese Navy. Bearing no resemblance to foreign vessels with tbe same function, its basic hull may bs the result otdesign and devetopment.


9 Ibe Communist of little or nothing In the way Ol science. Since that lime, they have exerted an extensile effort lo correct this situation by reor-Ifaniiing and expending the Academy ol Sciences

IChung-kuoS, Pelping, and improving education. Weapons development by necessity Is bated upon this meager background augmented by assistance from foreign countries, prirnsiniyhe governmentalparticularly in the administration of science and teclinology. has sane similarities with that of the Soviet Union, but control ototehina and the Party is much more dominant In scientific affair*.

Rcacaich applicable lo weapons development is conducted at academy, educational, industrial, and military Institutes (See1 (or aot Chinese Communist orgoniutionswith air, ground, and navalhe military forces and their reaearch organisnUons are subordinate to the Ministry of National(Kito-tangnd the Academy of Sciences to the State Council. The higher educational and major industrial Institutes arc subordinate respectively to the Ministry of Education (Cifcie-yn Pu) and to the various industrial ministries. The ministries are in turn subordinate to the State Council which Is responsible to the Central 'of thel

The (State) Scientific and Technological(X'c-fltufft CAl-sfta Wci-pvan-Aut) ot the State Council, determines the scientific fields ot emphasis In accordance with the overall economic plan. It is rupoeuiblr tor the planning andot Chinese scientific reaearch (see 3 shows the location* i


B, Aircraft weapons L

Chinese capabilities In the development of manned aircraft for military use are confined to those tn the support category, mostly light transports and primary trainers, because of tbe almost nonexistent acre nautical res-arch lac III-

Ues and the acute shortage Of aeronautical sOen-

Al though Communist China has no design and development capability in the tightererlence has been gained Intheighterrainer version ot tha aircraft. In the latter case this assembly process began with the Chinese using Soviet-





(atmc-luiiiumihlU I'lui .la. 1

A-UNm Milai

Oln-f'cn ITaivnwy lOnWrng fn in nV

MiMu/wAlor DniidiielH.cH

odvtrol (riu-uiv-Ua (to.

J'vawiiWi SYeMniuupiai. IwUluM t( EhiUdBntiulHTOtiU


IhiIIuW of Plmwolei (IVit.liwUu'AIVIpne

luuluu MoetuaWil.

Iswrsal ContwUOBMoxuih InnitaU.

MiuMf) ol CamnuBliatiOH

MinMr*EMialra (Clou-ia

MlnUiijXilflnil Dad oh (Alit^ani Fa).

lUmnB luUUU (Vanf-eVua.

Pdxli'tnl Kktrttl FMUri (iVaa^A't*, SfitUit-fiu



Am nil FuW.(SiAlii.


a llirau Ik Isnrailil and Fialm* Vwkha Cmnl lUn aid CwUucUudm SUtJuillkti*.

l'(uln;UBumui lo? UWd and Anuluiv Kepim,mi! LqHqmiaioiiaNKKo ClSaa h* Rh ipbalrtliw aUnfbii.

FrMuit. Daatia Buraau (or Bpnlalirf (ht&tan<iai

la ShlpWlldmi

A-cinlstn (Hu*ukdin

Hup Dtan Itrrltm ol iba MIii'bSij ofOmmt-Ki

Tiwiui Bwili Inninja- P'lpiiif.

t fot technical More, fee puU tosghtet aitcrall. and for training In the fas flOUnr. and operatnn at iheac alraafl

In lhe bcenbet fkMd. Coatinunlita-UKy aepenJeni on tnehinese npaUl-Ity doe* no4 eslend bsyresd thet of ancmbly at Sonet cesaspossents. aadne da iikuenonl of tosHber sJicrsn Is taaesed beyond peeosssl capaeUiUesof Ibe shortage of setf mens. sKOisd worBm

OeroJl. IInat Curruaiinial ChinatackeClanned program ofIts own natue issronautKal eepabuibea, starting with the low-performance, relalixly uropl* support and trainer-type aircraft

l aisiiAnoii or Chsmssc

raiuiufa.'lurediclusi'i'.v. today It appears lhat all parts of the trainerexcept possibly tbere beingIn Communist China. There at evidence that the Communist Cnlnese are producingype aircraft; It Is believed the activity rs confined primarily to assembly ofcomponents, although the Chinese are probably capable of producing some airframe parts forevertheless, It Is fell that the Chinese are still dependingarge extent an

Planning and control of the Chineseresearch and devejOpmenl program followlines laid down by the Party and generally supervised by lbs (State) Scientific andCommission, particularly its AviationThe ministry primarily concerned Is the First Ministry of Machine Building, probably.Ill coordination Mth the Ministry of NationalPrincipal substantive support in planning is provided by Ihe Institute of Mechanics Ot the Academy ol Sciences.

Tne Chinese Communist had almost notalent or facilitiesince thaiew basic research organisations, schools, and product!oo facilities lor aeronautical systems



Molai- KLck Booth lortl -i-

Miun (ll'IB'S-Ytimy. filarial AviiiHu Itiiiniia Cothai-


ccki* tUDtrtl; laiU'.uu ol EVrlraln. (utltus*Htctujifo;ffplcn Ailitri Fmvkj, TrWn Botvid luiiluu.

Smus-iin.y; UUral CuobuvlinnlUUHr tar EUpliuUBO.

H'M'SHnj Calm-.

Deen rata Wished anil developed Theot the aeronauticalesignedls Won personnel such as airplaneengineers, engine design engineers, and In-slrurnent design engineers, combine formalsrlth design and limited production.sow-performance aircraft based on Sonet de-have been produced at these The most important aeronautical schools are theAeronautical College {PO-chingpmg. the NorthwestCollege (rffl-petlan. the Shen-yong Aviation Engineering College, Mukden, and the Nanking Aviation College,

'il 1!




research is conductedfcy Institute! under the AS inch aa the Institute of Mechanics Applied aaroruwtScBL work, other thaa Ihat dona in the aarcnautlcalimited to the production ofcan* Of theeodMCing these ancrafi areircsfi factory fPtl*m CA'aaot. Pespcog. Sben-yarig Aircraft Pactoryft*/Mukden, and the Nan-rnatig Aitcrafl Factoryenfan-chang

ebrarch and development by IIrid

capability for aerodynamic reaearch la very limited: the only major facility for Ihlaha Institute oftn Pelping Dt Chlen llsueh-een. who supervises th* Institute, la an internationally rccogntard autborlly in the needs of anodynasn-iea.oo. and automata- control. Dr. Chlen and other Amerlean-uticaled scientists atucleus of scwr.ucc talentof adianoed oteoCyneirJe rwsaeJCh when they are provided with salUbse facilities andSupport There is evsflence Irons piibUshes works, however, that considerable attention has beanto malhematlral research connrcteS with scaring pireilrm* In fluid mechanics, aero-dyramlcs. and supersonic flight, li-th tinsand the Prlpsnf Aeronautical College now have small. low-spcsd Bindperation.

A small amount of aerodynamics research also Is conducted at the technical Institutes Inwith thehere are few test facUitles aueh as wind tunnels and no outstanding; reaearch has been reported in this Held

b Sl*UCTUTtU aswaaitctlThe Chinese are dolne; very little work In structures Someresearch, hnwevei. has been applied to prooUms of the deformation of thin shells and to the theory o( plasticity.

c_ atsraauia assitacaoruhJerablc work tt being done In tbe nevaksprncnt. production, and acplxatson of both ferrous and nonfarrousThere Is little swMssaca.hat thisirectly applicable lo aircraft (wvesep-rnent- with iheof aluminum, the mi-lartsls foe the production of hlsrh pertoetnaneeand other alt weapons are not generallyid china Tba Bovtet Union Is the prane Hrrg*lf of maleiiels to China, but manyare furnished onlyimited scale An Aviation Materials Heararch Institute hashe Plrst Ministryng, but little Is:

The Cluneaeery limited si*lily tofuel- and oil-resistant lubbeis. moderately high temperature silicone rubbers, and -tasa-Roer reinforced plastic*.

d. Aircoati imvsMimsMrThe Chinese haie tho capability lo ttmlgn and produce lowBlrciBfl In limited quantities. The design of modem military aircraft la not within tha ca-pabiiiiy of the Chlnoav at thb time, bul Sovlet-detlgnecl bom tiers could be assembled. Soviet Agbters and transports have been produced; trainers and low-performance transports, similar in design to other bloc aircraft, have also been produced by tne Chlnrae

Among tne more important aircraft produced in China are thend MIOighters, reportedly produced at the Shenyang Aircraft Factory (theeing phased out for thehe BtwteS diagniflransport, al the Man-cnsnc Aircran Pactory: and the TAX-IB trainer, at ihe Petpcng Aircraft Factory (seen addlUon. light ancraft have bras bull atilan. and the Fetpeng Assxetauts-cal Couegeaup-ana, the nysngKo. I

r. Amcesrr raorvLSio* Aircraft gasenginerasently only in the formative stage In China Although assembly of Sovietndype engines has been underway for some time, there Is no evidence that the Chinese Have conducted any research andto Improve engine perloimance.

i ADicsurrittle evl. thatngaging In research and dc-Of aire rait armament. Production of ammunition and machine guns nas been reported, but there is no evidence of research and Orvelop-of airborne Are control or bombing



m Fvrnnj Dtjaocw No- I

teim (For InforrnaUon onair mUallW

utstanding personalities

CHTEHfiime or Uie world'! . PlrorUu. losUtate of

9 toffiTpf iv-

truthi ut>oriwrv

from 1H4i^bijf1

iwiJiwj froa lfe4 |> netartwd te Cattt*

leas liBamkjw. Decwjfa mn^oow CwwaawTr. aad

Hii^*rr-4ittt. as. ilnca lW>iF btM| Drnimtc*rmaffilc tJUft*

UiCTWiiit/ of rkt#iw* and Technolofj Chalraait, All-

CbXm AuIobmUob Bottoty Awarord AS

pfr* of ic co* >uan ta latv? for hai work tm trttfn'+rtzif. tjtmum CJaVti hai net pMtk^ted ta aa*aaawneawa Mleau awe*tttpt

tol*a Meatbei, Oifawee

Ketfivrd m# rh.u. fmmh-onber.cum Lrni*Vt in IHO. Receanh Ln Jet and

SutttrVrtint rceiirrh end develupmcnt

ItuUtttU Of MtthotiiCI <tl hikfrfj

Ch'lm Iteueti^en Knee Jvund-of Iht btttftote la IMA. Variant QMMi Oftttc are Institute of Djxavxec* and liv dilute or ICinetxa. Tiw oft of the Institute of Malhematfca until*eubordlnatc to the Department ofnd CTvcmutry of ibe Chinese Academy of Sciences Major group* or the instituteMiCPfrwO vith hyai^riuAuct, elasticity, com-buitxei icheraiemi dual d)C4>.

ical ijTiaJftfea. ptaattUt theory, and Opefatxr.*

. reeAateh vtmU4 inctule

both thtonUttl problem* of rwrnanLca and.Tcjetuti) on pmrmlyon and guided fipwlflc areaa ofarejt-(Wand Omaiahere iwponeniy ti

done mt lbe nqueet of Ihe lliojsirrniv* The: taaUtuleit engaccd attttely ta tnWanf meudprneril In-dude* two small wind tunnels, suitable onlniy for.Li* instruction or students aad ror lowepced ai'fudj namjc studied.

Potptnu AtTOTtOuticol Cotlep*

t'*np Nrutti yuan).WuwiB Toe coOnje.after the aenaeow LiaUlocceauied1 III pel rary ftaWtM tt the training of it^oU ai aeto-lauUcal engineering andngxe drtgn. rtiare ere about JCO giudtintps each Umi The college alioheoreticalour-engine >et aircraft waa designed bj Ihe faculty and students here aod improve trn-uU In ihe deafenet engine haee teen nadw. In Mt. law mrbect inanufartttfsd thegtitne tranepcet- Tne school her an East Oerman wind tunneleported speed oi atach IS

tniOV Ftl-TUanpbJ*.Va. iix<lalian* to iiCi^Taainlra and flalflBlc* Viceand proftwir

vcr-itr. dein.Mrmiwr.ofQiloeee Phytic* ftjcietrchaif(Hanrnvniinee rtixen mi ueied t

TtiniliuM VnfecetSt?. prafewr or IhureLI^I

Ifff at decree ta ifM >uvdto

reai OtiMnaiy ef CWofQ PUD frwa* -im ofiaiofy <CtT>. Weraad

f llifodtire *on iffwirrti Nliev at >rr mt-ffar rxotm reltow et cirt he waa lo reaearch or* afirnft eerrted tot-

l*4l. aiooc 1MK hei trrnvr^ed tKUoWTtty

l poTOealtivntif*

mm tcaaj (Waadrvta -ac^ittna1 tVataianlmn.IVDIOK Ba-

a 'fanatics; Cveiaiiitlea* fjaea; lam

HO TlAfjHnilrnetalruTfltl of iKCkl nnown for vuft onrk> Uan Depvty dlre<VUrt liitUtute of UrUU Mutton, ilnoc LkM PluWwpJI. nvjtoct Pepwrtwrtawaeawf. fiw atIKW4 Ur

aratveawtwa. uias five vwt iarricum aad

OtabVtallp of QOnfcrltT. Srf,of ewe*** rcrmer.j* voikfdwitotlflc irvwarrh projccU. endWi hare don*rwrhtht- * i^

iefw aiectaft and1 rwtlet pirtj'

Kititfud totfwa. VMtedhine*it^u^ tp*c

if iiifdaiv liUeriuI ffndr^^eahenfce; (u


LbCTE. for wurfc ew (Bl Ittw-BiLft. laaceatiwr. AS. at

laiatJiaa! tTpirmeej. um ina ffarwely m# Drwnfc Deiw^taMt of* VrkircrtKyp.

M* ftTkltobU




oufiety. and &oc.ety of Electrical xnatriear*. Roeetved

award for research on design and heat atistltle* of cat

loi-blm*. Mtaaber of tneeoinUnr. *rvd Tach*

noioricaltolasi. one member or Uk Ctdnese DrkfaUor. to Hwci4 for official hacnMntlnn on Chum's Ta^lee-Year Plan [toctctt

seenruUTd: tvada itW apotkaalo to alt

pf hydjoeaxhooair

C. Ciuidrri missiles -ind sp^iT


Tbe Chinese are believed to be In the theoretical or early piuming stage*issile and opaCfl program but there are no indications oftenting* or production. The country Lacks the experienced texhnlcal personnel and expert* mental facilities to design and develop native


missile systemspenOcrra upon Ibo TXSS.R. for lechnica! and logtsUe support Int&Hie capability. Is continuing. Tho extent of tht* support la not known Bo-pom of political and military abetment*the UJUi.R. and Communist China, the voluminous data received6 regarding ahipmenU of Sorlet guided mlasOes to Chinas arid purported Soviet aid In building guided missile launching sites Uirotutbout China, ordusarlly would Indicate extensive support: however,evidence applied onJy to tbe presence ofir-to-air

Although Uiero is do evidence of directbloc assistance In rocketry and guided-tni> die research, assistance is being provided inscientific and technical Heads. The Soviets have furnished machine tools, electronic*and testing equipment, rubber and plastic and metallurgical production and testing equipmenU Completed electronic equipmentby tbe. Includes radar.

Liltie Is known of the Chinese organixaUcci for research and development of guided mlxiilns. rt is believed that guided missile dfrvrtoproeot Is conducted by the same parent organisationsaerod>*nanrJc vehicle development, the main difference being the specific institutes and factories at which tho work Is done- The main institutes associated with guided mlssUecould be the Institute- of Automation and Remote ControlhiVao-fsunp 7en*ehm^o) at Peiping. and the In* stitute of Mechanics at Peiping, Some develop* merit arid production work could be done at the Automobile Plantrid Chl-ch'chlang*chtui

by field

There is nnuaii) qo evidence of Chinese research and development related to mtailJo guidance and control OneIndicates some theoretical research related to the self guidance of air-to-airto pure pursuit attacks which could be applicable to interceptor-launched mlssilcs. Whiie tbe Institute of fiiectroeuca (Tten-fru-ArueA Ytnchiti to) Peiping, of tbe AS appear* to have physical facilities to undertake weapon guidance development, and individuals with tho necessary knowledge of fundamentals, there Is nothat It has undertaken weapon guidance de vclo-joients.

The Chinese have onlybegun rocket propulsion research andand currently depend heavily onsupport fromreportedly started4 at theArsenal, which was initiallym bazooka shells.

It has been reportedhinese-produced short-range ungulded rocket has beentest fired, as have some atmosphericpractice seems louild up Chinese capability for the development of rocket propulsion units to meet future requirements* with dependence for the present on. for complete deigns of small rockets and perhaps direct shipments of murnwdtato sis* rockets. At tots time, there Is no evidence of Chinese capability In propulsion for anything larger than on unguided tactical rocket. Emphasis reportedly has been on tbesolid propetiant sysTemi

Seenweapons of this NIS.

ct Wakhxads axo pvzxsDuonnallonresearch and development on warheads and fusing is very limited. One report indicates that the Technical Research Department of the Ministry of Naturuu Defense has done researchhotoelectric fuse which incorporates safe separation and self-destruction features* Report-




cdry, tbe fine is to br moss produced, but itslbative manufacturing capabUily existsmm projeo* -lies and proximity fuzes Warheads of thisespeciallyalso be applicable toissile development. There Is anreport that the Chinese have modified andoviet warhead and proximity fuze possible associatedtirtsce-lo-air missile. For informs tkm on nuclear weapons, seef this NIS.

and development facilities

The following facilities may be associated with Lhe guIdH miwic program.

Jiufiruie ot Automation ami fte-nofe Control [Tnt-faUS^eaVi Chiu il Ti'uo (jujuj yew-sftttMO). Chlen Wci-chang:

'tl^ A'. iii.LMr

m IW*> It has departments ofnutomation Systems, and Computers for control purposes

/uftfaie of JTiecfrow*ftTom* riuvso),JEu Te-buaa smceThe Institute is subordinate to the AS. It haw Use floiJcrenag arSmUfV departxnenurmav nstor flectroclcs-e pfopagatson.ltra-PStska.lectroacouetsci. I> eJertrosttcs mstru-naU;adio (Including satelliteicrowave, t) themutry. t) eiectton tubes,tae^rosuca In addrtiosy inert am fitc worashona Although the total ataJI of tnereportedly numbers about MDO, there are anly SO senior scientists Individuals at the In* Ktltute are believed capable of conducting research Dei mlssur guidance and control.


ItxtUtttU of MiKlunk* fleem aircraft weapons of thtt NIS

n lass, vire prtitccnt, Tvlnghua

ly. from ins untu IR4tth thb

mUitralt? itneeDeputy director. Instltate of Mechanics, from at4 until lOSfi. Member, in-fftitute orcademy orn

and Member. ftetrtUrist. AS. in IflM Atactic ffaergy UttttaaUonS. Dtpaitmimt

ot Pnyttes. MathemiUca end Chemistry. AS: Science

Dtrttocnent CnmmSnlon; and Hoard or Director* of

ofrjoo by AS ton IfCf be wi

lo Poibh Aeadwar of Ffcheim a Canada

lint and poJUlrsJ ronrtrrmfu. ItwIndU *nd Burns*heUM4J. Fofendelgiumermany

JW). Labeled as ft rt<ntt*lportion* at

a mutt of th* nrttflraUoa mew&eol In

tesrcQ; automation, dynamics, and Jet propulsion: tat* won. numerical analytic, and ctstUcity.2

i > Ground


China has done practically no research andwork on ground weapons andbut has been content to Import and produce Soviet materiel of proven capability. Tne need to renovate and expand the country's arsenal xys-tern and to increaseapacity for tbeof heavier and more complex weapons has

fort or the armaments Industry.esult,work has been restricted to modifying Soviet materiel to meet local requirements*

Them has been recent evidencehinese dc* sire toong-range armamentsand development program: boirm, there Is as yet no concrete evidence of tbe program's Implementation, nor an Indvratson or its exact


When the Chinese CommunUts assumed powerieyizeable arsenal system that bad been established partly by the Chinese Nationalists and portly by tbe Japanesecapabilities, however, were limited t

email arms, mountain artillery, and ammunition. During the next decode, the efforts of thoindustry were directed toward making the country seH-oufflctent in convent tonal weapons productioa by enlarging and re-equipping thesystem with Soviet old and by expanding Uie range of production.

The aspiration to achievetnweapons haa not been fully realised, the production of heavy artillery and the more complex ordnance equipment remains beyond Chi-


There is as yet no concrete attempt to implement research and development such i

Sonet-Chinese cooperation on projects or whether lhe Chinese desire autonomy In armament design Since the Sovtct Union has supplied China with modern conventional aims of post-World War TI design, it is doubtful whether on extensivearmament research program is

The Academy of Scsenoos and its subordinate Institutes willajor role In theof any annamenta reaearch program- Re-

Ainxchm*xji IfroQ

Major research and

Only one sumincant

search and development work. wfrm it occur*,would bo undertaken boin In lbealt and in those institute* under the academy's Department of Mathematics. Physics, and Chcnv &uy. and Department of Technical Science.

by Mold

Chinesex field rocketshown ottgtnailty of design, and thisow ObvlescenL All landmines, small sums, artillery pieces, antiaircraft weapons,and armored vehicles, and other coenbat equipment which are presently produced are of Soviet design, and Chines iunoratfoiu hare been limited to ml-

t. Signl&cont research and development facilities an infant capability resting primarily on Soviet technical assistance and advice. It ts mosthowwr. tlial the Chinese are teaming by constructing modem marine propulsion plants and modern types of shtpg. such as Rigalass submarines, and Kron-stodt class subchasers. Capabilities of the na* Hon for research and development are rising and although available Informs Won Is confusing and scarce, plans for expansion ore many and Impos-

At best, the fueoliUes within the couniry are ^adequate by any standards. Theprobtem. however. Its tbe shortage ofpersonnel. Virtually all the progress made to dote can be attributed to the advice andor some of the Soviet Unions moat ableand scientists.

addition to tlie Institute* listed below, the Chinese arsenals also would play an Important role in any armament research and development program.isting of Chinese Communistc Custtyx VI.ubsection G. Arms and Ammumtion-

Jnsftftffr of Etot'Omectt&niOt {CM-hzith Tien-Chiocution uvifcnovn Sources hove linked this organisation directly to weapons research and developinent, but detsils concerning its functions and internal structure are lacking* Subordination of the Institute Is unknown; this institute or other institutes of similar name have been reported subordinate to tbe Ministry ofDefense; to tbe Department of Technical Science of lbe AS; and to lbe First Ministry of Machine Bulldmg {Ttt ChiJistth Kung-ytJit is not clear wltethcr these units are oiw.

/nrenvaJ CombutXion Engtne Rev&ireh fusf*-rare.Institute has conductedresearch on dlcscl and gasoline engines.

Afof or- Vehicle Arseorch /nsfrfafc,work on gene ml-purposeis underway.

Tractor Rertorcit ItiyUtkU,types of tractors and tnctr components have been de-

li. Naval weapons

apabilities and trends

China ranks well above its Far Easternexcept Japan, in tbe capability for research and development of naval weapons, although suchtill far below that of leading West-era nations. At this tune Chineselearly discernible only In the ship and power-plant aspects or naval weapons systems. This is

Priorhina had practically no research iaciilties and very few technical personnelin the field or shipbuilding and naval weapons. About this time, however, an agreement with. was mode under which tbe Chinese were furnished technical help and prefabricated com' ponentsof naval msefc

Concurrently with the start or the Snvict aidepartment of shipbuilding wasat ChJ&cH'ung University (Cfcteof'un^ Ta*hanghai,erious effort wasto build research facilities and to trainpersonnel This organization has beenrecently and Is exported to strengthen Chinese research and development capability as It begins to turn out technically educated and qualified perwnncl

Tlw exact pattern of organization of China's naval research facilities, design omces.ot clear.e probably portrays,eneral, the present organizations, their facilities, and functions. The Nmth Bureau or the First Ministry for Machine BuildingxccA Kung-ych Fix Tt-cftru CAa) exertsgovernmental control or ail aspects of ship re* search, design, and construction It is bebevod also to control the operations of the ScientificInstitute for Shipbuilding (ftou-cn'ran K'o-Twitjhhanghai, and theDesign and Construction Office forShanghai Theranch orspecifically concerned with research andof naval weapons Is not known. Many or the activities of the above omccs would beto naval weapon (hull design and ship proratisxm) development; however, in none of the







pan uulatlalunt. and equipment, and wiIIj lhe IccfuilcaJ DM4 Mo aancnroenl erfwith iBMlm can be mademarmUng rrora In* Individual bumui are beac-oa loaint lo In* ScveiiUfk- Reeeucft iBftilutr for Srjptultrtlrgj for trad* aad ot Lrata prMr to Utctr accvptann and aBocalaon of

The lOnuuy of CBeanremla know lo mithe funciioa of all *na-rto* Inspection, loadtuw anuenment, etc. aad toShip Dwtlgn trjtiluV whrae facetiaeptobably the preliminary dmin.ii nf roarcnant and river nufli


Chinese Shipbuilding Engineering lion apparently la very similar tn the- Scientific Technical Society ol the Shipbuilding Industry In Ihehis society of professnnalpeople will facilitate lheine and technical inXormaUon in the shipbuilding industry and willowerful force for standardization in lhe industry.

rfsenreh mid



Fitvil IK*

here tiny mention o( ordnance de-Sign or conitructMn.

Tie Scfentlflc Research Institute lorIs reportedlyecome lhecenter af shipbuilding in China. Established1mall mudcl basin. It tsa sine* expanded rapidly in fadliUsi andFllty percent ol IU activities are levied byCentral LValgo and Conslrucunn Otter (orlrecUy by the Pirn Ministry ol Machine Building: and the remaining are self-

Trie exftct functions of the Central Design and Construction OfTx* lor Shipbuilding are unknown.hit affix are five bureaus believed In be referred lo as Product Design. One bureauu be Uie admlniiUatlv*(or Uie Oltaet four; oneconcerned wild commercial and (Wiing vrajeli. one with special purpose vessels; one with main and auiillary en-

a. Hull msionAlthough Ihe Chinese,in qualifiedre not producingembodyUii; original con In bul Ions lothey are designing ccawial andof their own by appUokDon Of SovietInformaUor. They alao adn'ta all dement work lhajernaiat* the ml modern

practice and lo utilise lhe mostwateiaMor rutstner are bnud-nf plastic bonis

inforced concrete snips lor river service

Hev.rdJirice. propulilun, and wamonon tests currently are being conducled at the model basin of the SdenUrk ftwaith Institute for

There hare boen several lightings of small, high-speed hydrofoil einll in Chinese watts tic-lemal appearance of Uie craft Indicate* that they arc test or experunrnlal boaU It l! likely lhai Ihese ate of Ctunea* dmlyri and cofsllrucuon. acUered by appltraUon of leet dealcb craena

mi*f JJ ^TT^T

A ar* class snip, the Mianrhai class, with fast patroKype Unas, recentlyheft baan no reertnbtance tn suoDar of foreign powers AJIhouch II presents no radical advances in deaken. and more than likely is propelled by fkivivl <levi|^LHl rngmes. the basic hull may have bwci diuagned and developed by the ChfMdc.


Saw ruorLAs in Uic field of hull design, China has made do original ccntnbuiionj; In research on ship propulsion Until recently, there was no needrecision pUnt of greater than several hundred horsepower, and the small engine* constructs were based on foreign design. Most ships presently under construction In Chins are behoved to be propelled by machinery ofdesign and manufacture: however, there is evidence that the Chinese are now applying So riet technical assistance and training tn the"trial manufacture" of dlewl and steammachinery probable of foreign design* Such experience should strengthen their designmints field.

aowAxcaTbere is no indication that China haa any capability for research ment of wrface or

Central Design ond Construction Office for SfttpbvQdtttg, Shanghai^Thss office controls flee design bureaus: Uttie Is known of the functions of two of the bureaus. Scene inform at ton ison tbe foUowtng bureau*,

Tho Products Design Bureau for Commercial and Pishing Vessels Is concerned with the design and associated activities of merchant ships and fuhing Teasels. Recent projects IanO3-ton freighter and an lS.OCKMon tankerunder const ruction- These ships areto be of Soviet design. The. ProductsBureau for Special Purpose Vtesels Is believed to handle detto and associated activities of naval vwieli The new Shanghai class, with fastlines* mayesult of efforts of Chit office. The Products Design Bureau for Main and Auxiliary Engines, Installations, and Equipment controls design and construction of machinery and associated equipment. Present activities tn* elude construction of diescl engineslC horeepowcr. and "trial manufacture" of dlesel en* ginrs up to SfiOO horsepower. Basic designs are believed to be foreign, and the bureau maymerely the assembly of foretgn-aupoltcdparts, Tne bureau also ts concerned with the standardisation Of shJpbuUdlfig equipment.

Chtaa-tun^ Umterstty iChxaa-titngShipbuilding Dpparimenllo Ue patterned after the Leningrad[nstltute inexpanded Among tho fadlittcs arelaboratoriesmall model basin equipped with Qcrman Instrumentation. Tne model basin probably combines LmtrucUon&lwith routine ship resistance and proputtfon Studies The technical qualifications of theare not available, but ilelieved

the near future-Seven CijSc Research Institute for ShtjAmUding

sueh Yen-chlnso),Too Hsi-keng. Tho institute tsnto fourydrodjTiatttlcsa Machine Building Department, aol Technology and Study of Materials,epartment of Kravurtng Instruments. The KyrtrodjTiamJc* Departmentfoot-long) modelavitation tank forresearch, an open maneuvering basin for foterminlng Uie turning characteristicsow-speed wind tunnel. Qualifiedobservers report that the btstrurnenU-tton of these installations Is of litdiiTerentConstructionew. large model basin In the suburbs of Shanghai is planned* but progress to date is unknown. Tne Machine Buitdmgis equipped with test stands for steam engines and diescl engines uporsepower, larger ccuipmcnt is under construction. General projectshe Department of Tech-notagy and study of Material* arc acetyleneconstruction of concrete hulls, fireproofof wood, and the uses of laminated wood. Antiquated facilities and the lac* ottechnical personnel are tampering ail of the institute.



Chairman, prt^Antirirv


loumu Cntnf. Ntoth OctroiPint Mmutry Of Machine ftjUdU*. JW. Deputy Chili.

ShtpbutLtftne (scvoory ddmrnUtoUna. rtnw MuiUuy

ot Mufhtoc Bulldktf. lifit Member. Ftwt CommUlot.

Shartfhot MufUclpet Branch. AO-China PtdcrsttOn of

SotctUliKUi JSM, UfwVp director Heavy

CHIANODeputy OUecuc. SeieaUSfinitjtirte for EfclcbuDdlng.

TAOBcknUco JUinanb IraUtuW tee



73- Atomic Energy

apisabUw mod trend*

anaoderate pevprxTi uMemy for thnuclear cawig) Tor eeo-rxitnc uses, anduiucling basse nixsearTheased primarily on guidance and awlslaiife received from the USSR UUIc known of the mlUtary apptica-lions of the Chinese nutieur energy program.high-ranking Chinese Communist official* have staled that China will be able to produce an atomic bomb In the "noi too dfetantvidence mebcatea that Communist Clrlna Is mif*-mg uramum ore. aud ircenlly it may havtapanUily to produce titanium metalult, Oarnanunsas Chinaetoptar;watllil baa* tn aiotnic enecsry thai would per-snh tbe country io pfrsduea jamiinlil materials tn the future

The Ctuneec Communists have concluded see* era! scientific coopefathxt agreements with tbe USSR and with countries of tbe SovietThe moot significant of these has been tbe Slno-tfovtet Nuclear Energy AgicomcntChina iniumNi ol the Joint In-stitutc tor Nuclrar Kessuich (JTKR) at Dubna. USSR, which Is computed of represent aUre* of the twelve Cotnmunlst bloc countries

Coder the terms oi thefLtwAfvicvCbmmuxusl CUna hasraw arch reactorlectron vottytsseronStateS-mw researcher. cycSoCron are to be constructedScvtmd Five Yearthai

the UiXSjt. would assist in tbe conieructson of two nuclear power stationsach with an electric power capacity of Ifiu row. NoInformation is available; iKrwcvcr, regard* Iru; specific Chinese plans lo procure eitherresearch or power rvoclors

umber of ineuiutaw are conducting rneArch for the Chinese nuclM efiergy program, the precipe: eswaniaatssn is lhe Institute of Atccaic laenrj (Taaa-isw oeapftne Aeaaltfwyof* tCAsa* fcwowatassg. wnjcft uses the research realtor and ryvtotroA reeetred from the USSR tooderate research program.

Tticave constructed the equipment used by the other nuclear research institutes See1 for the locations of atornlr energy research andaeHeilsat underlay In Ccsnmurust Oussol

very little knfcarorJoc is available ceexerning the financial auppLsrt of the iiucamr eiieswj pco-srram. although reports xndxatc that racihttes. such as the lAF. hare sufficient funds toall needed materials and equipment The greaUuX handicap In the nuclear energy program has been the lack of qualified researchAlthough China doesmall core of highly quaisfted ocwTJUsts -moat of whom re-ceeeed their tsasnsng tn tbe United maws United Kmgdosa.rare restricted byduties and training mponsibUities imposed upon them. In order to expand and accelerate the training of additional pfltAonnel, ChinatAbiUhcrl the Chtocen University of Science and Technology {Chungmeh Cfttsha fa-Asel* ping. The country also sends students to theand the saseJbte examines for IrainmsL

L llochgrwad aad eexanieiUM

Prorootmn of science was an announcedOfawsmw after the Cocnmuntsts assumed control or the mainlands believed that nuclenr physics and nuclear energy wereof priority interest. The new regime set up the Chimue Academy of Scksicet*ith IS toy reorgannv inc and ^slsamaUnc the Waassa ansfJtatee or kaboeatoews of taw stataoesarist SLttdnaiankinst and the HsAsccssi Academy ta Piping Ktadear energy studies wereetoeity at the new academy's Institute ot Modern Fhysics, bowevec. the Communists have stated that the research picgiain of this institute did not getuntilhe Chimw Communists looked to the UH SJt lor assistaiice and probably made knoun tlwsr Interest at aearly date. En aUrch ISM lhe Chinese annouaeed their a> tcnixai of asalAC use Sos'Kl Union lor beepet-Keg up an atomic ersergytoo-Sorfct Xuclear Krv-rgy Agreemrn* waa QnaJly creivgpv mated ro Apriln apveroentto one* mode ay Ute dovtei Unkm with several otlwr bloc countries. 0oon thereafter. Cluneae Oirnmiinist




iJ, mi.

nrw'i*ll'.-ll Elidilnfur It. Dm ol Alnnc

turrrt-j. M .NufeMlUiitc I'iimkI)Mumre alUnin iiWUinr. Cbiwl MnlliU. Ii-imm- ^

ii-iimn arU<ii< ,tVhhftlV.

. s! iUioki.ix-Ki niriliciii-BDHAN


{tt'll'S'., ol

Whim. ih'm'K.. ih'll'E.: ilOl NnMAH



i< mtnn* aa until""


(Kmig-thbj; jlTOrN.I.VElU-^rvi HMIior,

hr Wim in nuliiiiB; CiunpB.fcil NvOu rini.n. LIAOHIKa

O Ml'M'K. HSMl'fct Alkiiil ndHiwiW

VIKiO (Wift'N- IEI*JVbj-ln>ut<iuisl Nine





H JflOT, H> f

Ft^Tfkf*Sv*K] AJiyl


s rerxtnat^imw#st

tog IV ftUf hniw. m

v Xartrvr

Ji*!t, IWUi NnmrJ*i. - ifl<*>

in nuclear physics and commenced to Uke nn tht teginnlog*


Junrhe AS was2 fteld*

bt fiiKkir phyvnv Inn*ofeaearch andprogram tn oarmrrtasn miih thotVwl FTr* Tea/ Plan

of nuclear toergy waa designated tho Ant of tho tS broad Heads lo receive cooceriad effort. Ibt priority position of nuclear mercy waa rerm-pruuUcd tn lQSflt wtirn the Twrlv* Year Plan of Science Developmentaa eatablBihtdast* for directing the regime's entire rcaeunrb and developmentnuclear energyeaded the list of theriority Acids lethe plan.

The present nuclear energy reaearchirloprncnt program la controlled ana dimmed by two auun bodaes. Ihe Chinese Af adstny oi aVarncet aad tha HcaraUOc and Technctogkal OwnmiiMtau, See rm aa TVS; wrdch shows tbe ortaniaation of thr nuclear energy pros^am

Tho Cnjnatr Academy ofeat ts the chief organ for march in Cbeninumsl China edly. tht academy docs planning Ui conjunction wilh the Academy of Sciences.nd has received conaideiable assistance In ImptamriiUng Its reeeejch program As of March he acaurmy was believed to be opera linguclear energy laborwlcrlcs. Trie moat important re search tn nuclear energy to eauried out by thr In statute of Atomic Energy (set Psovm ther iitefJUjtst whxh are connected with the nucaewr energy ptocram are taw Inatitate of Ptryvk*etpiag. Iht In-lUtutt of Oeosogy {Ti-ckxh reva-cvWaoj, twipmg the lAStltutt of UalheciAtkacAja-soK a- nd the Institute of(Hua Its&fAS. NrfaTSg


ii nhar

Tne ScietitiAc and TvvhnolorvcaJ Oiinrniaeionmoal powtrfpl organlxatun torrmorch mwas

formed, tn IM by the merger of ther.

tal Coounlaason. It erumres esaavho cnorotnataori of research between the AS and other reaeoreh orgajusatawu Tne crsmmisaioa has concrntrated on expanding and enlarging existing urguiilsaUons, Increasing levurch. and training young sctentlsU in atomic energy.

A broader program of nuclear research was beguri7 The goals of stfttiUfic and norJear policy were clarmed. local reeoureet and rsspwciUCt were surveyed; the iwntaarj rteps were tafcm toward aettmguclear reaearcA organisation; and certain basic researchnce and technology were begun

1 Firumrirtr

PiQittxrMAjriuncff or the is&nrun or Aroutt

A Smo-Sovtot Nucleut tne/H* Aj*icernrnt signed tnproviding (of the tslaollshrnrnttoo-dovtel Camnuasion for -vmntirlr and TectH rjltaJ Crxiperabon CMff IU Uftni. Uv* I'iiSKfii torovide moeavy water etodcraled rtawartJi mdor atthacfcjw.Vliev cyctoaofx and render soenUflt and tarbrtfcti aid to LdkV tag. mwgrpUttf,lKC and ttaitag (be nn-ctear reactor and cyclotron, atscimUflcwj tupply Um* Clilnotesxxs-ante and other raslrnaiithe reactor and tar carrying out NMl In nuclear physics,ram China* Kprctalljrtiuclearbr andupply cViviet ipnctaiuts to work

in Ctnna>

Tin? Soviet research reactor and cyclotron were CoruVwled at tbeodem physics, now th* In* ti lute of Atomic Knergyhen these became operational uiiiH. the Chmaa* CarnmurUst nuclear energy fragrant waaamkraUdceaaartng ato Mokw during thr preccd ywdrnUAc drkgsuon led by Kwreaideni of Ibtaac-&mrttracgrvetnenl covering use yearsiT. was signad. howmt. detain of inn tr^atj &UL are not ttnowfi

The Chlneae Otanrnuruat nuclear researchli alto being aaMited by iu rnerobrrship in Ihr jinh.t TU* countryf the financial ctwl of theum tkorcckvl only by that oi Uie Hovlct Unwn.

There ia uuir information on which lo baseanalysts of Uie ftnancuij; nf lheenergy program; however. severalindicated that, dun Ui IU high pnnrity,to carry on the programIn iwtv) according U> anthe rjArlKlilna.Communist gurrriUTtefil waa toJUP* for theof China'*energy prugram. and liUllexpense* In races* of tha Chin awehowerer. to 1VMh* bM-JtretI AT alone amuuted Al-

ibotACh actualndt turn lor the nuOar re nnanrm. an ahnoat Mold Hale ea^ndltaraa for artenUlV re-ae*rch waa noted between lfS6 andwntka tarjut for rmidi increaaed by one-third orer thai lor 1W7 II ta not unreaaonahleifipart that eipendilurr* tor nuclear energy research were abo alynincanUy inenaaM

anpuwer and training

Chuwoo Oommunlut acWttata are, in large moa&urft,o ilrtaf ant control by theParty. Notablytv China'* tiu-ciear KicntiatN wrui have,reat extent,nd thounht wotioJh and are ^iicn relativeulnllintf their research aaaiaTirnenta. Thay frnorally receive better pay. superior toed, ctothinf quartan, and morehan do KlenUata In other fUUI*

arUcularty. conaiderably increa^'eraphaaki Vaa barn placed on training araen-ttflc pcrsor.nel Thea of the da-pea* CnJfertltj of ttcamor and Technotogy wa* unOVrtaterj to the iriortafe of trawd atlaJJlltk' peraonrtei. and criers traaunf sn nacanar nhyatca andJor^ wiihtner sobjerU. Alao la thai yoar. the AS> risibility for the overall tiainlnc pto-rrmm oftiata Under the trajnitgt pivrjarn of the academy, stuoonti are U> be to the Soviet Union, aa well aa to bloc countries, for training; howevrr, those training programs are to be Limited only to graduate rtudrnt* or to very advanced undergraduateever-Lheleva. the shortage in quantity as uvll asof trained aclenUftc perionnrl prnUU. Con-tcfiucntly, the nuclear energy research institutes

JenoA Chines*

fufreriri. Trie catclftl nin or rxro^ne^

ijiirrmrr ti Ml JXP IOhe rate ifft Jxitimry




peimlittil veiy lllllr selection in Ihe cliwce al graduates

China's plan In picer.ote nuclear science al each or thii couniry'* major universities is becoming Increasingly evident Family ana students al raciuue universities bave built numerous item* of ciui promt uvfui Ui an atomic energy picfiram. men asw. cyclulion si lbe Physicsnf Southwest Normal College Mtl-naa Shtiffonhungking; Ihcyclotron al Tientsin University irkniftwj Ta-/une'il.Uev. induction-electroD ac-cetrjetor at Ute Central OiUia Engineering(if na-cftafjpt'. induction-electron synchrotron at Tslnghua Cni* veisltyine

Dispiw joms progrrat, the nuclear energy pro-gram fluttershortage ot capable actenllsU. and technicians Although the countryore ol highly competent. Western-trainedIn many rnstanotu with olhcr leading acitntiBU throughout thein (arwardUM; Itie nucleara hampered by uUlmng pari al their time la tram other personnel. Moreover, some ot thefc scientists hold several positions slmulianc-ouflly. thus reducing Ihr amount of lime Uiey can devote to research.

B. Major research and dcvdopmenl

The major research and development effort of lbe Chinese Communist nuclear energy program ttitters around Ihe IAE'r two localxitu nearThe facility aboutiles southwest ol Pelping (seeouses theresearch reactor andMcv. cyclotron (we5he reactort-enriched uranium fuel and heavy oster at aand was deHgnedower outputow. (thermallu* ot


if thiB ibis

TO on

eutron* per square centimeter per second. Tbe other limlton, north mat of the walled city of Poping In Ibr university sector. I* concerned mainly with theoretical studies in nuclear phisvi and wt* low energyTwo aecrier-ilm. both bum by tne Canw. areuse al UU* locale,t Mw electrostatic, protonand tbe* Qraal! accelerator. (Saw also Im additional related inlocButMing of ma)or Items eflear research in China, are7


Through the installationthese reactors,ndopportunity haa beenUailling tf youngnd lor doint;in nuclear physios,produciion. and rode hlology.spectrographs, uacd tnlhe reactors and cyclotrons, haveefforts on energy upectrums. nuclearand flsakinnd work on thestructure of light atomic nucleiapparently have dcnMedtoward Uie deveajinnrnT of nackfrOl actors and aaaacaaied electroelca.nurMar nr.uiaoni and good qualitycoin ten hare bean daatgned andaddJUonal work haa been done onand impeoetment Stinr.iiatum charnOera. lisagnatrani.ciclliptieu and apetaaloe enamolu

Of etecUonic nqulpnienl) More recently, thehave been studying mult)-pulse analysers and mllll-microsecond pulae Whitiques, which would imply future woik In Iho rtlaUvely sophU-ticatea JleW oi neuUun Umav'ntght studxs.

tn s

A* TT4lAKtt

rcssiscSM of ft tfopaa In the reactor, snd wun lheof .table isotcprs lain* the too esffsanfe meAItod OU*er A3 iitjuiutc* are conducting itudici on reactor carro-nca prcbieriu. uraruum and thorium chemistry and the separa tion of rajo-carthst was reportedniunitt Chinee* uletiUst* had obtained pure uranium and thoriumaboratory nestlc-

C. Sources and production of basic material*

Little or no uranium mining andery limited amount of prospecting for uraniumwere earned on by the Chinese prior to the Japanese occupation of China Under theprospectingcrraied and some setoal mutmif was donemall scaletcro has mm Arm crWenct of leant

nJ|-ltmWon of Chinese uraniumMarchlno-floriii Nansnd Rare ValnU Company was rMahlithed with headquarters at Uninctii. tor lheand expkrtlatlon of Chinese minerals, include Ing uranium rraouroea In SlnalanK province



unnjmunonutm avtokomohs ukihox



K 1


iif-wk 1

uaoimfo lUit-mrt wtmw


<* >Tu, (h'WN WGVIJ




TMffbll IJ



ores, and unngtectinicaland skilled workers. At Ibis time, it in alto reported thai an ore concentration plant has been constructed. Ihe location of which wasreported lohort distance foutb-noi ol L'rumcht II was further reported at this time, lhat the company wasining and* technological school'o-au basin.

Particularly. increased prospecting activity Baa noted in numerous areas of China. In addition to Slnklang province. Numerousof uranium deposits exist, bul there Is tittle informauon upon which to evaluate them, ITicre appear io be at least five major areas In which lhe occurrence o( uranium lias been confirmed ct li highly probable (see the map.hich shows specific sites within Uieae) Inner Mongolia, particularly tn the vicinity of tne Yellow River (Huong) ManningIn the Hal-eh'eng district;mkiong pro*-Ince, In an area foUowuig In general the trend o( the Tien Shan system:oulh-cenlral China. Including port ol Hunan. Kwangsa and Kwong-lung provinces: and S) Tsuighai previnee In tbe Tsaidam Basin (Ch'ai-la-mu P'en-ti).

Although uranium deposits are known lo exist ot various sties through oat China, very few actual mining sites arc known. The area of greatest uranium potential is believed to bee mining bas been carried out for the past ten years. There were reportedly three mines withiniles ot Pu-yun, and oae of these is said to Paveetric tons ofOre, The Chinese are also believed to be "ticking twn uranium deposits in Lsaomngboth located In the Hai-eh'cng district

Thorium depots ts similarly have been reported at various sites in China, but the most Irtcty areas appear to be In the TaaMam Basin In Tstnghal province. Hsin-bua In Hunan province, and near Pao-l'ou In Inner Mongolia.

Information Is insufficient to permit anestimate of present production ofbut It Is believed that sufficient ores ore mined annually from which several hundred tons of uranium metal pec year can be derived. It is believed that the uranium mined in China Is for supply of lhe Chinese nuclear energy prop am and Is Dot lor shipment to the USSR

i> Prasioriubl* materials

The Chinese Communists probably haveprocessing ores into uranium metal We do not believe that they ore currentlyc plutonium, but facilities lor Ibeof these Isotopes may well be under

The enriched uranium needed to fuel thereactor is supplied by the USSR under the terms of6 Sino-Soviet Kuclear Energy Agreement, and the reactor is capable oionly very small amounts of plutonium. Small quantities Of plutonium,ndn pure form tor research purposes can be obtained from. under lerms of lhe 1m5 agreement.

Application* ol nuclear energy

Inommittee of sevenCommunist scientists formulated plans for wider applications of nuclear energy. Previously. Utile had been accomplished when compared with the rather significant profrm In the years that followed. The application of nuclear energy now extends lo Industrial, agricultural, medical and Olher scientific fields China's first experimental reactor reportedly has produced over SO different radioactive isotopes. Including cobalt sodium phosphorusnd calciumartial list of isotope uses shows that they have been employed In Industry with Chinese-produced gamma-rayfor delecting flaws in machinery; In geology lor radioactive deep well surveyingto detect types of rock and geologicalof strata (seen medicine In radioactive cobalt apparatus (or curing tumors and cancer (secnd In agriculture lo improve fertilization and cultivation of crops.

Directives tor the Second Five Yearo not include nuclear power stations; however.lie Minister for Power declared lhat "atomic power stations would be built"unconfirmed information has indicated lhat lhe Soviet Union will, during lhe Second rive Year Plan, furnish the country with two atomic power stations. There Is no information lothe existence of any nuclear power program in Communist China. Nevertheless.9 the


Chinese Government reportedly was preparing lo recall IU atomic scientists studying in Europe, ex-:tudlnco assist in the building of atomic powurplants In Lan-chou and Pao-t'ou.

development, and

production facilities

Aar Ywvmocerntd with atoense ee*#rfy CAixss* Ufiiwiifs; af JcSracvagy


dcnt: Kuo Mo-/ir whouUi lurtlilAnl of the Chinese Academy nf Bclencaa The univftr-*uy ii under tha jcora conUoJ of thr MmUlrvl^catWi and the AS Itvii ntaUuttfd ba Sep-ten be ftc prorW* ^uanfied sritntbU to start tbe instltulsB oc the AS ft hasie of which Is for nuclear phynct andt lbs original tAfoUmnt totadkd IDC stt> dkmti

i irur!hysics,txunnct* -Head: ProrenorIn accordance with the Twelveforhis unlmsity vas toof the renters for norsnar imrrJ. andbt racparabie withnand ascocnt andmea/che PhjtJc* rfepartrn+nta stnalJ horjiof^titousaximum ne-mu-Hlblef(aten addition to artectxonic staUc electricitya capacityodetafor tbt studypc ptx^eellr*

JVir-aa ^fomlc ra^rfjy rtneare* CrafsrnengiiK-it^.CSYlen San^h'Ung, also director or thejj -i:ocated on the campusraixii of the lAs?anoVr thei the Shcrm branchAranemy of tk>tvm Ttoe ilaJT'"Htfoviet

andbloc acientlsU as advisers TheJointly with Ute Phytic* Department of cn.aa-


Cairn Zntl[>wrnf luliAul*f

* wmmt famnx

CldH Vama/aw T iCl*f^

n KatVKT HMfVlMif fuM in|

: ' IA1^


rkl iliilmjSw mhrftlpha

wU^iH IpHhcjivJ-imi.

t^tlW OqwntfM af tMJ ClStg* <

TlwUn iTttf'lib^lttif JVUtarAL

i^njfcif tv^re^r _ _



linlventty. hu rnanufactuiul an electronx acceleratorn nuuimuni planned capacitya*.

initituu oi nmitoimbMhc),

Dr. dhlli Ju-wW, who received hit training In iht United SUM, and wbo has been identified a* one of China's leading nuclear act enuiu. Subordinate Ic iha Chinese Academy of Sciences, lhe imrttlule oonnrrn* lUelf mainly tilth (laid* auch aa solid luminescence or radlaUon. metal physics, andoUiar subject* ic lavedlcenic energy and applied phyewa.

IntfifWe of. Peepta* Head Dr. Chlco Sen Chiangwaarance SlM-dbate lo the AS. tne nfliuu ecaodocU moat of the research in Communist ffttni la alocue energy (aa*h* tnsUtute uof carrying out advanced research Inf atoeme energya* ample fundi. outstanding aclrnUtli. and tiilBrlcnl equip mcnl. The iniUUile coeiuou tne research done afth Ihe Soviet-supplied TA-IOmw researchandMot cyclotron, bo lb ol which at*tomeiles southwest nt Helping and slightly IbblM wnit-northoest of Lasng-hslang tllhrr equipment In uae at the Institute northwest ol Pelpbif Include* two Van dc OraaR accelerator* (JKov.5arious counters, racuumelation, numerous apecUoscopM and mKroaropca, and other varied measuring Instruments. Although threeu!-Ocleot number ol edeiiUficaily well qualifiedto occupy tha top level poeiUoru wlUiin tha Institute, that*hortage of miflfiempersonnel; however, Improvement should t* noted Tneniversity of Science and Trchnolofly la greatly emphaaittng trainingto nuclear energy and It eapeeted to direct many of Its graduatea into the 1AM andranch Institutes, a* well as into militates Of Um AS Branches of th* UIbeen reported al Slan. Sbeoat provfacs. Lam-choc, Kanau Hoped province: Cfc'mg-tu. Seac&sran pto*-tacc. sod UrumchL SsnkUng pforkaor,are adnsrnirAralreety remuetled by Utr cnereapondlog branchcademy of Science* al tbeae hxstkasa High anargy nuclear physic*la carried outroup ot the Institute'! scletillfU at JINK.

Research at tha IAK haa dealt largafy with the productiondkiIsotope* and atomic energy cqiilpment, with consMcrable rmpluud* on Uieo-rnllcal iramreti Hrwnt work includes aludles of wnaK Interaction twtwui'ii nuclei and elementary particles, and wort on Um development ofpulae techniques. latter work would seem to imply that rulm* work In lhatophi"Heated field of neutron time of nightbe door.

/Mftttife of Geofopy i'S'icAiA Venenruefpmp -Head: llou Te fang The lnsllluta a) Bubordinalc to tha Chinese Academy of Sciences andaboratory totaled in Chang cJiiin. Kifi'i pru-rkie* (had: Yu Ta yuan)l-k> alao amUated wiui th* Mlruairy ef Geology, and currently carries out all the research foe theupport of the numerous geological sureyi being conduetad an Chan*.

of Agtacwttwaff Atomic Snrrgy (raawfsw-anprrayirector Dr Hsu Knac-jewj vh* wm educated aa the United males.gues IKT. lbssV Orr ChSneas Urinaaiy of Agrl'-ittural SrMocea

(dun; Itlbe

kadLng waaarch organ lor (be itudy of applica Uoni Of ladintaotopea and musinggrkculturr. rapnlally In legard ia plant

Pelping VMMttMf IPtiehtnQ Ta-hnthf. Fwr

under lhe and aUi-produced a

pieatdaeit of Ihe university. Chou P'el-yuan. often tdentlQnl as one of China's loading mirliar aclcnllsta lis department* of Pltyilci.

one of the centers lor nuclearr Plan denUev. clectrcclBtlc accelerator.

(i. Outstanding personalities

ciiaho cbn-uva. Dr. (ma/uoi/MWpWt-ks. Rraurrb wStnUrt al tb* 1ABe-Inai slier hsvUft the Dnivcrilty of WashloiKo

andu an ImsrwWr at OcMimns AIM In

heaper in IUS.ptptr deaiiDar wKb Chlneie urooipuihaneni* In Uh am ol raaiosrUva Uolopai In recentorn: Ii October IBli.

i-yn, Dr.HurJiar phj.ia

& dire (let of tbeiince IRS; he baiumber ol ibe KsS of IhoUnoi IBM.he returned lo Ommunnt CBIca from Ihe Halted dtstai Dr. Cbsns nrved siretrarcb professor In atemK snd Uteoreucal phyiics at

1-uMn. unlvtmlr. IBifl-M; vltlUni prolenor In phjity.

PrlMetcri Dntieulty, IMft-U: louarcb aswelaic InrlpciWniD. dnfrve Irem Csoihrldlre Unlnrsltv, VnlFxd Klo<-dom, IPla. Heioleuor ol pbyikt si Hu-(lonal GcuthsHt cuveritty in China. IHi-lS prior lo hit nek la Urn VnUnd aialm Dr. Chse* hsi ceei-oa isdloietlvltr, DBelesr dUlntecrs- ivhcrnBhlc Code HTTCI numbere, no-

cbaracttea. are

ot Um UullvlduaUi t



by faith tpeed pomelo;.ot iuwom with

nullar. and rrumic ray* la JiU itudy onrays*

one research onay*from

esons tn Irod aod Iran. De It the author of na-srfrwm adantliVlQeIud**ngf Beta-dWnCegTAUoRStudy of Shower* Produced in Lead.nd "Purlnvr Result* from

the study of &ca Level Ftixittrttnn tAmtttH Bom:


A ratmber or ibe eticnUflc eotirttll of /IKE. Dubco.

VBBR, tlnce IWT IUeputy director of tbt IAX. witl hat

hen Uie

itil tut* of Trehnoiewy.iehuiftU imillut*xhuuloo'j University of HsJta. Eastand CavenOish Laboratory, Casbrtdfe Author

Of al least tw beofci tiraltov with pctnrlpst* oftfty, he vu credited bye Dr. Robert KUl-tii.

with tic dJseotery of gimma rays produced by the

cettronra>tron throughkj im

t iiraphys-

if* Regarded a* CSmnrcnls*radlEe; nur^ur

phyttr-tit Director, IAE tine* rt* foeepUan In

W ihtportoct ^zfentuvc

China ssir* hen

:tH| fromfter Itavln*h.D. deftice tne Uni-praju ofm. Ke waa Chief of

Dr, Lhki rjfrtHiy hold* aereral potttkru within tbe

emy oT Star note tiKfruirr OfBrti;tlhumftUu and Cbaaaitlry; and VhHI nt the Helta Atomic

Rraeertb Center ot ibr Shecul ttr*nrr> cf thr Academy of iktertceat Although hetliated to hat* Ihvo

aawifnd in luttarrh etuoem Old much rahisbk

rcaaarcb prior lo that Uroe IU* moit important entf ben Knownh# diKufery ot ih* third and fourth nhaara of ewt**tr AmUon Horn, is <Ktobcr

ClIOV ria*yuaiu Dr.

ii*ar* Wr kxaiidnit. PHpific Vntmly an4

t. juuj..itTiifUrMaa Oanfornta Xoitrtute at TMuolocy Is tail. Dr.o Cbjna

wMt hfiaria]

twjWdllwa LpwJrtwatlj. an4 avswiwavet^ at KaUma; BuwOiatH Oaww#a. taaw iv astawM af ttoftMrr rtiaiiaUaa OatnUtaa. aad coa^un

to at waanrrirt itarti-ataveTh-

pr-vt portm af Caww^ fiaawi*.rairlad OO at uaajui af Jbia itiMt^dVjTin Vwt-ntj luir of ltL*aMtiiiisWW laat^twaar Ttwauattwiod af Dtca/ la*ca Aa^raat tfOX

Ksng^yuan- Coaaate ray*ai JIXK Duboa UIIX Ifaau uu IA* Jim al ImaM laMta tbt Unfed Erg Jam prior to bli rvtarn tn (Wunlit Chioa, about

ir*lofrnEti coQfonto& -fvaurod by (ffo*

lw nd 'Anra^u &tftrlbullon Of tbe

Decay Predwu of tbo at Ocert <onomtr*loiJ on the CKkrtroo at

the 1AB- wtth wbkb ba ba* twntot ItSd,

In tbt rjziltrd fllatat,vorlttnff and tt4jilyTnf

at Um California InsUtute ofnd at UniTvriltv ttatatttuanlly. Ita aac-

fOfd rjQire^y. bpcatne on matrurtoc at thn Unri-jnliy efa. aad (InUIy auuOMd tbe poatUon of

lerbnioaltlh the Ar^Mim* Cancar li^iUi at tba Ltainrtity ot chato until bli return to China. Two of hi*ubbjhed in It&t, were eobikd;

ew WUtod nf ttwn xxtraetlon. for tltt Kkctro^

Mlf King. Dr Current of the Scientific Oowetl of jink dt Ku

afflluitad wllii tbe IAE, aa aril aa tentne

In the Ipepaftment of PhytJc* at relptnr tore Iteo. Prtor to hu return to

munlit Chinawaa on thaof the

Xr. Lvpartmrot of rhyaMi.nd did (WtxUili aork at the Cutltutr of rhrtxcttfol Phyiloi^ Coptnhaten prw to

tM6 Dr. Ku nwatiwd bit dafree lai of TerhncJofy in done Teteareh at trie tntlilule for Ad.vKi-d

Stud tei. Prlrvtaton Htare altUtledthe iV^iuJ-^l* owr*Latum la laotroplc TumVrixer anfl 'X QuntbU MecharJcat ITteotymuKutfUratU-tii aTi.Produeiion of afaMta by IfHhilTiiioruv*url her lataaUffailna aneauia in Mftfx Thaary * atora Jaavtjajys

ffUAl^ll>nj^Drlaati-aaafiatnt^a. Coin-Bsatbt CMr-j! laatbr^aU'ar<f

af Ibe lauvarat of atai>awi-Uri af tbe 4taaeawy of

temem aaw tat. Ikw ItaA be baaTf* tha DafMeaafit af Ptiyate* ibthRatj^ txd GJraUrrr of| aaA cf the preparatory eaawaMUt* IW tba wil fcftnehment of the aeadfWdi'i ln*LW*m of Computation TKhnKura

Dr Hua haaumawr af unfortaot wdaailBE

post] after rmlvinej hla DA- from CUbridge Ud-reriaty Ma* ikata lauanh at the Institute of Ad* vaniTedrlaaaton; and haaa* prufwurtipartrnaai af Meke of the Unl*eratiy

or llltnou prior to ItOJ. In ia,a. after bie ralum to

China. ImUrtuibrjr of Uve LwUtbtenattral and PhyilcaT OfiWivra Otoup of Iha All, tiottl llriO. when he bream* profaiur nf pti^trci al RationalUnlrtfiOly Reaearrb pintr*n im in. rlodrnnfvnwnt TliiKeem In Spare Pormlne by

HiaiTjatiypatal Fuira in the Thcorr oj

of Srrwal CoinAltae rwi*ed In liM frowi iha AS fur tb* laat tweb etlod

IPOO ta tarty latt ae^watewn of bli reaearrb

were puMlabed Oern abort Iffia,aal Dr. tyaVc* Of aueUX

anaattr of tbawjSaabl of been tbeaf Phrtata ttneeand tbe

bjSattwti at xstaCorD tad Ceraawirn. atnat tfeov af Lhe AS the rati avpvty 4wotlar af the lauer Cba^trnV inAlao haar*tiRed with the BelentllU CcERifttoe of the Ineiltuie ot MHaUf tbe Aeademy af Arttneea.hrofessor atUnitaiiliy Prior to his re

turn to Coouriurflai China In line, itr sa ilodlrt! at


um umviftuy or ctuiurnit and tt Lite makac rwieui

IneUlnte of Itocr.netanmUhlotne Inrlirnf hi.trtft lite dcei4.ni4.tlan of metal* and for th*i tiandaiR tK*a. unfa kit *ti)ooeunt ofnr dm alrM^fti.ay Mil

rMfc Dr cm or

CtUM4! IfMLTtf OncJ tolftIf Bt*

U baton Lu bold Uk*

zouttx* virJrtfr of Ok-oct idnr*

nlimttff tito)

UM. toetntrt) dtrato*Hf

. ittl mtod nottiray DMm andiMrl an hoiwcwr dortora* Cram lb*of Otto Ho PjpJpM U* A. F. bfpbMU OtN M ruioW -cnU^awiiu

trtnnji tbt Acadotnru nn n. Vnot im. b-

to* ittlinartl*n orfjmlnsdrtn^ir tint rroctTCor tb* C

Uro# tno rtporM m

uBfrfiUfl vith Cfllnfcr* nurMor onorarBe notvltt nut ftilaoM

' LU4 th* rrj^CfWUild I

d,pitrod on important port

n furmvUtUnj pr'.tjruin ir^uir

ipcfUltKQf tn tjutntwn mochtblet Deputy duwcr of tbecot* IfBi Member of the itaadinf coobk*

lev.of PhjiJra,-nil ChiCtUVy

tho A& studied h1 tlx Utttrertlty ot Mitotan, wardn tulrtant prtfettor ot trie Dub tin tati-

tate for AdnAtal 0tudta prior to hi*ol:th In tftttt narvod a* pro-rente* of phjOu

tt Ttt&ahuobe becnme aw-

rioted with the AS. Inhjnrw* dtlinl*

arow to plan fur th* otUU-ihtncal of uvc

Iktiol Jniaiot* tut Xotiotri Tn IPM. h* n

AffclD tnwu InUrtiLlioiinl Ovbttitnoc on Counicrturnt^ "TCoOtr PWcoir .nd -On tbtf Ot* UtocmvT ir.OkOtjM on trnlctl bf rtOtt<hfm'>oJ vlLh ouwtt Dot*iiunc Dfot. M ond of

oieol mtatWMr* mac* tte bo-

fjojonpf in IM4 4JMin* uofno iiftfrod to Cnonoof piwioiwoH*;iutoivckntn* Onmrtfcy of Ciu

oAr dlxooto* of tn* IATM E>ring on* nf

of t> em* nntionrm

w.:r Rtf^ittodJj1 4

f Tortfoofeonraa* tt

iTt-HdfIn Lnt*Vr tHi> on In* or tb* d

"Niidnrtcrdold" Buro. il karii ittrt.

Ct^btiLnrpnrtMopt-zl*Mm in opuco tn4 yocucmmpj Dirrrtw of uw

ot lb* One* ItH

nf ant ffiifim roenxr <d

tnri Ti MtfmfJ

t bttn toBJii ofooten. Or Ten boo tm*tmrt hnVMotf ItrntUloVnto tu Otnwnnttt Fnrt/ nV

TCUTOf4 MtoBn. ol Ob* Dniimttr nf FnrV

M. no bod jioililiil atl ft y

ItmtlMft rrwb *jvd OIpom t th* ffwtetion and ihiX% ot ic-Mtrain mn MMtrlo fitU and libe irtden -tWft. tradof ournit ip#vln of aJtaJ



74, Biological Warfare


AJthough evidence oom not point to the tact that Communist Chinaoodoctlng an oOeeulvv bw program. User* are Indlcatsane of interestethr prodsgsnM gai ida campaign af lhe Korean War against the United H'*U* and the Chinese BW investigating eommlUeea formed during lhai period atlott lo Ibe country's Interest In HW Duringrecent Wallumrarian Medical Mission lo China, tn* OJneoe CaeuciiUaU wereto baman ti ca srvUtraa bc-om of bw istpilcaUon* Tne CoauDuruai Cm near oo not acknowledge basing ar. ofnrnaave bw policy bul. instead. flewlbi Ibe possible meUvoJa of offensive BW thai other eounlrtra might, employ

Oir'enlly. the Chmase Corcrnunlsts aratheir mk'robaolcgical research mainly toward improving Ihe puaiic health itandasda of the town try. aa waM as toward ossHnUbag and cbntt-mteng amoui animal Jrara This unirti Sas BW defense appbealions and ultimately, may have nr ortenHie BW implications; however. insufRcjrnl loiluiKally trainedam* peilnc Communistfforts to raise Ihe le-cl or health and sanitation and. coiuai|uenlly. would hinder Ihe country Irania-Jor BW reaearch eROrt. Th* Twelve Year Plan prepared by tn* Chinese Scientific manningIn IffM (now tneektatlnc and Tschnoiof ical Com.imslon (aTo-AikM cki iAu wit-gmt*tbe Slgbest reaearch and *a> rtaapsnr.ijrnua tn China,idalvwarts and, to dale. Use amount Ol independent research acrwrnpllthea baa been neragihie

B. Organisation routed lo BW

Mkioblologtcal reaearch planningilitary nature la carried out under Ibe general direction or tha tStatej Scientific and TThnologlcal Com-mtHton,robably Tested in tha Minairy of Naikxial ikxotmgarticularly in tbePeopaaa Liberation Armyraoaalso proetded by the toUiwtag 1) ol Bnrarra (CAuac-tad EVaaMfaY

fvoil AS.MaWstry of PublK tlealt-';

ndht Chinese Academy ol

Medical Scienc

tuta K'o-'uuen-

The Chinese Academy ot Sciencesepartment ol Biology, which may owwrelated to BW. Tbe Baotogycsv (ross Use li.iti-l Erpenaaeatai Bkdogy bt SbasgbaJ aod aeveral research IneUUilca 's. Pel' pine Includsng tha Institute of Mt.-rrCijilog, Work performed by tbe Institute of MlcrobXtogy Includes aerobiology. anubioUri, and reaearch on fungi

The Ministry or Public Health controls several vaccine and antihiotlu produc <ioci plants and carries out lis rmarth and de-iloortent wen through Its Chlneae Acadeaoy of Madsoal fiesaBCta. with several der^tsnccn. tneludmg the Depart-ment of Virology The acadaniy has carried oat [OnsldernbLe good quality reaeartn on vtrala* well aa aerobloloBlcal rraoarch on

Within tin Ministry or KaUonal Detente, and aubordmato to Ibe People* LiberatHn Army, ke tbe Academy of Military Medical Sciencessuehhanghai.only occasionally hascb bean reported from this academy. Il ts btUcred that BW defense activities would be rested largely In this organisation, as they are In the cqultaJent

C. Reaearch and detolopnunt related to BW

Communist China has several niicmbiokigtcal installations and sufOclciil scientific personnel ctfflpetrat to conduct sum* tiusU' researcli related to BW Whll* tha Chinese Cuenmunsita arc not known to be developing any specific BW agents, certain research pro]aeta sppear lo be applarable to BW agent dsvalopeaeot, as well as to public health.rsartty baa bean ghwn to research aad deveUprmct of anlBaotlcs and to the .ai-'oepadcsaK diaaaata llowewsr. tba prtailfaculties and personnel coadoctsna;on vaccina, antibiotics, dlaraiea. and other rnlcrocaolOgksU phase* of public health acUTlty are madeqaate lo meet the 1MB objectives asm lhe counlry's Twelve Year Plan Until these objectives are fulfilled, it is not expected that Communist China will espend much. If any.on BW research and dorlopnirnt


The fotlcalng iluriuna. which sre beinglo improve human nnd animalultimately haw IIWnoVptialilM. Hussionjpllo* ten. Influenza,glandcti Al ilic Cecilia) Instil uie ot Ch'h-p'a

eMa-aal. Poping, atudnnc rmductrdlha naoM taeeeaber cmdJUm (oc The siude* eneccr.-

IAbhaccme Rearaich is bring rkwe by lheof MirreaanSogy. tharlurut MedicalChl-nan,um iBiarrl onfenneritaliun) for dlffann Hating theaieftfeiufa) In Ihc de-

partment of veterinary medicine of theresearch mxlltul* In Pelping. experiments aro heme conducted on the licks DeriiMcenfW nuttalli andPUrus, which can transmit bro-triy-iEi in caUlc and aheci> to dnermme*hr lUe rJuraUan cdarknia tick sperms;he site of parasitism.ief Brbtrtiault ificks and the effort such IreiuJormatnn bas on vtnsleaer: asmbe ptucaeni ef artificially mlrrttrcc nealthy Ursa. (See Sacrnaindernd Vele*majyndealth andf Ihe SIS lot derailed related mformallcei an dlwwu ruearcfi)

Chineseara re Itersfaroil-lailly with Western and Swirl bloc rcowcri Ln aerobiology, much ot which hai been amodalvtl with BW reaearch 'Ihking advantage of the world's literature nn armaol chamber* and th* btokiKi ol airborne Infections. Chinese microbiol-


agate andave densed an isrspcoved aiaaaol chamber lor research on highly infectiousaftsnU (sec1bo. inveaUgaCor* haveew rliurniindlinc apparatus, based on two which la designed to yield aerosol particles of desired aram for InlecUout disease iiudira. Theappear* to be as well dtalgncd as thnte lived In the West, and betterimn any deRCillmd |ij* the bovtels to date. No lii forma Urn ii available on arrmnlhnk]UW am-ployed by lha Chinese Communuts

Cmmunlit China i> no) ocbrwd la beIIW agent rraierml Their

of BW drfeiuiv* preparations undereea-muntet Chkia nwililary training generally fuUows thei cslahbahed by the Ull


B*iiJh (It^fN. IWIaI-luiIXuieor Vtbsrinu?




mrff.kt^itwt LUttA KIWX cite;f Mftfit. frfeowt;dtlauU rfitntituta of Mnutofecf. AS.


dcmif OrfiM Wutfn: IculttiMti oJotegv.


Ii nil


D. VffoJ

dcitwprncnt ttuUd lo KVV

The DKrcttoioficaU nUaXaikntbe toUowtaf latuhtloo npsrtodly Laae an-CocUd. orrapahtri o* condurttrtg. rwuM and deiitopnrni rttalrd to btotackaj warfarem nap,tath don in* dutiributun of Utaar uottUcti.

ai li.nm li'imiii- Bsblim rum




i CVaai-iA'SUvin (MiA-p'u.


icitnt (af


rllt-HtlirH. Tlllln.

Illll. Kijii.bu




Inn H-

man- Rai-

i-mrrW. I'dfimntiNcdhtaai Vatan-

alilul* (T

lio louvi aa (la liar.

lull la It. aid IB. Ali-OUojt.

nii IWao-


illa* if Agrl Sen bui {Difirlar: UuU bail

In vaii

Iniln-llUl llyflaca

KipanroabUIurnlarj*na aM

l iha MinMiy si. IPiinlor: Pan Oilh-ylra}

Hnjnt MaUaJ ftt-


(did d(bii ololnaealtaa

alas basm aa lha Wubaii InaHluli it bltai Slrvin


ami BlalianA.A.

Ola mini baaillna

iU. ans lasila-"on; papii-ypaib-

M If Dili





li.Oi-i. Dalrq IWIUta


insvn aa II*' aod

Dai ia a JapnaN

Oii'j. tHialun

dUNIOC Wtiu ba <apabH

CHilml iiWJltW ol

t Iba Ha-imul InraiobtnliaicaUfc. aai IDiratuc THi( 'far, baad tf VI-naogr Hapannml-

t' Dana, RuW..



(af va4-rila> >ifmi Inair wtpilhlili HDar-aula HW pmdba-

Cuai liadrai e( VraBo.

M-Jl^al'uXaiHoal In a>ilrfall-iaatu la rublniar ojuju-

in Hiliui. Nae-Uds aid TtinlalD.


a HP


wjI : IrMibileOf



tvfenrdiEitlfi taf



foiA f* Hitnd Cost Stable*t* Dxrina Jti).

o* Ou rA* Proofeeos

lory. Cunltal Inatrtut* ofISttJ. und (Utretor

of thtt taboTitocy oino* IHS. Proftwior. DcpArtjatai of AcrauLwralKorihmL Col left of Asrt-

1 Sdutktod ua lhe Uolteo SXate* at uni

tTn.eeraaijr of Wltecfuln- Preaeotecl the paper. "The

EAeel of Addition of Lactot* to Iheto Inertatr

pcniEiUJaefore tt


lUCulo <f ebUMvtfr.

*vrb wo

fwrnifiy, Iht

iwtoa for tht utt




an for hereditary

br*** Piwlhty dnlrg

ncot* he* if thf it*t.

r lilt 1* l j i

lO-i. Mluhtr* af


Central Retltti iptdftn^logr.ud nriiiitnifcj bullh Dimm arc


pUCT, jipbtxrllk

ai *oaifted4^

peetalulr^ la piajnee prereation and la the prodortlon

of atra and vaccine* Director. DutUuta of Kpldtanl-

olofy. PcTpintf Cce>[tticted reaearch on pCosue at Boa*

bay under the autsfce* ol the League ol Xatv.evi.

shortly thertaJtaT waa ueUtanl tathntcal tipwLBeafth Adgunhafattoft louring theaa head or tha Department ofafedicjne of the Xmergerxy Meeheal Ttatntng Bohooi. Kweiyasg. and hi chargeonc-pro-

Sottet ptDpoial that t> brought to trial for usingChief of lot, Chineseolunteers In Korea, late. Ifead of Chinew delegation. Hungarian Mlcrobsologtoal

Scelety Congrau. Budapaat. Jaauary IMS; attended

Coocreas of the People for Peace. Vienna,elegate, Asian and Pacific Peace Conference. Prt-ping, September tfcW, Attended both the Vienna and Palplng Peace Conferencea, where he supported claims that tho United Sutes engaged In BW in Korea.public health ronJerencea tn Polandealing at the Institute "Ularob, USSA In 1ft? on "Katural Nidus as

en rfrgftrtally LUgerouaorn: aboutltlAMO Uead of Iha Dtewl-

rncni of Virology. Central Institute of BioOcgicaii, Pel-pong. Editor ol Arto Virofoyira IV^rologypublicsU^n.oDawStlt

of Dr. lean Maiek. director of the Biology

Pragua Jtsang'e sain rtaearch tntareau liavi

of> ti XnetAhSiUt^


AHUl bEOltfr



it he* wtwtx**lj

0mmht La*u-


It. Outstanding psSTSBwS BI*e3

KKgcAwahwj. npotUA IOokogy Loooraltrlrve Centra

//fwrt^cTifiJ Vi'Kl from VMOU+.L'f*

S Iht*

w ato-


Tha Sffara of Hypo-

Mhlc fia^nc Sttccjauon of the RenOcatton of InfJuenta

ndUtSon to th* Mouhtrain ofwcphaUtla Virus wli

Lethality for VThlte lfier."

Central lostituie of

with Chu Chl*<ning of the arliela 'Laboratory recti

tn tha Study ofol

free* CuttKje Of 7tbrfo eAo^cro.

phctogy of the Irachcmait* separation, and tdo-Kogsealas wrltUn for Iha Notional ifeat-roJ Joans!hiufl.


YU'luun. Ofbul

Aita ttl tbt

VlUBIovtt *

JMt rfirmittM Uk VMM*rf itft:

KML traJVt fJker*mmOpTirtoa M. bkrtuta-

h'titlt. MMUCK ftfttt fftlrdlM Hit twin OA

TAMOn astlolatKi jjixjjjtl.m CHurrtor and ffiifl

uauuul hiptrt ofK.tlcnalood Soum

CtoLriJ inMUuta ot Pri-

plug, fromo tbe pru*&i *

ivueoj Committee. AS RttWch fellow in

at tapn ntumbij to Cbxat. bfCAtaradiaJ Cc-litvce.I;


JsinuurrAt VktiUatfellow It Utt NfttUtutt

(CkiUlcit to? iV^diCfcl tUrMtnb, aD

CftJiiTSniri ot 4 Germfiu^ Pttttot-no

or the Cbinwerij of

: "atudtitA co the Euctosr

of Trachomaof tbe Induitoii*Tr*-

Wit Kit ^Aifelinnc tn

JuS hutd Dtf^'lintnttlCrjIJw Feitow11x4 UitoU-il t1ttnrrIbtt.tvU. SbixiibAl, rMttixb fkutov Lotfbrvwd UiVwiur Kedtnala {birct ol Ibtai lb* Wttlwnti Tt<ctot And btram lattUiiit, 1Cuzi> hbtt, LM LoIMC bbtl bead of

braacb of tttttboat

fCbbl BW U> Cite*prtiwlfti Ab<bJb. FfbrfUMti

bt tbb umumiJ of mftf-Ltvlou tm. tjfetrbbtoo fate loc

m>tne UjTCMerWkpfi LMV^ifint.mHm jotJtaniia inc btJ';ofAdynt of BwVbc Plc.i-

Ar.tAX Cc^onta '

75, Chemical Warfare


apability and trend*

Communist Chinaeer oflensire and Co tensive chemical warfare (CW) capability.Soviet assistance, tbe Communist Chinesecannot providetoxic comical agent* to sustain offensive CW. They do. now-ever,air-to-good capability forSoviet tcieritlsu knowledgeable cf CW agents and their production who have been Invited to nsit China for tours and lectures.

There is tittle likelihood that Chineseleaden wouM considernilateral decision to initiate CW warfare until reliance on Sonet logistical support has been reduced greatly.

X Background and orranixaUon

ofpe ground and air weapons and for staring smoke and name warrant Trwremc'ii shortage ofor troops rod noJio acjvtpetant lor ciTiliaaa,

Tbe ChitMsw aptovtntty hat*ailed CW laaaasayj and rjseitocararnt pex^raxa Thetookraaanth la prvnarUy on wort wi trie odd standardtes craiwnon tn both taeeeticld*grnthave beenerc ts no cw tonce of reaearch on peythtxhccnwal or other new

Qxnmunist China's CW research Is limited by tho lack of adequate reaearch facilities and the acute shortage of qualified scientists andhowever, thereumber of Western-framed Chinese scientific personnel who couldthe dcrclopmentompetent CW program and could train the necessary

1 Pobciea

The Chinese CcdnmunhU* ewirntiy areto improve their capability for CW of* feriae. Inhey1 jowl re-teafeh and dcretoranrmt program, which hot been supportedrogarger annual xidget Tru* programs econornic andIncludingequIcement& Also, the Chines* apparently Intend toilitary defense against CW weapons, al-


cerned about protecting the civilian copula ti on against CW attack.

Soviet support has been accessary for any CW research the Chinese have conducted.hinese Communist Army perwmnel hare been ami to. Tor CWto tbe Military Acadceiiy of Chemical Further assistance probably has

l China produced and filled toxic munitions but dsd not employ them during World War II. Hie Nationalist Chinese also had of facilities for malting protective of Czech design. Immediately after World War II. the Chinese acquired large stocks of Japanese CW During the Korean campaign, tbey took over large quantities. CW equipment, primarily protective masks Ttits materiel is now considered ineffective. Since tbe outset of thewar, the USSR has supplied the Chinese Communists with Soviet equipment, including protective masks and protective etothtng.and deem lamination equipment, smokeand portable flamethrowers.

During tbe Chinese civil war, the Crmimunbts had no CW organisation; however,G to 1VH9 ihey sent selected officers and enlisted men to. for CW training: seven hundred reportedly were trained during theeriod eJone. These Soviet-trained personnel formed the cadre from which tbe present chemical armDuring the Korean campaign, tbeCommunist Army (CCA) engaged in smoke operations and scene defensive training Since then, tbe CCA has activated* equipped, and trained chemical units In increasing numbers. In IBM. ithemical Warfare Branch.

The Communist Chinese acquired sclent Uicof sonw potential valueew CWtactUUes irorn the Chinese Katicna lists and probablyimited CW research program3 or lihH with Soviet guidance,assistance, and financial old.

Current overall high-level supervision of tbe Chinese Communist CW research andall civilian and military re*the responsibility of the State Council and its Scientific and Technological Cemrnisslon


(St*. Tht ininniusiiKi, which plans, coordinates, and supaivlsa* scientific research throughout Ui* country, I* responsible fortil* Chinese Communal armed forcesodem baaU by means of wenlUlc teat arch. In addition, two organlaal tortsower level pos-Kbiy an doing torn* CW planning and research, tn* Academy ofS. Pelping. which la concerned wnbinanity reeesjch. and in* Academy o{ ICu-tarj Medical Scsrreea. Chlnea* People* LibcrsLos: Aran (CKionAthnaa'i

The derrrirml Warfare Branch of the army, la bclicred to funcUonepaialo military service directly under Uie Ministry of National Defense (Kuo*tana Pit) and lo have three principal sub-divuMns which are responsible for research,and training. Tit* branch probablyUm research projects thai are desired to increase the CW capability of tha army

The Pint Ministry of Machine BuildingJCanf-pet Pit. wtuch coclroli Mrof arms and clseved lo

befor th* prod scUoti of CW materiel

B. Retail I. and IWIdtn*T

l OBiram

a. CW soarrr asaaancn aire lAmianaanCommunist China apparently haa Depot aamount of CW reaearch Tostc seen Ihas been repoclad bul la believed toprimarily of work on tha old standard agents, although it is definite Ihal the Chinese Commu-

nttts have known ofagrnt tabun since ateveral omaiilsa'ions arc working oninsecticide* and th* Pulping Agricultural University (Pm-thlug Nung-ytftorulucling research ontahiing oigmnophoepDoruj compounds The ciornpounds lynthaaned are Intermediates ccaiirnrin to Both lri*rttk>legent prodac-Han. Than ti ao evtdme* ot reaearch cat pare to chemical or other new ageola. Then an DO known pCot plant operaUme ac Seii testing ot

CW agenti

b diiumii.Tiirt or CW loniCotimt-ntat China I* no* known to be conducting rstearin, and development on methods of ciuemliiatlng CW agents.

c. flamsAlthough Communist China has ncvrial plnnl* capable of producing flame and smoke munitions, research in, andand Held (aatlng of. Uieae munitions hun reported,

a Direcrios hiidlil ato hiuw.iiThe Chinee* Comxuniet* have describedhe Bead of aaleanalK lonr chemical alarms Such apparatusefiniteOon lo CW. especially for thacaoo ofoiBl*Tbey mayapability to develop an automallc field alarm, based on their current Industrial toalc alarm system.

b. Psoraciiva clothiho and masksChina t* producing Soviet-type heavy ruB-Qenrcd protective clothing for deconlamlnatlon cien and toxic agent handle is and light rubber-ind faorK lulls foe CW reconnaissanceThese Items, which provide good protection, and disposable impregnated paper capes orrubberised (auric gloves, anda si* on issue totraope Ho details ai* avaCable on lb* reaenrea aadf these items.

research and diTilcpaasat ro peotccUve maris, and they are believed U> be producing rmiitarr masXs. apparenliy baaed on Soviet designs

caim rsersjeetasnsisricoi EocnraourrThe Chinese Communists have the standard Soviet World War IIkit, which ii olleittiv* against vesicants only. They are noi known to be conductingand development In Ihis Bold. v



latere are no Known research and development data on atropine (nem agent antidote) and atropine syrettes, not are lite syrellea now onto Uw|u.

C. Significant research and development facilities

nown of Chinese cw reoparen andfaculties except Ural Urey ateThe follijwwg axe facilities suspected ol engaging in. or baring the potential lo engage in, CW research and development.3lossary ot organizations probably concerned wilh chemical warfare.)

Academy of Military Hedtcal Sciences, CViiBeie PeopJCs LiOerailon Ami/svehhlcnB Deputies: Shen Ko-fci ir.6 and Tsai Cblae tnhe academy was established1 and isto the Mmtslry of National Defense, it has departments for biochemistry, nutrition, tology, pharmacology, and physiology, on organophospriorus compounds for insecticides gives the academy CWome of Ihe oreanophosphorus research here "as done Inwith the Institute- of OrganicAcademy of Sciences, Shanghai.

Chembxil Warfare school aid Raearch Center,mo-Director: ChangAlthoughW training schoolome evidence of defensive research to discover techniques (ar protection against toxic gases and methods of treatment and rchnolliu-tloii alter exposure (see Ficuax

loittlute oi Applied Chanitlty {YlMH-guno Hva-hntth Yea-cAni-ao),Dr. Wu Hsueh-cbrxi sinceubordinate to the Academy of Sciences, this Institute was established In 1MB. Applied research Isin five laboratories devoted lo Inorganic,analytical, synthetic, and physicalChlen Jen-yuan, who collaborated wtUi Wu Jen-chlefi In developing an automatic gas alarm which is believed capable of detecting nerve gua, Is on the stuff here. Thereotalal this Institute in IKS.

Inttttute of ChemUtra (ffud-fcsiuA Yes-oAra. so),Director: probably Hua Shou-chuneputy director: liu Ta-kang This institute Is subordinate to the Academy ol Sciences. Current research Includes poJymei studies, raw materials for synthetic fibers,

sis. Tht institutetaff ol0 senior researchers and directors and ISO technicians. Changf tills Institute in writing on China's recoil progress In organic chemistry has reported uork on the relation of chemical structure of organophosphorusIu toxicity and on the rapidrganoftuotmc compounds. In addition, anAcademy of Sciences faculty In Chung-kuanrsun reportedly has facilities for theand teMlng of "all kinds of poison gases"


Deputy direc-Suboidinate to the

Instltutt of Organichang-kung since IBS". Wang Tu4 Academy of Sciences. Ihla institute is doing research onhiol tea. vitamins and drugs, high molecular commands, and organicanalysis. The institute worked with the Acad-

FioosiLOBSABY oi CUlKtKL CuMMI'MISTDNCmiMil) with ch km ICAL


it r


and. Im.

Clt'irrf Afiiliriv of Eifeuaot->MS

Firrt MiaulrviUIai (TfclfoKltiV of ApcW CbMlsRyMonitor*


Inilltuln ofC3nnlilryHuttitet KaugbU.

JtUjtij of KalUnftj lalinr tAm-fiuiuuiIlmUla NuilliA*riii&oraitmiiiuio (Wiw-jff

KrAo-tAgrviKuulivAini .Vuir*/A



ui afJllUry Medical Science* on ecencD3pJ:orM* ir**jch One uf th* menan lutorfitUc ilirmorotf of th* atnfT here ityifUtuU repeetedJjt-afT of about ICO* includingetnor re-search chvnuiU.

ffanioJ (jkWt'eb1 Tahwh),frceWmt nod director of Uie CtvtfOlslry De pbnmoat Ybnglcn atnoe ItM. The util-fat ULi-'iCiiuit*he MjUalrr of Edjca-tket Current leeeajCfl l* cocicernad witnMsrarcic comrjound# ect;cje> workirictittled


Decorta>cnt of

CttemlzZCT. IVankal VaivczaltT*be dl-re^on of Yanfi Shin-Mien. Obuined an MA oefrwiv

hD to OrcanU Cbemittpy.oth

rrcni Indiana UbIverily. ReHsrnad lo XanfcalKm doc* research on thethefand dl-

int. Madtray of Mihtary Medkalo aaannr

hr lonucnM Of the Alfcyl ItadlceU Ot DSalejlpho*.

phltea on tbe Preiuif*lloo af


i* reputed to be Use only capable Chinese

North C'Mftu AprtcwttnraJ JreefarrA fbatffnif rffuo petP'V

pfcf Dtlbvtm bim WenU tfj bt btft snttl

Tbe mstivjte I* LOder the sireetno of Umry of AfncuKurv and reaenrch ta ooonhnstfdpproved bycademy of AfrkulturalWorkarious msccttodea fat being con ducted, including thehiirui cOflT> poutvdBarathsacv andt ayalerbtc toxic reremrxl here are|aibad lo have hadrunc bjth iocailT mad sbfoavt and raeearch aod prodaetanbu been imprtmd, Tbe) taeUUit* appean capable ofa wide variety of tojdc ox-ganophuphorushich with vary fee/ charicca could beo VO trpe nerve

Petpingniversity (Pti*Chtn4 tfuntMrObriptngat the universitytrong interest in toxtc

wtuch ooatalrtcdieent tatsrroediftV* The work was done at the university'sot Soils and Agricultural Chemistry, which haa also done research on chJoroptcrtD*

D. .OutatnndinE personal! lie*

Tne toUowuig peraonftllt.esapable ol. conflicting CW rwartti.

CKAtfO Nal-Mjr, lire Branch

Warfarc School and Reaearch Center.e.rier to amsilat hi* icnooi post, he had biwrt rcmawider of an Infantry unit. Educated in China.

CKjU*Q eneabtry Member, Worth

Cfcjna AgriculturalinrtltuU. Author ol 'Introduce* Two Type* oi Organic lawfJcidf*.'A* endc-avlbor of "toveaVfatton eb tbe Apbioldal Kffoet* oJ Syrtox Applied to cottoo

and -An lovestlcBUoo or the Toaltfty Of

aneartmeat ofnd Atheuhurai CbernUtry. Pn-

Arrlc-Olnrtl Oblveraty. Awlbor ot

afdtomeTtrotdylO-autbor or 'Der-iratioa of CbJarcptfrt" hwal#xn*t* otRraearthnihe CblarlnaUenhlO-phciinhcrtcb>l-

UL Tbef Ctbyl Mermrlr. fMef*

nd IV. He


utb cberalMAeaotetT ofedatat IMeaicee Afbar af -Ksalee ef Drfan>

*MXji awure ef jniiipftii|fcam AtfC" Cbef

"tadlae oadJ^heepfvcaei Th* InJIuanc* at the Atbjt badleei* of CUlbrtynoipriiWi


Hjpotrculv*"ftaboJUur" f. Ar-yU-

uou or Oualaco.**

Vnnchleh- Meovbar, Uuirtute cf OreaAkc Ctuecbtry. AS Woreed onn utfocaVc fa* Uacm kbdtn la bebervd rapable ef deeeeaaac nerve eaaee

Aeuw eiaatawea utliiffaatn

Apse'ilae fee Autaetkof iryfrnfaw

ni lie la Air *

VAKO Ahlb'tnleottmn^ laUy. one of IbcoUUiandMitf ncfenk cbrn>UU In Chtna,

Prreaaeni.antevlee jaji-ea. Meaaber.

' Daparbnent afft. van ta&a. ureter.oOect rwva af aewnat

PCKDtjvU on theCbinreer PJan, Cnacman

board of DlTKten, Ghana nuclety oftn IU

Standard Tekernphle CedeC1 o-

of chintae ebaracterAf are of thoee pereona for whew are available

b, Comment* on principal aoiircca

n thle flection aa*fopen literature and oAVkaJAlthough Minrai on ClitmCW reaearch and development hasini*.rmaUon J

for th* toUptfifif renauni Cotnrauasrt ChamCW research andivcao.yItM: strict eatarUy to empoewd

bttsc published tWtatuce at iiifnbb. and CW can baalrj br dbartnaad under otter icUrjtka aicn ucanjocraaJ bwcUrkk prnfjanx Pubiauard in-forralko onds of ct-mturj> inouch pirn ding duel to CW raeawrrtlrofTeaa, baa abo boon inadequatea dnfintha, raaJfbUr report on CnJnaac Ccezusunut CW cauaa-babian cannot be prepared

In the ebeence of direct or emulrnuLtney evvt haa been neceneary to aatirnala iht na-lure and extent of Uie Chlni>ao CcvaniunhU CW

elloioc of the cato used to prepare true lion have come from Individual* whose rcltabUtty has not been rstaBttshedo have not teen tectuilcaJly qualified to obtain, assess, and report the desired information.

Much more current information is therefore needed on oil phases of CW research andto flll the major gaps, to confirmnd to evaluate properly the Chinese Communist CW program. Specific major gaps are the lack ofand clear information on organ opbwsphoruaresearch and development conducted for CW purposes, current Chinese Communist agent detection work, protective measures,research, and development, any agents standardised or being considered for standardira* tain, tbe weapons being developed for agentand installations and personalities engaged in research and developmentefinite CW military program and their current activities.


76. Physical Sciences, Mathematics, and Medicine


Carats-soonj3Bra arimUnees ar. am olirnportanc* In IU bid Sotpaver ud rscccnition. The cunroi sod long-term (cipn-iu on scientific research mChina la to strengthen we economy andwhich, in turn, contribute to militaryTint rote of science significantlyslat* policy and planning The centraland coordination Of the aaUnuuus scientific retouch pragrara aaounissaUosi ol tbe country* reaaurxea and lo permit ina applanation of Use task sore* prao-ciple to critical scientific areas of economic,and military Importance

Tbe Chinese Communist Party, through the State Council, generally JUpernios scientific re-and development The overall control,and eaordpiatlari of adentav reaearch axe eicicjed by the (State) Seen tine and Techno IccicaJ Coramo-Araeft CAi-sAahe Scientific andcmeus-ston formulates broad scientific policy which te-fluenoes the dliectlon of research pi lignum at tbe research Imlltulr* of the Chinese. Academy ol Sciences (Cftbap-kaoS. the Institutes or the various rranlsulas, and tbeeaearchSee Section TD of this MS. which deecrfcesdetail the activities oi tbe commasioB and other organisations goitrnmg scientific and technicalommunist Chrna.)

The Scientific and TeclinolocKal Commission hasl-year plao designed u> elevate Communist Chinaeadingorld aoroce by lb* endhe plan calls fur ma;cc efloct IB nuitear eeergy. ehsctraUca.ail Jigy. and stTiiar that ran male the greatest oontrtbutlnrj to China's growth. AchMveraent o( the projected guols. in the main. Is dependent upon lhe following lour factors: lj sufficient trained manpower, which Ibe country currently lacks.n educational program, geared to traJnaof tbe number and qua&tj of scientific personnel (he country requires to stall rts re-searcb facilities. I) eipjctiaisxi of fatesgn scsm-llfie literature, which at eurreniry being actively unueitaken; andechnical aauitance from the

Soviet IMi. wroth has been lespcir.sibie for much ol Ibe sacnlOcant prosjriae that China has made to date Ueiy.te advances. Comnrmvgct lisssrr to achieve Lhe srsmiUV objectives ipwitVal tn ibe ll-year plan, because of the emphasis on production at the expense of bask itueaich. and development, and the lack of qualified

!en yean of coils bora lion with the Soviet Uokxi. several sesenttOe agieeiueuls. as wrUokat scientific raatajrh program, tiate bean negotiated. Through these agmmcnu the Oommuiust Chloeae have been provided with Soviet technicians, equipment,and educaltoniil opportunities, however, recent reports indicate trial many Sovietaad tecbruelans la Communis: China have been retailed. Tins loai of Soviei technicians, antb tbeB probable replacement by Chinesesearchers from tbe USSR imost ofave noi fully completed their mining and areIn technicala expected lo hinder leicoieh programs

Within the last decade, bul especially within tbe last two or tftiae years. Communist Ghana baa been makae; progress ca tbe basse acseneea. la chemistry, the majce avwk has concerned or. gansr chemistry to utilise more fully Ihenatural resources, and significant programs are underway in chemical engineering UeU-oroluciral research has been directed towardforecasting capabilities and expanding bath the csetecrrological aodetwork, in order to prci)de better itpport to theaiUtary peogrami and to advance industry Oceanography Is In Its beginning stage, and most research has been in uupport of marine bxiigy snd lUheries to sallsly domestic needs far murine products. With considerable support Irom ibr USSR, work In geodesy and. partleularly. iniaj has seas the mem notable peoyeaa. In pbyssra. then LbeocvtScaJ aodnuciear physic MalhecuLta lags dueack of trained rveearehera and due to the fact thai available talent Is consumed in providing supimit lo solving problems In other fields of science Much of the Chimesstronomy has concerned soter astronomy, axsaspoerie phys-ka. and high attitude comae ray rnvtouce'lons.tart has beenadlcaationcOny

NIS 39


medical research is concerned wilh cllml-ntitinfi lite major public health scourges andsar:itatK>n. Other work has Wnn Inana exploiting indigenous plants (or medical purposes and. In addition, the practices oland cautery are being emphasised. To augment livestock produeiion lor domeslicas well as lor its value as an export commodity, some advances are being made inand investigation related lo pro tec lion cf animal health. The msjur veteiiTuiry work has concerned rinderpest, hog Cholera, glanders, and (oot-snd-moulli disease Despite evident advances In almost all fields ol research in Communist China during Uie past decade,rk has, of necessity, been In applied research to theof basic and theoretical studies1lossary of the organizations concerned wild science and leclufOiogy which arehis text.)



iliury UiWtann. Ctam rVcM'a Uot-'a-Urn Arm,a ;

Uniivnili IKIia-nia Ta-Arakl, limy

AimtinoiHal Suliii nl

Iturtw uland Uartofi iplij ol tin CuujJ 8taif'i'm TiVkwIVIjani

Buraui nl ttarvtviigCuUunjihi ii lhe Mir lilr.Au TV-eArtr

loaUiuit ill NU-igliUrui

Yib-iIib-uj.tnosn ia tin ruin) IIibMbdu evMiiirn


Pimtif.l[>n( Olllial lulXntr 4/


CtnUWrViinul li-liaUi

Ktntr-fim:.hiJ Uaiwhll.

HSimlia af SttnUStIBassj

i'miij Mm*atMaa sl-shmIPaaasaaai1sassi

>i > etartpvM skats**.

oiir lawj--1

K'aAnaSChina. Vii. -f. ftarxi -


. > aanAU.


tuiiwUe Chin* MWi) Ol PhivleaSutdr o>id CuiUsrapli: (CAuae-im TV<-Aal (fiirt.iiii. ii

iM (TiUiDales. Ua'im kafiui'iliis Cailrpi (Vd.lunntiro,

atai SiiinTio DiUvb laainuM alalren

i; ifr iit'll UfiVXr ol Bl*uinJ.in1'SISpV*

luir-ii. alwairaa IHoUoiM

Chii^ sgnoikoiailuiiiuiiNunrfa

iiui* /ni^tik-xf, Nuikloj. Favl MlnaurwlUc lluilsfR Inilurii)rA Pit}.

PiiIihb laiUium rf OmmuarO/ ICvdilci Dal.>iag I'm-

Annj. fii-un LIiyihui (e'ti^athuifltal.


BattHn lI'riyUN'elx) FtiSlorilas CUkpi OU-rliMiuS^kda|.

Hiilmilit Romli blnmr. NnUini. iluinm, ivrati,.Wti-lon.ii(Ai| ol liliiai.ri ol *ilif

Ilrdrolmir iBUilid. Otiofimmt nlAH.

R/ilnuilni I'ct-ti iimuih lieiltiu, IVPiiiig

1-llitllU Of AmIIiiI CnmliUy a-liuS

SK,ailittili- ol Aqinlie I'ruliiiU al iha Yilto* *i. <ll>oaj lal

c'AHjt'sa 1nl.Ituliiule ol AiodIi luenjv llwii'ln-ana e'enIAC


liatiruli utIu^j. ffuJj-rS Id-ilii-^i

bLjilaa ISt/mam Wa-jlCriuim.

liaUlw rf lilted Tnucrittoi andltfivdV,> liovn jv Oi*ltuS TiurfmniUilTti ind luliuU Ol BMi Trliifiliijn udI Hi DuiKllf.


IraUIUU Bf Ct.irri.tfjvl*.iib Jn^mMi. Ut. FOKOf.

Uaiiluu nl Civil and An Hum: hrglnniliit (Tt-an,-

1i0S.I'ipuj. luUuil- cC OnDiitnuon Trahtiqonrs'iaAn rm-

iii. AH.lpir^.

Iniuuire nfH,

IihUiuui'jirr.iltaii llf'kiiA'tif IP^inl. I'lliilm. tnalitolal iba*

Yn "mil.)Ullllr' III(.

ImllliiW >l Kioarinoual Bidisi

*liil.iMi snd FUdiiE

Iiatilltfi(iiHMM lluoui.

ol OfmIm* arrdCAiA

ilioi. AS. Wii-rii'ui. luUuiud(Mu H'uli*

H.unvit- orR.aiaxii (StiiiVi A'o-liiM Veo-eAi'.-

1 rl|.i: , Iligliiii. tabic FenSnlun, anda irt-fhoaTrViptJU. alaaUi iuiMliilrn-

InalliU olhai kniTfc*lia lnatithlr nl HvnatlilnaBnt IiiI>vjivfa laauuw ol Shilkal KmlloVltr/-An.t

cmma 1'jeo


Ol "il.llrilBI tad fAtallw-t

iAi-mi. AH. BlianiW

linn ik ot . in.

Id if UlitWnFpoiiipiua-




lailiuiw nt OpUnui- andIn*fA. Ana*

Cli'liU rajip.

wn Wwa af HiAhaarf


linn ilfa-aSaaIvit

I-MiAi at mmtm TillIu *

Ml. AS. Fa..


iHia atb Ui'A.Iiwm

lawrt .

kirnV-AtaaAi. Cli

It'uv^mg Aatronoralml OI**Miolor#rm-nt-|V| KVi-hihi, mdir li'ia Iii-iiu*Iihi (ITinc-nli Hill UMvtABni.

UlHitUur ol BirtarUlMy."Ad

or>lydinlK Cidluartia (MmJwAH.



Imok iuoW

IWi Rflh inula USnUi- IMn

Pi* im ill. imaaa >Ahaa

Af.CoaaMaxaAai11 ) of 1i


Mi lj at Cl i lnTj ilKMM"-


ir-raaaa*-aia) r*


im Ti iU

uol MaaaaaI.-


t. Aai

MlaMfr v


Haakni Eib-lnw-kfVavt"!



l**Awa> A'aatf'AwafclaAdaft

ialiulliiralAisaii a- 'J* rdinliwwi's-lmcl I'rt^eiu-m I'ripllai.

ill^vilo Of Xmioifadnt aid vh.uat, Uollosa

n- AlVlIrl lluiifiil.

llilltiliiKIN Hlauiili InililtiU.JjUmroiiaJ


tnplig <iUaa IVyoil Ctuifl. Pnalnaa ud &uil Prmnii Innliii^Kxr-'HtPaiBiiuT.Um aiInniolr II Xnniirt

rVipIra Xnl.Ml ifoiAiajiaM-tum.


miwvaaafr. I

BaaiBUlU *paa*i( liaAiaala )bui.

naata Mia*laalPn>-i


rant1 'lilltir at ava>Ji tMiaiui'OA lii| 1'a.iA-^a* taailan

lAraaanh laH- a> MirlwuX

I-aa Atai at

T- ii mlAaaaant Ihi.i,

CIAWbmat klafW tiaalaHiCaalaa aul

liaaitiu af I'lainalifl. lajaaglal


ElimAl"imIViu alOtmliu? 0(

lip MiuMt7 ol annual luilcarr.rdl-dUdi md tnlinwiil liiL-iiiiiful ISinniili Iinli-

lulr iS^iftnl.u

nf Col'V at J tVifl-)ulnl THaauo.

Xalmuliuwinlial OtiB-iittu-r. Slunaliii. ua

Sll llnraMlh-IK-ll>lni Buiriuuvc|an and CaiAimHrTIi I'lajyt rmjjw. IXptni. Kth lirainliaa at

idC'linTilW"! Cli'^Aa Itrt-^Hi^^i'i.

M md OiamUal I'tanl, laiil IVakt I'rlplrg.

TllidlimCAim-Axi fa-liwrll. Piwlm.

WilliBarnlj al Ckini lt'Aunf.(io iui-'j iiiinl-

Wii4iuObaartilnri jJuAi.taanUUi^ft. Iirir lluliva. "iliiipiiilia lUi lnl.lul. ol "inwplK* I'IiiUm



ZVHT iEA^aAin rMn-waJ'ai*. ilari-




Physical Wiener* mid uiallirniutici

l i

a Otuaaxi.

(t>nd liendtCommunist China huvery liw capability In both applied and funaamcutAl research Id chemistry and met' alluCy. Th* greatest emphasis uhiIM applied aspects, in order to meet In* coals ofyear program: however. Uie shoelace ot qut.tficait and adequate larUltku and equipmentwrrk Uir.'lc'j The emphasis anresearchretarding UM expansion of run-Camental research Ne**rtReleH. lhaxpected to continue bicajsse grasstoe industrial hoar ta Uk*Tbe cHH rihin ot Ctja> rainte China aa cfaassueaJ and netalKrflralhortaf* ot xk-ilUU aad leeftfJoans Tha Soviet Unaau naa beta (Mag constoetabk

to COtDCaanM China By reuniting Co;-

mat studentsVaUl uuwn;ij bywane laLcralor) equipment, and bytelniUals and rnguirrre aa consultant* In Uk drrelopmeni ot Chinee* raaaarch projectsir ii j. Cninra* iit. chemists are well supplied with Soviet and Western technical much of which li translated and abstracted lo keep ihem up-le-dsle on foreign developments. Their include monthly Joiinml" Ol IranslatlMUhemistry aod pelivleuiiiels,onthly hides ot foreign cnemlcal papers. Dele-galioos at Chlneee trlentlsl* have abo (raveled toR to commit altli Soviet scientific

There Is no areareaearch In which nun until China ha* any out-sl&iiiiuig strength. Tbeir exploitation ot WcsU em'trained scientists who have re turnedthe countryell devised plan. This group, Bllll Uie core ol their scientific manpower, isof older intellectuals wbo were trained in

men who were In training during and after lbe resolution and who have since returned to China Whlie many of these scientists are politicallythe government has made maximum use of their talents whenever possible.

Their is no evidence of any originalresearch tn physical chemistry InChins. Th*il has been lo usechemistryool for applied science andprocesses. The. study and um ofchemistry has been stimulated by the need for method* of chemical analysis of raw materials and products, and for the development andof Industrially Important materials.


In organic chemistry, the Communist Chinese arc making prog row in applied research directed toward ihc utilisation of their natural resources. The major effort Is In research on ptaslics,rubber, and synlbelK fibers, but the work Is not original andat of tho West

Little or no basic research is being done InChina on convoDUonal fuels. Thoty of Iheii applied effort is on Improving existing petroleum extraction and refining processes, and on developing synthetic fuels processes-isled taforrnatran is available on Communist

In tbe field ol inorganic chemistry, research Is generally devoted to adapting known methods for quality conlrol for materials In production oc under dereJopmenU Bare earths, which occur In several ore deposits, hare been the subject of some research, closely resembling published Western

in chemical engineerbe small amount Of Inforrnaiion available indicates that significant programs arc being undertaken by theChinese, but notable progress is not expected before the next five years. Someorn of advanced work are found tn the application ofcomputers lo chemical engineering prctolems. and in the use of radsUMn to effect chemical

ackground and organisationPriorhinese research In chemistry wason at the universities, at government-operated Industrial research institutes and, to someat privately owned laboratories.research was conducted at research Institutes. Including an Institute of Chetnlslry tllaa hiueJx yen-cn Ik-sol, Shanghai, under the administration at the China Academy ofemloounded8 In Nanking andalter Its Soviet counterpart. In addition.

Academy of Pciplngperated similar research iriatl-Litlle real progress could be achievedIbe constant harassment of wars andalthough limited research In pure science was carried on in private Institutions andcolleges, as well as at the academyAlio, some aid from Ihe WestUie development of Chinese science andIn Manchuria, the Japanese, while sn control, built substantial research facilities, which were almost entirely dismantled by tne Soviet armed forces at tbe end of World War II. The attempt after World War II to reorganizeresearch orgonnauons was disrupted by the Communis! revolution.

um Mum It**)

taking over thr country, th- Curnrcunlsla have noncanrcFil and expanded tha Chines*o[ Sciences to include all thehe National Academytr and many others, (Kiticy formulation alTccting all scientific reaearch prog tarns has been placedstiKI,overnment control

The AS Is Ibe meal Important overall research organisation in Communist China IUInclude both basse and applied reaearch,ecenl years Ibe major emphaw hu been In support ot indiuutal actlnUeaby the various ministries. Many or the leading reaearch Instliulasart of tba academy, ands apparent thai Usraeey rose in tbeol Chins,n serial produrtlon In ovne ftciSs

The eflort toward hi< iiiitaaaatliaiCercm; rust China baa rateraaiUted heavy riwphirli on bom tarrm-vrsprvsl dsvesopaaeat and eap.talaajeeially in tne dun and steelaliisfllllllMB. tneaastnaa Most of China's quah-fted scientists. Ihailing saany of these who have received advanced liwimng Ul the QASR or ba the West until raeantly, have teen engaged Invea*onuquently.imited number ol the country's cbemiit* aodhave been engaged in basic research.

Chemical research Is done at institutes under the Deportment of lliyalcs, Mathematics and Chemistry of the academy anil lis blanches, at universities under Ihe Mm miry of Educationnd at tnduslrlal plants andol the Industrial mlnlslrm. industrial plant laboratories and research facilities under the ministries ar* apparently Umiled to tbelrvxeclures for proresi control.

The design and planning ollkei of the Ministry of Chemical Industry I'fao-'isnrl Anne tc'. Fa) are expected lo be primarily responsible fortbe country's chemical industry. Infor it lo fulfill the country's grandiose gaalt Tba Oieankal Industry Dsaagn Institute* (ffaav

hrnhtyuat} in Peiping and Shangtiai and branch institute* coordinate design effect* and desegaU spertflc tjpea of jinlili ian to avoid depdcatioris One of their goals Is tbe cesisrc ol both rxoteesaw and enuljsnsent tometal, which as rapected to be Dl short sujv pry toe sceneaefe o> material*helimiting the scope es! current MpBonstrue-


Both fundamental and practical research,to advance chemical production. Is being conducted al Communist Chinese universities. At Pu-Tan University {Fa-Unbang-


luu. student* in Ibe Cham lain- Departmenta small planl which monthly turns calltons of ammonium pei*utr*te Students at Pricingi tftmo fa "iiarM eiesigj^fl an esrptiimn.taJ plant torewd. Based oo tbs*actory was designed aad at now>earg LaivnsiUes are often well equlptaal wiih modem laboratoryfor science leaching There tt some doubt, however, that Ul* chemistry faculties are allotted much time or equipment lor chemical research tn

Factors llmliing cbemlcal engineering reaearch are the shortage alliemiad engi-neert. Inadequatend sack of sdentlSr equipment and supplies. Tht (equipment sftua-

tsoa Is uaproilag gradually vii- pur-

cbenueaueingtoracwhat by the returnumber of highly trained CrJ-nes* seien litis and taxnnologiitsnd by lb* empbaaaa SB tnunin; Moreover.assistance In Uie femn of equipment, entire plants, and manpower is also Improving the

Another organlsstlun. now under government control. Is the Chemical horlety of Chinauo ffua-AsucA Itui} loumled3 andby the CranmiinssU1 It* main function appeals lo be tbe publication ol three chemical journals: Uie Mna-Arisen Shueh-paa (Journal ofhe Wuo-Arueft(Chemical Bulletin) and theao (Journal ol Chemicalhe society Is headed by Dr. Yang sr.lh-hslen. presi-dent of Nankai Unlierslly (ftae-fall. Tsentsln. ana one ofrsuhnccherc-iru In IWI Ih* Boost; wasloOC members

rTobsrsns of irnptwvwkg metals pro Leasing lectv

: '. '.

mg the leaa abundant metals toail*mewhat greater varietyneeriagprimarily concern Chmree metallurgists.n and modemIsalion of tbe nonferrous pruducltyj isTSttuitxIes. similarly, are receiving em-

The Ministry of MeUUurgMsJ Industry rYefi-efifn /Tarsp-awAhich governs production of both ferrous and nonfenoui ore* and metals,research and daaUgu ravrsbllee whoa* futje-lirsos are directly relaied to tbe plsnnsng- con-stroctuc. and modernisation of metsiijrgvai plants and tq-itment- Two such facHitie* are tbe Or* IWataang llasaarch irsststui* and lb* Ksn-frrrous Metals Design Institute, both of wbxb are mainly eonceirstd with applied problem*.




Maimod Myslokismt oi taxtt

fcB>Kiilool an- originindam-nial physicalresearch In Common lit China The study and use or physical rhemlalryool forlerjcai anal lnduairial pforaaiM. has beend By the naad for methods ot eheraieai analysis ot law materials anc proSueta and toe tbeptBent and pnaauhVCtUN ot erxawinieshOy and tadastnaJly bnpwtanl materials.

(aiirst Ail-Our* ftaalriaafa on Spectroscopy was held tn 1KB a: Peming.l Soviet spectrasmp-kcts attending njtfcrwug Us* nam pic of early Script puUtSea. the Clilnrar CocmunistA sppnr-entty arelha development ofspeclroscopy Tor metals analysis Homeis also given lo ultrarlotet and infrared Spectrophotometry In tho uiialyit* Ol petroleum preduets and pharmiicuulkwLi. Research istor the most pari, with little work being done In tpeeltoscoplc theory or fundamental es-perlmenUtkrL With help rrom swungpecsahBts. tne Chinese are apparently embarkedrogram ol nparunin in tnai field to provide precise, raped means for the analysis ot theirprediicu andool lor research; how-eier. th* number of aoaiiosd Cranes*aWmBskk Is nmduet lasrarrh is peotuc'j small

Tne Institute of Applied Chemutr) (Itapsnnpt Ihr A3 Ch aJtg-ch'iiri. where moat ol the wort onu eoo-darted,r'l-equipped atomic and molecular spectra laboratory. Most specliraeoplc reaearch is actuallyilial vurfc applied to the analysis of mineral urea, alloys, and steels, and Inflated spectrum analysis ol organicew physical chernUU. mainly (acuity members Of Pelping University, are publishing theoretical papers cm the quant um-chemical treatment uC molecules, related to ths undenuranng and tn-lerpreutlca of *xp*iirn*nui larults ot molecular spectroscopy.

Tbe large chemical and metallurKkal institutes and someart eqiiipprd wvtfl spactjD-screac eqiiifsrienl Iropxts'l from thend ether bece etnintrlea Whenll i'iiilTirai Ccpies of Sonet Instruments are bring produced at tbe Institute of Optics and Pm-taion Apparatus and Instruments iKitang-lirufli CAinp-mt Cii-AtMeh JcJl'lS, at Chang-ch'un. with guidance (roni Iht USSH, but Uieie is nothat the Chineseapability lor lhe design of original specuogrophlc equipment oftypes. Knaeisivh Is claimed to be underway on the constructionullnc machine lodiffraction gratings used in precise spectra-KOpic apparatus.

(b) CHOncaii KinsTics and catalysisStudies In chemical kinetics and catalysis arein connection with the petroleumand with Uie synthesis ol organ ic compounds. Organic catalysis studies have been conducted In the Physical Chemistry Department ol Pelping University in cooperation with the Institute ofiShl'i-ynS. Dal tenkinetics research related to studies uf gas combustion engines is conducted at the IXpart-ment ot Technical Sciences of lhe AS Al Pelping University studios have been on the poisoning and depoisonlng of catalysts studies of catalysis are one of lhe main areas of application oland suiiace chemistry research. The other application ol the Chinese Ccmmunl&U'urface chemistry is directed toward theol techniques of chromatographicused mainly for lbe analysis of organic compounds

(clAnnReaearch in ctectrwhecnistry and thermo-cliemlslry, dealing mainly with analytical aspects of solution chemistry. Is being conducted alUniversity, the Institute ot Chemistry of the AS, Perpmg. and Pelping University. At lheemphasis is on Ibe study of industriallytechniques nt electrolytic deposition andesign and manufacture.

(d) cnraTALLOcaAPitrGrowth snd purl-tlcation ot material* useful as components forequipment or optical instruments haswork in crystallography, especially crystal growth techniques. Semiconductor research and development receives special ot ten linn with em. phasls being placed on the technolotiy Ofand silicon. Theoreticians arc beingto attack same ot the problems of solid slate work, and arc doing soimited extent by means of fUtl.itleal thermodynamics. Limited work In phase equilibrium and phase changeimpoitanl to materials research is Being can-dueled by crystallogmphrrs and thermodynaml-ctstss

rpa^ic chemistry

la) rsAsatACxuTKAi.harmaceutical industry was one Of Uie early research goals of the ChineseApplied reaearch on pharmaceuticals was undertaken in thes at order toknown products and adapt produciionlo cheap, available tow materials. Theremain far behind Oilier modern countries in


antlbiollca research.bybey had achieved some of their limited research goals iu evidenced by lhe appearance nn tlte world market of Chinese chemical and phsmu.MiiIleal products such ss viramtns, sulfa drufi and some antmiollrs

Recant published research Indiraddanlng Mental In Ihe synthesis and study af organic casBSSsaarsde cf possjoie medlctrsalthemistryaa-AsaeA TeaS. in Shanghai, work It underway on the rrnlheau and study of anllbsoUca ssscb as streptomycin, penicillin, and their den relives Other reaearch Inslltutcs. such at the lb-search Inslltule or Pharmacology and institute ofMedico (rao-tenR. 8hang>ial. conduct similar fundamental snd applied rcseuiih on pharmaceutical products, especially the

The study af natural producta surh asnumrns. and raxrncnea has abet received ioereasaigsoc ta Coram on Ul various aurbcrs have appeared concerned with lb* nfepsu-auao. and Studyrdstaliy use fulfrom herbs and aervullural proflueU such as soybeans La Jen-Juiig and Chu Tau-chlng. of Lanctlou Cnlrendly (Lan-cftovan-chou. and. with apparent affiliations at lhe Institute of Organic Chemistry and other

i facilities, werehird Class Science Prise in Chemistry7 lor their work on the Isolation and Identification of alkaloids, possibly basing anesthetic analgesic. ti*nqullli-lag. or othee uarful efjecls la aplM of laaar strong Interest Irs IradiVooal herb medxlsiea. Chr-nete chemists are not known to have tstractsel

ew crap Irrtr. Hem

Srnrse work has abo been published on the sya thesis and study Of complex heterocyclic rom-poundi and orgaiKiantimany compoundsearch for biologically actlre mater la In useful in treating sitiUtosnmiasls. tube reutoili. malaria, and other endemic diseases in tbe Far Eastof tn* staff ot tbe institute of Organic Chem-istry. inn withHtMaa Institute of Pt-arninceuucai Chemistry of thecf Chemical Industry, are lyn thralling eorn-pies tjenterie derlralreeaearch fot rarcfawv Staltc ager, is. lotkra-tng iJailai Western riaeareh.

TBoiivai CMsrnrrsrrKmrrn in this field bat Hen mined at reonranisni and renamed liistallallons originally established by the Japanese curing their occupation ol Manchuria, such aa the Institute of Petroleum al Dniien. Work Is underway on the tui.ilytl* Ot crude pe-uoleurn by gas chromatography, dutlilalliui and ipeetroacopy. Kumetoua hydrocarbons hare beeneans, largely

In imitation of previously published work, finalerocessing la also under in en flashand pcrUVaticii by enromatographtr adaofptson on sthca geJrgaoke coropoeteivta. such as sulfur and otherpurllres Other mearrh it in progress on It* study of rsUalytsr agents for precbscsrsg syninetsc gasohne The oaneae base claimed sufraa In tne deveiorsmentatstlaitory Iron catalyst to repsaee the expensive and leas readily acobalt catalyst used In the synthesis ofby the FlKlier-Tropseliroblem known lo hate been under investigation for arv-ersl years. Othereaearch is in progress cm catalytic dehidrogniallon and hydiogcnauon ot hydrocarbons, new oatalyUc mat crisis, and the effects of mixed catalyst* on the speed ofand yield of desired products. Mosl of this research Is In support, ol Ihe petmleum andIndustry, and shows little originality.

<c) .ctfSMutravA small amount of research la underway In crganophoB-phoras chemistry and other urgartortictallteDr Yang Khlh-hnkn. president of Kan-kal nnlveratty in TVtnUan. I* rtputed to o* the only Important CTuiveae 'henusti chemistry His publishedhat beer, est the synthases of plant growth resTJiators and insectsrdes Other workers bar* pattMsad on the synthesis and study of crg*a>rranoarsmr. and orj-annantmiony comriourids for possible usend iragrnu useful tn fhamleal analysts

(d) ara csrassiarBTDye chemistry has leceired some attention but mosl research Isrelated to production pioblem* Theclaim to have produced several dye* and dye ta termed la tes new to China in the past few year* IrxlanUiiene dye* and new dyes (or synthetic fiber* ore reported under study at the ShenyangChemical Romaich Institute, Mukden.of fundamental dye reaearch Is not

norpunic cArmufry fa) Amtrncai ctUMiaravMoalreaeareh by Chmesaa mists hat been on lb* devetopersent of method* of analysis for metals, iridastrtal chessssnal* and petroseuan prod acts Recent work indsrates Chinese aware-nea* of modem swlhcd* of analysis, such as pa-peepotarogtaphy. cortpleiceret-rv Ul ration, andjMjJkC work has appeared In lb* analysis of steel and non-ferrous metals, uranium and rare metalhe analysts ofetroseiim.eatlngof pharrna-eullral product* Thework



Appears la be devoted primarily to adapting known methods lot quality control o( materials In production or under development.

(b) nanckiktststChina Is known to possess several ore deposits bra ring thorium and thr rare faiths, aa wen as uranium In addaasru thr Large Pao Tao Iron ore drpauis ta Inner laVesacirlt an reported to contain stg-riaraxl amounts of rare rarths It at apparent that, tn their drive to utlBsw Use natural reeeurces of lbe couniry.nawi are alteraptJct;ure rare earth Industry, most likely In connection with their nuclear energy pre gram.

Bare earth research Is apparently underway at the Inlstilute of Chemist ry of lhe AS. Pelping, and at the Institute of Applied Chemistry Hua-hsueh Yen-ehla-to) at C'li'ang ch'un.0 the preparation of several speclroscoplcally pure lore earths was claimed In lhe ChineseIractlori and Isolation of rare earths from Pao Tao furnace slag were also reported. However, pub-ilshed research appears to baoutine nature, principally concerned afth rpretmb-opa: analysts, rticrrjargraphie analysis, and Uk* separstvn of rase earths, and appears lo repeal known methods and techniques. Research is alto claimed lo be underway on the pilot plant production of pure rare earth compounds, such as rare earth boeldes for use in electronics applies! kins, rare earthas fire retard ant materials, and rare earth optical glass. AM and advice In selling up their rare earth spectral analysis program has been sup-Soviet experts in

the past few year* under the Sioo-Sjvlrlpit*ram The Chinese capability lor reaearch rapisly alt hi se.lii stui far beldnd the srtea tint ally advanced na-liohs and larpoti Soitet aiu'i-n

Yaavoaaoieeaiar emmttryThere kt coarth or any iingw outstandlflg polymer research fhenUst ot faculty In aQ Of China Work In this field has been Incipient Id theV-RO Physical and chemicaltludtna. polymerisation techniques and lab-oiatoiy pilot studies are made an nylon fl. nylon H, nylon II, mnthylmcUiacrj'lale, polyiinylrhlo-nde, acryloaltnie. phenol-formaldehyde,nd silicones. Low-pressure polyethyl-ene potyi-iirlialieo experiments art beingTriltnile routine and duplicate* similar work dorse an Lhe Wast twoifteen years ago

(a) aiviaaiBj rmChina hasrayon fibers and.onsequence. Chinese iclentisti are doing research on bagasseotton stems, cornstalks and bran as tourers


of cellulose. Synthetic Ober research Is onof monomers and development of fiber forming techniques for polyamldes. polyocrykini-irlle. polyvmylchlcrtde and eUiylencglyool ter-cphiiialate. This research follows Ihal done in Lie

(b) atreisrsricVery utilebasic or applied, is being dan* on the newer types of synthetic rubber polymers;production of synthetic rubber wasat Lanchou Chsjnlco! Qsmrarte luatng pe-trole-jrr. OertraUvea) ta rrow-lWO The Klrln Cost-bill* It also preparing to go into prodcrtscc atost manufactured rubber goods at* mad* from imported natural rubber and are of rather poor quality. There have been attempts, although to-date unsuccessful, toomestic supply of natural lubber Ihrough cultivation of rubber-bearing ireea and plants. Communist Chinaubber shoe and auto tire manufactuiUir.greater than their avaiiaouily of raw rub-bar:esult. Lhese faeietlts appeareatortion of ihttr capacity

Deapfl* th* fact that China only recently has entered Into polymer research, scientist* areon th* mostnpedand poryrnerluiUca techniques. Typical ofhe Ztegler low pressure polymerisation technology, silicone resin and polyester resin re-

(S) CAemlcof cnplneerrnoMuch ofresearch and denVpmrnt effort inhi. "

plana and at asrard al equipment and process improvements lo advance technology and Increase production Research and deieloprntnt efforts not Intimatelyith the operation of plant* are carried out in instituted Of the AS. design and planning offlors and research institutes of the Mlnlsiry of Chemical Industry (Jfuo-niuth itsnp-jeh m. institutes of other industrial mlnlttrvas. and alao at colleges and unliesatttea.orcnaUca Is available oaveareh ami development efforts tn chemicalhowever, fairly extensivehe mast and heal transfer confennce held in Nanking inndicates that significant programs are underway.

There are tome in dies lions of work In the more advanced aspects of chemical th* Dairen Engineering Collegealrrn has dealt with the ose of directnalog corrpulen If; chemicalinetics, unsteady state heat transfer, rectifies!sac, absorption, and ef steel plates) With Soviet aid,


vacuum anil ultrasonic IccJinltpnn have been mastered rapidly rhlimtmi pumpa able lovecuumi* millimeters ol mercury ar* manulaclurrd by Ih* Yung Ku Machinery and Enviipmenl llant Alao available, baaed on Ih* uae of ultrasonicr* Chlnsae-producadoVtrciora. geological pmaprvting IrialriuhenU. and mechanical processing miichlne* At lheor Alum* Energy (Yuan Yru A'enffX. Pvtpsng. of lb* An. brruarnc hcu-ctikwks* baa been si iivrougb Oar ua* of radii Hon Tba claim baa Man mad* lhai Una method cOBhf b* rated ccenmrrrieJly

la)l illiraof lb* argent need la* Htliliirs. lhat eraarcudrty wit given top prunt* in 'KS. and baa cciaumed aauat of lb* anliabt* creerJtal eoa.tix.lng taaenl The Chi-neac have Dalit many amal leruhwr pant*reraining ground for per TflTnl to Staff larger ptaota lo be buili later. Key equinmenl for the srrsali planu ia bong ocagned and fabricated by the Deircn Chemicalo lien flns-tuncJren. and the Yung IA Factory, near Nanking This ooopeiallrr group has been expandedulsegc ot dealgn.reat Increase in the number of designThe plan callstKl small mitogen rerUUmr planU. each makingN0 tons ol ammonia. Trie bulk or the end product it to be ammonium bJcartseiale. which is Claimed lo be Ibe moat needed fertiliser The proteasing of nitricomponent of Ihe batter nitrogenn not being undertaken

t* itThe Dalrvn FngllCollege aruii ceil Chemical Plant7 (olntlywo-stag* ruts ammonia ualdallon procras designed to Use Ids* ot platinumhrom or cobalt oxide screen waa placed below thealloy screen. The conversion of ammonia an tbe top screen amounted towith con-tmsnr. t>aking place on the non-pliU-

screen By thieS* sou of plali-

num ansathe oast of material

by TCrvack of BMtervaat is lately to prove

a rrcale! probW in the devvsopc-vrcil of In* chewa cat Industry than insufficient lecnnosogy

iui bpsosM-r* dada)n spueustrlju. IxWrirung inating frran the lOlh century. Iheir is no mdicaUcm that either explosives or rranareh in China has kept pace wllb thai in the more |iroa-res*ive counlnes In Uie world. Very broiled inis avall-able on Chines* efforta IneWs Explosives reaearch It scheduled In be luiderlaken al theof Applied Chemistry, AH. al Ch'ang ch'un.

<b)et propulsion ex* pert, Dr ClUen Hsueh-sen, former Head of lhe rxinmilitaiy Qugiitnlwlm )el propulsion center at the California Institute of Technology, returned to Chin* Innd is now director of the Institute of Mechanicstuch Ycn-cAfii-so) of Ihe AS, Peiping. Many of the Chineseof Dr. Chi en while he was In the Untud States also returned to Chins at about the same lime. With this nucleus of jet propulsion capability.activity in Ibe missile propellant field is anticipated: however, the blllsan-ton borondeposit containing aboutoron, which the Chinese claim to have found at Tsatdam Hasm, probably will be wptoltcd for propeHaat uw by the Soviets rather than by tlie Chinese.

ttaltnrgyCommunist China has made no sipiUVcaot co-itributlons to metallurgical sclcnot' or engineering. Sinceliineao metallurgists have directed most of their effort toward solving the technological problems associated with industrialization. Including lhe es-labli-hmentarge-scale metallurgicalprogram Wilbln the past screen! Tears, an Increasing amount ol basic metallurgical research has been conducted; however, with the exception of certain studies In lhe Held Of metaloot ol the published research locks originality.

(a) MetAL PersiesResearch on metal physics In Cotnmunisl China Is led by Dr. Koestern tromnd spec ml 1st now at Ihe Institute of Metals <Cftnwnai Yen-eft ni-eo) in Mukden His activities involve studies o( internal fiictkm in various metals and alloys, and he has attempted lo offer explanations lor suchas diffusion, austrnllc decomposition, and the existence of dislocations Related uork,studies of Ihe physics of strength otIs also being conducted within Uieof the Physics of Metals at Kir in University (Oif-Unli'arrfi-ch'un. formerly lhe Northeast Peopfee University; al Uie Peiping Iron and Steel Iteaearch Institute (fee rAii-ff ffano-Cleftlso known as Ihe Instilule of Ferrous Metallurgy (see: and at Ihe Department of Physics of the Metallic State at Peiping University. Most of the published re-fcarch In metal physic*igh degree of competence, and studies in the subfleld offriction com pare favorably In quality to throe of the West Chinese work on alloy theory has provided little new infonrratioa Another area of basic studies apparently receiving increasingis that of the kinetics ol phaseThe work has been limited to steel and has not resulted tn any unusual findings,published researchenerally rising<



mow ano srsrxa substantial amount o( supporting research haa been occom-pllslitd in tonnecUon with Ihc development of China's iron and steel Industry. Developmental work to permit the iitlllxatirmluorineiron ore. for example, bus Involved studies of ore iicncflclailoii, InvesUgallun* of the sheets ol fluorine on the bloat furnace process, and the dc-terminaUon ol adequate furnace rtfractorka. Varum methods also have been studied lorother low-grade iron ores.

Metallurgists Specialising in ileehnaking have adapted tlie side-blown converter tor use with pig iron of high phosphorus content. Invest lea Mans ol numerous other elements Of steel lechiioiogy are conllnulng in an effort lo Improve and production rates through modemiralian nf proc-esics and equipment. While considerable prc^tras lias been made in raising the general level Of lion and stcelmaking efficiency, there aie Mill wide variations inartially duo lo Uieproduction iacilitles existing In some planls.

Cctnmunlst China Is currently evaluating its needs for alloy steels In (ui attempt to standard-lac the production and quality Of those cocnpoii-unns needed by industry and to use availablemetals most cwnotnicallyoviet suggestion. Chinese metallurgists have been studying lhe iron-luoESten-silicon alloyfor Ils possible applicationubstitute for more cosily, Imported nickel andhigh temperature alloys.

The importance of electrical si eels and njite-listls lor electronic applications lo Chinasprogress is reflected in Uie research programs ol seieral of the more important metallurgical and phrtwn research facilities. Most of the lietler known magnetic ferrlte materials and permanent magnet alloys have been reviewed, pilinarily for fainiliarfcslJcul and probably wilii manufacture as the eventual goal. Research has been done on vacuum treating of silicon steel (Ot elecUical

(c) tionsavBOOS MetalsCliiocseare also "Or king to increase the output of most Of Uie inure common nonferrous metals, especially aluminum. Tne Pelping Sclent innInstitute for Nonferrous Metals is studying various factors of aluminum extracUot)including lhe adaptation ol SovietSome routine work concerning aluminum alloy systems and their application is being done at the DcparUnent Of Light Metals of the North-east (TOy technical) Engineering College (rang,'o-Asiag)ufaden

Recently published Chinese reports claimin numerous specialised fields, including an Improved method of zone refining lo produceof highrocedure for the extraction of ultia pure nickel, and various rare earthtechniques and means lor analysis. While, in tlteirucivca, such claims arc difficult lo assess, they Indicate Ihe diversity or present metallurgicalactivities In Communist China.

vciasv. tarstunaerWithin the losl three years, the Chinese increasingly have emphasised metallurgical research with possible significance In nuclear energy. Their publications on stainless steel appear to be more frequent Ulan the technological level of the country warrants. The investigations of boron In steel couldirect result cf the use of boron steel for control rod purposes in Chlneso nuclear reactors.

There hasteady increase in Chineserelating lo Uie theories of metals applicable to problems Of radiation damage. Undoubtedly, the Chinese have been troubled with lack olstability of fuel elements of tbeir nisi reactor since it began operationthey have never published on uranium, il is believed Ihat they have ehlalned substantialon this subject from foreign publications




have directed their renitreh program on other roeUU to tn* ailvlng or problems peculiar lofuelighly academic Cluneieon lat lice defects, ordeiing. preferredand the solsd state phenomena could beperhaps more easily on lid- basis than ot. any other

Ic general, although clearly Identifiable Chutese researen in auOmt aaetaaorgy ta uUwxei* rare, there tt atmcihatti on some "cry nec-eauj backgrcind itenniajea. aa veil at or some of the vital structural materials Koclearinurrently about on (he seme krvel as that In Poland, but thr basis for very rapid advances tn the very near future Is beingprepared In China. II it believed thai the Chinese have the Industrial capability to produce their own uranium metal fuel elements si the present time without depending onB. as in Uie recent

c Sionn-icasn aisasaonhows the licstlnti ol faelilUea engaged in sdcnLJlc research andn Communist China.

DoBe* Kaprsucnsof CeSarpt tTapeobably under Use Ministry

of Cnrmsral Industry Also oalted Dairen Irssti-tule of TSerusotogy or liairer. Indaatrlal College.epartment of Chemical Lr.eineen.Tt-tpautarsrril of Cfsrrrdstry Panictpaled tn the All-Chinese Conlererut on "UVd US trial energy, heat transfer, and massanking tn9

ttwriify (tVlMChen Wang-tao5 roundedhis uisliUition was leorganlsed3 when tha literature and srtwiee schools of fifteen urdversdtles In Uie vicinity of Shanghai were amalgamated. It Is subordinate lo lheof Education iteaoarch Is conducted no problems rulalvd lo Industrial production.aork Include* aynlhcala of organotilirrm oara-pounds, analysis of metals, corrosion studies.hemistry building had been ccmstrocted. laboratory equipment had been Increased, and there were many scHUne prefect* underway

/aafBalep hew Carta tmff) tTtng-nmrng *Jaw-hnsA Tntl Hi lilt Dr Wjed foundedhis institute is iiSmiuU to Ihe A5 Aj-piledis under way inlaboratories dero*.ed to Etorgaruc, organic, analytical, synthetic, and physical chemistry. Current rstearih it aimed at tbe development andToccawaa Work underwaya issotodtd wN slurry of nataral products suck as soybean albu-rsuti and lung eal tor rsae in paatUra and resins: natural lacquers. aceiy.Eal rnethodt. tulnirK acM manufacture, catalysis. In ISesg. th-claimed to have successfully separated eleven tpetlroscopleally pure rare earth osjdca and to havo tetilot plant for rare earthThere acre IH employees al thi* Institute In 1MB. fqulpttimt Is sold lo Include itioclro-graphlc appaialus Imported from thet.Uor countries, and Uie West

laififaft of Matter (VtHindf tbtof Phyaa. VolAewatfsra. endt.Director. Dr Shift Ju-Wei for trJormatkia on this institute, ate andor the Phytic* rfcibtrctsoc.

hsifatuf* of Chmtitry (fJua-Asua*Aia-ro> ol As.probahly IIua fihou-rhun,eputy director Uu To-kang. Current research includes polymer ttudlcs, rawn Ikor synthetic fibers, plmmiacoull-cals orgnrKiailtcoos. and organic microanalysis This intUtule has Ave technical sections foron high polymers, organic- chemistry.i- istry. analytical chestuttry. and physicallast sectionewly equipped Uarfsrateynasaacs laboratory That ImU-lutetar: of. Includingenfc* ltwaarrhiri and directors.unlor researchers,echnicians

hutif uf< of JftfuKurpv andth thtnhou Jen. Biiboidlhate to the Deportment nf Technical Sciences of Uie Academy of Sciences, Ibis Institute has two departments of inlereel, one for CImiiiUcbI Metallurgy and another for Physical Metallurgy. Twoalto exist, one at Rlm-mtrig. whkh was esishisinednd another at Otangaha. wtuch specialist In prcsbWtca cf era Orcaamg Moat of Its artiVllM are Bi direct support of Industry; consequently, little bosv research ha* been unler taken,ssabM ferrous reaearch program, and torne rumferrousn prog-

fjufllafe al Metals (Cim-sAnsQn.M Sub-ontlnale to the AS. this lost Utile has Hve dlvi-tsons Mr'-aUuntlcal Cbrsnlttry.ceatlDg. PhyiscsJ Mrtallurgy. Metal Fhync* andt rioted foe Iron and UsevrjaJdngroost of which has been conducted tor the Anshan ileal comptra Raxc research cm liler-nal friction In metals Is high in quality. The total staff numbers. of whomISO am engaged :



Cn^twcHVx WiTX. -Milt* Ajiturci

h* Mr:uiO oT

ut*fuiMAt luiii-iU uf

afcMrai CtiztiieitlirtJli'* ftirYit'N., InritKrr

ofIMmv< ofCtaintUj.

h<iW. Vtipii*Jttwrt-J- InwUtuln forfr#i*twr (jihcfuvv ofA3.

JlyilimliMiileNt.KwunhlAWJNb UM*

ou rjr-rR.Ui^-illt'

Pi.nhqllfiu nPt*efcf.ti.H (trtiltito; In afrit*iiH. Imi-uU if tiritrriiiHiU^rtWy of ttj**cllc&

VW pHl'N..



jlllHftHAI Cil'UN. ItdLUfVfc Il*lti(JJrf? of tit

of Mohaef Aquatic Pralucl*


Uaiimkiw'jjVK Mi ;Suu; Biiiil


P*in**j t'VM'N, nut dud

Ckvtt^inph} u( thtd Cfcrt^ratthy tbf Military ofr*il-fv, IiHlttutp or CAvtl udU) Itortau tf fWv.>n( and

V4mitTAO (ItfWlS.,ulfKrv-lyryH4 ( Omtny and

f-AT rf.*Jf-ipfc V. A3


rr*o! OpUe* and

Eml'ft( JU'U'E.) VTj^itS.

FitriHOief! KftiotflInMllat* nl CcHpttUiRCi Tt<ttiv,unf AH; ItMiUt* ol Mcfurtra, loriilvir efAS; liilfrll* of rwxricudofUr*.Lat-tfatorj tf^jwb* WB. of il* AS. Prtpir* Clan Fa-iorr; Talu

ftif'-httu ijr'M'X..Radio ^itnuriii Cui if. PJiftl;

C^lijitElkvf frtfrjnccitlaife-iiiA

SviTtr*-W'NT( >hl*rfcJtr*jiTe aad

jMTiuLvur/cs- - 1

i] rarn'N.ft itnn^

M jiijumuta. Ad.


K"nj4-Mirt'i 'N. hiiN ti'^U'S, lOlWlw) Ugh



latasUttutk Sutko.ji.-




Hiwtv ttM*l'Jt< ol1i-

t WH.

ttbl Vi-Ii. .inn rr



M nlfi iVum Ih-Kata

featj ifcamtp r

apfAHiriiiM^irt* -Jgw. Uto*frmMi. IzM'Atir

of j IfMMi ml iHmvUtt. T j>l- ,4 T-

lwMu/ of Umtuttilnntarr uf ^uiipj lti*ViUl: lUmuvh lstUtiii*iklutttttiKlot

IfrpvtrafrUJ htUi+j. littttUW nr rHflrrp*.ol PhmAntf?.

Tiuna IJTWM. PRMWlffUiwIM lnM* nf IftAor If

td*tkfjr nvCHiM. Omm {7

Mt>ucATtoffAl iw^TtrvrmtM -

Wt ^ft**JCrr5.Ctmnitj. LTit'Aks-rv'r* WWH.Kir- IV

Oitw iTOV. lii'WXJ-lXwirn frifflWfiji. OiA^r

oHy, lOfi^irrj

puUtcvl cf

uttieArutitiii d

rtiuftonjiitf>iTan UniiHmty. rAv*rt-

W^-uitiu. Ih'IV^'r-



of Organic Cntmlstrg >Yu<hl Hna-hsvehhangliai- Director: Dr. Cnuang Chang kung,eputyDr. Wang Yu4 Sutxwdlriate lo Uie Academy of Sciences, Oils institute was soqulrpd from live Old AotoVmia Sinlcuperations beganarly research here was onvitamins, and drug synthesis from natural products. Byus faclllly had increased lis stall toncludingenior research chemists. There are sir laboratories, concerned with carbohydrates, polypeptides, aSatofcis.polycyclic compounds, polysaccharides, and microbcology. Current research includeswork onitamins and drugs; studies on mulllple uses for agricultural products, such as In plastics and synthetic fibers: highcompounds; and organic chemicalAccomplishments have been In the applied field toward the susmasful production or known antibiotics and drugs. This tt probably the most active organic research facility In Communist

Institute of Petroleum (ShlA-yu Ten-rAut-so),Yang Wet.7 Thisis an outgrowth Of the former SouthRailways Central Experiment Station,by Ihe Japanese prior to the end ol World War TL. it was under Sovietand known as the China Ch'ang-ch'unCompany Scientific Research laboratory., It was called the Dairen Untvrrslty Annex Research Laboratory and stillew Japanese technicians. Tito name wis again changed2 to tho China Science Institute Industrial Chemistry Research laboratory and, finally, to Its present name In UAH.has been to the Academy of Sciences sincenactive to the end of the Sovietthe laboratory then began applied re-starch On oil shale and on petroleum analyses. Achievements have been claimed in theof let luel from shale oil andev. cyclotron. Current research Is underway on petroleum refining by catalyticnew catalysts, synthetic luel production, and petroleum analysis by gas chromatography.

fttrfnI Chilli; Ta-htweh),Lu Chen yu. Formerly,People's University. Subordinate to Iheof Education, the university has oneof bliereei here, Uial for the Physics otand Crystallography, which gives advanced

training in the Held aod has publi'Jied creditable research.

Lan-dum VoicetiUg (lon-cAoa TaJ'snM),Lu Yun-ju. Iras university,to the Ministry ol Education, was founded. While specialising in geolofty and geophysics, there ts Increased activity In chemical research. Curient work includesresearch on petroleum ash analysts by polar-ography. organic analysis, and synthesis of heteio-

Sankai Onhwtfy <Nan-k'ai Ta-tuueh).Yang Sliih-IIsien,ubordinate lo Ibe Ministry ol Education.reaearch of Uie university's chemistryconcernson exchangeand organoarsenlc compounds.

Nanking University fNan-ahauj To-hiuchi,fan Shu1 orBun Ytng-chlueputy director: Fan Tiiing-chungubordinate to Ibe Ministry of Education. Uus facility2 when Chung Yang and Oinlingwere combined. There arehemistry department Current research Is on organic synthesis,of Ion exchange iraiw, spwlrcacopy. polar-ogiaphy. This university is scheduled to become Uie center of Communist Chinese microwaveIn cooperation with other universities Laboratory equipment (or undergraduates isto be better than that at similar Japanese educational institutes, but research facUiUes for tbe teachine tall are lacking.

ffafKxto! Rubber Industrial Research Center,ceDter was established4 and operates under the Jurisdiction of lheindustry Corporation of tbe Ministry or Chemical Industry. The center hasorkers. Itilot plant for makingUnaquipped with calenders aod modern rubber teal equipment obtained fromast Germany. Cicchoslovakia. andTho center's library contains about 7tfH rubber literalure which is of Soviet origin.synthetic rubber specialists were observed In the center

Peiping Iron and Steeltit uie (Pci-Cifno Kaxg-t'bheipingLu Taariant: Peiping Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy. Foundedt Islo Ihe Ministry of MetallurgicalII Is probably the best equipped facility of Its kind In t

Shanghai Chemkxil Induttrp Retrareh Center,center Is located within *Tlcn Yuan" Chemical Plant. Shanghai, whichoint state and privately operatedt is under lhe jurlsdicixio of the


nnangria. Statecrarrarch Institute of the Mijiiatry of Chemical iMiujtry It has wc credit incIm. oat

superphosphate i'M.U'f

aeJtl ioarftixh ts cowtoM an tbemkal fertiiix rb Midt ammonia, oitnarensrejcn are prt4Tbr Hftfl lescJudcier&ttia. SaenUile and rngl/ifyrs pftfUcipnted In the Ali-Chtatse oonfcf*nc<mJaElrml rnrtgy. heat transferhkssn Nanking Innder Uie vpoiutinhlp of the NanXini.Coltajct* ind the Power Lafcoralory tfthc AS.

^eii^anj Motional Cherxkat ResearchtirUoowri Subotdiriale to the Ministry of Chfiiileftl Industrymay bebe InauWte of CbtwUcftl Tw^tKte?Wished ihoul 1MB, thU iruUtute uxs btttid-aes. forwrty occupied by iheSc^ar Re-ftwn. anefuusinjctcd atout the warn* limecttd oa dyettt tlx Intfttute claimed rxpcrimeriUl production Ofnew dye iriyirmirdlaiiii

r altULJiirtry.he manufacture of frephlUv eul Iran, nod porcelain Ot^eetor. EnftUlut* of Mftallurfy and Ceramic** Aft

^iimmiivw af the De*

r-:i- ChJlr-

ian. KttaUisl Society ol lb* China Xnferatlan of

SocI*Uh a the National PwtCt'i

Eneetun* rwlue in itw. From lMi-

acllee tn rarteue Mfanlffte uid potlUc*!

ta Ttnnenectttt*land (iiwt

of tbt Cmnm im ftftsel rtn *rw*

kYtftcfc* co BetaDwcr1f Certain Le* alkventile Rt*oa CtatrvMiSe ant metaJbiitM to do nmrli Inr'imarr iwztlWir^eoUy ev^tetded ti*itM Icon, aniiipUI iuoiIHuu forkKxh Utelng uiedIha wuUurtiw of rali-vky* had bitdifvi Id China. In IHdt he

that Ids ImutuU ludtr&eL potcetiUA a*

khin.vrt LutlrOwiertod If* hoe tmtto-

martly on odmlitlaMcor ofctrn: lin.

ru Yirte, rroluaor of eolioialrj

ufdcademy of Scirrxn.koad, Dtparunent ot raifOKn! ^etrieertne, ptspins

LTrj.pnlty. Proftucr OfhuiWuiK

ijd TiLitcraphic Code (oTO nwtn Eery no-merlcol reprc^DCaUfitu of Chlou* clui^iet^ an

mw of Ihow TTidlTlfUli tor

ue &TaUobk

.turfirtiJ^ dlrvfor of

U dl Wt.etov free* ih4-M t!

tnattruefor %ftyn llkBLi ef JUgh iktHwrACAk ear Wtiu^rr.M rnrm Cbtnow IU*i ludrn jifciifcM mcl iipal wcJin cf Cat**


BOC TohMBKal tnitwt ilcg ao4 trtoeatru:

flwttiiitfrjk^tctfeM of Boaaae:toeef latfaeuUJeal ctaaa#eai

er^zataaiianeafUw VMcaRrr ofUIn-twixr.

NuiLicc.. thjw nefur wm crate;

Tort, BMeafttt. oi Rrwm. TW

Hif7. itM Haa reeairoi nmw bevtcea vizxec

ead of Vnltor

ho la aUinifiai|

WTO: fi Aufiuit IKO. UVA-VQ Tni^Ohlnft, Prof.chemistry, thfr-

mT>ft>Tiam[iM atid etfe^fE>rnusiryT Profeuor oi

caltmfctlr> DtriuKmtxnl ofnl-venlty. rlnce 1mb ClUef. itcmroh Office for Phytic-and ChenilHc7 of Peltttnx Unrteralty.Ortun-ttn* of tbe board ol dlrtclor* of

Recent rra^aich onand batlery otvriypmtzii vceX,

irrtaftt luch tern-

ptrnlunu, nKh a* are nrtded

for aircraft and rocket parte. Xeted ctce^lally.or

ncefc on tnr atomic bomb and JUrinS the Worrf Wm n

for tbe Urft, Oorcm-

Dtfrolj illrtrtor. [oiUlut* of MnUli. ilixeStirtdiric Cocunlt-

nl tht Uni*vniLv nf Chicago. Umvemty of California at BctkeXf. MIT.

Princeton, and John* Hcce>bund cettm yotii ApmeUfl member ol the*

tf^uiJj Lacocatury of iht iMrMitm of Icrduitrtal Co-

oprcauon .ManltaUenOeiirif Ob the do* itfiv.e^ pireeduree, and tech*

nlQuc* fcr ipceUnacopIcn Ooth ntntettn andiccctri. KO. aaliae^ocntly. did worV for Ih*

Ofhoi of Kaul Kraearoh and other erorK for the VS.

e leturned Ut China In IMF and htz to^cht at tarlOUi CnmcMIa aof icecial pvofottxonAl mrUUn. iRcluding the Anseclcan

t'hyilnl Society, tn* QpUoal Society of AsttrUo. and Uie American tiutltute of Mlninfi and MtttallurKtcil tkeedumr* wu ^varoed the Chinese AcMemy of

!9ST of (dJtOr^U

yjutattl and hu pnbtiahod nu-

mtfuuk fclenUAe irtet.w f trt^nji ifoeni

nd Uie ttQwit of Cum upon

tbend ^DUTotkoijuIwUivj of Carton


rccex. iw. tmciuo and etceL"

fjpeoktnilewUnc kaowlvdgo of German and tanth.

u ntun fzosi/aenii. euiimtry and re-Kirch fidminVJ*rtoc. Director. IrMlllulealt,

Alt. kfukricn, aim:* tAanilniK OSctmlllCO

of til* Dcpanmcnt of Tetfcnjeal Stfraees, AS. anre iStv.

Pnrmrrly. render to the Dtoailattnl o< KoUllvrn.

or earlyvhtt. he revarncd to Chin* LP* ftr*i

project at thr jruUtuttHfetermed nodelar

cut Iron And, la IIW. ho wai vor ting oo artnlAr proi>-

k<ii* In atrel. LI. Inith ettatr ttatl mtmbkift al Uunown to Eatc produced

two technical paper* tint* his return to Comnvialtt China: "An XnrevJgAUnri on th*

n InOp.-rti Koil hUtribuUoo of Hydrogen I

t <klcc&tc to the Moscow Conference an the Chlneteearr of pltthi


JI) TV-unt Prof. cjVaiUtfy4 Lkputy

dlreeior, UuWtUrC of ChemLatrXpaod hradfl the

Inorganic clteaiUtryof tho am* loai-Vatc. Hai

aerved recently n* technical expect lo theemo*

feruleAnd the Mlnlilry ofpLAccmeni lor CSivj-Iun Tacntt. who vu dinn&led in

IBM Jornrdiofitirtr wu rcraerty owottAied

with the intlllul* uf Applied Chttralttry InAnd

wMi=pncr of the Secretarial of lhe Chinese Anfl -emy of teleneet in HW. Attended me Eighth Mcndr-

leyer Co on on Oforntl andChrautry.ow. BdnUd to the Doited SLaW at the

U-viTefilty of Rochester*f tolhandUngynj-ra eader of*

M*irh un nun*rio& of the


WAIOO Tn IsrM.raiJ. Df--Syxhi^nUUy. /spfctall^ In anlibkilVh-ijrfcfU-Jy for hit redla-

ccnery mof dtrttun tPir^ki-VTvn&

4-fltallveold mmllar to thai whnhpitMUic* Dejrulj'mititutc of Orfinte CheQi* Utry. AS. EhanshoJ,tm-at oe rhyiocj,nd Chctakuyt Aa, tint

mlttee *mt" its wUO.tji-unrol in Ifttft idepuly

UcKtor. AntibtoUc fteaearchf

BFiaafhAl. ISM. Metcbtr, Chuinm NiiUonal CcromJltee foeand hud of

Rj-ic-if^-h 4 nnd workaH kt Uie Pwccu


>ut did ciAilh-ate wurk atTeritty of Munich.

ith the tnelltwle ot Ortnnle

Lmmulry idt*iiulf dk*Mor In IW4 and memher ofiUTHlllec Avardrrdw

r^ix* ofn by the A* kn ItaT for hh

anUbloikA Rarly verb wt*rol, but

important rtwtarrh, thaielttlnlit, oeeurrad duilntork hai bwi on lhe atereo-if clliintri And on Uieand rn*

hurt* .. Winn j niUurf jiBJ KtantiJV aj-Uloa, Inelurjint Toper

of Ai-nnimyettrAndinto Uu


YAKO Shth-hrtfT.filcitent-Uiry *pcctAludns hi on&irtopho^horou* Kteareh One of the best organic ehr-mWi in CooimwUt china. Al

Warikna Unrter*lly iprf^td-rnt,peoildent,

iitil-M^ obniira. 8Undlaf Cotnndttte of th* De-

ntmlitry. Director of the PclreCcum. DAlrcn. ilti-Gl. Present pod-

Atatbor of pApefi cm peyoicuai And chemistry. hirdinra

Uon trtth olhfcm ontxiiduirlK-cv Visited

Ihc United Stttts In IHT. Meaner ofottei meorch meihod*

In Itum; tint.


niphj, cryilAl atrwluiw of smIaIi Andcml* IWector. inAtltnle ofhjiecj Inow

the tmtltou of PhyakAr, Aa dtnoeand amtntedthAt txxnc tutUute iliiceoemher. DcpArt-

ment of nd Ch*mb*uy. AA

ofalcghUA CnSrertlty.ncnbrep fterandninlUew or CbJjieetoUUcai OxjulUtlTe ConferencA

ifd the ah'Ch-rj* PeditfitVe*riUllc Bo*

dcUea at theCocfereme of the World FMerv

Lion of StMnttftc. . Ptiplny

tuAnch of thePtiyrdctU tt9eirt74 And*

invma amsbtt ot Uie prejAdtum of the

Srccod XaUooaI Commits of the Ch-naorkrri' Trade Coivccx fieHorch tain cccoetr>ed Uie

maA-Or-ttc fojp-ulia* of idfeys and otnip^neU And haa

teen the author of trainee* Coefficient ofndEftecl cJ Slaalk fttraat In Coercive Force* is

rsrtertdtd lo IXff-cent omAl^anphU Uu^ctlotu of Both Iron and Ktctt^Lrpt litralw* ten.

Ihe Ai?

U&mt* whichfrtrrtet

on theTwvIre Ynar Plan. ChUrmun. toojd dlrwiwn

of theot>ety ofwr. Mitniber

Of lbe StttQ-ttntf the ln*UtuU of Applied

Chra^try in tret. Attenditd the ildninc of the 3lac-Sortet iklt^tutc Cooperationm mn and attended Uia xiahth kat-pdaleyer- Congfens tn MMoow

Ihcr. Studied In the Unite*nd did

hi* gradual* vufA nt Yale Hiseeml roKoreh

haa been on the ji-nthnili oflatori

Z. Metcocoloiy ALrd bydrolw^v

opGbitittez and UetuUCommunut ChlDitM cftpabtlitlef. In merteorx>lcgvhydrology are wtlier tow wtieii cojupnxed with leading tkmi or the Wat And with: however. In Ut* eleven year* which hare elAfased since lit* Communttt* took contro) oi iht govenuoeriUIn tbeae JVelcU haa boco falrJT ruptd.carologlcalerTort during Ibpse eleven yfttuf hA* heen loforccajlinj capkbUiUfo Rati lo tVKpond both th* metcorokigica) and hydrol^ervalicoal ivelwork, tn order to provide adequate oiipport lo the itvinurycdpixtatty durlrui lbe Itonwn War, and lo aijrlculture, cJvU


aviation, and latioui industries Support lo the civilian cuaipceienl* iilto has been stressed- In hydrology. Communist Chinas aim* arc loUm disastrous nooda and. at the same tlrne. Co harneas the tremendous water resources to the (iritis; advantage o( IrrlaaLion. navigation, ander.eraUamtal frier

Mrteraciaogaca] ratraurh durusr the cartj jean af th* CoenmurJii ircon* waa concentrated pri-marirr in. I) synoptic meteorology, to understand lhe peculiar Behavior of atmorphcrir phenomena which arsse becauarh leal or other localndllmalokigy, to establish mean or median weather conditions over Uie country. Currently, the treat eat emphasis Is on dynamic and physical meteorological research.

In hydrology, muchha Communist ChUwte attention has been roacentraied on the coluec-Ucn of stream- gaging data, en the reCuetirai cf theol YeOnwangs wag as on the erriiiipraBrsit protassna Of soO sreprorr-rneot drainage. Btif^saao, canal baJdcj. no pi.irrieiit of rivet banks, and the crsasttuctlon

Despite somehe meal critical Ccen-munlst Chlneae weakness in Ihe fields ofand hydroltcy is the shortage of adequately trained personnel witho carry out anprogram, to conduct research, and to train new sclent Is la

Another Communist Chlneae weaknessf Instruments This shortage is not so

er.! ,r. (lie routine ial irj'.ri-

menta. but. for tome rreaareh raids such as cloud physics which require spec jl anal coca pars mstru-meets, tbe leqairecncaM has* net twrn met Tt*urusts acquired almost all of thewhich bad earst used by the Katainalisl Cnmese weather atrvtot. but by now those which are Still hi service are rapidly becoming obsolete* shows wealher and meteorologicalIn use Ui Communist China.China bas been able to purchase sometramHH and flora otherblcc countrVts. as well as from certain wrsl-tarn countries, and they nave begun to rrutnufac-ture some of the Instruments internally. Thus, the instrument shortage has Begun to be eased, but Itbe several years Before internal prodoc-taon can en tarery secre Use awada Of the two sd-erscea

Because of political cceuuderaimrai.has not bereanethe mosl im-

portant international organisations forand hydrology; however. Communist Chinese observers have attended some internationaland the country actively participates In SlnoSoviet banc irwlrorotogical and hydrological

at*pound ant orpaauofumMele-oiology and hydrology were studied very early In China. The history of hydrology and hydraulics dale* UteMrors Wind vanes were used and westliei was rnoordad aa kingears ago. The first section ol China'* Grand Canal was begun In Uie 7lh. and since Its completion inh century it has remained the longest canal In Ihelit In many respects, Chinese knowledge of meteorology exceeded that of Western Europe up toh

Up to about lull, when thelahed, abnoal all significant meteo&Sogical and flydrcloglcal adivities In China were conducted by foreign powara Shortly UvsiaafUr.e|valory was estsbliiheC us Pelping. and the basic foundations wera laid fee BseteorDfesfBral and hydrological reaearch. Thr* facility kt now known as Use Centralcf saetcceuaogval Beaearch (CTaap-poaf cm-hammfhe sfeteeacuoglcalOf China (CAane-aa* Ca'tAaaaag aTsaeA-Aaf) was founded Innd Tour years later ihe Sa-

chiiif my cf Motj |rj

gEthcr alth II* Institute cf Oeophyasca and Wc-leoioiocy iTU'hlu Wall ren-cAiaaoK Pelping.

the two sciences remainedowand was disrupted entirely when the Japanese invaded lhe country7 Mctcorofocfcal and hydrological work was begun again following World War IIU.S. technical guidance and assistance; how-


activity in tile!icW& lemainfloow level when the Communists gained control in

The Cccnrnunist regime in China pt&i'ed tbe op* eratlonal aeather aervtoc under military control when it created tbe Meteorological Bureau or the Military Council Uierie Militarybuilt some obscrvatorKa and elation* in re-were most search was conducted during this period mainly by the Institute of Ocophysica and Meteorology of the Academy ofut moat or thowaa directed toward siren,*thening tlie ot> vrvauunal network and prondme an adequate forecasting service lor tbe military service Fn>ap which sham tbe location of known radiosonde and pilot balloon stations in

hr national UCleTtae,

and they also attempted to Improve the rneteoro-ttgical oommunic^Uoruf, The council eataottsrrtd 3hcrt-term training courses for obwner rjerson-nel and* together with tbe Institutehy*fct and MetcorolOEy under tho Chineseofeiping.oint Weather Analysis Report Center and afor data proor&filng under tbe Central In ttituCc of Research.

Tho Communist Chinese Academy of Sciences to tlie foremostconcerned with the ore/all planning control and conduct Of meteor* ological and hydioJofcieaJ research while the (State) ScienUft* and Technological Commissionan-hui) determines the research program to be adopted. Uie research Id* atitutea of the academy and other organizations actively engaged In research undoubtedly initially prepareue nun. lhe Institute ol Oeo-


and Mcteorottigy, under the toimUnrnt if EarthI* mosl active Institute en-gaged in rrwliurolcgleal reaeuich For bydrslogU cnl research, lhe DrpuiUiieikl of Oecgraphy wiUi IU Hydrrdnglc InaUlule, and Uie Department ot Technical Science* wlUi ila laboratory ofEngineering ( TenchW-ping, bib lhe rooM important Branrhm ot In* Acad*my ofith aaaoriated teaearch in-Kitutea. were establuhrd in man* province*iasa.ew at thee* branchr* have begun reaearch In owtecualean; andow-cm. threeare Cxwially undentafled and hare poor facUruaa and thetr riaearch pro-graou are praaa&tl) only of minor uaportance.

tale) ScaeBluV and Technical Conaaraa-aton of UM State Councilorr mart role ba ccolroliing aad paannange-iloglcnl ana by-drodgval reaearch in Curnmunial China Ittna expenditure* and paaae* on th* budget* ofxacpUea annual reaearch ptarav eo-ordinatea all research, aaalgn* reapunBbUitie* lor jotnl aeununctnv and ha* the authority to merge tjuUtuOona. The enmmiaaxm ho* both civilian and military repreeentallrei and.probably control* and coordinate* military aa well a* civilian meteorological andresearch program*.

ncjlowing the Korean armisticeMeteorological Bureau (CriHio-uonpCAn)d under IheThe bureau provldoi opcraUanalsupport to all phases ol theexcept the militaryain UaOr own IceerasUng vervtcesrrvalkasal natworb and all civilian sctMUea

Through it* iSSaralXnal wtwol. it provide* much of the aastc waather mformalsOD for tbe raJltorjaarrwa The dutara of Use Cm-trad atfteorcaoglfai Bureau are prtsnaniybut nana rreaoirh ha* been conducted,by the Crnlral InstiluU of twitagrraaapV cal Heareryin* of meleoro-loglcal research also has been conducted at aame Of the provincial observatories of the CentralBureau Bines almost all meteoro-logxal rrsrarcli ha* as it* goal the improvement of weather forecasting, the CWilial Mct-omiogtcal Bureau, as Uie prime Communistoiillation, pioiiahlyreat deal of Influence In Uie formulation of Ihe logical research pjogrum0 shows theof tho leading Ciimiiiuiilat ChineseoiganlsaUoiia and butltuies.

TheBureau of Uie klllitary Council is the weatherunit for the rrJjtary saokcaa. its dutsea are eeinwurccatL However, the MeteoiOk-rlraJ Bureauwith ir* Central Metroeologlraland the Academy of Sciences in itoS SS weather controlnd it is likely that It con-ftuctt other meteorological research which has direct Leaiing on mililary actlvlUee. lake the Central aleleoi "logical Bureau. Uie Mrlio'olcf icol of the Hiutaiy Council protabJy has coa-saderahle koftuer-re on tbe rtMarch prep*-:

The Ministry of Water Ccaxierrancy andra| esecutcs the water curHKrvancy program of the country feme re-



In Ihe ministry's departments tor design, enetnwiUiii, intl hydrology Majorand model lasting, In conducted In thehydraulic and hydroelectric power institutes in Iilptng and In IU otherresearch labocatonai al NankingMukden, and vru-kung The institute tnn* mail. facUlty usiiii China, li i> bettered the* IMKlKt

MA Laboratory In Cheng-hsscn aad ibcaaajaaj1 aumratanes ai Wo-baaare directly subordinate vi Ibealthough Uiry may be under the centralratnislry's rivet conservancyministry probably eturcaea aome controlother hydroeloelrio power reaearchas tftow of Canton niid Shanghai; theseara instrumental in awtfiningpowerplanle and cooperate closely withreaearch faciilUat responsible Corof dams and reservoirs. The- laitltuu if HydraulicK'tyhnth Tnxhtmeiping.appear Io be clearly coonCnatedot the academy The aakotsUyason conservation and improvement is dosevnib ihe program of the Ministryand rlrer

surveys, including hydrogMlogKal research.usually carried out together with projects ol thr Ministry of Otologysi).

Pel pine and Nanking VmreralUni are thetraining centers tor meteorology InChina. Together with their Homing rc-sponsbUitiea. they hare begun lomall amount of research Soma hydrokiglc andreaearch la conducted by the technical uairanUM* and valet conservancy colleges: hew-eier. tha smjvsrWtlee probably do cotajor me re the rasnasng or control ol rneteorolcgica: and hydrologies] research.

The Meteorological SoclKy ot China (Charap-kraa Chl-tulenp WmaAJiui) and Ihe WaterSociety of China {ChmmgJtno ShiaJI HxaehJuit) are the two major professional socle-itcs which influence meloorological and hydroiOE)-cal research in Communal China

ami naviLOrMm ay ruth


(a) smeopne strnoaoLooYSynoptic research is generallyescriptive nature In which detailed sludms of the variable atmos-pherlc parameters (pressure, temperature,and wind) are made in connectionarticular storm, cold wave, drought, Hood, or other weather phenomena. Synoptic studies, In jildi^jin to disarming the itate and change at the atmospheric rajlablee, usually attempt to drtrr-miae the moat important changea which appear to give aome IndicaUrai ot the futureot the particular watberbeing ttedird In thai manner. larecaaCng mtat Or guides are derrlcpea for future uae when simi-lar phenomena orciir. gyppfibc reaearch alioore complete understandingnd lonni Ihe bails lor aor mathematical rVacnptlonflee Fiovu(or lheol known synoptic weather itations InChina.)

Typhoonsajor threat toregions ot Communist China,the autumn iroclhi. Coiuequcntly,emphaaU has been given to thisthese storms with the goal of tmprortngforecasts Rraaarch has

lical aids inheir rrnrementa.haa also bean conducted on tne thm dJ-rnenslonal structure of typhonns. lelattonshlptyphoon mommcnt and the generaland (srorable almoaphcrtc conditions (or typhoon farmauun. An objtvllie method which utlllTes spatially averaged winds aa an md)cation ot the direction and spaed ot the typhoon motion has been described for predicting typhoonTha method usee an average ot the windircular area ot tOJ kilometerseDes) In diameter, centered at tha typhoon and eiteodag from the earth's surface to the slant praatw aiarfata ef MO mIStmnw feet tn heicht)elarved that the tpcfil of Uie typhoon win be proportxnal to the speed ot the calculated average wmd, and the dl-roctlon Of movement will beith theOt the everasv wind. Thu method tfto one devekiped and used with aome success for rorecasUng huirlcane movement In the United Stales. Although CommunUt Chinese synoptic research applicable to typhoon forecasting mhas been competent. It has not been equal In quality or in quantity to that conducted by the Japanese whoimilar forecasUng problem with typhoons.

Synoptic rearaith applicable to Ung pervsd weather forecasting has received mora enp^asij than any other type is Communist Chcna Urttualt reaearch coaosnlratad or. using stails-Ucal techniquea based upon urmatologlcsj data for compiling long-period weather forecasts ThU type of leseaich often dcgeneraied into correls-


Hon techniques whlcli had no physical bastsommunist Chinese synoptic research applicable lo long-period forecasting has lollawed lhe Soviet Mullanovskly technique, and they have used this method Io produce operationalforecast* Most of the Communist Chinese studies following the Multanoiskly approach have not been novel bul merely have repeated similar Soviet research. The Soviets haverend away from the Mullanovskiy approach, and It Is likely that the Communist Chinese will follow Another synoptic approach, developed In Ihe United States and Involving the use ofupper air maps and circulation Indices, also has been studiedimited degree by theChinese. They claim lo have used this method to produce seasonal weather forecasts;day forecast based upon this method showsmall skill score,easonalwould have even loss reliability.

Some of the most competent Communistsynoptic research baaeries of studies on the general atmospheric circulation.on the general circulation has, as Its goal, the improvement of both short-period and long-period forecasts. This research ts very Important fot civil and military aviation since il describes the atmospheric motion al the altitudes normally used by modern aircraft. Cotnrounlst Chineseon lhe general circulation has followed three main approacheso describe theol the atmospheric circulation and itichange:o determine the controlling factors of the circulation over East Asia: ando determine the main weather systems in East


Communist Chinese hare round that,the wtntsr. Uiere are usually two jet streams" over Uie mainland watch converge into one over Dortag Ute saimaiii.ciicaaumi waa found to be rnurh rooreesterly yn streamndnorth, aad aa easterly Jet streamnd la" north. Tne mean XO-rcUiibar0 feet) maps complied by thehinese have indicated Use average poatllon ot theIn" pruisurc trough to be located lat-thec weal than the average position found. meteorologists The main wraknnsn thus far In the Communist Chinese research dracrttaisg the structure of the general cavasatlon baa been the neglect of rscnfor 'j* iprlrg and ajtamn months of ihes daring these mem ths that the changes tn the average fluare most peucuxunced and thus are ofnterest and importance. Tbe Communistnave studied the effects of the Tltielanand of live heat distribution on the general circulation Huchery Importantackground for further research on the dy-riamka of atmospheric circulation.

(b) eraaaticynantx meteorotogy as Ihe study of atrnraphanras recxeernted by the ecuauons ot hyarooynsra. scs or other systems of equations appropriate to special situations, as in thr statistical theory of turbulence. Dynamic research gives adescription ol atmospheric motion, and it forms the basis lor numerical woathcr prediction.

Numericalprediction <NWp) Is theof the solution of the hydrodynamlcslThe soIjuoo of Usees eaaaltons was nots-ej;y simplified form and with many qualifying ssgsrr.ptras. antll electrons; digits! ctenputeesaraUeble to handle the prianorrtenel nusnbar of arithmetic eompuutioas Involved. Keenomputer, certainmust be made, and an exact solution Is nidi not possible. Nevertheless. NWP Is now Ihe most accurate method available tor predicting tht atmospheric motion at levels00 feet

The Communal Chinese are not known to hareomputer avaiktble to sad them bs NWPbut atnee IM tbey have conducted scene oompetent rasearch on the basse NWP theory. Studies of topographical effects an nurnerscat fore-

et stream II relaUvnIr narrow tana el blah

stream Is uiually found nasi Iha trepecsuse atO-*om> feet, and wind speeds may reach ss high as IOC mills (ar hour.

casts have Indicated that these effects are much greater trrer China than over North America.rasearch has been conducted on theof heat sources on atmospheric motion This type of research Is very Important for long-period numerical forecasting All of Iba Communis".research cn Nwp has been restrictedegree, because usey hare oo computer available to teat forecasting models They have Gicjm-venled Utla sloe* what by using graphical methods toualitative Idea Ot the models potential.

, the Communist Chinese adopted the Soviet linear NWP method of long petted acather forecasting. The equations for this method can be solved on band calculators, but theproora* restricts the forecasung accuracy. After Hie years ofith the method, ths fsovtets turnedotUmaar ap-pnath becausetodlee showed that the nuraeelral forecast* wan no better than those mads by ordinary subjective techniques The Communist Chinese an aware of lhe Soviet findings and arc expected to discontinue thiswhen Uiey have accessomputerof solving the more complei nonlinear equa-

Dynamic research also has been conducted by the Communist Chinese on the movement Ofsome emphasis has bean on theat the tune of recurvature. Theoretical for-muiauon has shown that the spead otande to diminish before recurvature. and toafterpbcrsoraenon gecci-ally supported by Western obaervallons. aanalysis also has been made of Ihrof kinetic energy In the atmosphere, and the effective potential energy over the Northern Hemisphere has been computed These studies ere Important In understanding the genera!circulation.


toorolegy deals acoustical as with Its

The Communist Chinese have conducted some preliminary dynamic research oo the energyand exchange la the jet stream ahas bean esrabtlafcd describing the energyitr-amawith obeerratioaa, with the csxeptsxi of an upward bias for extreme instabilitymall downward bias for stable conditions. Dynamic research on the energy exchange sndinjet ii resin potentially laealparticularly for long-parted weather

MCTsoaovocrPhysical mc-the optical, electrical, and the atmosphere, ss well composition, the law* ot ladi-



and the proeMse* mtJrii oorur in cOoud* and precipitation The Curnrnuniii Chinese hATt ounducledo phyalcal rtartarcb of alfc-lilflraixc.ew elementary radiation and pfw.pjtation atudtea.

ither modification by mean* of cloud ieoding waa de^etoprdesult of cloud and predpiWMo phynci reaaweb. and th* Con> rauQlai Chineseifed ratner cxtenaivelj In wch To*u Tfl-ft.

U aa reponed 57

cc^lrtea and without any sUUrtKai taaut then- In cteUnrnining tha raaulU ol the ea-paritttfnla They have, therefore, brer, unable lt> make any rr*ore than rni&iitaUv* JurtA^.anU re-gardlnc tha em^Wncy of Iheir eaperlrwiU and, for thU niaon. IM OjrnniuDUt Chlneae exuen-manta have had little wfcnttflc aimiflcanw The Crtlnera KimUaU txtotpiz* ihc aipwlMMiiaa pointed out th* of harloc propat aUtiatical control* for rrtJutv Uon punpoam Tbey abn bra potntad out the far wtAhhihtnf cioud aod pt^pua^

rtfer to ad^inx* Utt auta


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uini II ei fh iibu4f


w<dic4 vllA dry



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^hutlluatf ebrbd*

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Lii Bfciatoiii prou tnv



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of CliMiW

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H! rifff



frooi fcrean*1

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LU si-ntb*! e-

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Wt itui

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U ptw*-


tn#ofidctvtiQo. Trw mtpt Pbo-

llOM IM Weft* Ul Comniujuil OhLIU

wher* wn.thrr coctroiwait cxin dixlvd ilurinc.

(d) HMMitti* Goto-rcunlrt Cblnrwot? tbe bulc Intfrj-wtubynrtwork. but IMy float tvtj UUk ta tb* deticn taC vi>

menu TTicj hart fimtoptfrt43iUi-ict tber nooutdTrtictcup>for use in rueorch. et la Wuiy Uiat iiutnimAl dmhen remrcti will rroire mere emphaiU with therwtrch [nrtUutes ftcccminff mar* dcUvc In rtflcUgrlng uulnimenU to suppoil their romrcti

ptirologiv and hjfdraulittR^OifcJi Innd hydrauUCi In Commtinin China ia mainly oriented toward tbe prevention of flowl* and the lullor utOSa^Uon of the tixmenbQu* water potential for iirigabon uxid powvr.

droiogii; research, Cwrsmunat China haa had to cypand its network of cagtng *tamns which was greatly reduced br the end of World

War IX Rlvar Aurvcyi *trc lnltiiM bj the end of lim.AivitkLm or pfeclplUtloQtaUonA had been ii^crcwd to ixorr0

Tbrre ma)or rtier nrrtyi ltt atjrer. by tpt^ftJ croups tau3cr tbt AcsOabit of) Int) Amur IQvcrolcUy with tha tortrt Unkm, J) on# ofJu YoUowunoj ror dlvartlnf Uuater* or the toultvon for the -rrtgaUatl of lh* *rld norths

The hrdralogfc probEorna on certain riven an InvetUialed for flood protecttan and betterovii OOUfwlbt Yellow Rrrer ii unOtr cloac obeerraUon be-cauae of ti">f*nd disastrous flood* caused iff H* Ouru. eapri^oecU lor rrfuiauon oi tbe river are brlr.aj conductedmall reach Spt-ml mieraet has been on tbe study ofystem of hyo>xloflc fctorem-if haa been de-^eloped. Thl* ayatetax prorad to be of value In the lPft4 rlcoda the YaDgtae RiTer and in the lltto noodt Of thf kual Ho and the flungati Rim.


or China's rnwl important hjdiotortc pioijkra* ta rlrer aHUag. River coiirws changed by silting also have been Investigated, aa well as the changes caused by tb? resulting erosion and

l> studied. Among tne preienli'e method* under InvcillKallon are hydraulic construction And for-eslallon Rrteairh In thiiring carried out In toil mechanics or soil cccisr nationralone* and In esperi-nent tlsuoru Otne* imixh acOeittcsMo concernedi iparsuoc, loen Shanbe Chinese CocnmunlaU ire attempting to cause wilier runalT by (praying asiow and ice with cool ash to provide water for lirlgaUoo,

In hydraulic inearth, dam dMlfn and coo-slructton are prime Urge Is The plan lot(hi Yellow Rif Involves Uieor ii arrWaIB dams;n even more wt plan underway to oheclt tbe Yangtze In It* gorge near San-lou-plBg. The Chinese often nm model tests far their plana HtiuM andeflect lb* cvnrnt iEfirajr* ofI til equtpraent and of eeraent and uni

Th* problem of seepage "consalenble study, fm upetream face of tbe concrete-arch PM-tse-lIng Dam hu been coated withcompound. The Institute of HydraulicrryotliHlly haihe upatraam face of an earth dam, thua de-

Expenments. drawing extensively on Soriethave been made with methods of dream dlvenlon during dam Imlldmg. Much attention


NoMMta 1MO

been givenhe stability of


Silting of reservoirs has been an Importantproblem. Tne Chinese claim lhai ihey have surpassed the United Slain In tills field and lhat their research has demonstrated new eosi-cepts on do* through reservoirs and an thebetween reservoir inflow and Ihr tac and location of outlets for tiw prevention ofResearch continues on llie LnjprO*edand stability ol levees.

Another phase of hydraulic research Iswith the most effective uie of water forto provide more arable land. Research also Is done to determine the beet methods toe dram-big saline and alkaline soils.

Since the development of Inland navigation is an important aim of the waler conservancyIhe best methods are sought forriver channels, strengthening bonks, andof canals,nd tocta.

Much reaearch Is done on tidal phenomena Communist China alto expects to use tidal power tor electric energy and ssidal powermoy

The Chinese claim to haveumber of Improved hydraulic measuringuchressure gage, in combinationomputer, that sharply reduces the Umc required for velocity determination. Other Instrument*those that measure the speed and impact pressures of wave pulsations, tidal rise and (all. and wave height. They also ctalra lo haveon instrument for Ihe supersonicof depths Automation has been applied lo stream gaging at an experimental station on the Yellow River. Here, automatic readings are taken of stage, velocity, and discharge.

Central Iwlitzt* of Meteorological Research (C'iu'iji'3no cn't-fauma Ycn-cluu-to).Director Lu Wu Inhis Institute Isto the Central Meteorological Bureau and, inU research activities, rt is thecenter for all forecasting and observational activity In Communist China. It reportedly hademployeeshe Institutesome reaearch on observational methods and on meteorologicalut its author eBort is In synoptic research designed to Improve short-period and long-period weather forecasting. II participated In the weather modi&caUonalong with the Institute of Oeoph yslea and Meteorology, and tbe coordinatkm andbetween these two mrauites has been good in other projects as well Research conducted by the inslllule has been of average quality, and It Is generally interior lo that produced by tlieof Geophysics and Meteorology.

HflravUc Rtteareh labotatan,,laboratoryunder the juttsdtcuon of theof Water Conservancy and Kleetiie Power (Siui-Jit was established5 as tbe National Hydraulic ResearchThe laboratory is divided Into three mam departments: Hydraulics. Soil Mechanics, and Construction Materials. Research concerns ihe design and construction Of dams, regulators, si litres, and navigation locks. The problems of seepage through dams and dam foundations have also been studied, as well as energy dissipation In stilling basins, and sedimentation inidal phenomena, river training, andhis laboratory performed research to increase the capacity of Fu-tic-llng Reserveir and to protect earthflU dams against wave effects. Tne establishment has two experimental facilities for tbe study ol How In open channels and several large flumes It Is believed toarge outdoor model basin near the mouth of the Yang-tie River. Personnel strength haa been reported as, about half of whom areand technical personnel

ImtituU of GeophysScs ana Meteorology (Tt-ca'Iuia-io),Chad Chlu-chang. This institute, also known as lhe Institute of Geophysics. Is subordinate to tbeof Earth Sciences of the Chineseof Sciences It is the most ImportantIn Communist China conductingresearch. It haside range of meteorological research, but concentrates Its major research effort In dynamic meteorology. It has participated in weather modUicalionand its scientists have led in calling for better designed experiments and for acloud and precipitation physics research program. Inhe institute bad astaff ofeople which Included scientists in all the geophysical sciences. Some ol the meteorological personnel have studied in Die United States and other Western countries and are considered veryeneral shortage of professionalm Communist China, the Institute of Geophysics has had to participate in projects which normally would have been done by other groups. Thus, lis meteorological staff has not always been used lo the best advantage. Thispresently does not bare the requisiteto conduct research in subtleldj of me-


which require complex and ard Instrumentation. Very competentresearch can be expected from thisespecially in the subncXla of dynamic and physical meteorology, if tne requisite Instruments are acquired.

/uififvfe of Hyrfraaix RereorcA fShui-ti K'a-hiueh ien-ehlu-fiian),Hsseh Chla-weh (reportedly) This institute of theof Water Conservancy and Electric Power Is lhe largest and meet important hydraulic research establishment tn Communist China. It IsIntoepartments ol research, ot these,models, earth mechanics and foundations, reclamation, sand and mud. and hydtologlcare the most significant. It re searches all phases of hydrology and hydraulics; some Of Its major objects of research hare included rainfall frequency, flooding, factors affecting drainage, methods for Increasing tho bearing capacity of earth foundations, currents In rapid streams, the sedimentation problem in the San-men-hsia Res ervDir. model teats of river and stream cut rents and of dams and regulators, and coos true lion methods and materials for hydraulic structures. The institute has experimented with pouring deep units of mass concrete In dam construction and has done much research to prevent fee page In hydraulic structures Some research has been to devise better hydraulic instruments andBy the end. Hie staff was reported to. ofere collegeengaged in research. The stall Is expected lo number0 within one or two years.

Laboratory oj Hydraulic Snjiiiccriuj (Sftil-kangS. Peiping--Thisresearch center,ranch in Nanking, is second in importance to the Hydraulic Research Institute In Peiping It la organized Into three departments concerned with basic and appliedhydraulic engineering, hydrology andand mud andajor research activity hastudy Of Ihe sedimentation problem ot Ihe San-men-bsta Reservoir and tha preparationrogram for Its improvement. The laboratory engages In much research In methods ond materials for hydraulicIt has carried out field observationsiles) reach of the lowerRiver lo determine stage oscillations andExperiments tor regulation of the river are being undertakeneach6 miles) long and ISO mete4 yards) wide,one of Ibe largest outdoor projects In Ihe world. The Nanking branch hasumber of electronic instruments wave characteristics.he laboratory reported lo hare one long flume Otherindater tunnel, and largerfacilities are planned.

Nanking o'ttrpertiry (Nan-cnlnganking--Head of the Deportment ofChu Plng-haL Under this departmentivision of Meteorologyivision ofScene research has been conducted on Die effect of reservoirs on meteorological eonditffjns. and the department aim cooperated in the weather modification experiments. However, the primary (unction of the Meteorology Department Is training; reportedlytaculty of eighttudent enrollment. With thb ratio, Ibe faculty would have little time for research, but research can be expected to Increase as the graduate program becomes more firmly established. hows the

Petptng liwOtntty tpa-cJiiag Ta-Axbct),lhe Meteorological Division of the Geophysics Department is concerned primarily with training, :ts meteorological research program appears to be developed more fully than lhat of Nanking University.eiping University began lo consider Ihe weather modificationand was active Ineatherexperiments. Peiping Cnlvei&ltr also has conducted research on Ihe water vapor balance, formation of typhoons, and on the atmospheric circulation It has cooperated with the Institute of Geophysics and Meteorology in designing the Yangtze Riser dam. and in flood researchIn preparation lor the construction of Ibe Ban Hsia dam. Meteorological research at Peiping is expected to increase In quantity and in quality, profiting from Ihe rather close workingwith the Institute of Geophysics and Mete-


c;kaxo(ira.otWrSiaii, snc^HydrauitcA tciainc hydrauiK Cntrta And prcoatty th*

M-nUtfy of VttCt

e mlniater sincetitowuius loiealdcbt of Pevyanttat Chtina-fhAn UrilTera.iy.

. akliol.lvtt CccAtrvAliCj"

Co^ml^tccx.Director, Kciinc-itJFl Watervir

Improvement Board.tpoty director,nt of HydfAuL*;


Water OJn*trvaneyy of ChlttA Mimlw. Centra] Cummlttot of PtdcraUan ofw SttlrUei Attc&dcdJoint &tno-8ortet Conferencerxhnology, Paplng,

MtaaAU to Third Cangrta* af World Federation of ^entitle Workers. Bodapett, September IK3n tbe United fjtaiea tn thend toured th* unltud 9tatns intiupeoia*ontroluthor of aewat booai on water cansonattan aad hydraulic


CHANG Xianc>tOu lalaoCHnXQQiianf-tOu) llQSrfia*/

*4MJtAnd hydraulic *pe-

cinlUijir in nydroiiactcte power And IrrtsaUcn Jtrut-

fnrefiKftt hydraailr-

Hitnfrr cf Sumimi Cum&lttot of LXpartrntnt

aod head ol Department ofdranl.cLaboratorycadrmj1

cf Hydraulicand bead bydnelectrle ctrnrturea. Department or Water Con-

ivrr&nry. Tainan ua Ua: varaliy. Pulplnc

AuUtaat chief malMcr, Notional Hydroelectric Eo-aloeertttg AclmtnuiraUon. and engineer. Lucg*iut River

anl, itvtt tnglneer and btud. Shan

Tou Hirer Hydroelectric Flint. in*M3 AKOtfrte en-

at Deer. (rational jurourr** OanmuJlim. OJt.

in tbe United atalea la

unior cartneer. Bureau of Reclamation. Dtnter.

nd IPOembernd tenh-acfetffCAl vtlAtt^ to Anther of

amralai openly advocated CommanlKDWT. Sara: tm. CKAO Chlu-tbananete-

CroKtfT. DTrectOT. Inrtltut* of DeojihyfleA nuidAn. liner Uentber of

irJitee, Board ofeteoro^icaJ ttotUly

Of China, 1WT Vice (hAtrrn*m.fninua

NiUrtTjJ CcmtcJtter foe the tOY. Olrector, larUUite af Ueweorolofly. lata. Frafewor nf iaeteoroiofr Titng* hUA Vrd^eOTy. IVP 4A Studied at the i'nlvtt*ny or

Derlla. tVAt And LKtorod la tbe Unitedn IW

Vaited tbe USSJtapanT. and India in ,HQ. lo 1B1e ururytapAtb*tle lo tho ComExwlrtCumnt dutloi aje cbteflyaUvii. but btu coodoeced rcnMrcb oo tbe aenmJ itmorpbertc circulation, tne tbeem^ynABik* of iuun-

aadrKtloaal elTccia

. AoorfemWro. iWHtH Cliinasociety. Itta. Ueotber. Board OC

rj-reetorr. CtxlliA Society of Aavooccnr Head of Arad-

emy of GelenciM Prtnn.n* Itui-ao whwh orA^Uttd toe

lEfSttlatc of Phytic* and tbe Lwtflak of Apj*Urd Pbyaxa

Eddied In thextfrtntdoctorate al

Ha/*urd TJniverfity. rornve/lyT number ofonotbt Party butexpelMd in iwa Aetire propa-

Kandai on alloaed VS. um of tdcOoaiCAl vArfare durtn*;

ciUnaUilitfy of Chtaa* Born: iSPO.

t-baJ. Ptof^-Synaptv:Bead* Departrnent of Meteorolocr, ffanUna Vnlveratty. rbxa lt*to AModAte profea^r. DepAilmcnt

of Orography. KaUonal Contral Unlieralty.

TrOAAurcr. CeoarapbtCAJ Sx-ety ofWuhan Rc0oi>aI Piinnlcxf Committer, sate Kemorr. Heard ofUnraadrty, itiij- Haa dliectcd


H8ISH, Cltta-Ueh.craflnferlnf and hr* orc^iry. rlrhAnart proo-

abLy tbe tao foremoK bydraatlc eDgineera tn cvrruEu*

Chma Reportedly. dCTiclor of tbt Hydraulic Re-

ind ptietliriy nlm onreclcc of vht ntnttfirya ftareuLtroCoay ivat In

t the Itrdrotaslcai detoohment of tbe

Chinese rrptdtlten re. Ihp Alnii-riovttTl Survey of the

Itlere Mambee of the XaUoneJ Hyilroe^ctrfr Buraaa MablliHt. iHW. ProJf**vw of Hy-

drAitttfatlnnal Crnlral VnlTrraHy.

a Hrrntter ot Velio* itmrof fHudiea. IMa-IT.

and rialptadtheI tvulUvoJume repxt Sidled in QermAny. Imft AtalttantVlnfa*ilr'jiiiedtha hyditnace^ And IVod ptob>nu of Um TeUov and YarurtA* IVwi. rt^lr. hu m.

scxUUan Mt-ttcot. at ibeta auoai lub Hu vmteni And artHTjee aa

aajirte mt ItyaWitaij aai nydraoJc encore tn*

San: in;

SSO irbhoo. FtoT Vr+mm* aaifaeeaiatj. laate raaaejchtc

FMaMr attthr. CvpMtaaaM of airt*-fifttJ.k*MfOfc-tc. Cm -Nathanetnraloava:ofi Haa aanJuctatl itawch on Utrtevu-Tiid^uatiiivA>*TttalpradicUon

CU Cbcn-cb*ao. Prof. Dr. DynammLead-

tna Cirmmvnlrt Cblmtea rtaoarrbfe In numerical *ea-*iec piedietKBr Mrmber, Jruiliut* of Ocwphyalfa And Ueteoroloay, OcuainvAUt Chlneae Academy of aelrocea.

it leoat Aaaoeaaud vltb Otbtral aaetrcro^

CMuunittory.ptbfr * AaaoclAUd with Volrpraily of Bteeahnlm.O Member. OompL.a^

tfety of China. >fetnb*r, filAbdlbf

Board of Dlrectora.society ofhe TjalvcriUy of fitocktxUn. andtbe KiimcrlCAl Weather iTadlclk-n

at atoetthclm. Svetfen. ttcT Barnwarrh

on abnnapherlc clrculAtlob, heat exchange hetveen Oteani and eontltientt; iSkU of the TOetlO Plateau

CIA Hdwm

the fclrnotftbcrlc rticfl.nMon. *nd ntustrtoal

IV VTj mKcccotoCY- Deputy dl raclor. Cvntnl ItfoLcorolMllcAl Bnr^ou And CmtriJ titvUt^tc of McUoroktftcAl ftatafcrch.

rt4xrrt*ryf Kditomi Cotmaittoe of Scientific FApcis on

Mulcwofctfy. lis*- SUmbor. CanpUaUoo sod

Translation.Atiftiruloetad Series? of

* OCtfttU

ULHffl^lWUttJ *pOo mctc-uroi>fcyvotral Mete-BmbtfCOi BarcAu, Alftcc itIt&X Dlrnctcc, Ccm-

in] KetcorolotXAllc* cbalrcauv

MKaorotoalral BotWly ol ChUii+beTH Cunualttut

Oi* Ctneralrovlitonot ecsre of directoryklvna Wwrtm'9

Mtsnber, Executive CouncilFcderAllan ofintember of Ewutlfp Beard. Gmo-

SoiUL FrJtwuiilUp AnKlitinfi ICu tfstod the United Kingdomtfaridflfiit4 and AuiirUUporUd to buCommratR. liltcWOtth CQ monlOtttt, 0oodl, And drtiuShU

In China, note of With unknown. WAXOam hydrAUlte cnctotcrJn* On*

o/ IheCbtacs* hydrioUs eneinecri laftcM af dum huUiUflt. Utrantr of Hi*of

Technical .

chlof engineer, JUhd ohluf

ftiniftar,reaerrutrutycpArtfocnl of Water CtinwiWty, Kail Chinaoa Administrative1 sad ijHpul* ;fc&tft taulncfftnt ItttMti. Ilunl llo OnHrraRcy CommiMtoa. tWft Directs 8ulcaa OfJl-Otina Kctmnmtc AahkmUoq Chief engineer Ol panning eumftOtto* of UxaX Ho CanMnancv Cramtt>

iloa Chief of fecifletrtag Settloa. Bureau ofChekung promt a* Al-hu Irrl*

jf*vl)<in auWri. Member ofecwmllUi of Uie

Civil EceTneerlng dxlety of Codno. De)egiie to scted-

itftc mottlCEf* to Indlo,4 und April

PaiCsiAits JitvovT IW; ud tfipin,6

tttutjud m tUtfc* un* csutb rvruvh

*nd hau pvbJUbrd aumeroui PApcia ca Uic dtftfn Andof^Irudvn indl itttiiitt Bom: UM.

but IW3 Frofwor oinhitr* Prtplnc iJnl-

&no*. AUmtb/.CAtlflt.fcsibtr. BOAid of DUcclOTA ARd Oftatloo

Mid TrAnvQAUoocorolOEkolof

fW ASUtAtod whh the Untvorvltr of ChKftfo.

dyn Amx And phxACAl

inf abiwpbtrio rfetriclly. cloud phy*Jta ind wtithtr


lALld iM K

irrOucnco ofn th#lrcuU-

ixri dUtftt^Uoapccdic&ci cf kinetic oncrcy in tbe otmocpeitrx eircuitlcr, tbe je:nod the

-*rtatiiinfACnltr of


iV QnrkttAL

(lj QipAMuKt flnrf frencuOet&nog-laptiyn uclpteat Atage in Communist ChtnA. Tne country is not ffxjwtod to TntXv any alfiQlflcaatn this 6ctd la the near future. Capability in Utts Held l& extremely low* cspedaJlycoifipartO with lhai of other nationeng&jfed In suchUtx^uArty.and the Sovieiceano-strapnic research in tbe Far Baet Because Com* munlst China tac Its lufAcxoit we^Utrainod occano-erapriJc personnel wot% xetearch has beenin support of marine biologr and ftaherief to fiatUfy cKimasllc rrmU for marine product Other areas of reaearch have been neglected, such aa marine physics, chornUtry. geology, and instru-menUlion. SxijlLng facilities are unsuitable,because they lack adequate imirumenta-tXjn and are concentrated in Uie Tgtaglao area

The existing limitations In oceanography are rrxcgniTtid* and tbe objectives of the preseotprogram Include plans for strengthening the capabilities in physical, chemical, andoceanography. With Uie strength of the Cora* raurust Chinese Nary gradually Increasing, greater emphasis can be expected in these non-Mloijtcal aspects of oceanography. Much of the present Ccrnmunist Chinese effort is directed toward the expansion of research facilities and the dccne&ic training of oceanographers toelter research program.

IntemaUonally, Communist Chinese oce&nsg-rapti-crs haw been practically isolated fromactivities which could help promote Uie country's program. Edcst foreign contacts In this now have been with oceanographers from other

comrouctai countries.rics' Research Commission for the Western Pa-one. whKhectxra for investigating the oceanography of tho Yellow, Bast China and South China Seas. Communist China has beenm the oceanographx: study of Far dstem waters with the Soviet Union, North Korea, and North and South Vietnam. The currentoward closer cooperation withS U, which has furnishedht form of adn&er* and has provided shipboard expenenoe for Chi-ncoe oceanographers aboard Soviet research ships. Participation In broader intcmatxmal mvestfgaH tsons probably will continue to be extremely lira* lied until the scientific capabilities of Communist China In oceanography increase.

urbanizationPrior regime took over research in Cl*kia



eonduclwjall oral* at marine bloVigl-col stalxini and nt the TUiiDlao marine biological laboratory. ThU effort ami very InadequateountryossUlna ef more0 miles andeed tor marineource o( food. Under the GommuniM regime, the potential oC fx-ranor. raptilc reararcll to support the eiphxUUon ol marine resources was recognised early and. with technical aid from the tbe scsenUflc eftorl In oceanography haa beencrjrumg eceillnuou ripanalon

Tbe moatesearch is CornmurJit China la being conducted at msii-tuueos of tfte Academy of SciencesCao MTos. Pesniag. and the Ministry of ProdurU (ttaxA'aa7b*ut* of Organography (Ifaiaanse-singlae, eatablsshed by the academymail marine btf+oglcaJ lahoralory a'.s now the Wading ueeain.giaphic raaearcn organ: ratten The academy also conducta Umltsd oce-anograpftir research at IU Institute of Geophya-Ics and Meteorology (Ti-cA'mi Bra-JIelping, and plana to supplement tha week of the Institute of Oceanography by establishing aorganisation under Its Canton Branch to study Uie South Chins Ilea. The Mtnl'liy of Ma-line Products maintain* fsearch Institutes at Tsmgtao. Shanghai, and Canton. Theseof which the Institute of Aquatic Products ol Uie Yellow Sea (ffiuanp-Asf snuich'ancAru-w) In Tung lac Is toOevod to be tbe most important, conduct ooaanograplilc suiveys tonahcslca research Other Cornmunlst Chl-nose organisation! ooncamod witti oceantgraphy include the educational InsUlutlons of Amoyasa-newmoy. and tne Snontung CoUrge of Oceanocrapliytrafl Halvingat Tstogtao. as well as the

FusJrn InHitul* of 'Iconography (fa-cnirri Hat-

tangat Amuy. the CentralBureau (Caaaeyeas Chtfuksngad fastiiuaa of Hat Ounaa* OoruBvnkst Mary The reaearch cdorta of those vtstOM organtiatuns are eeanoed and controlled aauoaally by lb* De-partmenl of Oceanography in the (Stale)and Technological CommawKnsaeA OliiAaai) under Um Slate Council IKua-vn Yuant

ajor portion Of th*ffort has been devoted lo acquiring and organising[oc-iMies. ihe most Immediate talk has been the domestic training of personnel The total number of domestic and foreign trained Oiinese oceanDipaphars, exchi-ive of marine biologists, li believed lo be lass than lb" and probably k

f these are capable of conducting significant independent research. These few leading nographers received tbeir training In countries and are the radio lo train occanogra-piiers Some foreign educational old Is beingfrom lbe Soviet Union, bul lhe Shantung College of Owadogiapriy In Tli'i'-- B. apparently has the major responsibility for

Taw aawaat Ddhss has provided (tailed taebrav awl Maaltance' toCOcvriunUl China durmg the first decade Of cfcveSojssenl ef Use ccmlry'i occano-grapcir reuearcn program. Leading Soviet ocea-nograpners have Men sent to Communis: China

Thehina was produced In tne Soviet Union and was standard instrumentation for routine observations, long-lerrn technical aid apparently will continue to be received from Uie Soviet Union through Joint oooa-of far Kaalem waters spon-by lbe Fisheries' fuaoarrh Commission for the Western Pacific SovtM ana) Chineseand ihjpj have been cooperating In surreys Of tbe Tcllow Sea store lotmaUon of the eowmis-sfon IB ISM Cravndcnog Soviet capabilitafSln shipboard rsaaansh. the Oitoeet eSOrt should benefit frcac thewsefforts ftawibry. Chinese tresnograpnsn will also participate on Sonet oce-anogrspha: cruises that are part of btemsttonal programs, as they did aboard the Vifvir during tne International Geophysical Year (IOY).ConuniinUt China in general Is expected to iseardi to domcsllc waters and not major participant in International as tbeIndian Ocean RapedlUon.


is limited pnmaiiry to studies of th*regMj and taona. Mast of tbe preaant raaearcnconducted by institutes to Use Tsmgtao area and particularly byoll lute athe short-ages of trained personnel and adequatehowever, have restricted the reaearch effortoutine data collection activity. Th* pieienl iRicarrh program Is organised primarilyeries of systematic surveys of territorial waters and at least wane of tbena are part of lbs fish' erics anal sjceancigraphy investigations of Uselast Cbsna and South China Seas sponsored by the rubenea' Reaea.-cb Cnmraaaanr for the Western Pacific There are three known reaearch ships and anparrnUy the Chinese Navy provide ships to support tbe various surrey actlvlUeB.

I9SSbe Va Hoi and Yellowc mvotigated These initial surreys were then followedroup ol synoptic investigations In tbe some area during tbe period (ram7 ioatt extensive surveys arc now being conducted in Uie Yellow, East China and Sou lb China Seas and should Be completed by tbe end0 These vaifeuj surveys have cot-leeted Information about the tipallal and temporal variations ot the oceanegraphic characteristics of Chinese waters and have served to train young oceanographcrs. Ko advanced research program* are evident; henicr, other research in physKal oceanography hastudy of tidal con-dlllons in Ihe Po Hai,ide table of the area baa teen compiled. Ortiui waie recordersave spectrum analyserbeen devet-oped and are being ured to collect data fora semi-empirical method of warehare of the bottom sediments In the But China Sea and southern part al the Yellow Sea has been compiled by the stall ot ibeol Oceanography. The en*ion and silting ot harbors is also being studied. Apparently, the Soviet marine Geologist V. P. ZeukovKh. whola beach and coastal problems, was at-fluclated with this research during his recent stay In China. Other types ol marine geologicalligations, such ai marine seismology, gravirc-etry and geomagnetism, have not vet been

The marine biological and fisheries research, the strongest am In the Chinese program, has been devoled to the systematic surveying or marineIn coastal waters and bas Included studies of tbe morphology, ecology, lite history and food value of selected groups ot marine flora and fauna The results are compiled and published by the Institute of Qvanography The Institute is also conducting notable research on marine algae. This work is directed by Dr. Tseng Cheng K'uei. who ts considered to be one of thoworkers in the world on this subject. Other research is centered mostly Bt the Institute ol AqusUc Products or the Yellow Ses and has aspp)XaUon lo marine industries. This work Includes determination al reserves of sea resources, breeding ol morale organisms, utilisation and processing ot marine products, and saltwater ology ol Amoy University. Though littlebout this facility, Its reorganisation suggests pcusiblo increased study of Ihe Chinesewaters In thefarmosa Strait.

Institute of Aquatic Products ol Iht Yellow Sea (Haumo-Aoi ShuvoYan Yen-chin-so),Director: unknown. Establisheds the Central Institute of Aquatic Products under Uie Ministry of Marine Products, this institute Isla have been renrganrzerihough thu lastitute Is concerned with futfcerses research. It apparently conducts ceranogiapmr surreys In support of the fishing industry.

fiuflfjite o/ Oceanotjrapfiy iHal-gangcademy ofng Ti-chou0 as the Marine Biological laboratory al Tsinglao and subordinate to the Uydrobtological Institute of the academy, Ihls organisation was expanded and byeparate lastitute. known as tne Institutearine DMfoKy. Subsequently, the academy further expanded the Institute and iU oceanographlc research program aod,, established It as the Institute ofThe Institute has departments of physical oceanography, marine geology and ma-tine biology The Institute Is now the largestof cceaitograpblc research in Communist China. The original staff or the laboratoryamithin the first seven years.the institute ts expected lotaffersons and occupy three buildings.

A major portion of the research concerns the investigation Of oceanogiaphlc conditions Incoastal waters and the collection of data about marine resources. Although thb work is routine and generally or low scientific call Mr, il Is probably lhe best in the country, as the staff Includes many of the leading Chinese oceanog-raphcrs. The institute Is expected to stress the marine bwiogvalor at least nine of the fourteen members on the Scientific Committee formed at the Institute Inere bftiogtsts. The present facilitiesibrary of moreolumes,on Venus- tonaquariums.are also apparently available for developing

F&aeK fruitful* ofit-eaten Hat-yangmot FlUWnfly,Director: 8hcn Chia-julhis Institute was organised in9 It is believed to have been formed tram the laboratory of Marine Bi-


Shantung College ol OcwncH'ipny (Shan-lungrlngUio- Piestdenl:This college, believed to be subordinate to the Ministry of Education, was founded9 to provide training In theoretical ocean ographlv research and In the techniques of marine it was established from the Department ol



and sections of other dcps^troenU of lhe Shantung University concerned with the matlm sciences. The irulltge has departments of marine moteorotogy,hec.UWy And bi-utogY. and marineloilher Uief the facility nor student body is known; but, since thb Is the first such institute mChina. It probably will be tne leading education otEbntaaUon for oceAnographer* in Uie country.

1WT. xtocnbiir Of Ul* SjlenUfiO Craimtuw of tbt

tc oCormerly, tbt irmtuuu of

n Sum OA TVt dlMCtOf of

PKlfic* MaoM In Iba

tadhJX In

Citironito Irutttute ol Tech-ictofj- Recent rtteareh hu cmntnuS iht pTiriica-

xumi in?

4A01reano&-raphj. Dr. Kae I* oonelltttd to lv the bMt Inlnad

eeeaaotnnbrr tn Commaiiiftt dun*, lltud of tbt

inl of the ImHIW of of Hi scteeUfic Coa-

OiltUe In ItUA MM In tho United State* from

ndfcO tnftom alValvar* tj of


MUli. Dr^-MMtoeb lEWftfcmDcrrAifT Lmn tor Mi re-

oo aotriawe bee bw aaacelated

Ibt iMQCati Offu4

L-uttitvUMiiu atofcej. .toco IH* a* ta*LCacter* isaavaa: abead, xw: a

or tbt av^ttJW ibt

Tieeof tbt IntLUuU cf OewterriatT.uccUWd with Khartun* of th- titucorUuaaJ board of Acta ftlai^ra *ma

(Botanical*fUi I* im and tbe board of

director* or the- China OceorKenphr and UmOOlagrIn IM4 mwOlod and worked In tho Unlttd

HtMl. andee. at tbt Cniteratr

of Nflch^un In 1M1 Traveled to Ottmany and the

wrnh haa (Wrtnrf tbt

of taarint alaat. Bora:n*


brroicry Dre* Won director luU of OectnotraphTluhe larottue

of KUrin* Blologj tier* Itol Hoalio lh# dlttttur

id on the board or

Otoanoiraphj aod LimnoiOtT SOJtotj Honra M

tUF of tbeM-urcb Ceromifvoon for tho VVtMni?adnc. uar^d ttodtod to the

. In Betfilum whoro ho

from tbt VniTtsiaij of SrjotcU In SIM. In the Uasiid State* tn ItHft and IMS. and la tno Soviet tjnioa inora: im

orvoatuat eoophvsica And grainy

a. OcivraxL

nd-ireatnol ftoyL/tau andnct rjeaUr alnca the Cocnmi-vnJrt ree^mem 1M9 rhe urneai falm In thoirnetrtc. feo-^ectrWtandacvncea Uive boon those qjjporiated with tha apptlad as pecu of the acknc^ such oa minertilapplnit. and other related problem.wruMerahiethe Chin die work In these field* la not itaJly ouuianding. or even adeqtaatc. to mort domraticNrwtheiieaa,reat detal of forrtgn help, roointy fixitn the

atbeen made In the tail ten jwan Or the torestnalejr and,teiamofccf ore the oojott darti-oped inCbxx wMh> wotk Lari fcravlmoiry, ^rxnAgnetlxnx andn their rery inienje <Utermlnation to beevmrthe Ccfiuouniat ChJneae haee almcel

'eiy rmpba*ned tne appiteo lhe drirtintihl of basic and theoretical atudin Altnou|tihave been roadv, reaearch in ter-reeUlalnd geodesy tlilL fail* lo meet the eenneerjr and military ftceflfountry nf the atat and Irrp^tior* o* ftoxottl CbJ&o.

fadHUet for csetheaeare ttjQ ana^tatle.OTbWito opon-don haa taken pUce in new feofrtyaicaJ uuitng

-and rwareh tntutctea. Ihm ahoiuge of adequate reaearch faciatle* in the Atld.

the mont fundamental and crucial

ihortae*ack ot taeU-Ualnod peraonnel coupled wlWt giou Ir^rnelcnciea In tlte uae of

Trie axJntUOe capability of the Chineae COft> uunUUthe geophyaical adencea have beenAh&rply during most of the lout tart yeara. Now geo|>hyalcal alatioat and otuttrvotorm orebull! that will provide belter rational and area! data colkclion fortunes, particularly earlhquaXe and expioilon recording stations in the fieJd oi HllBOaofy The dagree of Sonet intemt tn lelaosoaoglnal deteetxo oi sorunade erploolorki and Uat ataabat Soeut seamr^icej avpfort to CoMnunart China, oao*e* ix quite peoUbar that ihe So*laC Union Ttaa cooperated wilh the Chlnaae CarjununlrU Inapability for re-cording and reporting theuclearpaiticularly Ihoee In tha wuatem Faclflc area Tenwlrlitl geonhyaic* and geodesy, oi applied tc mineral eai>1oratioa and exploitation, ntllltarj caitogranhy, flood control and Other enpneer-

ing and dereioproentre being expanded


unproved each vow for the militaryand economicf the country.

Toehich Chinese Coram uairlgains from therobably relatively low. Chmoe Ceoimunlit guiphyueUU and geod-tsuti have onlj rirtij aitended ieterrmMr.ilWeatecnod ita they oil. inetr parUcipaUon was almost rtoneiistenl

(J) Baoec-mmd skA nrpunuaSloaChi txv investigators were arnonf Ibe first to study earthquake seismology and the earth'sfield, but they advanced the science only slightly until the end of tha fluommtang (Na-tlonalbt} regime in lOtli For the past twoyean, the main emphasis for geophyweal and geodetic research in China has come from foreigners. In tba tally lath century or before, the Jesuits began to moke astronomical andobservaUceis vr, many parts of China and Mnngoha. The astronomic data,iv macccraie served a* the basic ccotrol for much of ihe tarty arstsfaTray, af China Fur. today, these old surveys cosmUIuU lhe only asaiMfcertain parts of the country.

During the lath century, the Britain Admiralty Officefourth-orderng the coau of China from Hong Xong lo Shanghai Host British and US hydrographic charts are based an thesehe Peiping Central Army Survey School began geodetic surveyshe school established Arit-onlei leveling between Pet ping and Ch'eng-tu and someInangutation In Hopah province.

Tbe Camest MaUetialrau aataoUaheda-ss. traverse, and leveling nets aad made ar.rc-nercK orjaarvatssna oter rn-acn of China1lthougb snort of tbe serveyed areas were covered only by towcr-ovoer control, first-order control dideral scattered areas, the largest of which Included all of Chekiang and parts of tht adjacent provinces. Otherworks by tlte Nationalist Chinese in* eluded geodetic surveys ot several of the major rivers by the various river and conservancy com-mUsJons. tbe Chinese maritime customs, and the Chinese hydrographic office

Most, of the BvaUahte topographic macs of Chuts. excluding Manchuria, are based on Na-lawuhst Chines* surveys, the results of which arc exeputed to termsumber ca* local geodetic Ca.cms Daring thetr oecupaUsn of Ma.*vrhunaoe Japanese essabjahed good cuaaty gfoJfCac surveys that centred much of the re^or. This geodetic work repc-riedly It unavailable to the Communists. During tht Sine-Japanese the Japanese oiulDlshed numerous lower-onler surveys, basod on localo meet military requirements throughout the occupied area of China.

The measurement Of gravity in China wasby Fattier Pierre Lejey of the Zlfcawei(Hiu-cAU-Abi riewhane-hai, who estahUshedgravityin vari cus parts of Chim betweenand February IWa. using use oca* natory as the base Sevecty rnott granty Heltons were essac'isr-cd between Shanghai and K'un-ralsjr and in western Yunnan province frorn IWi to IBM by the CdJ-riese Academy of sfcieascaa Dursng June and Jury isHt. thetKUeumravity stations In Shanghai- Al about the same time. Erie Norm and Nils Am bolta gravity survey in she TarUneasurements by pendulum.

Although much of lhe geomagnetic end sclsmo-logical research we* being conducted by French Jesuits, some work also was being done by other nationalities as well. The Chinese themselves also had two or three observatories for making these geophysical measurements and observations.

Since the CDmmuniaC recline haa attained power, there hasreatly Increasedin applied gewprijsKi to farther thend olhtary growth of Ihe country. Tbeof Sciences raerelaea petraary control over basse and theoretical resaarch In terrestrialin Owra-aunw* Chant The Ministry eg Otology ific-iiA Fat Is the mainanisatxm In applied terrestrial geophysics, but the Academy of Sciences (CWimp-kuoS. Feiptng. and several of the variousministries also ess it considerable infiu-ence over geophyalcal reaearch and operations tn the applied fields. In the told* of geodesy and mapping, the State Bureau of Surveying aod Cartography (Ktto-rht* Ti'e fVeJimeiping, Is ths responsible organisation. The work of these and other controlling bodies Is oo-ocdmated for the State Council by the (State) Scientific and TacJtteeogVsU CornrrUaskn Procaxl shows the probable subordination of Chi-aeae Conunumrt cewarisatsjons concern^ with terrestrial geophyiscs

General control of basic and tneoretxalto gerrphyiks Is centered in tbeof Earth Sciences under the Academy of Sciences To tht eslenl that applied geophysics Is controlled by the academy, that too isunder the DrpBitrnanl of Barth Sciences and orgarusatKirui such as Ihe academy's Inter-depaiUEMilal Council on Ht-tsmelogy.


Stale Huieau nl Surveying andj phy' (KaotHia Ti'*oping. Ii directeding-ban. Tha Dtuuj. nur>anuaryirectly subordinate lo the Stale Council tt overseesnumber ofand area! survey teaana in the rk*J_adarsrreyeodesy and carVgtapriy publishing agency,ap pusuciing agency, and known braachartin and ffcsn

Theirectly reapc-nsitje for all geo-acUr and cartographic work us Ctesursuntst Cttkaa. The capab4btfra of the perraoenel and thr acope and prc-greas of iu currentarch ac-tiitm are not fully known Geodetic instruments In use are known lo include atandard European equlpracnl of eacetlrnt quality instruments of similar quality ronatrurted In the USSft; and instruments of recent Chinese drelgn andwhich are probably Inferior.

The State llurenu of Surveying andla charged with:he compilation Ofannual and pnispectlvo plana fur the geodetic, gravimetric, photogiammeUlc, cartographic, and map publishing operation* in the country;e-relopmenl of unifiedirection and conventional ilgn* for use In topographic,and carlographie work;erformance of basse geodetic and gravonttiv work and lopo-graphic surveys;nsuring unified methodical supervision of topographic and geodetic work,by the various orgsniaetjonsconomic construction and lhe regulation and re-cepilon af the work ef ihese organaaitsans;ecords-ig. systersuang. analysing, and stccaog asSsotaaraaeai. geodetic, gnvtsrsrtnc. pboto-grammetrlr aod cartographic materials, and map ceigt-uUs. fl reenpltaUoei and paala-atwn of seten-Unc and technical literature on anodesy. photo-Osrcrnelry. and cartography and pulaticatleei of catalogs lislarsj eoordlnalea af gtndcur points and snaps Ofji seals* and pulps sea.raining technicaln Ihr geodrUr. pliologram-metric, cartographic, and map pubWhinp special-ties and assisting educational Institutions in training personnel In the topographic geodetic specialty;rganisation of scientific research In geodesy and cartography; andgtbtincmanufacturing plants in theof experimental geodetic, pliologrammetrK Instruments and devices.

Since Its organisationhe Ministry ol Geology lias hod primary responsibility farand geological prospecting InChina. One of the fundamental assignments of the Ministry of analogy during the First Five Yearas to provide the state with Its needs in mineral raw materials for industry and capital construction projects. Such tasks are earned out for the Ministry ol Geology by the

which has eight branch offices In various scctvms or the country.

The Bureau of Sun-eying and Cartography of the Ministry of Geology {TsWiul Cut Ti-ehiAeiping, has primary responsibility forand mapping within the Ministry ofPlans, programs, and specifications for geodetic and topographic surveys arc coordinated with lhe Bureau of Surveying and Cartography.he bureau completed geodetic surveys in Tsingtao, Kansu, Ssechwan. and the InnerAutonomous Region,otalquare kilornelers.

Several af the industrial ministries, such as those conccmed with petroleum, coal, andalio maintain strong interests In mineral exploration. The Ministry of Petroleum Industry iShih-yu Kanj-yeh Pa)eologicalthat administers its prospecting activities and actively cooperate* wilh Ministry ol Geology (Ti-cAfA Pu) components In searching lor Oil deposits. The Ministry of Coal Industryon JCanp-tnrA Pa)eophysical Prospecting Bureau that controls geophysical prospectingat survey sites around the country. The Ministry of Metallurgical Industry (Ten-cfiUi Xuno-aeh Pu)cologlcal Bureau with five subordinate branch offices that administers most of the ministryeophysical prospecting work. Also subordinate lo this minis Icy is the Anshan Iron and Steel Company, which does geophysicalresearch and has two major dMi&nsconcerned with mineral prospecting. Other ministries guiding related work are Ihe Ministry of Education (Ciioo-yuhich controls Ihe universities and polytechnics! institutes, and the Ministry of Qjramun Walking tChlao-1'snahich has been providing aircraft and relatedfar airborne geophysical surveys since early

The Bureau of Surveying and Cartography of the General Staff (Tiling-Wai Tfe-hvleiping, is responsible for conducting geodetic and

cartog'ajihic research lor Ihc military .wmrei. II probably caa pernvim lbe Slate llurMU ol Surveying and Cartography In tbe rMaMlihnirrii oi geodetic andinpilaiten of tjrray uandard* aad tpacuVatioos and lectin leal manuaii

Tliii promotion Of Chlneae geodwy and rarkig-laf'Tij la bringin Chinese Society ofand Cartography1 (Chang kw Tt't-hw

Himh-Hm). Faiptag. That as*

founded in6 and wai reorganised In1MB The societyember of Uwand Technical Association of the 1'mi>1o'&of China In ltftHl. the society hadSCO mwVit witheingin Canton. Harbin. Cfaoe-cala. and UaX-dox Branch aocittSH ban been formed as Per ping. Shanghai. Tlentaln. and Wu-ban. The v> ciety encourages, member* to parllclpata tn and

promote gaodcac and cartographic ackntlAcaadha exchange of atsraiiac and UchnoMfkaJ data The acttrilie* of theinclMd* anrmomlc. fratmxtne. geodetic, ny-drograpblc. and aerial photoerrain studlra. engineering pinjrcU. cartographicnd editing and oompUlng of the quarterly Chinese Geodetic cud Cartographic Journal lad the OaoaVOe and CenograpUc TramlnHcm

b. Moiti ciu> - aos -: iv

raioApplied reaearch La strongly emphailxed In Communist China to iht detriment of bade and theoretical reaearch. Tha majorl terrestrial gaophj-aca inchide mineral prospecting. ccriatrocUoc. devatopnacril of geophyival device* and lyitecu forand coBirnomeabona purposes, andreaearch for Improved geodetic andcoverage. hoa* the loca-

CIA NflYiMiun

f research activity In Communist China in

The Chinese ConununllU originally planned to participate in the InlccnaUunal Geophysical Year. however. Ihe appearance of tho Nanooahat Chlneae from Taiaan led the Chlneae CuonunaU hi lour an ultimatum to the Spcul IGY Corrjsirttee (CSaVOtl lo the effect tbat,the Nationalist* woe dropped by CSAOl. theommtinlaU would witndraw rrora the IOYfier many rutlie attempt* loboth itatiorialUt China and Ccunmuruit China as participant* in tha IOY, Communist Chins withdrew and was. oQVlaily removed by CSAQI In February IBM HeverUrtleat, tbere la every reason lo believe Uial lhe Chlneae Com-niunuU orail alxtail and conducted their pTrrirn*l1 geophysical observatnn* unofficially, and probably hi accordance with IOY standards The Soviet* probably sent the Chlnaie Communists copies of allIOY data from their World Data Center TV* In Moscow. Tha Crimea* Communim could thus obtain all of the benefit* without having to malt tha data from their large andocated country aiaCaber lo the Wee* In order b> capUt to the hilkeat lb* potential advantage over the Wast, Communist China, addiuonai lechnicai support from the Sonet bloc, nay have broadened the scope of tt* geophysicalwhile Ihe Chlneae Communist* were stsll planning lo participate in Ihr IOY. ihry wereto conduct atnatnologKal studies at from

7 totations, and gnimagnctic observation) at fourlans for gnoelKlilc and gran-metric obacrval*oiw wore also announced, butvoire neve* revealed. FragmentaryIndicate* IhalunoRtclal IOY databy the Chinou Communist* are being lent lo the Moscow data renter, however, data have oot been made available lo the West


searchbe propagation of and analysts of srUmclogKalhe tr.-lerpretatsoa of nan-tnatrurnenl seiirnologleal data,


statute of Oeophyatc* and saaHavsrotogy (TJ-cBi* ara-am frtptngtudws con-ceotrale on aeveral bread prograrra wntch havemihtary and erortorrurMi*Jl*eUon. and anllsess-rax construction studiaa. I)orm tracking by sntcraseUulcandineral pioaprctlng apprentices. Of the geophysical method* presently used for mineral pro*pec ting In Oommunui China, sets-motOglcal pros |tii ig lechnlques are probably among Lhe matt important.e-scriba activity underway al teiirnologlcaiin Communist Cti inn

Belamir lagtnlilllialliiii or seismicitiMjpi attempt lo determine adequately the time. al earthquake occurrence and lo delineate Che

if IS



tppf 4f

Khoiln fdlf"^ 4



riit rttj nj^n^ *




vm;>ifUr. Xuiv* taMtantetlty nuitUtftu *vtv

taani ijid


loptbtr MM, vaJ bf|-vifn ptibtithrdnT;QIJ.m* Aid

In 1MI. Enubyi Ov*

> l

xoinpbi that ar* impwtifit am *uria-

type i/iosyOm XmiM or Ubutn dt^npbouting gtJ' Ma*r

MlfltetiHf Ml**

utffnpt* Uaifor rrwdtoa luti wth+


ttiS 39

r*tuiii-Wibp twiltAl 4vntp

Ktaph ,PtlM*. 17 iV"-



MftlfOh LAI bt*0

l'li(W; in *ul*ra put

l4 DK4V Ctlrtr

IV I't -ii ku Ob-

Copy of Soviet

>U1 id



that havethi*cled to eortbqiuikeo in lhe paalf Id ordtr U> piodkt Uio probahte UitmAty andr future earlhquako. Such In* formation la or gloat importance to architect* and builoera who muit dmlfn and conalruci hugeaxna, or bridge* in mIhiiUi area*.

A group of ChJneee CornmunJai letanUclte spc-cfaJitt* he* adopted florni technlquea toeimo&ogicad map of Chin* thai delineate* tna reretou in which enrthquaAea of var>x3 ln^-etui* tan arereliminary itudj, under the direftlcri oT UwaatiJch rctOTAbtned ail avaXatle mitria^cl andtutrmToent arlamoaoa^cei data oa nrUiquafc* oc-au/eixea In Chan* lor aomeenmrM TO to-rreaae the arecrracj of the arlstnocogloal amp.orei Lhe tectonir processes oft Hitrpoae of the ocu* mic;ty groop mt the LnatJtute ol Cieophy^c* and Meteorology.

An en&inrrrrtnjgroup at Uie inatl* tote, recently rormod underdirection of Uroehnrealtgatlng the reault* of aeeeral do atructive earthquake* Thii group works with the Institute or Mechanic*eiping, and tho Inatitute of Cull andEngineering (Fu<mu Chien^huS,

he spacing of the nation's ftclmr>kifi]-eel network was considered Inadequate, not only by the Chinese Communists themselves, but alsoisiting delermtion of Savietneof at leastew stations bo* begun In order to Improve ooth earthquakeand explosion detection. Additionalch is to ernphftsnoe scdsmlc ware* propaga-tic a* the mechanism of earthquake centers, the energy ofbe delennlnatton or fore-runners ofnd ens^neering ael*-Riotogy,

Among tbe IQV studies originally planned by the Chinese Communists was mlcroseisnilcarch for tracking storms that were still for out al sea. WcU-equipped tripartite staUons,of three wparatcJy mstrumentod and ultcr-oonnccted stationsew hundred feet apart, oboerrc and record the small inkroselsmic oscillations that are bettered to be astoclate4 with storms at sea. Inconclusive-a Western inkroseurnic research haw made thla workto be oT dubaous raluc


rirl) IPOS, Din Chlni'tr CummuiMstwork consisted nmitauan* or observatories The stations are instrumentedirtrty of scUmogrephtc apparatus, including Li Shan-pang's1 sewnmjrrsph. patterned aiter lbe SovbM Klines aelimcgraph Soviet and Western wUmologlcal instrument* arc alto usedumber ot* the statxrn rawaaaartaonUI leuniearapb developed In Curnraa-mat Chma

(JI GoodtnDurtnfM. deterraaia.wm made ot tbe initial points, and aol Uniterm geodetic oooedmales and Heva-tjjna had been eelabllshed This system atcoordinate* ha* been named the -PelpingOf coordinales.nd lhe system Olwai baaed on the level of Uie Yellow Sea. The estfAbiUhinent of tin's* system* haa beenIn the development oi geodesy and car-logtaph j- In China.

. the nation's geoueeisls constructed many state control points and ran high-precision leveling traversal, ny the sndpproximately half of the countrywell-providedodem high precision series cf first-order trtangulatlcA and high precisionThis made II puakBi* tonified system of coordinate* and elevations over Iheptspalous part of snainland China, and tbereby created Uiceabie eoodtUeana tor setting op ssureey* of eitmcieorsilderabk part of the country had been covered by ItoT. withtate tapofinpblc surveyscaleCOO and llOGOOO. Large areas wrie aiirveved which acre scheduled for the development of: i) hydrologtc and Irrigation Inslallstlona,arge industrial plants and railroad construe lion.grlcullure: andhe uUlirallon of now land areas.


At present, grniralntKigiuphlo, and cartographic op*on* are performed byof Ihe Stale Bureau of Surveying andlhe topographic and geodeUe organl-ui'.urn of other mlnlstnea and depailmrnU carry out other survey* Tha bureau renders consld-erabCe assistance to these organiiallnna Inaerial phoUgraphlc sk riches and plans; by providing initaai data an trianguiail^ mid leveling: in Holding periodic meetings of keyot Ihc departmental organisations to con-aider Um nun iciportenl prohUnu ol planning, jtaaruaaiscn. method* and tecnniquea of carrying cast lorwfraphle and gendetic orsrrauons. and tn prowlng julrvctkej and dintetaona to trnssrete geodetic rirveying throughout the country

Chinese geodasUta have made extensive use of Sovlel experience Iniea- geodeticdirections, and conemtionalbend introduction of Iheaeinto practice are expected V> contribute to anallly of geodetir and tnpo-Erapihlc work in Coram an ul Chma

In eor.sHoratkm of tlie lerjuirrmeeil*od-cm topographic map ol Communist Chma. the geodetic service hasrospective plan which calls for Uie eranpkillnn of first-order trt-angulation innd for compilation of amap of the enllie country by luBI. Three differunl sculol aie contemplated: II areas impor.rom the standf the national economy are lo be surveyedcale) the rest of the densely populated and economically developed arras,calendbi desert, otounlalnous and high altitude areas.calefterap* will be plot ted In greater detail

Cspeclaily significant la the development ot rnethoda ofun* In tbe ivgn altitude areas of lhe couniry Cosvuderabie effort has been made Io mtroduee method*be amount of Mtrder to reduce tbe lime It wsTJ take lo map Iheae area*a dtos^esdeUc. or electronic rangeajuiprnrnt ha* been csiildrrrd along atth other new instru-menU Investigation* are also being conducled In geodetic grevtsneirr. practical aatnossosny. tht methods off lhe aitmnonuc andnet works by means ol photogrammrtry. stereeiphoucrartimetry, and cartography.reaearch eadabliriiirannl* of Ihe AS areIn this srork.

A sent* of ail trie* in the geodesy andjournal published In Helping dascribed an astronomical and geodetic survey exhibitionexhibit* relating lo base lineronomleul surveys, gntlty



mil geodetic computations. Olher exhibitsone on Rydrugraphk surreys.rriatogrsmrnelfy. vi;map printing, aad domestK muunniu. Tbealo/ surveying and cartographic work were alsoxhibits on its applications In;consUuctlon "aler wwrnnty project 'on siiurticin. forestry, geology, urban mialunliHI. es^teulturel rerlaraatlcn. mapa for rdDauaoa snd maps ice (aural utr.

(J) Growfry'Tha gravimetriciif'.wirt over Communist China bid Menqualitatively and increased quantitatively during the past several yearsMH has con*aa U4 null of increasedon geodcile surreyl Nevertheless, thacnrraotuty inompUt andcience hu bam. and slllt Is. relatively lew Howeirr. tbe broad aid program provided by the Sonetta these sejences bu broughtrruncao;be Chmeee CcccbuibM gravimetric capability. Tha Soviets haw MM trained technicians and gravity instruments lo llio Chinese Communis la; liute trainednd bare conducted gravity surveys wilh. and far, them Whether this reallyonet aid program to help the Chinese or just anothervenient method of obtaining law quantities at foreign gravimetric data, la uncertain.

Ural of Oi* ginrimeter. In Communist China are or tore-enlthough tht cm-MM IWrnmun-iu arc rrpxted to dareuccess tn budding Soviet-typethe general complexity ol ffrsv.tyuch that Uieae Chinese Inetrumenu am probably not a* ne>hose Imported tram tbe Sonet bloc countries or western Europe There is no evidence lo show that tba Chmese Coram unas either have or an making any effort to develop travimeten (or uie at sea or in Ihe air.

Oravlntetnc surveys for prospectingIn raaiDlasd China have employed both granmalm and lb* more cumbersome ^HrVf balancewfciea rebels the probable Ddum* of Hungarian geophysics. Indeed several teams or Hungarian gcophyslcInU and exploration teams, some withr more geophyaiciets. Save worked In commciin China under contract for periods of mm one to two and ona-ball yean Tbeae teams came both to teach the Chinese how to tut their new exploration equipment and to help

rrcdair hum tomrUmaiH Baletm. wtteO ana erodeularveyf. On. <(

impu'tuit if^niiUiiiu


conduct oil prospecting activities In the Gobi'. art and other port* ot tha country. East Gcr-roany. Rumania,, and Poland hare aUo provided geophysical prospecting aid on ft

oamojrneUim Tha chief use ot gecxnagneUc reaeareaot mineral prea;*rtma; aunwys Mibtary uwa of teomaene^am for detecuac pur-pona hare bean reported but not confirmed. MiMiiry and elrll uae of geomagnetlsn for navi-EftUonalnother importantof the science Basic laaaaixh on magnetic storm* and routine geomagnetic otuerraUons are being condocled, a* ara attemptj to developOf geomanwtlani and Reoelectnelty, or earth turrenU. aa an aid lo cornmunlcauons. CcenmunUt China haaeomagnetictocaied at CA'ang-cfun. PMpang. Lan-ehou. TSlagtao, Nanking. She Shanu-han. Lhasa. Tsndeaerlbea facillilea at tnew locations

Specialised gtodiaf on the prediction ol mag-netlc avoma were planned for the observatortA at She Shan (Zoae) and afon-fdng dnrtag the IOY. and are probably still being conductedbservatory (iTun-mratf T'un wen-fot) wassmall and may not yet have all of Its planned equipment Although the Chlivse Cceamunlata baeeew of their ownersagneUe instrurnents for labcra-terr reaearch, moat of their cCaervatorT and reaa;-nellc prospecUng uutruments have been imported fromSR and tbe East European bloc countries.

TIN CUrseae CUtnmunrsts planned to have four

IGV EfOmajr-eli:t

beginning of the IOY. and they expected to addor three mora later, depending on ihe niali-

Oeoekctrlc, or earlh current, studiestation In Peiping. Inhe Peiping Observatory of the institute of Oeo-

arailai alatlon In Bopron. Hungarr, tn making sfccclUrveJus measurerneoU of lelunccurrentsl-day pertad. The purpose of the experiment *as to compare the changes In lelaUreith the fluctuation tn the total change vector to see whether the decrease orhe ttoetuation la resated to tbe frequency or io Ih* amplllude change.

During the IOY, Ibe Chinese Communists planned lo install geoelectrir equipmenthasa to record the change tn earthbetween there and Peiping Western etlen-Mt4 hare noted Ihe level of Interest In earth


- N'-vrMiEn


KtrA. ,


ol >trr


JiW^*ff> 0d4

T'lDftfWjtatiwlr(TT^rtit*ir-nit rf*vv<fi



fnV' Olrm-tar,


ftjivti Co^-ri-rt. rcwnii on

rtiifltp-tL* tbttzduKU *nd ^ii-it^-Sm.Ui coltr. o

Cutca tttM


WWW. iia*lVK t.

iUi>tanJ mtfgt*kY*tixUfcr^oiYA

t^rwUr*. Phot or warn tw*nh


mwchave conCiUdi-dweek might tiavt* itgnpficftra*

tWD-rr tor muMTil vtz^ocWn Tbe

jiat etlhrr ind'/tjitr the prewnur of mnjnctjc mintraii liMni-tli'tt orierground rocfc titTVicturcsivofaWft lo the Jlxj Hon. of oil And oUter sniixejulk.

/ o/ CcctfiUj, and Cartographyc-

tor: bellWd to be Fang Chun_ Thi3 facility, sub-orttn*ite to theof Earth ^opikw, as.

ttUtiUhaa0 tu the OrXKletic Survey* Ice Dlvuwn of the Ttaf*rch lnUllutera*

pfcy. AS. In August lftiTT. It wu Mt^OwrJ M

LIH GcoCcjt ud CaiiocnpiiJ Htmirft Oflictot^ivalWw Kiutitd full

Lr^UtuU mtiiJ wtthJa AS. CHJicr niaea for this oi^wvJmtan it^ude Ute tatontary of Geo-cktksartcgraphy And[nithute ol Sur*nd Cutofrftphy.

The auUtut*.IocaUkI in KarJilng. rfirored lo iUlofAUoa Inn iftSI, It vtu nportedfpjd *ut(vcjOG>j. feodesy.electronicxnjrixrr. tcelry, cuttOtjiTAphy. end prrcWon iristnuc^ni techniques) and fourdci^rlnmnLa fwicn


and technical document exchange, looli and Inst roibrary, ond administration andhe ealabliahment of an experimental (iictiiXiu optical InaUumeiil failuty aim has Iwen reported

The primary functions of the Inslllute areresearch Into all Delds of geodesyand lo compile and publishmapaAiUtule wason tha followingle-etoprnent Of new geodetic aadinstruments.tudy of lheCcecmunsK China and de>eloprnent of Usefee carrying out geodetic surveysar-ai parUrulaily in Tatnghal andthe Rudy of mctftodi and theories for theof large-scale maps,wilh the Stale Bureau of SurveyingIn studying problems of electronicIn making gravity measurementscountry, and in the eslahlishrneril of agravity obactvalton station al Wu-ch'ang

The institute has established basic astronomic points at Sian, Ch'eng-lu, I'lutticiil, Wu-han,and lhe ZlMawnl oiwrvntory Karlyhe institute was repotted lo have developed an aerial radar survey instrument which is belseved Io be similarhnran surveyingmall gravtmeter based on agravimeter. but smaller Inime determination, recced-trig, broadcasting, and mcnltcring equipment, ir. attauseter. and an sttachmenl foehs* will record fourth and fifth magnitude stars aad ta pracUcal Ior field use In April IMS. the tastsUiie had abcui IU persocuvi. about coc-fOurthof iracee wee* ststoUats.

irtstatefe Of GoopAfa and Mnnoroiafr (TV efl'raia-sol. feiprap- birrcior- Ctaao ChlD-cbanc This Inalltute, subordinate lo the Department ol Earth Sciencea. AS. operatesIS andrlamoLocx al slaUocis and abouteomagrielic obtei <olories located around the country. Trie combined geomagnetic and seasmo-sjgtcal oMenaloiy at Canton wsa probably ostab-lUhtdombined detection facility lor foreign nuclear teat explosion* InaterPacific

CHAM} Huns-chlViet proteWni. I'm.

ping Oeotojwul InauluU. Minlilry ol Ooe-ogy.1

necel'M lu> education In China at Cnlaotunitand In lhe Colled Stain it Louisiana suit

Unlmnlly. Mu xrllUn, in euttnanlMn wilji ralhar

Flerr*umber of article* dmilnc withhina prior to World wu il

Parttr Ctt>

GtocmacruUun Inlernathai-

allyeputy dirt OmchrsK* and XM*<tfctat>.


Ih* IOYd ot Wnklfl*

Oraup on OeCDUinrlUDi. Very active et KIT conferencn In

Mnacow and Barrelunfi in

Auiuanl wieueE ttUow.uie of PhtsWt, Chines*

Arail.m, ol ficUncu. IUCi. BM he

eu tuoctate editor ot Ih* /eurnof of flu Ciiaurociety. Kno"leO(eaWe of seophyslu cf Btn-

Province. &udl*d In Otrmany nl OoHlnaan

Um<erilty under Professor Julim Battel. AuUrnr of

"Preliminary Report or Uie Keaulls ofm"B-

ocls: Survey or China,nduthor of "To*


chihj <ni> (CHow, raiit.earie! pliu-Ugraphy.andiaalheiiiatle- Coiuldcirdaiklltlulbuscod idcntKI Co Ihe staff of tlie

Omlnslial Inalllule, aim*nd of Iha

esearch and Ar.mlf'frmy Map Ski Ice. January ims lo October

Orcdellr engineer. Chines* tlatlnnallsl Government.

IMO-tS. SnalWd al Cornell and Syntax VnlnralW*

urlrit mineral rorarca By aerial pnoloeraphy Bom



Prominent tufninnMulnpil On Ihe staff, of Geopbrilcs and Meleorolocj.0MUntChines* XaUcctil CorDinntoe. IOY. ISM.

of Geopniilr* and HWeeotoev.Btr Sludanl In

Inaland at Osfocd Unltrtlty under Profittor Sydney Cbapman. probably beleorn iW6-M. Auiborliy co China's (romariMlIc oMamKrlaa

CUt; KWMn (CUU. Cochlnal IWSl,

irfir-Ulio aonilnUlnloe. Via pmldnnt. AH. lUnlxd

hu lealnlns In Ihe United Slates. Director. Institute ol Oeophyslra and Meteoreleey. ^cedemio jmic*.

AppMnWd nrrOSiiit. OiaklanN tlniiarilty.

Muchecturer In eecdeiy and meteoreiofy.Soatheossem Unlverally durlosj ino-U. Kditor.

menl. HaIveial Cemra!atrolitajceial Bom: WW

FDFU., De.-

learnlPt and nwsich .MuniHurnl Mimbar, LMpuU roent ol Earth sciences, AS,erved on staffl ttactliTn. DrpulroKil of PhyUrs. Pel-

pine. r, IruSHnU ol rUnphjiScj

and Keieorolecy. AS. 1Mb ST iprobaKj dlreeLor et Pi-jpiosr EsUmoWeitalhiirman. editorial

Osruil ol doDksiiei .'n-nal, !ld ime snHluil

prolesisr of triiehmcc, Cslllornla Iniltlule of Tech-nokvy, !ixs-*l. snd has held ochre eecpbyslcaJ pctu IMoi lu ma UnlUd Blalra, liMS-ts. Studied lo the

I'AGi Vfl-ti


- Novxusia lOfO

sndm*tmellJm. Held Mtunntosx gro-

tophis-lem ctrectoc OraWdiaJltee. VUnmij cl Qeakev. isM-ji CernUr dircc-or. Ibitiiui* i

ol tbeor theitreeWr, Oeoph-iiraioeiee

aw*Ma air*de kau

ol bOne* Hie Asvof WU *tQtoi ol

'ourual Tin*iraid to ka tharaafai> tamlDarj.clna rrakc* ol Wtslrra Chin* Recnv. psprn; "General PiasntcUfli* Taiti lor Petroleum anilrapsxaUDe wort" and "ATrene in Olapajsieaior sJuiisnBii "wimi*

etm AD Out Km-Lalton ef the rSfllL" Bore ltd*

LI* Haa. ff. rCeoldeeM uw

MM atlurrrfatst asCktBa Head.

voftiMit at Ei nenYej. lastuuirsfl

MiU-aUxi AS. sincetaff -aasaber.

rwibttsbcd Hist leunoieairal fallen in China. Itae

CwnmilU. loc Ihr ICT. UK. DUrclc*

Senior.eolctlcal BarterairB

I-llue si Ui* InilltuUooloevhe Mallina] Atad-

vuUid atUlwstccy. Csllloinla( TNhnolw, aniler rrofiuar Bene (Mtenterc. UM. Hasmealur of Amerl-caa -elanseloelcsjrainee- Oeolockai Ion.

snd MaueaalU* Ariietcj Of SOam FarUrlaaUe in

url tVusioJoay TTmiiie Ore-spa ta Be KIT Wesl* aVaflaaed CXsaws-iv ta' ajsduh tctve*aeevelopedvvraun ef Sonet screw HStspoarapb is UJl Aetboc: 'UiU>ij.(

Deep PWu) fAlthlratu In CenlealIn lit* IBM. sea* anas-rdurvey ol Uie uisuilcll*

cf i'.nvinmiii china Born: UN.jaU*

a. 0

nd (reed*Phytic* in China ia tn Uie beginning lUum There areew scientist* who rank vith leading physicists in the Weal. Iheymall, and qulle Inadequate, core ol leading reaearch workers andall cf whom win educated in the West, primarily in tbe I'ruled State* Tne fe-catrUea lo* baakc rwararrb ta physic* in Chtn* arelraited tutahaatry besngPea- example. In the past lewosmic ray liaison was carjUucted and equippeda research reactorG-Mev. cyclotron (both of Soviet origin) were inslnlWd. Inthe Chinese compteted their first largedigital computer9

Theoretical and experimental nuclear physics are being particularly emphasised in China. The IheorvAical nuclear physics work la competent and Indicate* that the theorists an well aware Western devetoprnerl! No itgnuVant eaperl-mer.tal nuclear physics research ba* a* yet been conducted Jiince tbe receuaiyha* only lecently teen Installed Theare also empbaslxirig cVtekipeaeol of corn-puters. but theU osrsjAal week in that are* I* quiteet* ir.tecse but.Irn-raoitant. rffcel Is beBvg ccnoentrated on Infraredpectroscopy, plasma physics, and solid staten each of these areas Ihe major concern Is In practical appllcalsnns rother than original rranarch. The Chinese are also con-Ql* research In cosmic ray phyilca,atnuuphrre physics, and acoustics.

Al present. Chlneae physics is capable of erav tr.buling to both the military andpe-tenlial of the couniry. bat oniyanlled ex-tenl The oor^strueuoc aod ocaratkm of cons, puter* ia poaaibiy of rhe greatest iniporlanos, butlaslslance Is abo *iilab> from the various dervcea developed irimugh rescarrh In acoustics. Infrared,lasma physics, and solid state physsea.

Chinese scientists have,O,and participated In.nited extent, International conieiencea onighnuclear physics, and cosmic ray physics Tbe Chinese have beeri aided by thenequipment and training ipecialisl*In lb* fields of computers, nuclearand tofld state physars,

aekgroaxd and oe^-Jeofhe Communiu regime. rrtOsTOBtng thr Imiortaner of basic and applied physics to lhe tertaxaoglral and military adrancernent ot* the country, at rnleo alvedy promoting lis df'^vOpmenl Physics ra ararth Isarge extent under Ihe control and planning of the Chinese Academy of Hcienccs (CANiip kaoS. Petplng, ahlrh Is, In turn, lubordinatc to the (Stale) Sclentlnc and Techno logical Commission (ff'o-Asaek Chi>reiponslble for ccoidlnatlng all sclrntlfk effort In China.

Certain area* of physics are controlled to somebyhe seal**ur cxampJe resea--c^ inooedi. naled with the Optical iaexngry vrhieh Iito Ihe First Mraistry ca* tbe ataehineIndustryni-hnch flvap aa* fli) Corn-putec oVvftOprneni and tbe Iraining of specialists In this Aald art carried out. not only within tha academy, bul also within ottranisnlsnns of Iho Ministry of huueatton (CTuflo-yuarious ln-

ministries, mid probably win* military ministries.

The Chinese Physical Society [Chunp-kuo Wu-tihich wait founded7 and Islet reorganized, Influences somewhat theOf physics research.he societyemiconductor conference, al wliieh time Uie memeparate Institute of Semiconductors be organised within ihe AS. how-em. Ibisot known to haveeparate facility within theRather, it is bolKvod lhat this organization is siili an important part of Uie Institute olAS. During the few years that the Chinese Twelve Year Plan for Science has been mthere have been advances iu physics. For staniple. It was not until about IBMhinese optical industry came Into operation and, even more recently, that succeas was attained in tho production ol high precision opticalChinese capability for computerbegan to attorn importance aboutith the establishment of the Institute ofTechniques (Cli-man Cil-sl*Peiping. followingimilar signs olbecame apparent about this time In other fields of physics, notably nuclearosmic ray physics, and infrared physics. Although progress Is being made in physics research In China, much work needs to be done before China cantrong capability in IbU flctd.

b. Maroa rar/drCH sun DCvfTLOrMtxr ov Fnrr.o

asic research In acoustics

In China la almosl negligible. What UtileIs being done Is directed toward practicalof acoustics, particularly in ultrasonics, dectrracoutiles, and architectural acoustics. The Chinese have produced ultrasonic equipment, such as defect detectors and geologVal prospectingThey have begun work on theat noise codes in Industry. "The Fiisl Conference on Ultrasonics" was held In Wuhan in IMO lo stimulate work in this field in China.

w information on Ihjs subject, see Secrioirf Uiis NIS.

quite small, approximate research in China is con Institute of Atomic Enec] chin

if Atomic Energy (Vuarj-fra-neno Yen-hinjoK IAS, of the as in Felptiig and al theLo-lisueh High Mountain Laboratory <fy>-fuaeA Kao-rhaalso known as the Lo-haueh Shan Cosmic Pay Observatory. Lo-hsueh.

osmic ray pftysictOnly minorhas been conducted in cosmic ray physics in China. Tne facilities are meager and Ihenumber of cosmic ray physicists In China Is wenly. Cosmic my ed primarily at the lab-

program ta

suffering from an insufficient number of well-quail-Sed scientists, Insufficient numbers of young scientists pursuing this work, and Inadequateresources lo provide tbe necessarymost of which must be imported. In spile of all these handicaps, Chinese scientists haveew papers in Chinese Journals encosmic ray research One area ofray physics with which Ihe Chinese have claimed to have had some success Is In themall scale, of very good nuclear emuliSouB. This work reportedly has been done allhelAB.

A small group of Chinese cosiulc ray physicists attended, but did not participate in IheConference on Ccamtc Hays, held minheir attendance may indicate that lhe Chinese are planning to increase their emphasis on Ihii kind Of research

ft)There la evidence thatand developmentariety of fieldsassociated with infrared technology ore now bemg conducted In China; however, much of this Activity has been In existence onlyery few years. Various aspect* of solid state physicswilh Infrared, such as luminescence and semiconductors, are being actively investigated, as arc other related fields, such as nplscs.and cryogenics Specifically, anrecording Infrared spectrometer is reported lo be in "trial produeiion" al the Institute ofend Precision Apparatus and Instruments (Sittrnp-Asufh CAlHtWnih'lAS. Ch'ang-chMn; however.ot known whether or not Uiisopyoviet copyS. spectrometer, or whether anything original has been incorporated.



In (paleery recent start In infraredtlte Chlncto ore probably developingin tbis Odd very rapidly wiih the helpend other nice countries, it is believed lhai the major devetopmenl and use o( Infrared is probably confined, at the present time, almost exclusively lo lhe Hold of absorption spec-

come trained An indtcatMn of the Interest ofphysicists in high energy nuclear physics research is shown by their attendance at both tbe International Conference on High EnergyPhysics tn, In0 and the International Conference on High Energyand Instrumentation In Genera, Swit-set land.

pttciAlthough limited research and devetopmenl in opurs nod been conducled In China prior lot was noi until the Chinese began lo organize an optical and photographic industry aboul Uiis lime Uialfacilities were developed and expanded. Basic research in optics and development ofinstruments are conducted under the auspices

ial ffurJeor physicsResearch in nuclearmproving gradually. There are noLit China for research in high energy nu-cluar physlca and only meager facilities for low energy nuclear physics As China as one of the twelve member nations of the Joint Institute for Nuclcsr Researchphysicists have been able to utilise the high energy accelerators at this facility.9ang Kan-eh ang. an outstanding Chinese physicist, wasroup of scientistsho claimed lo have discovered two new fundamental particles. The discovery of the Drat of these particles. Ihe existence of which had not been predicted by theory, has not been confirmed. Western physlvisls. however, have viewed Soviet photographs of Ihe second particle, an sjiti-sigtna-minus hypeion, and have authenticated IbeTne Soviei (and Chinese) wotk Inthe tracks of the second particle Is of great value to the progress of the study of high energy nuclear phytic*.

The facilities for low energy nuclear physsrs in Chinan-Me v. cyclotron fromsee Fro)ew Van de Gruff accelerators (sec> Mev range orew oilier smallare In tlie planning or construction stage. There are no indicaticcis that anyhas been conducted to date wilh thealthoughas installed In lossev. Inductance cyclotronand built at Txlnghua University.S.

Theremall group of competent. Western trained, nuclear physicists to direct ChineseIn this area of physics as more facilitiesavailable and as more young scientists be-

ol the AS. while rest arch and development ofdevices lor industrial use are conducted by the Optical Devices Office nl the Shanghaiand Industrial Instrument Researchute Wwao-fuMiao K'o-hsathimited amount ofand development is also conducted In some of the state-controlled optical plants.

Tne rapid expansion in China of Industrialhas probably stimulated the presentfor optical surveying instruments andprecision optical equipment. Theof such instruments types of microscopes, as well as equipment, requires the supportrii-fhwioped high giade optical glass industry and assoclsled mi in li and development of related tecbnokniiev The analytical requirements ol the expandingmetallurgical Industry undoubtedly have stimulated research and development Of emission spectmgraphlc equipment, the most rapid means of precision analysis Of both ferrous and non-ferrous metals and alloys. Increased academicactivities have also added lo tbe demand lor domestic produeiion of various Instruments tor spectroscopic research.

The importance of spectroscopy in China' is demonstrated by tlie publication, Acta PAueiMroceedings of Chinesewoissues Of which were devoted extensively various branches of specUoscopy. Chlnei lists are In te tee ted in the application oftechnique to lhe analysis Of minerals and ores and to ferrous and nonlerrous molals. In Uie development of the meat advanced types of(nonphotographlc} equipment, and Inin molecular speciroscopy and

Chinese technicians have constructed onmicroscope, the specifications of which have been claimed lo equal lhe best of Western (serial) production As is Kicel probably the case of the advanced automatic speclrographlc equipment, Ibe constructioningle unit Is far fromserial production. It does, however.etermined interest to be independent of foreign

IT) Plasma pAwicsResearch by thephysicists in plasma physics Includes mainly investigations of gas discharge phenomena. This work Is conducted primarily al several institutes concerned, with electronics research, including the Institute ol Electronics. There mayrnaU effort to relate the theoretical aspects of such studies to thermonuclear reactions, bul Ihe main efforts sre devoted to the generation of millimeter and shorter radioby various plasmaThe latter efforts would be of greattn developing radar techniques. Work al Ibe Institute of Mechanics IJA-ntnchS. Peiping. include) Ihe study of Die rocketaspects of plasma physics: for example, shock saves in lonUcd eases

olid etafe phyiiciThe overallof solid stale physics in China Is notbul the quantity and scope appear to beto saUsfy Ihe present needs ofhina, there are no Oiat-rato solid state physicists.

W I.


judgedorldwide basis Heel o: the solid (Ibm physics research inixie on This work involves investigations

Uon ePtcle. special lumlnomagnrtlr erTMU. ther-moiummcsccncr. semiconductor generators and Irwrrsdstnr* |Or* also taracarf tola HIS. lOf additional (elated inJorrnauanl

rcu of mild (late phrtaa renitn conducted In China Mrhada Us* study of maajnetscs. soilmaterials. theoreticalon magrieuire. crystallography, crystal structure, crystal growth and crystal synthesis, metal peyvka mroiving internal rrtctton Inluietlcs ot alloy transformations, metal-ce-ramlc high temperature com jjqU lion* and low

Use main objective of Oimnte mieareh state physics Is to support the technological and engineering news o( the country. CDnsaqvienlly. work Is being directed toward providing trmicon-ducior and other solid state devices to advance aeroaautscalachineag. power rn/^neermg. radio rnsnaeermg. metal-lurgy. computers, and nwclaar power fngmeenng-

Tk* CSStn bas axl sta dial malrnal Support to China's efforts id aotad state physscs research,by providing certain srasesal rawand parts of ran arch apparatus. In some Irulaneea Use entire research apparatusrpe-enV UlM of Investigation has been fortlicommg from Ihe Soviet Union Among the raw materials provided, semiconductors pcedcntlnale.

In tbe last several years. Chinese sciential* have attended only one Internationalow temperature conference held inIn solid -late physics.

Aeoarfrcol ph-fitc*Chlneaem theoretical physlca la ralrly readilyIn their scientific literature Chlneaeareuch smaller scale than similar efforts by Soviet and UH physicist* lrvdrvtdualowever, can be found who ai* highly competent andgntsanl of the latestId their particular areas of latexes* In ineoretical nuclearIUneoe physarssU have successfullyheoaetsrai expression for the trading mcrglra of light nuclei lhai gives SU% of Use actual npsclrnental values, rsan-ryawMI and fittinghe rrssulU of coUratonhlneae study of the shell model and so-called magic numbers baa detoooatiated that tneiiueJeon with ail internal nucIcons is equivalent Io polartmllon of tne nuclear mailer surrounding Ih* particle. Tne bUidUic energies Of several shells also have been sfuliy calculated by Chinese theoretical They have determined lhe spectrum Of low-lying excited levelsumber of nuclei In Us* same areanacimr physics. Chinese theoretical phyBtcnu are cTicfrsrang. with Use latest fcarlgnor they nave cleinooitraled that lhe tbaory ofermi weak xteraetron I* superiorhe Yukawa and other type* of theories of ast-versal weakn the ar-sita'-ji-al physics, Cnmru theoretical phvsr-uu> method for calculating the eeefsgura-tional free enemyinary SOnd solution and have successfully applied It to practical problems. They nave alsouccessful pltenomeno-Icelcal theory Of Ihe effects of volume viscosity on Ihe dynamics of fluids.

A number of Chinese UworeUia] physicists have partlcipoled in the work of JINK Theyarge rose in the recent discoveryewparticle, Ihe anil sigmn-mlnua particle, whose existence had been predicted by theory

paysacsSome re-

search In tbe comparatively new field nf upper atmosphere and near apace physics la beingby the Chlneae al their Inatstute of Upper Ataxrspfiertc rnyslca tKaokm9 Willu dan They have sumnlel mtae upper alrwoapewnc ostosaeunction of altltuda by DM ao-calaed tingle wave method Pot UUS purpose, they brave devoted anfor detecting upper atmospherir osmc andriagnetre imttealee of trie nisctear pfW slon type fee upper atmosphere reaearch. <foC additional mformaurin on ihu subject, see below under Astronomy aod Upper Almeaphere Sel-


JnsflfUl* of Atomic* Until Ifttg or early ISjQ.PMuaaas known asFhyalca It ss the lesvdsriBreaearch In ihcoretsral andnuclear phyasra, cosmic raymilisma Tnsi Itavlftaitc Unladesequipment tne arst Chinese researchTmegawatt reactor supplied by theTae reractor. whack baa beta In operaIW. ts located aboutlM- Me. cyetolrun

also otFtamed fromtblt. bras beenat Uus institute. Indications are that the ftihwii Communist government has considered conslrudionlev eluctron accelerator at Uiis Institute, but Uie lociained manpower



forced ihe cancellation or indefiniteOf this project.

The staff of the institute includesIncluding aboutith advancedin the United SiaWs and/or Europe Meat ol Uie nuclear energy staff hasIrained In the Soviet Union or by Soviet KienlUU In Cllin*

Th* Accelerator DepartmentDr. ctiao Chung-yao| is believed lo haw in operation two Van de OraaiT accelerators with energies ofev.S Mev.osmic Bay Laboratory (director: Dr. Chang Wen ap-proxuiiately eight to tan scientists engaged inThese scientists also conduct research at the institute's high-mountain station, the Lo-hsueh Shan Cosmic Ray Observatoryequipment precludes the undel taking of any ma)oc research. Al the Laboratory of Theoreticallan Ycn-chtwihihi. probably headed hy Peng Huan-aii, members have conducted sue-cassfiii uork in field theory, and havehorough levtew of lhe famous strt of the Chi-nese Americans. T. D. Lee and C. N. Yang, in psr-llcle theory. The work of this Laboratorya valuable contribution to the total Chinese effort In theoretical physics. Current research at tbe laboratory is In lhe areas of elementarytheory end field theory.

InsHlult of Compulofion ZechwidMe* (Cii-suan Ch'whuS.on this BttUWW. see Ssxrrsoi.f this NIS.

frtsfirufe of BlecfrosiM (Tien-fru-AsuehS.Ku Te-liuan. This Institute was roundedlthough the total slalT of the Institute reportedly numbers, Ihere are onlyenior scientists. Among Ihe mosl competent scientist* ineputy director, Ma Ta-yu, Ihe leading Chinese acoustician. Among lhe physics research being done here is work in semiconductors and in ultnuoriK technology and electroseouatlcs There Is on Ultrasonics Laboratory under the direction of Ying Ch'ung-iu Tlieie Is the acoustic work will De seti iraI vat separate (roiu till* insllluie. also Sicttonf thi* NIS i

Jnififtife of Median lot (OJnurh Ytn-clUusol. AS,g-hlenen founding of lhe instituteM Variant of the institute are Inalllule ol Dynamic* andof Kinetic* The Institute of Mechanics ua. part of tne Inatluile ol Mathematics until* Thee* are au nardor group* orof lhe Institute hydiodynamira elasticity. consbiitUon (rhesaUnal taidhysical-chesnacallaaisniy theory, andI wealth. Thi*egarded a* one of tbe dosrr. or so rnosf. important ussututes by the Chinese. The inatbtateonducted rrsuri lueeesaful research and development, *orne Ofbase bean sent to the Ma-.mrv of Nitifji Defense for UnpUrcer.Ulmn try vanous mi.itarynit* Aa early: work had beenhe faaM ofrimarily by thi* institute, lo iMfd the Ftnt Ma lional Conference on Mechanics in Pelpingurrant reaearch activities of th* insliUitc Include both Ihe theoretical problems of mechanics and also the practical problems of rock-els and mUtiles In the space age. Such activities are conducted In otupemtlon with Ihe nearbyof Computation Techniques iChf-sud* Chi-snnand Automation and Itf-inole Control (Trutuny-htvi Chitao-trunj)oth In Pciplng. The institute is also activelyn training leaching personnel for technical school* Specific arras of research are high speed aerodynamics,aiened gases, and alhed topsca related to unpoitant leelmiral and sden-

tlfc protleaj ofie age Tf* rvvllli.te

acceptskg and raqaeat* relating to bask

rrOD II- '

Cosnuc ray eareeflrMU are to be conducted al the institute, liqu^rnml ot the InstituteBid tunnel of tnodenste Haw and power sullahl* mainly for the instruction of stodenU and toe tow-speed aeiudyyiasnlr MUdlaa An outatandingof the msUtule i* Kuo Junghual. who is noted tor Ms work in dynamics and a* an author orarticles oh such thing* a* apace travel.

f itii if uie of Opfieiachion Apparatus Bird fiucrvmeafsinjr-mJ ChtA'f Ven din-sol. AS,Kung Taui'ung. This Institute, establishedi also known as the Optical and Precision instrument* Iteaearch Institute, Hie Insllluie or Oplical and Precision Machinery and men Is. the Institute of Mechanics and Optics, and the Chang-ch'un Optical Inslrument Research Labo-



- NortMmn

Inhere were about MOBy IttW (he IntUlute hodn aprodupUon" baeU, such complex Inslru-menta a* en electron micrrwcope and arnnfirOing Infrared spectrometer. Kar her "trialIncluded varum types ratmicroscopas,nd otheroptical instruments and also special grtrril glasses No serial production haa been reported fruitful*S.Dbector Sua Ja-wes4 TBkv institute waa formerly the Inititule of Applied Physic* The (aiauil mautute wat eatablbiwd In Mt Irosn esrtsung inillluln but actual iisasuUi work (UrJ not start onllhe rraa]rsr de psutments or WtsratntM of the rnaotate am eon-eerned withssrtal physjca, cry* ratfJerrraphy. solid state lumtnerscene* or radia'Jcciow temperature pbyslca. maicnetism,ay or spectral analysisne major achievements of Ihe institute have been tn the Held of applied solid state physics and metal physics, as Ihese subjects relate to the practical technological problems of electronics andSuch applied work hat conlitbuted greatly lo the technological and Industrial advancement of the country In lit early develop mm'at stage

t nli ii'. ill'r mslniy

comprise general InveallgaUnna Into the structure and properties of mallei and lie change* under variousnto the practical production ol artificial diamonds under high lemperalutaa and pressure and suitableconditions. As ofl, penuinne!numberedhe institute's equipmenteiman-mado air liquefier.

ii IfcM) hydrogen liquefier. and of Bovsrt-anade spectrometer* The work of the institute It of fairly high caliber, bat la hindered by sackqulpm*ni and experienced peraoruael

Lo-AiwA ii-oA JrfrmnfaM Laooeefory(MMsa JArt^aksAl.protssbly Dr. Chanrg Wan-ywTSu cbaerralory ssto DM IAX. AS,lso known at theShan Cosmic Bay Obaervalory Tn* autnrx wiuch organinocalad at an altitude ofs*ast) above oaa level The station I* accessible by road frntn of approximately AO mile* This laboratory is moo*lately well equipped, having two cloudlone from lhe United Stales)arge iKusataan chamber oblulnvd from the Povlct Union. The personnel here come primarily from the IAE and are mostly student*!

Nanking VniveriiSy (Han-ahing TarlsueJi),universityhair nfheaded by Ur. Wei Jung-chueb. Reportedlys Ihe training center for specialist* Inacoustics, acoustics of screech andPlans are being made to include work In molecular acoustics and hydroscouslics.

Shanghai Scientific and Indailrial Inslnnunl neieorcA /msfrriife,tao Jf'o-hiuefthangharector: Lu Chu-mln. The institute, established In November 1MB, may be under the First Ministry of Machine Building Industry. Optical research Uby lhe Optical Devices Office of theDepartment. The main goal of this orBce li development of optical instruments forwith emphasis placed on theodolites andinstrumental work is also done on profile (opaque) projectors. In IBM, the OpticalOffice employed abouteople, includingpecialists In optical Instrument design who had just been graduated from Chckiang University. Researchethod Of applying metallic,to lenses is conducted by the Special Materia] Research Office, another branch Of theDepartment. This ofboe Is also working on lhe developmentype ol glass for lenses thai will pass more Infrared light than normal glass. The lenses are to be used wilh highly sensitive thermoelectric element* In low-temperature radiation pyrometers.

H'aJicn Geep/ii/itcal Observatory (fi-ch'la Wu-fi Kuan-hilangS, nearunknown. This facility Is also known as the Institute of Upper Atmosphere physicsdivision* are concerned with (he study of Uie ionosphere, cosmic rays and atmospheric osnnc and nlghlglow. Sciential* recently successfully developed high-quality, high-altitude atoneend high-aiutude magnetonielers of Uieprecession type. This and otherwill be or great value to future Chlnnsc research In Ihe field of Ihe upper atmosphere and near-space physics. Current research activities concern upper atmosphere physics, as related to Upper atmospheric aeronautics (rockets, guided missiles,ng aircralt) and lo lheof radio communications via the Ionosphere The physics research aspects of the work al the observatory especially concern Investigations Into the physical processes occurring in Ibc upper atmosphere


CHANG Wen-yiray*,ptijitra Dnvetnr of Useaboratory

of isi. .Ima ime,uoaiily in charge of the Lo-

Ccsmle Ray Observatory In Yjchjh.



at lhe Pelying bnlvrr&itx JOiS Member of the Cvp*flrnr7il dJUh Ab. tJrca Itf!. ^mhar (if the CiUic.e

ftftfictl cV-cirty. tambcr ct tbe Phyafcal and PWJo-

wpfaiettl goc-elks At Cambridge Vrtaertf.y Aiutvud Intertilled! Otnldriw* on Hifh Energy Nutlfdthetfrntmnct Rt>tftAt.cnf In Miikow. IffM, tbe interna-Uonml Ccartrrnu* on High imifft Nuclear PhyslfA m

Kiev isim. Stuitted Invl Rrst*roh

UiXtate and tUrtl^In Ih* UnK-irt

JiM3-M Recent rr*carch- uiutratloiiknxJ

or ttw in covntc ray nwfcixh. Bom: IM* CHAOWIP folwHAO TlUZV-yAOk. Pro! Dr. -Nucitarntarnabonallyicu phyiJriJrt and Ot* Ofoil oulAjntllfV *clcnUSrU. Drf-Jty dlrwtcc*

of tho IAE. ind In chart* ol the Atoeteralor IVpart-

fflfflt of ttati inttttote Mrrmbtr o.fntlnc Oc4in*

-i- urv On the editorialof tbeirnftl va-fto. Mi. Mcinbcr oi

the Standingf the Dtpartmvnt of Phy*ir*,

and Cfc^riixry ofts. He vm educated In. Germany, the United Kington, end in th**

United puvm, recmlng hb Phf> luCaafornl* InaUtatc oi Trtho^fcay, He a*

reaearch in the Unitedstated

Inland tn ISM nc4 Iratvlrd lo Moacaw Liiftnd

iM Tharip vu in Htwecilon with, the touaaxa*R. Hecredited. phjjlcttl wilh the dlKo*ery of gamcn* rajs, whlrfa

ue pTcdixod by thoadlrcc. and

a netralron thtuufch enillalen Ueccat rtioarch; xtctnX

-mergy. Born: CHAO KuAur-tnntTand

i tlte Department of PhjKi. Pekingowith tht former trutttate orcprdej, ;iofi ipuiitii? nov wtlh thaof Physical. Studied In tba United

i.tff an Mfl rinrfni* from the tTnlveratly of Mlrhintn Attended tho HUtti

chrnaem&er orA*ir

CommJIUr clAK_ IttO. tcar of tbt CapuUnenl

of Ph/itcx MalhematlfA,ChemUtry or the AB. IW He tinted tham itae-st,

Ph.d. to ikdronAuticai roctacrtiag frccn the IhiUtrrte of ^bnalotT In IW. aludy.crfin Ufnotu iiii;4jy^ihi(ltt, Tlioo^rc van Ma. nolocy Heember of the CWarj* Ox^ma^t

urly KKAnt wiafch:

rookatry. udd otkbtr artM of

*Ay&kr Director of theor tfc*

ra^aJ IScciaty. li*J ot (ha ftiind-

Ln* Cttnmltteti of tba DAparUnent ofathis

ltemlfflC? Of the AE. IMS Itecalvrd tha

Physiteof tbt rrenoh GelenUflt Huiltutr In iw for wcrk in ntxIi-ar phyfJca. tUadftd and ivoraad inhD- dcatee from CtJ-rtrtlty of Part* in iH3 Tra*ekd to the tr&sr inl and unlit in not Tha laal trip %viu In

-roan for wurk done In the dlaooinry of Ih- third and

oaia of nuc)tarce IM he bu eonduclad llUJecerunarthreatad in Il^rn; Mi


prLTrtot. One of thatota ouUtarTtdlnR tha<w

rKlcalu Vita peatldent and phjitcs xcaSmaot at ^tri^inc Cnfrorilty Dean or thel-Mt rind aiao cBrceltCa of tbe PndafrCfitoal Kcaearcb vnit of

DynantKa. Df-partot?ol of tolhra-Uad DynamKt of Qia UnlvrvTdly In Iv64. Uiantar of theoot'

mlttaa of tbe Deparbx-rnt or Phjttea* Mair^ntauoj. and

CJieauirry of thelwtor of Iha Chlnea* Pttysltal Soataty.setsbar itf mvarol other icaen-

Uflc aocleuef. Inbe vu director of tha Orfanl-

T Uw Alf-ChlnH of

Hu refantly indnttd *mt inu-ratlenductota t1- ltAO ViaJi If&tt/Ottl., aln>*luthl with tbe Optical Offlto. Protfuwion

EfiiMBthal flcloiitl^ and ladTWiriii rnttrument Be-

r#*tth IniUtuU. Prc^fcmoe In oplVU at Oirajnt fjnl-

-ttrflty. Enaiseer in ntearJuA Omttd JoiUumeitt Fittwry. born: ahooi

itjueh ten+

Prof DrAriroilynrtVAlfi andhytU&

elated wilh mfketrllUant phjticUl and ona of wortd> fortdott aulhorltltAerody-namlca and advanotdfli niwkor And cbftrucal pcnpuMor na mtrnfinti rtivinal Chlna'a nuilv creAltitn tbe nevmportant held or miullu, nUlku*.intUla. IX-mict ot Ihe rjuUtutaU ffiuitdinebo chkiiman of tho Department of

r>TnamlO* and Dynamotn lhe Vhtux Unt-

ttamitj of Sctrfxe at-flt the CaUIorcia

IrbSlllalaltnr*a Iho OfrWafJf Jet pcoptj^wi.a waa In elm* tont&rl vltb3 of tho Olftul-

fkd worX bc*ngba Untted SWiae in aer>>


djaibjit* and nwlnr prc-publan. ha abo autttad In

ctrtalc obuet of the wxk on thv lUvt atom tonib 3n

Ha tim alw

omaar Of In* atoam Kimrty UUlliatloiiikftnufliaMTifp Cnrnnlllae of Uv

Motfemy iltWi; and iUt* OaahUl fuweiliflf PlAnnlnc

Ho haaumner or tn-

; tanati aa of ini

era In IW He baa

twrm awrnw fwetanhb doc-mit* oeitpi -run th* rAttltvrJa .natrlaienpre tip raudWl'j ofn imn CWitalkainly

butata aartaJ antnujii af

COCt^nBvita CWnmt anwiwi. at* laitd

rwajcax aa iljaiwatM ptrWa. aparaVathp

tn raiaTOy inaory aatradynaaata thMy-

Tli Iran tdial/HllW^m* OTtKX faan-ciliBari. Dr. OnraiV raya and aweinrj phytia auo^

ftAtad wKb tbt Lai lUatraai *afaia cart* award form tmf aaataflon atfib iwv tjriaiairtd. tn

If Iha third andunr

Janiiarf iMa, iwtred thaa*

Sctveo* AwardAra-ytxilns nuclear nnultlona to Connraai nf

miitkih> luWnAiiunal DtnranBc Fedarallon in Den-nark, ltm rsaaiiMd at ih* ifnlvaratly of Berlin,hU0 Hetent imjtthxiu. iMU of birth; unknown



AieocUitdend ptubabtyiwtor ol th* CntmtrOf Ihr us ftBdMe. ) Hecent resrorvh tociniG raj

til kimtnfliajelWf 0

HSUTMrJIMI'Mttr-.Of (oftipukt* ind WrmUcrho (mtlttitr of Coaiputa-

Uen Teeliaiqure ol lhe Af. tlnce JIM, mid heed ol

CotnpnUr laboratory flf talping: tlntvrrritr *Uw IfM Profcwr ikkf ineUttfne'Jct alOr-*-

wtity. iron 40 Member of iht Prtperatw Coin*

aiiup tmllttii* Ol Oeaeiputlnt Terhiwerity.

Studied In the United ttttto* at Waaiilnctoft University.

Al Hn.lvTretaltd to ihe UOflR tounrfiviu* ob compuiari in Muvli Hot end taler ttiditd rompyler pt^rhiULieif la the (jui.trlti bnkny*h

hui-kmti .

aiirinr gtiyalea,aitirJaj,the intiuc loawfUtii phjiifltei end fcial ef* aftt*<lit

t. irt mr ef ttm limit vt*AM, ha

iW. pp*to<tae La-wit- irot-JT ud mm mm fcaed et the rtmiiyi Theoretical

mrte-esl mtahbmicmsiwm ei

huiIii ef Um >ilie4lii CweMi offrT.Hatted nenirioi forata* ma Krteeaedentree ta )Wof Tee*-

nl'nj imIMo itveirO at tM- InrtlU*te fc* Ad-luurd gtaiEoJ. Prtniweon Iterant reowch: MM

Mm aiaae

errmi of ehMiiUry > ft lift m. etrant*

puUtla* tlhaf iMcftitMe. etc j . !hi

HVAemt i lmi Prof of numbttrf. ind omputm Hue ti

generally wnel4tr>fl lo be thtaihi-

Mjltrlin andikih kiwn im hit eerllrr work oo

theory ol dund keter irertitint-

imnUy urrlmlinL edntfnMflk-Upn. Olmtor of the iraaUUU ofofnd tVptiirofIx-peitjiunt of ptiyehf*. m| Oinrpilry

FfOftMtui of momroto'Jat efTiUtfhu* tlnl-

Mt-*t.te fromLtrhiutt/ uboul IfM. miMIh* trmurt

!uaus in ihe toitudr of nuctoer enrrer InMid

Htol Elllaou uniii hu reWrn lo chui*Me,vemoer olmp of tM IteUonettet Aoedemj of

^imicetL siivm ;m. he Nm htere dlrrvtor of the fn-

tilltr* of tbe Ail Chi on^ Iforiea of tfw HloVtry of

Sdoca'^oa for Ida en eieahar teoery in 1mj acc!

e)t tie Ivoejtod

e pUenf reof rtee *tV*rh ufiHte4Eiuu^cv afhrelfMtueaiicto* Va^ttlV FrlvJAf flflmin I ef the Kate

cftaxtl ttM iijeer Hm ha* leauaetd to pataf

l vary acUvece^Bg of fTirmi ma^UJ Ortelcgc^nta tie ha* beamMxn lha IftKlWa* af eliilull TVChAleu^ Hue

irewerl ia Mm Clll hia-

larnca4 llr hai

kQ WerTkauceval Confer voce unnin fftochholni Inndnh Qownl

IrulititU of kUttroniocim AaKCtalrd Vttfa the

crunree Netltinalat mptntf. itw*.

h thr lorrner rri**ltote of Ar^Bed. lha Acoufctltal Nni-ty of America

Prettd-nt of thr BJfxtroiilce dscJety ot China, ipst fttodied hi the United Gtatee for rei'oral yeare, rrcrltini;

hU PhD Ircea Hiirvard la ItHO Recent reaeerch:

Jtndy bf soundin aattda and. lo *oinr rxtrnt. in HquMs Born: HIS.

EHni Ju-wet Prof.

phyiiiM.ild ittle ph>vlca. Director of ihr inftutote of FhyMos pro-

ftiwr at TSlnfthua UniiaraUy in IW and rrararch

Irlloej In pce-Ubrratlon IcdUt^te of Fhyalra at thr tin-

Ueealhtndamy or Mmkm durlne the prexd

ira*-ta he hitncftitkr ofrtm*ril

o? rhy*lr^ MaUMmntinr^ and ChemLftry of Afi,ltt. andoHVbtr of the Fctping branch of Uw atl&rw Phytlcal fJocletyIWf -

iOt. be tervedthe repccMataUiii of the ftitlorvl Pclmte Qrcanlatlon ofrdmtltts in

the fpeconJ Kxtkeial CocnjnllUa of the PndUcal Con-

tvUotlrr Confrree^i* inhe twiedJt

i'.-rviiimiy. iludlad in Uir llnJUdiwlr< hvr

Ph.D. (rom Vole uojmilty* Recentpttei

andiiaUc*f lhe ferroue ehv

menu and xUaytl, end other allied field. <xo;nrn*nJ aith ihe theorMical tnveeUBBtlon of the pcof^rllr^ or

inalUr. Bcclp IfOX

VfASO kad'ch'an- avtp/UlT. i>tlear

phyjeci coimtc raya. Deputy director of EAK; drrpniy

dlrrcl^ of JTKR, rdneeft ijember of lhe

Dtftirtment of Piiyskce, kfathrtftatt^i, ac* Of Ihc ChlnrM Acadtmy nf DcUnw Mmbtc Goclrty of Phyrtce. Hwd of t

Group o& Coemlc Rtyi of the Cat&ete Wattonal Com*

tuner lor Ut* IOY in Member of tbe prrpara*

lory ownmlitee lor the flrsv AJi-Chlci SztenXteU' Coo-

fereitec. ItVtO Attended Lha IntoaaUonid Coafrrenoer onnericy Huclrar PhyiOta jn Mi*

e. IMfc Aitecded theonfvie&re

on Blflh Eocrfty Acrelreaton nnd InttrumeaUtlce. In

Genr>e,todJrcl lo GcfTniny,hD,

dcttree fiom the Unlvertily of Berlin1 5ttrfpcd

hi the United 5Utei. mt *0 Recent research: Fwide-

critotflj pulkloi. WaCtf and other efWntbJj from JltOt claimed -oohurvrd at leaM two partloin


nd llto shies naveiwtfiere. The discovrry ol the Brat oi three parlxie*.

tWjiiua ul Hlilrn had noi MtDheory,

las no! beta conJiiTii'il. VTeiKtn phnlfliu bare, how-evcr. authenticated the discovery ol tne second poritttc. an anil-Heme-minus hypcron. dmb- hot.


raanlci. Iraiulsloi- UWiWd wilhLa bonier; ol Smloinanrbua. Associated with Ibc loraicr Institute

ol Appoed Physios fromnd with the Sjeml-

DcnUiry- o' Ilia unbluM In IM7. Win*

studied In the United

cctvinc Ma

from Pflfdui ITotveraly HtrnnrcJinnMd sesal-

conductor! photoelBitldij. and piastre statebai no estimate ol hu ttehiMral preOclent? Is

available. Keen

wu iia-fhioRotcrt Ehlb-cblu Wu< ilMirtcal ens lexer log and irarulilors Aiaonaled >iih lhe Inilltole ofilnce IMS. In tbe UnitediuiUail rteitnial enginecrloir a< We MarsstbuielU InstlWe olnd wbac-emmtly. waa employed Brail. Ohio nwaich has ococemed:

circuit analisls and sereo-

j. btan en tfjbr deslsn.

tJWO Ch-iBft"De -aioTUllea. tolls

state plryaiia Duweeor el ilia Uliraaanlca Laboratory ol Use inauwu at iumKc rbaclneertni and Electronlni

Aiiee4rd in* IvUi AU-UtUon Con-

ferrare cei Acinwues u. aaaaeiw.SUCWusaa rsusee tram in* as ISM. re-

raO erareiMnodd

frrrswee aa ISM Soxaais


xz: iIjv Mmu. gMHa. ihwiikta: tijiwi

apalwd mathamiiSn lUenS research

ilasplcs; In *dlda. neasumiHnl ol UMf

round, uid Indualrlel aaplaraUans of


(I) CopabfKfiei iisid tretdsCommunist Chinese mathematicians are doing limitedin mosl of the major fields ofand their program Is expanding.strength andstill rated only moderate at best In comparison withand SovietIn theory of functions, differential equations, and parts of differential geometry and algebra- Some work Is also being done In topology and theory of numbers.weaknesses exist in areas ol lhe theory of probability and mathematical statistics,mathematics, and mathematical logic, where *oifc is Just gelling started. Nevertheless, capabilities are limitedack of suitably trained people: must of the research Is being done by less than Ally mathematicians who havetheir advanced training In Westernand inS.K.

The present overall emphasis of Communist mathematics program is on providing suitable problem-solving capabilities In the technical sciences to support economic and military programs, as well as on examiningmathematical methods in order to acquire new techniques and lo develop simplifications Of existing problem-solving techniquesof theory and practice Is accented In theU iruinuig programs. TTiese programs are alined al rapidly IncreAsiue the number of people who can give direct mathematical support to projects of economic and miliiary Importance aod atmathematics instructors lor Chinese colleges. Participation in International activities with Western countries outside the Smo-Soviel blsc has been very limited, but iheie has beencooperation and exchange wilh lhe USSR Chinese Communist mathematicians also have attended conferences In European bloc countries and in India.

tdcbprorind and organisationIn Chinaistory of many centuries and many remarkable results obtainedery early date. For example, by about the middle of the 5th century. Chinese mathematicians hada value of the constant "pi" accurate to more Ulan seven decimal places. Methods roeroots of algebraic equations werebeforeh century. This earlier work was followederiod of stagnation and some retrogression,ag behind Western countries which lias extended up to the present. Although Chlneae scholars were acquainted with mathematical trends and developmentsh century, tho shift toof mathematics in Uie more modern sense was not made untilhewas not abrupt In all areas, and theyong tradition In some areas such ss algebra.0ajor emphasis was on theory of numbers, algebra, differential geometry and on some aspects of topology Much of the work accomplished prior9 was carried out by mathematicians connected with Peiping. Tstnghua. Chokiang. and Nankal Unnvrrslucs. An Inst it uie of Mathematics (Shu-hsocheiping, was established tn 1MB. Since the establishment of the Communist, Uie major institute for conducting mathematics research has been Ihe Institute of Mathematics of the Chinese Academy of SciencesS. Peiping The overall authority for direction end planning of work ut mat hematics at present is the State Planning Committee for Science and Technology ol the Stale Council. The actual work, however,



lieavlly concentrated in lhe institutes of lite Detriment of, Physics, and Chem-istry Of Die AS and in lbe blgber educationalunder the Minmry o: Education (Clttaa-pueographically. Chinesemathematicsoncentrated in Ittcand Shanghai area* Al all levels theol Chinese Communist mathematics has Communist Party representaUte* wbo deckle

I'.;', ir'raii'ii

project*o pursued, aad who rrietlSpecial problem assignments arc given to lbe individual mathematician* through Ihe AS. and mathematicians are often omened to work directly with industrial oreantealtons In solving practical engineering problems


mu>Chinese Communist mBthnnialiimlnave Mm general and lbe greatest concentration baa been on expansion ol capnbUi-tlw [or matliemallcal supportarge number ol projects of economic and military Importance. Some work on theoretical mathematics has been accomplished, but no spectacular results have been reported The cunent emphasis Is onmathematical theory with piuctiee, and giving prtonty to projects which will further tbe

olcd1itallilUt- Work on theory ofmathematical statistics has MenIn the last lew years but Uthe lost two years, higher educationalhave begun io attach increasedCO the topic. Work bax centeredanalytic theory of probability, Markoflforecasts foi Stationary processes, andtrans. Research workers go directlyorganaaUoni to aid in productionFor example, Ihey have contributedo( problems In the textile Industries andIndustries.

omputationalork on computational mathematics has Just begun, but considerable Importance ts attached lo II Chinese Communist work has received assistance from Soviet specialists. Kmphosis Is on methods Miitatrte for use on high speed computers.

Work onresearch it scattered throughout Chinabeen concerned particularly withefforts and with economic planning on ascale. Most of Ihe work lias beenprogramming problems and onof solving such problems.

works Indicate that considerablehas been given to mathematical research connected olth solving problems In fluidaerodynamics, supersonic flight, andof thin shells. Some work In the theory a! plasticity also has been repc*led. Mosl or thesubtopics ol mathematics also are being Heated, with emphasis oa topics which can be applied directly or which are needed lor theoX new applied mathematxal methods Work on specific typKa o! pure and appliedts described belo*

i$erenltal equation!Almost every university or engineering collegeroupon differential equations, work on the theory ol ordinary differential equations has concentrated on stability ot systems describedifferentia] equation and on existence and uniqueness ol solutions. Work on partialequations has been concerned with unique-new theorems, with systems of equationswith lhe tlieory of thin shells, and vith partial differential equal Ions which arise from capillary phenomena. Workers In differential equations have participated In work on design ol large dams, numerical aealher prediction,Of targe machines, and design of winged aircraft

olticmoHcal logicTbe Chinese Communists are still weak In mathematical logic but plan expansion. In the theory of deductive logical systems, emphasis has been on bivalued and multivalued logx and axiomatic methods. The theory or recursive functions has also been studied In connection with approximationApplication of the work of Chinese logicians to computer design began6

<fl) Theory ofhinese work on number theory has been traditional; same good work is still curled on in classical analytic theory Of numbers, probably due to the presence of Hub Lo-keng. Some well-known Soviet and Western works have been extended. Distribution offunctions and of prime numbers have been studied.

he Chineseing tradition or work on algebra and some work has been continued sincemphasis lias been on projective geometry, matrix and tensorand group theory. Atart of their work in algebra appears to be basic toOf new mathematical methods wtuch could find wide application In science and teclinotogy.

ifferent lotoundation for reaearch ongeometry pnorn the post decade, this work has born extended. Keported interests

i. Tit tf


(liflerenlial transformation* in non-Eu-chaean spacesn* behavior ol differential squaUOrtt In noii-Euclicean spares Soma ot thii work axitdwarfulopcienl ofing'j cnuucted with the ic terse -Uoa of radiatm witn mailer

epeaofrTopological mipprrpeKpfiaoara Karl of Um Cbinrai workIv br connectedocrekip-

meni of methods foe treatingspace* and fiber bundles ahtch, In lum. provide methods of attack on some problems ol fluid flow and similar

Functionalyounger Chlnetc malhamatloans increasingly are beeoetimiereaUd in functional iMlyu They1nd anear operators. Mach of ihe work appears to be directed toward denloprnertt ef methods of eotvlng differential and integral equal ions.

Theory olhird Of Uie itoma ileal papers published inChina In Uie past decade have been concernedtheory of functions. Chlneee maUwiiiaU-clam. beside* havingoundation in Ibis field fstahiuhed priorlso have studied SovietThey have Been concerned partsculaily with apptOKlTji *ic met beds andeh twppan ont*al equations and njeaertca) calculaUons Work on theory ot fune* Uom will probably be erpaooed to aariud* study of functions af several complex variablea and *pe-Oalhichroblfou In tecHm-cat

Fvtan UnweritifThisbaa several departments; only UM Department of Ualbematles andfere Tbe cnaartaac of UUS Orpaximniiresently unknown bul It prob-abfy ratface Iu ru-COTnf. whoalso we prrai-oenl of Ihe umverilty. or Ch*en Chirnkung. The greatest lesearch effort has concerned dltteren Ua) geometry and mappings and funcUons of complexand analysis of Fourier arm Host of Ibis research is concentrated In the handsew mat hematic barm wbo are also members of the Institute of Malhernattra of tbeaboratory of trtalhernauta. under tbe Joint epooaceslup of the MtaMry of gdvicaucai and lhe AS. wsu> essatOahed ia lMo-M olShn-hrmth Ten-cAfH-aoiDUcctecM ThUoibordinale lo the Depart


men! of Mathematics. Physira and Chemistry lhe AS, which la, In turn, subordinate to tbe (State) Scientific and Technologicalranch of this Institute has been formed in Shanghai. Thishe majorreaearch facility in Communist China The primary objective of the Insllluie is tosupport to projects af military and economic importance and to aid In planning tut facilities ic provide meh lutssert. Hostthe dunes* CotcmunBt week tn advanced mathematicseither conducted under the carrel upemston of Ibe AS or in ii Baalith this mailt ate There Is also riot* coopr ralua between tha tnsu-tute and Industrial and pr abate} alio military or-eanttataeis. Uoat of the outstanding Chinese Communist mathnr-Hllrkani air members of the instituteroblems icu Chineseassigned by lha Insllluie, even though they may be waking Bt plants al widelygeographical local Ion* Many dI theseare also members of unlicislty faculties. Most or lhe major topics Of mat lie ma tics are being studied, with lhe grealesl efforts beinglo differentia] anil Integral equations and to functional analysis. Thi*lso the major Chinese Communist canter for training of gradual* students. Tke malt tut* apparently haa large libraryhich Include meat of the important rnalhesnalscs journals from all orer the worle;

Petptng Unlttrxtf iFH-ehme tVJuaant).aajversttyonder Ibe Ministry ofabec and has several departments, only lbe Mathematicsf interest Oat Tbts oVpertmeni waa chaired by Tuan Hsueh-lu9 Resraich isoost of the major topics of mathematics, primarilyen alarT members who am also members of lbeof MathemaUCH of lhe AS; however, the major concern ol Una dejwrtmenl la loomputer Section has been established and work on development of mathemallrampulernder-

Vnnrrntw [Chlno-hna ra-AnMI).

Ciinnglang. 'Thisubordinale lo the Ministry ofand has sevnal dcpuiUiienUi; only tbe De-pailmenl ol Mathematics Is of intern', here Chairman or Ihfct department Is believed lo be Chlen Wel-chong. who Ii also vice president of the university, fleienieh la conductedewChinese communist maUiemaliclans who are also member! of Ihe liutllul* of Matficmatics of tbe AS. While titer* is some work on mcel ot the major area* of malheinalica, imlril conceti-


- Novum&jch

is on differ entanl and integralhe iraajor activity of that department as devoid Co Ualnlug uodergradu&te student* and tomathematical support U> project* ofimportance

hien-auncori nu bean highly7 ether Chinrae mathematicians: fee many yeaia and haacnnUlbvtor to Chlneea *vrk anof fuaettan& Hs hoacoftttor

at Futon unlvertltj at Shanghai alnce about WM. andon* ol th* dtrrclorsaathttmtfcal reuarrJi

cantor an Shanftteu *lilch wutha

AS and the mumrytatlon la WW. Kt ha* also

bean athr IrwtitnU or MathitrnaUra of the

AB tiofc tbe early UW'txottcr ol lha statuim?

mmmitw or tha Department oC Phyrto. MathpmaWvnlitry since WW. Cfj'cn auk dkecCcr of tbt

inatitut* or Mj-WTjua, of thr AS In lr*i. when he left tolp at Princeton Unlicnlty tn

Ihe United SCalu. Hrn active hi tn* Chlnn

Mathematical Society and wot apcealdont of th* scciety In 1WP Be aire boa served on tbe ooitoriaj

cftinmlUw or Aria Mtfkmtfico(Chiracmtlc* Cfruaatikllod al IhnTcfcyti

imperial irnWttc&tjT in Japan*nd at Princeton University in the United SUM Mt? spent

In Wwoma He tatiioramunut but

takes little or no part In poittiraj fertility. Bom:0

CHTEtf Kfoen-ftrnTO1BlUC-thm).

Dr, Fluid mechanic arrceaautitol eneinecrlnf. and

apidiiij tsr L'li'lm tx on uf ihr vurld's

leading ac?ccauti:al andpropulsion orarjaeors and tn* te*dta& Chinevpure id development

' mathematical method! frjr iha mlu-

WtlV-iL he wasrofeuor ofat

rfatlonaU iMntrhuH Vnlventty. Ha eatne to thr Untied

State* in IMS lo atudy nuclear energy foe the Chinew National Oorrrnment androlooaor of icalhtv*

matlof at the Unltvralty uf Eltincdi^ until hli retum IO ChlfiA,nH ja vmctw ol tbe Mathematics^ and FlLyhlcalrOQp Of

Ihr National Acadany ofince XWKhat been director of tho International Uttfmn nt^

partment of thr National Cunmittea or lha AU-Chlrn

rvdmUoa af 8clcntirkHoirat prlae from the Mmtttry or ftdut^uon fur hU +w* on

nutntxr Uinof7 In IWifit pi lie of the AS In

he SMl-iai* oJTerhnlnnm and


part In tbe direction ol oomputor

ln Gnmualit China. Hua lectured InSfi. In IMS andemfeeenoe In Lecunfrad In ]W II* utm nUcndtd an fntTnatlonol Conference CO

Rtiaunt world TfOJioncekholiJi In 1W4 and the

r^urthAaunbty c4 the Worldf SeWnUflf WorfceraMn In 1W>nCucncBBntoery -tctlve In orjunlrrauuna ivhteh direct cccpaeanda related to irterct, le^ctifte

He ti pcwntlyn

dwt* rraaaren on thtnry ofBlDlnt students- Bern;c.


CWtetentf at proleetJona eJ eur/ttoadlotf Chinese Com-muhjstheeen laeaderrfaniiatlonw Ha ha*

been iter pmldent of lutan Unlicralty In ebanthal

ainoc usvrofesaor of matfcemaUot thereot. Be baa altoember of In* iratititte of

S. *lmt WW. andone Of

been director or tbt liuLilul* ot Mechanic* or the

sloe* Iu foroiatlun In tie* Prior to hla return to China, hewtuvrseveral scorita* In

Starch lie/i. lw becamf Us* ftnrtpr+ittont ol Uif Chliwr Slivrr IIW, htluu

rMAte Counrit. Ilo mul*nifnc-ir al lh*iJel Propubta* lATxcntory of thtiTutTtate offHP W_ prior to his

return to i'li-Tin, HoI1V. pruaR6 and

a Communmnbor and, iipon hla ratuin

to Chinae ccurled on gtrone pronaganda ac-

Chlttn pcKH&ily conducu jruoarcli in toAittt*

natvjai methods for floraeam: im

HUA 'lM4t1 Prof. Ht^Ttnutv ot

praJly eonstdorfd to be the leadlnttruuni&t

miulvmouclan and it bwt ajioirn lor hla oarller work Bp thux? Zfl numUuH and lor hi* laUr ^tiit on rhOOtf

AS alnce WiJ and ditrruty ai-

teetor of theepajtnvnt of Phytlcs. MotV*

iiiuUha, andHaroraatur in tbe nepartsitot ot Matbrmauct otUol-

> Bneland. vhero t

iai eeUblUOwd undee the AA and the SUattrj if lU^caXltiiv w at NaiFxiaJ Caeuanc 'tfitj of Bancrbov fw asjoul im as ahnutv lt4J

ennvr trf the Aaabout 1W Be hu

an ihard of tbeatx* tatfBkilfiaeA-ewL pwblajhia bjD4 Inraitiay aaajoH S*i iM yaaa hae nfe on tbt tbeorrrtnti apnoa Ht fen* aaraad an tha femt

CaaifUfew andiha nandintha Daawemaoi of Fhyatet.

and ClronaUO ot thaatneaand on prepara* ory cominJUaM tvt ffelwW 'tm

fatan. fmm rtnh hehtp duetarat* laea momfctrtklnate aeUntlfie Ltthttlon to Japan feed rtlumad tn ltd! to Inur oendamlcapan Heatittctjia an lUldIn

aire rtwdled In thtioliifl

IIt^^nUr *iilted in Iho United Kate* ind in England. He hai been active In pro*

C?rnsnunist nitanlMtlnna, inr Jittllt* lha Hftnffbow branch of Um |toOendthlpnha National Uaaunltleq ot lha Atj.China IVdera-

tlon or Seieotine 0oriat,ta tanea Itto. and lha China

People* Putltlcal CnnauXaUrr Confreeexe. WiurtAvr or notaatar of tha OoaTsmaaalat Fferty



ItlS Wen-turn iKOJ-'MJO/OIM) TOcotOtr Bad eeionKw. Wu hu >ia an inleinaUouJ luimlaUcQ Ioi hli iwl D>dheld in rcpeelaflf huh ciUcm By Ih*

Soviets He huember ol lhe Onrnetrv

Section ol Uin IinmotK of tUdwntl^ Of Die AHIn Flante anditumi al Ibe

ftsIUUW UninrBtji snUI mt Woe AS IDe hu travnkd lo mitral BOvictounlrw for tectum. locludtafi atlcndarkc* al a

conlCKKe In Bunumu in in* wu* atutuae towardU one ol occnplcW dlilniaui.

and uppernuu

Ul CdpoAtUwi and fmdiCranrnunlU Chin* bu onlylev ouMttneUng wMntltUsi astronomy aad lhe upperic-cnort Although progress Miie country raanaln* tmi behind tbe leading nation* of We woaid In these area* Much of Ih* work hat Men in practical and wUr astronomy, luno-jpliciTr iiliyiMM. and btgn alUlude cosmic rayoutine observational programs have been tslabUilted and aie maintainedtart ba* been made ts radroastronorny TM principal tfTOrt in recent yean has bean In train-teetantiaU, enlarging riawrh pro-gmai. and Inctknes The Indutry of tar country hai produced no* of the sraphrrsl of vCich ban been ccquea of Soiiel of Wowcrn models. The grealratinhe lack ot large, modern WatrumenutJ3owertelescope produced by the Nanking Sei-tnllflc Instrument Plant

In IMS. aof leading Sovietastrophyalcbt* rtKted all Dulitute* andtn the country, asslttlrigtao fee research ptofcatl*-Mac partlcularljr. ba*aome tiaming and

equipment The Cornrnunirt Ouneae alas bava been able te> purchase some uulrumenU from Western count ilea. Other prion Uc* nr budge Iapparently han prevented luge lra. port* Of foreign equipment.

Project* completed In theew year* include conn ruction of the Peiping Pt*net*num (aea Fisuasee/ latitude stalkin. Tha moit arabiUoui aslroootclcal projeet In ptugrfSlcautructavi ofaticewrriKal Ob-aervaurr (PaKaaadPetattg. panned to aupptont tha Porpto Hountaa Obaef*-atoryaniJu. a* the Urftsl and moat UnportaalOramunlatheadio> not clear whether lhe latler projerl will betepiraMy or allart of the Peiping Aalrononucal

Varlou* report* Ind Kate lhat the Cccnmunuc Chineaepper aimoaptieiB and apace rmaarch program whichothe uie ot rocketi and artificial laMlHta? Reportedly. Cnineae ofTKlalt have it*ted that they eipect to launch an artificial earth satellite byunar probe by MM Tha Chines* probably could provide aome scientific Instiurnen-!atwn Would launching vehicle* become available, but cculd-rable Soviet aid would b* required to undertakeroject They now cooperate with

tbe USSR In -

Chinas* ipac* actMUaa aasao to be centered around Dr ChVntrained dlreo tcc of the Tastltuta Of Heenanica IUA3.Tbe Inautuu of OeophyBcaeacno.elrxng. and oUist academy maUtoUa,p-pea; to be eocpersUng In Ihl* work.

The BckenUac eflort ol Cornmuruit cnina In as-Irormmy and upper atmoapiiera reaearcJi Issteadily, by eaplolUng the results of similar research In the rest ol ths world, Inwith their ownhe Communist



- Ku jsmhxsi

airosllkin to give minor iiul aiowly imp roving support in these sciences toand space activities andarious other fields ol military significance such as geodesy, tracking, navigation, tunc service, and devokipment and use Of RilMlUn.

The strung conlrol which Chinese Communist political loaders exercise over science is illustrated by tlie withdrawal in IW7 Of the counliy from participation in the Interna llonal Geophysical Yearlthough plans had been farmu-taled lor participation, and Chinese astronomers and geophyticlsU would have benefited consider-ably tlierefrom. Ihey were forced lo wiUidraw--undoubtedly against IhcirNatnn-aiin china was Included In Ihe program Slini-larly, in IBM. because of Nationalist China'sIn the International Astronomical Unionommunis! China withdrew IU membership from lhai organisation.

(It) Background and organxtalionThere are Indications lhat the Chinese traditionally have had some knowledge of astronomy, but moat of their findings were lost or have been superseded by foreign accomplishments. Kuropoan methodsintroduced at Peiping by Jesuit missionaries inh century. Although ancientenisled in Peiping and olber cities, thepermai>ent observatory is probably Zlku-aei Observatory IHitKha-hiilounded ouUlde ol Shanghaiowever. ds*ptle this background, no modern major achievements or advances in astronomy or upper atmosphere geophysics can be credited toChina.

Upon taking control ol the mainland of China inhe Communist Chinese State Council organised the Academy or Sciences ICAuaa-kuoS, Peiping. lo lake over the facilities ol the (cemer Acadtmia Silica,the Purple Mountain Observatory and lhe other astronomical and geophysical reaearchThese remain under the direction ofverall planning and coordination ofand upper almospheie research is under the (Slate) Scientific and Technological Cora mission Other important organisations which influence astronomical and upperresearch ore the Astronomical Society Of China (CAimo-feno r'ien-wen math-hull. Ibe Geophysical Society of Chinaiio ri-en"ru Wiih Hiueh-huH, and the China Society of Phys-Ics (Cftung-kuo Wn-llheseIn cooperation with the academy, publish Uic leading scientific Journals In their respective fieldsaining activities are centered atUniversity (ftan-chtnganking, and the Purple Mountain Observatory, although Peiping University (Pci-clM?eiping. and Wu-han University (Wit-tanu-ch'ong. olTer some instruction in uppergeophysics. Most of the leading scientists In these fields obtained their advanced Training In the United States or in Europe. Apparently, the USSR is now providing tialnihE for aemail but significant number of younger scientists

b. maiod kissawb axo pevelopmsht *Y

Practical astronomyProblems such as the determination of time, latitude, andbecause Of their practical applications, have occupied much ol the effort of Communistastronomers In recent years The Purple Mountain Observatory, Nanking. Is lhe beat equipped observatory for latitude and longitude determinations. In preparation lor Uie JOY, Ihe Tientsin Latitude Station was founded Xikawel Observatoryen-wen-t'ai).the center of Uie national time service,umber ol good clocks in Its new time laboratory. Purple Mountain Observatory, as the center lor Hacking artificial satellites,etwork ofbservation stations over the countryhese stations use as theU basic Instrument the small Soviet Modelide-angle telescope, but two sets of Sonet preilsron photographicare alto In use for tracking satellites.Mountain Observatory alto predicts theof satellites The ephemeride* lor the early Sputniks were very inaccurate In the beginning, but have improved steadily as Communist Chinese astronomers have gained experience. On short-term predictions, the accuracy was claimed as tl minuteegree by the end of lltJS Considering the slse and needs ot Communist China, facilities are Inadequate and capabilities are very low in practical astronomy, buthare been mode In recent years.

Solar ailronornt/Communist Chi-neoe astronomers have placed considerableon solar reaearch, probably because suchore closely linked with geomagneticmeteorological, and many otherproblems. The Purple MountainZo Se Observatory fSheshanhanghai; andn-mmg Astronomical Observatory have special instruments, including spKtrohelioscopes. lor solar observations. At least one Lyol Hebdgiaph is available. The new Peiping Observatory la equippedoviet chrornoHpherlc leleacope. An expedition,of aboulommunist Chinese and


ttudkd Uic solar eclipse ol0 on Hainan Island Uolh ladioaslronomleal and optical obirrtaUnn- werehe taller included photoelectric arid sprctrogiaphic studieshows some of the equipment used In making theae iludlea Insolar research conference was held inIt was decided to concentrate an efforts for domestic peoductlonolar telcaropa of II CM aperture, accessoryhile light Mronagraph. and Other needed Instrument* The principal chscrva-tortea adopted aa their goal wilttui three years lhe allaagaenl of proficiencymailing inert-pervd solarTheae cetyecUieanot seen laHy met. but aarawas been made ia instrument eonaUacuan and Recasting teeh-rjqaes Cruna corusdeeaMy lags the kradingof tha world ta farlUUas and competence isi aaaar astronceny

The lives of AsueA Tian Unli

I 1

was mad

(J| Sodwcltratioe"!Coenjourual ChS-neae work in radscasamoniy can be traced to the join. Sano-Scirt obacrvatlon of the tolar eclipse ofn Hainan lelaitd Tlie Soviet team used aeote portable ladaiaatrunomKal equipment In tlielr aolar mvratlgaticNu The Communist Chinese bra rowed two of the Soviet radtotrlcscopes.o ID feet inwhich thiy copied madly, IntraIhe originals to the HASHeeting tn Peiping InK. Urn Communist Chinese planned tondkiaitrunornicnl obacrva-lory near thai city and later to set up rudioasiro-nomleal site* at Nanking. Wuhan, and Canton.

.ding grout


if(fren-fjfi-etping Astro-sily; and Wu-illy was expe-i,tart ced student*


Ch'en long-yung. who had participated Hainan expedition, was placed In charge of the first site, known as Peiping Radio-Astronomical Observatory, which ia still under development. Research reported uy the observatory hasof elementary solar investIgalIons. The single known existing observatory lack* modem equipment, especially large interferometers and psraboloidal dishes, such as those available in the leadingrIUcal shortage of competent radWELStroiKimersi

igh altitude cosmic rayLa-hsuch High Mountain Laboratory, also known as the Ml. Lo-lisueh Cosmic KayiLohiaeh Kao-fhan Shih-ycashi/il. LO-tasuen. near Tang ehhe only known higtl altitude cosmic ray research facility on themainland. The observatory has. and oilier foreign equipment (or continuousand fteaearch program to discover new [articles In cosmic rays. Actually, little effort appears to be made to collate and nno-lyte results of lhe observaUon* Work of Iheis under Ihe Institute of Physics (Wu-flAS. Peiping. ComrnunM China hasew competent cosmic ray physicists, and they are relatively Inexperienced in primarylay work; however, considerable efieri is being expended In naming young arieiillsUi.

onospheric researchConstructionetwork of ionospheric vertical soundingIn Communist China was reported by Radio Moscow Inhe present number of stations and the extent ol the network Is ui>-known; however. Communist Chin lonccphertc stations In operation alf the IOVt is probable lhat the equlp-meul was Imported from Hungary and/or Host Germany, dnoe Ihe. has obtainedsounding equipment from these countries. Communist China hasmall amount Of nnospherlc research for some time, with the principal work at Wu-han University, where an automatic recorder was planned, and at theof Electronics. Other work has beenat Zo Se Observatory, Canton. Chungking, and Lupin.ew competentphysicists, mosl ol whom werehe United Stairs, arc available Same Sonet btoc technical assistance has been given and aprogram is underway. Progress can beui this area, which is of considerableui communications and spaceor related information, eee also Srvrronf this NIS.)



Ccairor fnid of

(Chnng-yuitg(Jb'i-hiking Yen-chttt'iu).ihrrctor: lai Wu. Tli in inMlluie Is sutoniltiaUr lo lhe Central MetaorolOGkal Bureau (Ciwvo" yang Ch't-hitangppro" unawenty-three stations oi in- Central Meteorologicalrepon Ttiuai aurora and alntlow observations to tne instituteoieralkei may east Be-tvisen the institute and lhe Inaututa ofand Meteorology la other aspects of upper atmosphere research. Ho important sesraufle ae-oompksbraenli are assowo in this aree.

fertafafe af Clerfrwaa-sTew-efim-eoj. AS.Ku Te-huaa-SatonJmale lo the Department of TechnicalAS. this inaUtuU engagra in anoapneslcand radar tavrstlgaUons of meteor era.lrmentaiy elrelivirUc tracking of artificial earth tale Ultra Has oooperatod with Peiping Astronomical nlstrrvalory and otherin bul Ming the radio astronomicalnorth ol Pel ping

Institute of aeoittp and Cartography (TYe-Hang CfUhPu.u-Aon flrunch. AS, Warecto* unknown. Tliis Instituteivision of astronomical and gnxleocResearch tasks inrlude development of methods and Instrument* uaeil lo appliedand gravity defermlnalnei* The laboratory cooperatae wilh the Stat* Ikrraau of Oeorksyicwraphy In Marly Sag frobafvi of radio orVrs-talam surveying eswouitered In aerophotocTarc-rcetryksng grartj

rastifad* of OeoyAaasciMHtatUetp, (IV ofc'aiS.Chao Cblxhang iince IH* Tlie Inslitut*research In melmotogy. alnwapncnrseismology, lerreetrtal inagnetlam. and applied geophysics Much of tha upper atmosphereto dale appear* to have consisted of ozone observations, hut the Institute reportedly plans, in cooperation with Ihe Institute of Mechanics. AS. to launch artificial earth satellite* for research purposes byoon rocketci'ompitnhmcnt* nf tlie institute have Been in areas other than astronomy and upper

K'ufl-mfnf. Asfronomnxil Obsrnaferym-nungalso knoum as Ike Fcng-htumt/s'ian iPhoenic Hill) Obienntory, K'nn-mlng, Yunnanupervisor: probably Chen Chan-yun. Foundedhis facility Is subordinate lo the Purple Mountain Observatory In IBM. itmall astronomical observation station with inadequate equipment, but it was scheduledonsiderable expansion of facili-

ties within the next few years; current; not known

Lo-hsueh High Mountain laboratory ILo-hmen Kao-ahanTjo known as the Lo-hituh Cosmic Rag Observatory, Lo-Usueh,unknown. Subordinate to the Institute of Physics of the AS, Peiping. This observatory,ngages in high altitude cosmic rayIts main objective is to discover new particles within cosmic ray* Tire observatory lis* multi-plate ekiud chambers (US. made) andcloud chambers. II probably has neutron and meson monitors. Programs are directed by Drs. Chang Wen-yu, Hsiao Chlen. and Wang Shan-yuan, compctent cosmic ray phyatcfets of the Institute Of Physic* (Wu-lio important accomplishments are known.

Peiping Aitronomkal Observatory (Pel-cninp r'ien-Dien-I'ai;,of theoflVce; Chens Moo-Ian. This observatory is under construction and is scheduledt Is intended to be much larger and more modern than the Purple MountainPlans calletcr reflectinga large Schmidtcenllmeter twin aslroGiaph.umber ol otherThe principal work of the observatory has been announced as stellar Spectroscopy and photometry,om prehensile program is planned. Some solar research has been reported. The observatory is ccopcrating with the Institute of Electronics. Peiping, and other groups Inthe Pes ping Radio-Astronomical Observatory

Tiun-kuii In additioneiss planetarium projector and two hanking pavlliana forand lecture porpoaaa. the planetarium Is equippedeiss refractorew Other instruments for riwearchpened7 by the AA. the planetarium's moat Important contribution haa been to popular leeommunis'. China It hashe satelllt* Irarkksg program

Ptipng RMdse-AUramemtrmt OhteroKorj raw aulei wit ofChen Ftsag-yung. That faaBty was ft wadedaroup represent tag the Institute of Deixraraet. tne peiping Astronomicalory. Peeping University, and We-ban UrJferatly Reportedly, scene bUlMlrigi weretrag Theii thought lo bo poorly equippedew smallcopied from Soviet equipment Thruna lot eapanaam ofhowever, no radteAeJetcotni comparable to the larger Soviet or Wcilem lypoi are known to be planned or under construction Personnel are


well trained in radio aiUonooiy but on*experience. rnioUy HI tOlSI lnvn>tl|raltona. No Unpurlaril MicnUDc ectXiriipUWtm.dU art Known.

fu'plt MoawMla QburMtaf- MnCbanfdirector Bidiv

twc Greatest


the antralctwrabrj ofQuu,it "ID ba kpotaoted miay Ka new Pefpotf RadfevAUioromul OQwnatory. wtuch tt sow under coauVuctlca The abasrralory. ktcaWd at an derations under Uus Department of HaUwmaUo. Phyiuu. and Chcmkttry. AH. Tim obanta equippedo-cantlmeUr re-

rratatcti Is conducted, with lhe op solar studks and pnoto-at comet* and astcrmdc alto dow otherIn ast re-

ot eclipses, and uulrunwntIt hu tracked and predtctellua*fle Of artificial earth lalellltee. It direct* Uie nitro-nomlcal work al Zo Se and ZUtawcl ObawakorieindObacrralcoy IImaintain*n TaJnftao. Tumtatn. and FeipUf IIreported toarge aauo-nonmml iranac procrvn Although faciliba and pmonnri hai* been expanded conotdcrably during ihaall Belowitandarda nouaaj; xAowi the abarnatory andeflecting tMeacopa In uk* at Uui obaarraloty

7ieqfi(n fr Siaiain. noir t III

rector unknown. This relatively new laUtudo slattern, (uundad7quippedS&millimctor zenith teloicopn for latitude dc-Urminatlona.he only known nationiprtlllcally for latitude work InChina

WuAaa OwpAartoaJ Obttrtalery (TKAIa Jfun iMm't fail. AS. moat HinJtm- Dire.-toc: unknown. Alaa known a* thr Institute ol Upperhytic* and KaWrdinala to tbt WO-ban Hramh. ASphysical proptrtM of the Unoaphert and cflceu on ralio prnpaga-ticfi; the relation of coomic ran to otherphenomena, and nUnuiptinlc chemical composition. Including inane studio* Noscientific contribution* are krurwn


uwcrrity (IVtMONTtl: unknown. Conductsresearch andtation tor ex-perimenTAl investigations or the Irxiosphere* Inpecialist visited the university toin tttAbll&hirig oddiuariiLl research liv riliUe**

Ztkoi&ci Observatory {Hsv-chta-hw Tvitn-xtiS'UK>irfatie* Hrtittiiocst ofLI Heng Zlfcawel Observatory,inne of lbe oldest permanent ot> jcrvatorco* on the Chinese mainland, Tbe ob-wrvatoryn geophysical reaearcn,grtrenagnetlc work* under lbe Institute ofand Meteorolugy,ronomkaJ work, under the Purple Mountain Observatory, io-chutes routine solar and stellar observations, tune and determination* of latitude andNo important scientificare known*

Zo Sc Ob*rTtni*oT/.unfcnovn. The Zo So Ob-ierratory, AS, engages in routine astronomical'phytfcal observations. In astronomy, solar observations are stietaod find Faint Star Catalog work is done* Pertinent geophysical workertical Incidence Ionospheric observations, deter-mlnaUon ol ceornaeneUc eJerncnU, and mafifleuc

CHWOtot. Dr Coerme rayi

md nwlear ph>*ic* tfUff


ttttznUtn Laboratory, Purdu*

UrdveraUy itnUlSlaOlcd and tauebt at Yenchtnt Vnlver&Tty. Kecerted hi* doctorate mrro*n

C*unbridgt University. nrtntt at Wa*

UOoal Srcchvan University orandlonol tJoulhwett Anoeiated b'ntverrtty. Ala*


nteraeiton ortl*lalejaatlonudy el Shower* Pro-dtccd In Lead, Carbon.rUterfrom the Etudy ofFe&vlraling &Kmra" MvmliTTrid SOclrtte* at

&ctetr Bern* ma.

CHAXa Yu Che inTG/Wnromi, Prof Dr Arironmny. Director, Pvrpl* Mountain fObAcrtatary.

furIOY, and hciO OX

fiolar Activity ror the IOY. Studied at

baaly xndb drteturaU from

of Chicago

Yarfcm Oatrrvatury and uorfced at tory. rrcfraw nt JWA. nxiUd the USSJt toonranbatlon of florttl

Ktenttsr- reiweh Member of the IAV. *nd or the IAD f'i jnre ot

mitwi Ahkh Atlenoed the sflnth Oenaftl AMfmUi or thatheld In

MM In Dublin tbi dem oontldorahh* atlltlaa *od

f Wrataru aAfttinomcAl uvmi tn>nl booU inui Chlneae Member of the Gclmot &ceiHy of China Ha*aillvii tn MvmUrtsKieal orvatttaatlona, inrludlnf the ChlnPAe Attro-

l ftocrity Hiatojeh uvdia* Iwvp thrluded; *A

Kew Artrwtat tbe Purple Mountain Oh-

fhulxt^Ultt thr Tntaltfolai

Eclipse oiune hm Mad* la- * -mi/ and

' Olwt^*the Pwltkm* of Minor

:MAO Cblu>chnrkim#v'tb4lJF Dr rhr-.t*

nd aketcneolofr* aparlaliiinf tn tb#nr*tieal metraroiOfj tXraeter, InatltuM or Qaophyilca and

ft Mdiiiber lOlate^ urlentine endCc^mUiOw Manibvf. rtaffetrlAimt ofr-trtbA* Active Inthe

lav, vice ehtlrntan af theKabeewi

miter tvr thfl ICiY nrvrt tarved btari ol Chlrrfte dele-

aaUon to the IOY Wtttorn TMinr tt*|ionslat Tokyo iducBlnd in Cldnn and Gi-mtny* Hai Mwbcd and kctured In the uniudEn mi bewmWr of the Chin cat d> tegoilon aftlcn ataenad the oitanlutlon of oraenUftr reArareh in tbtnioc It aelive ha CMnaaa Otaununitt cvU'Ictl

wrned vith wlenttfe admintatatlon*eitcotj-

H ihr OjfBpLlAtionliondlatvon OMnrnlttee* ae Ml is the itxndinr; eutn Bill lee of the board of director* it the Chlneee Metr^rolurtentaeeareh meluden the"fhe CH iter el PUn and Week

ot tlu OfophjUciihMrtwte^ "Thermodf nunlcd Of Tr*dr Wind aurfantOn the

tonalnd *lAyer of Prtctlonal ol IDurnal HM Vsrlatlooa wiih

Obd TiVlirivlroDmBJT Hrad, RaOIo nivMi-n. laatJtuu of KlMUordOL IU-rector, Prtfkiic XaOk>ntvmbH* rut-

nfl on

txnnr tnu *Xu$ > J.l ritan, rttlfrllMV^Mr-

naa^earniuy uj. (eaM/im-ataaj. Pe

cp^vT fAaaaaaaaee mna Dtrivtee Premitcer

Cabra lar thapert S3 pcui ta rranea apaobtiblnf taof

Uaii end etady of ebf |M| teaaa* Dau la Its?

LMIAO OHm (IMN. IW rayf.sod *

^Xoirtm dtrvctor.ry farnla.

tun ctuh-vbaj <KWW. Paun <ria/aarj/ivM^

*nd upper tlmo*|tlt#rrIa rtnrc* of tontMplwrb* Unlvenrily. AlfO, pro*

fekaor of phjtlei end dean of tbe Coitepe of Brlentw at thii anJvreattjr, Studlad at Natlnnalntw

u*dtn the United rwm nl varlout unl-

rauflbl al variain Chlneae unfrerilthM. In

rarly tKrtf Iib wu tppeliited heod of lhe Worklnc Grovpora and Atttlo* vt lh* Chinw NaUuraJ Commute* fee lb* tuv Hma turmbrr* board of irir mriwir Dht*Mi lovrna) af*m-


Amrocsn Phytfcal nocloty. Chirm Society of

fcnii other orff&nuaUttiU* Did vcA for lh*t

Oc*ormnent co nwilw*ad (uou. flrtng tile? ttntcephere Cortiidcroi an cjxtlkot jdi.iv

kTiliRXI* Avlko interested In uroril nhft-

toMnTUn Otetrolccr* NimJtinR* Hit Studied ot tbt Unl-mitrend the CnrterriUy cf Mlchlfiui-IiritCtt*ulW>w> (onmlWi, lit*. HM womd

on thttlvAtn solar Bore* and tmsuisl

iiheftamtnv hlio on ibe quantum theorythe

Qb*anirtm tor ftft otatrvxtary*

Htt fccen Affiliated with Ih*Mutjnliin Qbterra-lory rU*dt Wnihlnd OfCtU? on LwiUWw und Utt-ttdo- Of Ibo China**OHnnLlU* (or the

Wtmdtoidid usduolr iwk bt tbe pm-

tCMtj cf Lronnioniuiuykt vai om of two deputy fttwlc Of Ike CIUWWhtrhurc ihr ju*Lun*l ODthfarewce oi tho IOY

leeaaar ed rd^tcrta: bxrvj of Oiiiw phytir*

i-ctl of ihr Clunw HlniHni jfarnaL

4 th*

errto Oikrttt DmMm


M, TTt ntwTtrt 4%

apbecfc 4mliTi tit at Tat Mini llwMMi of TvthAaWr it HirtvolMqllf VavM itae^m. sad peJ* a*

of Mitheauiju mAi AMrooomj. (feiumiiy laUudbced drift of If year plan tar dutuJi-pmaat ef irvwcmrh* FlrK Onareai of the Chlneae Ajuo*

nn minocM*.


hootar- phytic* Deputy director, Lottl-

Hu worked In nwfnr phydrx InM Hilfrniuiy niv2 tn

tha United autei Head, YrorUnton Cosmic

Ofhti*M* Commlun* foe lhe IOY In IW Taught at wkttu ChLMM

* hJltlillfU

Pntflsl Dmo of AtonK Mnnrr.rtht CDnloiuro tin ro^ft Kuttrj^ Nvclttu I'bjvtro In Mukov DurlftfFllrvod to now rvmainr-S Wi DbItiu t&

oocmIkoi trlib hti nrk litr the Jut IacuuIo fot

UAAJL cm rCHccui

o^=Jtice toti

C^nw rbrn ItWt;Dr B> O.zeemreh on rk^id cisjr. -

ben trtth Dc tin Meru-er Vtof. mi wort

Ct-KoMd therwrr mnm

mihinltwwjtriwWiMj.Lhwthejiibfr far thtit PtMBi M ia

dtrrUvM ud "Tho Pi^Detlon endlaud

^wLVr"; ^leeUW'Prntun la LomT; unortion an the DtiertkOA or tht Itn'W: rvnd TJI lieu FtelA end OrtriUlmnl Plrlil'

t.:. Mrdirj] and vpttrluary sciences

(I)ttd froiirtiDuring pant nrvrin) ^Mti, (Wptt-alJy. tho Cammunlrit Chi* new hon*maJtine oonAidcmbeo profIn mrrlk'l rrarojiih, RedMttcA niIn* Vndttd) jrro Uic labor foroo Lnnd Irictiiiirr fromrirumlAKbte di* CBMd.Uvo varti that CoenjmitiLit CIUaa can oquft. andcmtahr WrtaUrn axdl* talnd J) cjnphtttalencwttta;tTredicaEy and poLUr^Ir Tbe tMot ouuuMine CWTOtiaai Oimrao atdlctJ ft*n taction of the umchotMwhich ha* rvcoiTCd LnUniAUcirialther main trends in resaarch inrludo. paraalUc dlt^unii, naptKiAjjyaU, vlroloij,dLtif.nccphallUs.o<lt>ui uirvlval. and tho pr^KlucliOTlaoone axaimtand traditional Chin**eaadh* ptudythe rnodxtna) piariU ofu mo lively purtruad, rei^cKng exlenaive reaaaich oo their ttaot^hejjafr and ptT^lofy.nd cat the etfti^Wf-rinca-ttaa of their acUve prtztciplna floe cat aea are rlnimcti with acupvutcturf and cautery, aatooaJbuaucin {Chen Ctuu tberapy) In tmUng vurioui hlrtda Of Ulncncs. Much of the Convmu-nlat Chlneae rwarcb onlavaen la to raise tho ttnri of public health

Under GoYtetavk?YlaJi conrrpta actrrunate phyrkik^nd jili-ret-ll^i; re* auJU have been obtained taauoTjad ineatKB aecreOorv Nanocn liavue phratoeocf and bctocheca Bttry are activotr XTcs^a'-ecfn the rxpximtxfi of vatioui aspect! of phrito4ocY amia ex tenet ta

Other credttabte reaearch inciudee work In bto-chcmiitry; the medical geography of China; Id* diutrial and uecupaUotiaJ lijgtcnr. eapecLaUy wtjrt On allicoabi and on derTOttans cauaed My lacquer, extenalvend jryn^htuU or now drugi and new antib.otlca. lUleajedJy with antiviral andrrr propcrtke Minor arxcxspUahrnenU are In beraAleeafj. *unjery. and ttlanal steoVliie.

A cortatcerabie amxtni of CcenotmktedicallUQn of work done abroad -often with slight technical rnortl.VonfftnoJttyften erroneously cUlnted lUaueherapeuttc tool of doubiful raliie and not accepted by other Buro-pcon UiveiUuatori,oviet innoraton tbat has found wide acceptance in medical practice In China, II ha* been used tn pedJatrVi.


9 A

AlOlOgy. dermatology, and other specialty's, olbtr Soviet technique which has been liteome Chinese clinic, research tne use oflastic tension curve In early di-agno&ta of clatkxima.

Sovietcirnuftc tnunixlreat. There la closebetween Soviet and Chinese scientists; forrotocol on Rino-3ovint research was signed in Moscowhich outlined reaearchajor scientific and technical projects to be carried out Jointly3eparate cooperative agreements were signedby tne respective Academics of Sciences, the Ministries of Education, and the Academy oi Agricultural Sciences. There is also cooperation at the working level with numerous Soviet Aden tt*ts working in Cliinese researchand acting as consultants on specialReportedly, however, some of the bestscientists are working In the

Tbc meshing of political ideas and practices with raw arch, which characterizes present trends and influence* cepabiMea, has adversely atfecled the carrying out of research and Uie quality of result* obtained. Required political indoctrina-lion and political activities reduce the amount of Lime available lor work, lne shortages ofIn medical schools, the shortening of eur-rktUtims, tbe reduction in the quality of medical education and, consequently, of tbe quality of graduates, have reduced the supply of trained per*

Research ka also hampered by the assurnptxm of adciinlelcative power by young Communists not qualified for their jobs and whose only claim to power Ilea In the orthodoxy and vi$or of theirviews. Tne teaching activities of tbe few qualified medico! scientists aim hinder research

lastly, tbe imposition of medical doctrinesby political authorities for polltleal reasons canrippling effect on good research. Tnu is Clearly seen in the effect of the Party's emphasis on traditional medicine as equal orto Western medicine. Considerable low quality research, emphasising lite value ofmet bods for tbe treatingariety cfas apftaared In tne literature in the few years following the adoption of the new Partytoward ancient Chinese medicine. Tillstowards traditional methods Is probablyby the extreme shortage of personnel trained In modern medicine, wbo with thrlr small numbers cannot hope to handle theillion Chinese.

tinder the Communist regime, medical research, like all other types of research, has tended lo be increasingly regimented. Medical research must be approved by state controlled steeringIndividual research is considered selfish, self-centered, and contrary to tbe best interests of the people, and is actively discouraged Work is carried out instead by groups of scientists and technicians alio are assigned projects andto worknit in competition wltb Other units lo which lhe same or similar projects have been assigned.

One feature of tbe state-controlled researchis that the participation in research Of all workers iaot only the scientific or medical and technical staff, but also other employee associated wltb the project. Thereetermined effort to give particular emphasis, attention, and credit to achievements of the untrained workers associated with projects.

China hasQCO0 doctors trained In Western medicine, on estimated ratioCO0 people. Additionally, however, China hasillion traditionally trained healers who enjoy the trust and confidence of Die population and considerable personal prestige. Triegives considerable support to traditional physicians, as reflected In training and other pro grams, and efforts ore undertaken to ensure that their status is as high as that of Western-trained

Military and civilian establishments arecft&ely in infectious disease research,radiology. Mood transfusion, hemopalby, and other reaearch applicable to defense againstbiological, and radiological warfare. Anmilitary interest In neurophysiology and psychology Is Indicated. An organisation for psychology of national defense is to be establUhed under tho Ministry of National Defense

atkptQxnd and orpimzalionmedicineong history, and important Contributions lo science have been made bymedicine. Chinese physicians were among the first to describe accurately some of thefevers, to treat cataracts by surgicalto understand the value of cowpox in the protection against smallpox, and to treat fractures tinder plaster of porls Immobilisation.

the plastic re-


Anesthesia for cotnpkllng painful probably containing1 Cannabis hemp, was first used under. echnique foe pair of harelip was developed t


vesicles lit tne noae for protection, while lhe fleas olffllcled with cowpox were used in giuund form (or the pretention of smallpox.

Wci.YI-Ltn1 taught lhat broken vr.tlfinia

should be created by traction and hypcrcxtcn-swn ot Uie spine, while many other Chinese sur-gec*is already bad discovered the advantages ol fracture immoBllliation In piaster or Clayriming the Mini; period,u-Jea-Yiu used golden needles to couchethod further developed By other traditional opMhaimolnfii&u.

a study or the backfiround of medical research in China explains simultaneously Ihe present handicaps and advantages lhat govern the wort of medical rescarchm lhe two (peatealin are the regimen lailoa ol research and the scarcity o( wellpersonnel. Theresult from the unlimited support given by the government to the projects in which il le tn-lerer.tol Tho regimentation la shown by lhegiven to doctor* to develop methods forupwatiaa In research for theol certain ma)or diseases.

In Shanghai,esearch teams haie been organised toIncluding schlBtowmlaais. tuberculosis,cardiovascular diseases, traditional medicine, and antibiotics. Members are drawn frominstituUons, medical colleges, hospitals, local clinics, and health centers. All learns are urged Ui complete their special projects ahead Of schedule.

It ts claimed thai the new method ol research organisation ends the Isolation of differentand unila working individually infields, and also avoid* duplication and lack of interchange of Idea* Researchoordination, can mobilize everybodywhenever difficult problems arise; however, Chinese medical scienftsta have not accepted this

and struggle

Traditional medicine continues to play anpart in Chinese life. Traditionalof established reputation are now admitted lo the Chinese Medical Associationeipmg, on nn equal Basis with Wost-crn-trauted doctor? One traditional physicianice president of Ihe as-oclaUca. The number Of "colleges" Of traditional medicine hasotal ofnstitutes of traditional medicine have been established In the principal cities. Every hospitalepartment of traditional0cctcr traditional medtrlne treatment to the population throughout the country. Numerous counses in tradilional medicine have beenfor Western-trained physicians. This work of retraining Western physicians was Initiated by the Ministry of Public Health (Wef-shoto5 under party directive and Includes, betides part-timewo-year course of full-time classes in the Research Institute of Chinese Traditional Medicineeiping, also known as the Academy of Tradilional Chinese Medicine, and Research Institute ofMedicine The curriculum Includes theParty's policy toward traditional medicine, dialectical materialism and fundamental theory of Chinese medicine, and clinical practice These courses have been attended by more than BOOand other members of the stall of the Chinese Academy of Medical SciencescK JToJiaiWi-yaon)

This emphasis on Chinese traditional medicine affects the quality and the nature of researchearned out In China Oreat numbers ofand faculties are being diverted to studies on traditional medicine, tbe majority of whtch are not conducted in accordance with accepted scientific concepts of good medical researchthe heat sclenturs are considered lo be those trained In the West, However, theseore now.ertain extent, Beingexcluded, whereas other leas well-trained physicians who are considered opportunistic and politically oriented arc assuming control Of the medical profession In China.

The scarcity of personnel Is exemplified by the fact lhat there are no morein China who have received adequatefor research, mostly In the United States. In addition, It Is believed lhat there are no moreO qualified auxiliary personnel available to assist the small number o! qualified medical scientists. The seriousness of thisof trained personnel is accentuated by the fact that Communist China is only bcllevid to have from fit! to T5 medical and pharmaceutical institutions doing research,otalnstltutlona of higher learning.

The formation of research projects and theof reaearchational basis Is tbe direct. responsibDIly of the (Slate) Scientific and TechnctogScal Commission and Is based oo tbe Twelve Year Plan fornder this plan, the Ministry of Public Health has beenive-year plan to expirehereat research shall concern Ihe live major parasitic of China.

Medical and allied research ts canted outlour different types of major organisation: I) Ibe Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAano-fcuo




AS, pwplng;he Chinese Academy of Medical Scicnwiathani;ommunis! Chinese college*

and uuiVerUUra. andie Academy o( Mllllaiy

Medteal Sciencessneh K'o-hfoth-yonnt. of tie Chinese people's liheraUon Amy. Shanghai. See, which diagrams Ihe organization ol medical research In Cccnmuntst

The most important research programs and Ihe best facilities ore those under tne aegis of the as. The ASive departments, tao oi which play oil important role in medm re-March: the Department or Mathematics, Phytic* and Chemistry; aod tbe Department ol 3to)ogy and Earth Sciences. The Department ofPhysics, and Chemistry oversees Ucenters Of these, tbe Institute ol Applied Physics, now the Institute ol Phyucs (Wallelping. it doing some work on imtopci The Institute of Chemistrj {Hua-hixeh Ytn-chtttrapmg, does research on pharmacology. In addition, the institute of Applied Chemistry (Tiita-yung Hua-ntvehn Cb'ang-ch'un: Ihe Insllluie of Organic Chemistry (fn-cAt JImi-htueh yencAin-m) In Shanghai: the Institute of the Institute of (Yao-KVuct research in related medical Raids.

Tbe Department of Bialogy and Earth Sciences comprises ao research centers, some of which are concernedresearch In medical and related fields. These include the Institute ol Expert-menial Biology (ShA-pen Sheng-tou Ycnrhiz-


. Oiomun" nrtaai, CciotDtai1

Shanghai and Pelping; tli* Institute of PhystulDgy (SAetio-il yea-cntii io> and th*ut* of llMchrmUtryuni HM-'rmneUi in Shanghai, and thr Institute off noli >gy iK'vn-ch'vifn* tmii-tul* ii[ PsychologyYea-eaiwhr In-miuu of Butanj |CHAYea-cam.nd Iht tnaUtat* oflonaartf Um Institute Of ApplMdll ei what* are beaded In Prlpwg. aad Labora lariatciertolegy tn Penang and Wuhanaboratory of Zooicey In Pelping.

Th* Chlneae Academy ol Medical Sciences, Pet-ping, waa established by th* Ministry of Public Health In IPS',eorganisation of th*(National) Institutes ot Health,la-cilltlRs were consulidaled and the stall was In-

meosarcliei* in 1MT. Reportedly, this academy oveiseea sameepartments concerned with medical research and other cnmpceients in Pelping. Nanking, and Tientsin.

The laboratories are reparted to be gcneraUy well-equipped, bat vet) overcrowded and thein general, scons to br of median*AO aateoflv* building program is reported to be mdefway.

aeponeaty. iha Chaw Academy of Medica: fajeueaa hi ecsnpeaaa of three main dinsans wtnch oieraee work tn the various medica: and related fleet* Thaa* dMIM-ana (Funda-wnial Soencea. Preventive Msdicanc. and Clinical Medi-elne) of Uie academyumber of spe-ctaliaM departments, as well as Institute* and Ian-unlortcs distilbulrt throughout tri* country.elieved thai the budget of this academy Is very high, but no figures are available. Th* Chinese Academy of Medical HcWnest la to have moreIn the future; although atpaiate from the AS. It functions In cooperation with the latter or-

for support la th*department concerned, which then evaluates the application, and recommends or rejects the appropriation Results of reseated withvalue are printed In Sclentlo Slated,organ Of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, or in the A'uticiuil Afedlcol Journal, organ of the Chinese Medical Association, whichtsable publication with articles In Chinese and summs-ries In Engtioi In addition, articles ran appear in theutual Journal, published mostly

Medlcal research is also done In the laboratories of university professors. The significance of thisla almost Impossible

ass&>3 ChUWa* uni-

an- not specifically intended lor reaearch' hut rallier as teaching center' ow pioj-ectsignrii to these labora lor lea as pattider aclwsne onubjects

The main nulrtary estabUsluncBt oonduttlng medxal laaaarrh Is the aessSesoy Of MilitaryEclrncM Of Us* Chinese People's IJMralaoc Arm, (CPLA) This academy was establishedl In Shanghai under the Ministry ofWhile II Is primarily cenceened withmedicine, lis medical reaearch establishments work closely with civilian research centers. Two medical insearch Institutes under tha jointof lids academy and civilian authorities are th* Institute of Medxal Radiology Uanci menlu-to) and ibe lruUtul* Of Wcod Transfasion and HenopsAi^lng, (SAk-AsaeAci-oasa-ai ,HHorn medical aspects at eaaitary and esnktsn defense agnsnst nucstai. ehet-nlcal. and bastaratml airfare probably are Investigated in military components ol the Academy of Military Medicalilitary puisonnci are also being assigned lochemkaI and biological reaearch trutaUa-

b. Mail* nseraae-hoaviLorsiiaT mlo raise tht level of beaJUi andr. Communist Chma. Chinese aavestlgaion have rencentrated oo the Ore major parasitic flirt He' of China. sehMcso-rr at hi. fllanaata. malaria, hookwormnd kala aaar Conventional metliods sr* beingontinuingstuoies on malaria, kala asat. hookworm and other intestinal worms,no new advances being reported.

(a) acntsTosouiasisIntensivetsararth has been conducted toth*tstnbctica of thr blood Sake MIMMO-ssa ysponxwK. tbe cause of achhnasosU-asss. and of the Intel mediate snail host. Onromo-ssasfa AapeiuU. in China. KsionwVb surveys showedcceaaasala fta-psnsti la widespread tlunughoul China. Endemic regions offall into three categories; tha canal region, the hilly region, and Ihe lake and marshy

Th* most recent lavesUfiattois em curative mees-ural havs centered an finding an antlachlstoaima drag alilch ts lea* teak than Use tartar emetic lantinui) poiaisiGm tartnite) now in oammsi use. Other raxarrhof vitamin B, to allenato nausea and other reacUoos due to tartar emetic, use oflo ssm taitar emetic reaction, uar of Chi-


N j"


- HsvtMiuui U

drugs ig de-stroy the blocd nukes; and the use Of pumpkin seeds In the treatment and pre-Ttniwri of schUtoscmiasis.

(b) riiARusuThis dfaesac. which was

regarded as endemic only in places aloug the Yangtae River and In tow-lying areas In Kwang' tung, Fukleo. Chefclang, and Hunan provinces, baa now been found to occur alto la Uic provinces of Hupch, Ki&ngsl. Szcehwan. Anhwci, Bhang* tung, Kwangsi, and Kwetcftow, and on Ho-nan Tao (Itonan Inland) The chief vectors of the bancroflian type are Cutex pfptenrorth Ofh parallel and C. pfptens /aitpins, south ofi parallel, Malayan fUariasi* has boai found lo be transmuted through Anophelescmist especially In thaegions nf south China. It ia claimed lhat laige-aealc clinical treatment haa brought aboutfCOMO pat ten U> Chi-iieao experiments show tnat the drug "Hal-chun-ihenit" kills, not only tne ccrcana (final larvalut also the adult worms. Chinet* invertigators haw carried out expert-

and in man lo clarify the prootem ot rui^torUririal nocturnal periodicity. Results indicate tbat the lung is the only organ In which the microfilariae are stored during th* daytime,he lung capillaries. Al night, during sleep, theare released into Uie general circulation Chinese Investigators believe lhai Ibis periodicity Is directly under the control of the cerebral1

(c)zxnIn recenthi* nose investigators more precisely have been able lo define the geographical distribution oi canine leishmaniasis {infection with tbe parasite Lciih-manJhicheservoir for human visceral leishmaniasis (alj& known as kalat la present In the- provinces ofKansu, Shensl, Hopcl, Honan, and Uoonlng and iscommon in Kansu

acterial diseasesAcute bactilaxy dysentery always hasroblem in China. rb$earch on battllary dysentery has centered around ihe serological typing of domestic strains. Jtauita tijow Ibat SMgettand Shx$*Ma ionnei are the main groups found in China. Most of the strains oi bacUtary dysentery found In China have proved lo be sensitive to sulfalblasolc, dtaydrostreplocnyein. and chloramphenicol Ep4-drink studies liave revealed thai the incidence of Ste$fU& and SotmontUa strains varies lu dtlTer-enl areas, and that tbelr sensitivity to lysis byalso varies.

A study or toxigenic dysentery in children has en made by Chinese scientists. Occurrence of toxigenic dysentery haa been correlated withof th* suprarenaloxic form which reportedly mayerson withinours has been given special alien two* InCniDflw investigators have found that the isolation of typhoid, paratyphoid B, andphages by filtration methods could be nib* sliUited with advantage for other methods.

Noteworthy research also has been done byChinese hospitals on blood coagulationin human leptoepirosis which ts abo aproblem.resence and severity ofand the decrease of prothrombin activity, as well aa lhe Incidence of hcparinemia. were found to be closely been found lo be useful In treatment of hemorrhage In Leptospirosis patients.

tth9of strains ofirus7 by Dr. Kei ran (director. Centralo 1QGS) and associates Is now receivingreeegnltlon The Communist Chinesehave been conJtaned by BritishTbe main mnovation of the Communistinvestigators, leading to Isolation of thevirus, was the use of streptomycin tobacterial contamination tn the egg culture of eye specimens. Until the discoverya-clvoina was one of tbe few xirushe causiUve organism of which waa not available for study. Within two years.esult of this original accomplishment* several countries have been able to Isolate and grow the formerly elusive trachoma virus in the laboratory. The original Communist Chinese discovery haa been the basis for lhe recent development of avaccine by scientists from the United Slates and Nationalist China working in cooperation In Taiwan. Result* of thew preliminary vaccine studies give promise of successful prevention and treatmentisease which hasause of blindness among millions of human being? for centuries

The Asian pandemic of inrlueruca, which waslo have originated In Kwclehow Province inas been studied In greatThe causative virus was found toew variant of typeative live vaccine for Asian influenza virus, similar to tne Soviet product, bas been developed which, afte* intranasalhas been shown In Re-Id trials to provide an average reduction of morbidity of

PAltcrned after Sural work, the Chlneae claim tnat tbe multiplication orncephalic tls virus in chick embryos may make possible the


use ofystem forource of relatively pure virus particles, whereby aantigen or Inacuvatcd vaccine could be

Poliomyelitis ts one of the most important viral communicable diseases in China* Recent Chinese investigations on the epidemiology and virolofiy of poliomyelitis have resulted in sjojation ofstrains of lhe virus. Reports from Chinese research work have Indicatedajority of lhe polio cases are type I. Treatment of polio in China has combined both Western methods of therapy and traditional Chinese medicine.tavtsUKailora on polio in Chinaerological survey of lhe Quaes* population,to develop early detection measures,ational program for immunisation with live poho vaccine.

Communist Chinese work on virus survival Is concerned particularly with tho eiTects of certain climatic conditions. Hie ertecl of relativeand temperature upon the virulence andof airborne viruses has been studied. From these studies. Communist Chinesehave concluded that the relative humidityertain Influence upon the virulence of the FMl stock airborne Inrluensa virus,

Chinese Investigators have isolatedwhich were not known to have occurred inurvey has been made of tbe Coxsackle virus in Fuklen province, where thb agent has been found to prevail tiirougbout the year.

At rhe end ofumber of Chinese<Ch*ang-ch*un. Mukden, Peiping, Nanking, Shanghai, CtVang-srta, Canton) initiatedaimed at isolation of Infectious hepalftto virus It was reported that monkeys, especially tbe Rhesus monkey, seem more susceptible tohcpatiUs than other animals.

rcditonoJ CAmese medkineemphasis Is placed on lhe value and po-lenlmUties of traditional Chinese medicine, which Is being applied in various OeJds of medicine in China. This resultsreat deal or Chmese research devoted to searching foi newfor Chinese herbs and for acupuncture and allied methods: thus, lhe value of the former Is being explored in diabetes and lhat of the latter In peritonitis and many other cccidlUons* The de* rctopmcnt of traditional medicine for political and other reasons has not yet yielded tbe expected dramatic results.

Traditional Chinese medicinearge variety of methods* Among the most Important arc treatment by acupuncture* and cautery, also called rncodbustlon (Chen Cblussage of morearietieso 4g0 of whschare in daily use. 'Chens said to have been in use in China at the time of the- Stone Age when Taleonvented trie method, Tbe theory on which it is based bss been lost throughout the centuries. For political reasons, Chinese workers, utilising modernresearch techniques, are attempting tothe Ion concept.esult, lhe mosland original part of Chinese medical research Is now oriented along these lines,ecture being given for western trained physicians at Sun Uedlcal College Modern Oil* scientists have alLcdgedry improved acupunc-

tOBOlila ofwdt*

iJfittAA) tUMAlflij1 GhirUd,the hop* nf rtlovg-

latlng the Activity of varbui Umucs in iha org-uu-Thbntended to help the core of the particular allnatnt. Ntu&trout tbegrle*.not

ttttcuuUj ef Chinmt wlgta.n prup^undhd


fa itaUewnt Uvul hu racalvtd autUnico In Fmrv*}

Uutt possibly the way lo which ecapuzttture vorkedthaiinute manner thep>UnUul xtumx tuUtun-h* *pcU when

. tarsi rnetabolisra resulttheit

;hmm which wbM hm Wcutflelfcl tn thr


lure byow potential fnradir current to pass through the needle. This is known as "electro acupuncture" and allegedly Increases Uie stimulation, givingocobtuation ofand meclianical acupuncture. It la claimed that, in some diseases, electro acupuncture gives belter results than plain acupuncture.

x-ray diagnosis has been used to observe the results of traditional medicine therapy, and tothe mechanism of Its action and tbeol acupuncture on functional and physical changes oo tbe gastrointestinal tract. Chinese researchers at the Peiping cancer institute used barium meals to study the changes in theoformal patients under acupuncture. Acupuncture used at various definite points can. according lo Chinese investigators, influencethroughout the digestive various points is claimed to alleviate the symptoms of radiation disease such as headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite II is also stated that the fall In the white cell count which follows intensive therapeuticcan be relieved by acupuncture at certain points.

In addition lo drugs recognixed and used in the Western pharmacopeia, Chinese herbal medicines have been Investigated for their possible use in therapy. Encephalitis, trachoma and other eye diseases, Including cataract, are treated with CJii-nese traditional medicine and with acupuncture.

Considerable publicity has been given to the efforts of Chinese Investigators to make acontribution in the field of cancer. The Communist Party has stated on many occasions that the answer to cancer could be found in some traditional Chinese drug, and has called for the exploration of this field for this purpose. Some publicity has been givenew antibiotic, ae-Unomycln K. said to have teen7 from certain kinds of sou from has been considerable investigation of this new antibiotic. More recently, tt has been stated that eight Chinese drugs (unidentified) Have been found to have anticancerous properties. Inacupuncture is said to be of considerable help as adjunct therapy.

In abdominal surgery, the only originalof Chinese workers Is the treatment of acute appendicitis by traditional medicine. These investigators have reported that both herbal drugs and acupuncture treatment freed the patients of symptoms% of the cases,Considerable emphasis also is on theOf hemorrhoids and anal ftstulae withdrugs.


Chinese Investigators claim satisfactory results from the treatment of diabetes, hypertriyrosdism. and tuberculosis trlth tradl'Jonalherapy. Chtatii investigators are trying torag that woiiid match Kauwotfia serpen!rao'i action on hjpertrnsion Further studies have bean trade on traabUoftal Chinese drugs for the treatment of endocrine disorders, arthritis, stieas. and

hgHoiogi/ ofuscle, andChinese physiologists found much of their work on Pavlovlanonsiderableof projects claim to ba based on. and tofurther, the famous concept of the Husstan scientist. There is scarcely any Institution doing medical research that doc* not have at least one such project

A rather substantial number ol Chinesehave gone to the Soviet Union lorhe baste medical science* with emphasis upon physiology. The purpose has been lo patternphysiology according to Paviovsanism. Since the basis for substantial physiologicalwas well established during't era. and under trs* pervading Influence of Pavlonan concepts on Chinos* phjaMtogr.taehnkiues are studied and utilised by apt CrOnese sew. Us Is

Current Chinese electrophjssoloapcal work, which represents an extension of Pavlov'sIncludes micro* Ice trod* implantations and the recording ofome* In th* visual system. This work in eleelrophysiology i* patterned after similar worst In the United States and In the USSR on behavior meel tan lams.

In their studies on structure of brain celts,Chinese investigators have established that the Purklnje eel) In the cerebellar cortex begins itsutside the- nerve plexus It waa found to extend downwardater period of growth, but lo branch out becausr Its downwardis obstructed. Chinese Invest]gators have also identified five additional brain cells sirnt-lar to the Purklnje bialn cell. Chinese scientists bareariety of cerebellum mossy fibers, and have determined th* origin of th* nsoasya question that had remained unsolved for nearlyears Result* of Chlneae experiment) indicate that theegion of the nervous irjters consisting mainly of nerve-cell processes, bt not an outgrowth of cells Although theshowed that the neuropil comes into close contact with cells at Its very end. noas found between th* cells aad the neuropil. The nervt net theory Is thus




Chinese research an Pavlov'sleftex theory hu elarilW lhe effectstimulation on thecortexIn the ordinary pattern ofIn experiment* on the nerve reaction*It was round that a. increased

when the rat waa id shock The damage was prevented from spreading to the nerve center by applicationourniquet to the wound of the rat in shock. This result emphasised theof localising the damage in shock pievcn-

Communist Chi new expert mentation onconditioned reflex theories also has establishedtimulant, when applied simultaneously to two or more organs, can produce reactions In the central system of the organs and can cause high blood pressure and accelerated respiration. It was also proved that histamine can produce, not only local reactions, bulonditionrd reflex which is subject to Um control of th*cortex

The problem* of nervous and connectivehave been the subject ot importanthina Frccn bovine sciatic nerves, an elec-tropnoretically hosrtogenoua albumin has beenwhich seesaw to ba identical with serum al-btunln. The properties ofssues of thenervous system, th* cortical responses toof the corpus caUosum. and the electro-phoretic behavior of some brain nucleoprotcin are beingomparative chemical study of the tropomyosins from different sources, especially from the terminal nerve structures, Is being done Of interest are the Chinese conditioned reflex studies related to insulin secretion. Resultsthat sham feeding in dogs with esophageal fistulas causes measurable lowering of the Mood sugar. Further experiment* have been interpreted to mean that sham feeding rcflexly leads to In-creased insulin secretion via the vagus.

Chines* scientists also have studied theofn the adrenalsrhcleoi guinea ptgs showed higher blood sugar, but lower User glycogen content. ACTS fails to increase the glycogen content but gives anatecrease In nitrogen tn the liver. After parenteral administration ofthe extent of ris* of blood sugar snu about the same as tn the controls but that of the liver glycogen content was much less Estimation of the liver phosphorylas* oclivhty failed toany decrease to account foe the deficient glycogen formation in ascorbic acid deficiency, but examination of the adrenal cortex revealedchanges (enlargement of the cortex and hyperplasia ol the fascicular zone, it was ah found that extracts of certainieer. spleen, kidney, and muscle, weretimulating th* adrenal cortex, as judged by tf ability to lower to* asexetac aod contents aft* mtrapar enteral administration in albino rat*.

A comprehensive review of pulmonary fun cite studies has been made recently to stlmulat* fui ther work along this line, which Is extreme! papular under the name of "brenlhing therapy In traditional Chinese medicine. Researchar Included the estabbshment of somehines* norms In pneumophy&lolngy. such as vlu and maximum breathing capacity, residual veas exchange by re-breathingxyge and carbon dioxide deterrr. ina Uon of arterial Moo> aod oxygen saturation The application of know edge of Dulnrxoriary functions to Industrial disease such as silicosis and others, is being stressed, bt Little new data of International significance ai

(A) Hodiiuniapai tn medicine Itudwsi topes have been used to test Lhe toxicity of ant schiatoaninal drugs. Sodium thiophene sulfona haa been tested lor its effects onoxicity of the antimony rorr.poundi used In tt treatment of schsstoaorrjasU. Other Chaseae vrori era used ratf sardine) and radsosuifur <S" to determine the mechanism of1 radiation sickness. Chi nose authors have ah studied the effectalf lethal doseaj on rat* to observe the changes In the ptrmeabllll of the blood vessels during acute radiation sic! ness. It was found that following Irradiation tt disappearance of the labeled serum from lhe ci culalion appealed to be slow al Aral, more rap later, and then gradually returned to norrm Other workers mvestieattng the effect* of tool Lag radWson on bleed formation found thatomposition of the blood shows varioushacg* sn redaatlon sKkneas

Chinas* scientist* have also explored the let clanship between the amount of phosphorous u] lake by lhe red blood cells and blood formatioi Anemia was Induced in rata by drawing blood froi the heart. Other Chinese Investigatorso obaeive the amino acid absorption by the eel and the egg yolk during the developmental stag1 of the chick embryo- Chinese scientistswoeuig the posattahty of changing th* antigen properties of lhe plasma with the hop* Of rerno irsg bawd tncoenpaUbility in transfusuonsosing serum albumin to radiation.

Other studies involve the formation ofarious organs followed by utilizingaggi amino nold. These studies so far have only co





results obtained in Ihe United Sluie> and western Europe. The distribution ol metallic Ions In tht oig allium hmi nlw been studied, using Zii"racer Similar procedure* were undertaken by other Investigator* to study the distribution of calcium Ion* and radioactive carbon, which con-Grmed remit- round In other countries. Using lao-tope* In dlaanoatlc studies in clinical medicine, the main effort ot Chlneae researchers haa been to establish whether Chines* norma in rarlous area* are very different from other normselsewhere. Norms: value* have beenon healthy subjects tn Peiping. Canton. 8tan. aad Sitan-lOu Various clinical expertmcnta ail Ming canted tba Peiping Tumor Hospital, mwilhekthetapy

Itlso statedanonunspecified, but possibly Including isotopes of pbos-phonis, Mdine or sodium- haiiuorctrc Meanwhile, much is made of cobalt gun treat-menl of cancer to tha anticancer centers of Pel pine. Shanghai. Can Ion. and Wu-han.

loclcnusfryDuring lhe past ten years, biochemistry In China has concerned the study of proteins, nucleic acids, curyroes.metabolism, vitamins, hormones,of certain organs, and theof certain microorganisms. The mostwork probably Is thatroteins and enzymes, especially In the field of nervehowever, the Chlneae are not known to have done any ically outstanding work

In studies made on hemoglobin retrieved (rem th* liver fluke, Faxtoia nepaltca. the hemoglobinseparated Into gloom and hem*ith recornbtnaUcn of hem* with globtn from beef blood The reconstituted hemoglobin was ideetn absorption spectrum and oxygen-corr.capacity with beef hemoglobin. demoralrating the fact that the paraau* aad the boat have the siiTif jfce*Tk**

A protein not identical with any known muscle protein was demonstrated in skeletal, cardiac, and smooth muscleas been studied In an attempt to discover anUcarcinogenicIt has been found lo hare the same ammo acid composition and sequence as arlmnn-.ycin D.

In enaymology. Chlneae Investigatorshave been reproducing, with minorwork done In other countries lo align their techniques with those of more advancedA method was developed, making possible the systematic analysis of the condition, whereby two enzymatic syalcnd competeommon

Various studied On cellular metabolism arc also being made in China. Studies on amino acidare mainly centered on mtnbolicfrom tryptophane to quinolinic or nicotinic acid. Chinese workers feel that they havethai such transformations arc possible In rat liver slices, and alio that more quinolinic and leas nicotinic acid weredeficienl slices and, further, that addition to such slices of pyrldoxal phosphate brings the quinolinic production back to normal. It wastbat quinolinic add could not be anin tho transformation of tryptophane to nicotinic acid-

Other Investigations are on thefdepletion and repletion on the activity of liver and lung. Tbe activities of various enzymes decrease during protein depletion and Increase during repletion at about the same rate as liver protclns. It seems that the animal body attempts to maintain the level of certain essential enzymes at all costs, giving greater adaptability to other more dispensable ones The effect of riboflavin deficiency on protein metabolism has been studied by various investigators with no conclusive

Chinese scientists are Investigating theand biochemistry of Slreptomyca aureofa-cieni In connection with aureomycin production. The factors studied Include carbohydrate, oxygen consumption, organic acids, metallic Ions, and phosphates. The effect of phosphates onformation was either stimulatory ordepending upon Uie composition of the medium, especially upon Its carbohydrate content. Ultraviolet light treatment produced twomutants, one of which exhibits poor growth and has very Ion Invertase activity, while the other has high Invertase with low aureomycLn-syntheslslng capacity. Mixing lhe two brings about good compensation In both growth and aureomycin Increase.

i foodstuffs and the nutrition of thepeople. Theontent of foodstuffs of various localities has been studied, as well as the nutritive value of green tea It has beenthat fermented bean products which arc commonly eaten in Chinaood source of riboflavin and. The composition of cereals has received much attention. Theof methionine and lysine Is lower in most cereal proteins a* compared with animal pro-

Variaus other researchers have explored the biochemistry of body Quids and tissues. OfInterest is the discovery lhat fetal bemc-


globin In the blood ot Chinese children is higher titan in foreign children; however, the lilghest rale is being, found in snerrnc subject*

euVoi orographyChinese planners have explored the medical geography of China as part of the official governmental policy to raise the health aad stuUtation level of the people In order totrong, healthy labor force. An

inventory has been made of the geographicof diseases prevalent in Communist China

(see the Subsection on parasitic diseases fordiscussions).

Attempts are being made to determine the blood serological spectrum for the Chinese people.have already been made in lanchou.Tibet. HhsLDghai. Pel ping, and Tientsin by in-veitlgators from the Institute of bloodand Hemo pathology. Tientsin Studies have been made on the geographic distribution of types A, B. O. M. and H.% Rhpersons have been found in the varioussamples studied

Chinese scientists have investigated thepressure, the degree of protrusion of the eyeball, the pupillary diameter, the depth of the an tenor chamber and the rncaxurernents of the bony orbits In sample* of the variouscomposing the Chinese population. Goiterhas consisted of Investigations Of iodine contest of water, soil, and food tn various parts ofl province, where cost eases of goiter are found. Other studies involve theof urinaryetosteraids andydrcory-cortlcostsroids, as well as serum-protein-boundhinese patient*.

In the field of heart disease. Chinese workers emphasise Ihat cardiac caUieterixation hasa standard preoperative exajnination in many medical colleges and dty hospitals, and that heart surgery siar with thai practicedthe West Comparative eplderruologtcal studies have been made to establish the relative morbidity ol organic heart diseases Surveys are beingsn several district* to aases* theof hypertensive heart dixasea. It was found in Shanghaif the urban population had high blood pressure, while among thethe rate1 was concluded thai these rates were not too different fromrates prevailing in Europe and the United States. It was found that the relative incidence or arterinacltrosls is oarnparaUvelythan half of the rate observed abroad It was also slated that the serum total cholesterol content of the Chinese is much lower than ihat of Kuro-paans and Americans. Recent studies show that the Incidence of the clinical manifestations of cceooary athertssclesraOs is rising in Shanghai. Pelping. and Tientsin.

Chinese workers fiavo explored the etiology and rpidcmkMogy ol the so-called 'big Joint" disease which is endemic in the northeastern andsections of the country In certain areas, upf the people are affected. It Isthat "bighe willow crutch of the north west. Uroff's disease of the USSR, and Kashln-Beck (an endemic diwaat marked by shortness of the long bones with awiHling of the Joints) are actually the same disease. Ho special abnormality ha* been discovered in lhe water of the endemic areas. Oo account of the isolation Of SparofrtchuUa from food and water. Chinese workers favor the Soviet theory Ihat the**are the result of Intoxicationietary fungus.

nsdiefneFollowing Lhe work Of Soviet scientists. Chlneae iniestigators have stressed the study of silicosiseneralised dlsrese with characteristic ftbrotlc changes in the tissue of thehich is cotnmon amongIn South China. Th* nervous system often evidences dysfunction even before there isay evidence of the disease in the lungsmvesogators hate added their contribution to those of other workers in describing themanifestations of this disease They have particularly explored the sense of taste and ihe pastt threshold in tailcoats patient* Further ob-seeiatiODi have shown that patients With silirosUowering of the vegetative nervousmeasured by the reaction of tbe skin tc ultravioiet radiation, dermographondition it which the skin is peculiarly susceptible towater absorption tests, and ocilo-cardiai reflex.

Th* successful treatmenthanghaiorker with over M% of his body burned has beet extensively publicised by lb* Communist Chinese especially in view of the tact that bumsuchre almost always fatal.ealy blood transfusion, antibiotics. an< skin grafts was similar to that used in the Unite States rwsjtw) measures of unknown effective, ness used by the Communist Chineseluded (he use of blood from donors specially im munited against the patient's Infection, and th application ofirus which al tacked the Qacteria on the patient's skin. Sue cess In this case by the Communist Chinese, wheright haio failed, was probablyareful attention to detail, constant nursing. Ir gentous mesjkod* of feeding the patient, pcychi logical lupport, and so forth.


n 7TT


SurgeryIn lhe various branches of surgery, Ihe Chinese have essentially repeated methods and techniques that were wellin the Western world. Notable, however, are the studies made in induced hypothermia and controlled hypotension. Chinese workers havethat the patient should bebefore the occlusion of the circulation, and they use prosligmlne or acetylcholine to induce cardiac arrest. The coronary arteries arewith fresh arleriallxed blood during the course Of lhe circulatory occlusion.

Heart surgery seems loreat attraction for Chinese workers, and In four or five of the most Important surgical centers, especiallyheart surgeons trained In the West practice open heart surgery using Western-madeespecially Swedish. The first operation for Interventricular septal defect Is said to hare been performed In Shanghai in9 Nine such operations are said to have been done In theWestern visitors assert, however, that there are considerable gaps In knowledge and In theneeded to do advanced research along this line. There seems to be no doubt lhat thedesire to do open heart surgery is an attempt to keep China abreast of the West In all possible branches of medicine.

In order to obi late certain syndromes.portal hypertension, Chinese authors are making much of the venous shunting operation which is very seldom performed In the West.

ilitary medicineProjectsin the field of radiological research ofsignificance include studies on protection against radiation Injuries, detection of harmful radiation dosages, determination of harmfullevels, and treatment of radiation sickness. Most work in this field is patterned after Soviet research, and few Chinese papers have beento dote. Reportedly, radiological research is making rapid progress In Inner Mongolia, wheie installations also have been established.

Much Of the civilian microbiological anddisease research Is of military Interest, such as research on pathogenic bacteria.lague research at the Pal-chia Special DiseaseInstitute, Pal-chia, was underoviet plague expert. Here, well as Soviet experts were studyingplague, typhoid fever, and cholera.

Other civilian research of miliiary Interest Is on insect rectors ol disease, and on microbial genetics at the Dalren Institute ofnder the control of the Ministry of Public Health. The Central Institute of Blotoglcals (Chttng-yaag Sheng-um Chiti-p'ineiping. con-

ducts biologic research which has militaryand produces race In es, serums, andMilitary research teams have beenwith civilian Investigators toewchistosoma drug.

Basic physiological research on the effect of positive pressure breathing on Interoceptivela being earned out at the Academy ofMedical Sciencesniehf the CP LA, Shanghai. Current military interest In psychology andIs indicated in the proposed establishment of an Organisation for the Psychology of National Defense In the Chinese People's Liberation Army

Academy Of Military Medical SciencestueA tVo-hiveh-yuanl.Cbten Hsln-chung. The academy was established1 and Isto the CPLA of the Ministry of National Defense. It has departments for biochemistry, nutrition, parasitology, pharmacology, andIn cooperation with the Institute ofMedka, AS, the academy Is attempting toetter antl-srJirstosomLasis drug.on organophosphorus compounds forgives the academy chemical warfarePhysiology research Includes: effect of positive pressure breathing on interoceptivesuppressive effect of eating on the motility of an empty stomach; change of the secretory function and motilitytomachesult of activities of the higher central nervous system. Neuropsychiatric research includes: conditioned reflex of speech accentuation: regulation of speech by the activities of tbe cerebral cortex: reaction ot respiratory movements of bloodin psychiatric patients: and epilepsy.

CAina Union Medical College (ChttngJiUOsung-en (purgedightist in. This is the leading medical college In Communist Formerly, was known as the Peiping Medical College, and was sponsored by the Rockefeller Foundation. It was token over by the Communists Inhen Its name was Changed to the China Union Medical College. It was subordinated to the Ministry of Public Health, and Its courses were reserved for graduate work only.t became affiliated with theof Medical Sciences and, Ints name was changed again to the China Medical College. The curriculum was reorganized Into an eight-year course, and It was reopenedecause of the heavy teaching workload upon the faculty, little research is being



Current expcrlrornU in Pavlovian physiology include Uio building of an autotnaUc time controller foe conditioned reflex experiments, and the study of the atccnach secretoryreflex by histamine

DrportBieBf of Virolotfy. AMS.Huang Crien-hsuang (March 1PM) Thisay already have achieved institute stains. Particular research cflort has crsneerried the study of Lifluenxa virus and Japanese Band experimentation lo develop afor the latter disease. Work toolio vaccine haa Involved the use of the human rather than monkey amnion, which has proved to be much cheaper.

JnlfUWe of BUKhamUtrj/ (Shemgum Baa* hsvtH Yen-ehiu-to),Director. Wang Ylng-lai (JanuaryThis InaUtute,to the Department of Biology, AS, waspart Of the Institute of Physiology andwhich was divided incenters on proteins, ensymes, nucleic acid, and vitamins. There is continuing interest In the structure and function of proteins, biological com-position and metabolism, and biosynthesis, with parucular emphasis on studyhe nervous system and connective tissues, eg. tha effect of sound on the cerebral protein* of truce Ensyra* research consists of Study on the respiratory especially the crtochrocceo. enrjme separation, the mechanism of enxymsc action, dyhydrogenases eontarrung rlaiines, and liver amino acid oxidases Nucleic add research continues oo the metabolism ofand nucleosides. Biosynthesis ofCnd riboflavin In animal tissues are studied, with particular emphasis on the eniyrnc systems involved.

fRStimte of Btophatne* {Shiny-amen-cMa-to),Director- Pel Shih-chang. This insllluie Is apparently recentlyand is subordinate to the Department of Biology of the AS. This facility may very veil be Identical with the Pelping Institute ofBsotogy. Pel fshlh-chang is luted asfor both. Research efforts arc very similar at both reported Institutes Work on embryology concern* the effect of nucleic acid on the embryo logical development of amphibians. Unas, andmoths, in the bsophyascal field, studies are on the effectays on the Mood and male germ cells of the Rhesus menkey

/ufuwfe of Zf*dtmicl'vn and Mterobtoiogy (LOt-hitng-prnjAsuthi sheajT-ursi-AniehChen Wen-buel. This institute is subordinate to the Academy of Medical Sciences Research Is being conducted on various methods for chemolherap of tuberculosis, such as native drugs, and on mete compounds of ntorcaptohensolhlaxole. In th field of oncology,as hern discovered that dli coordination of activities of the higher centii nervous system can Induce tumors.

institute of Ezptrlmtntol Biology [Shih-ye Shmg-mt iea-onia-so).Chu Hslhis institute is subc dinaie to the Department of biology. AS, and hi laboratories for developmental or embryr>-physic ogy (headed by Chuang Hssjo-aui) and ex per mental oneceogy treaded by Taot alsranch institute inPelpln institute of Experimental Biology, which was ei tabUshed in1 from an easatir: work station with Pel Shi he hang, former dim tor of Lhe Shanghai institute, as Its director; hot ever, the latter Institute Is now believedhe Institute of Biophysics. Principal researc Is In the fields of: embryology, such as the celt tlonshlp between tho start of typicallon in dlfferenl organs and the conditionseneration and chemicalnd oa oology, such as tho effect of cancerous substano (raethycnolanlhrene) on lhe appearance of ti mors in tailless amphibians and on theorphogenesis; effect of native medicine remedn on tumors transplanted and Inoculated to an reals freer, man. effect of native medicine remedy on the srrcesrth of carcinoma cultures; and stud of bjccherrJcal processes of tumors by rsdloactli tracers. The institute also studies theounds and the regeneration of muscles

Institute of Sipertmcnlal .Medicine. Peiptng-Director unknown This Institute Is aubordinal to the Academy of Medical Sciences, and has di par Linen ta Of bloc heir, is try, experimental mo photogy. pathology anil physiology. Oncolo* seems to bo tho main area of research, with stu> les on the seratherapyinor* and the sueees ful culture of human cancers In mice for sever generations (flbrcearcorna,ibroneurasandhe lnsUtu also studies the use of anUchchnerglcbe cure of ulcers, and the reflex actson of hist mine on blood pressure and gastric secretion

InitituXe of ij-bc*Labormi Oceapelumal Disease* 'Lao-ting Wei-ihen Lao Tung Pao-hit Yu Cilh-yeh-ping yen-cftm-soSbl Chung changf Novemberlso known as the (nstltui of Industrial Hygiene. Thi* institute Is subord halo to the Academy of Medical Sciences and hi six deportments: toxicology, air conditioning an ventilation, dust detection, dust physiology, er

vlronmental physiology and industrial din It alioranch in Tientsin.

Institute of MaterVi Medtca (Yao-uw Ytn-chiu-so),Cliao Cheng-CtUa, also known as Chao Cheng-ku. This institute, also called the Institute lorand/or the Institute of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, was established0 and isto ihe Department of Mathematics,and Chemistry, AS. It has three depart-anttblolics, pharmacology and pharma-:hemlstry. In conjunction wilh the Academy of Military Medical Sciences, theis trying toew drug for schlsto-somtasis which would be more efficacious and less toxic than the traditional tartar emetic remedy. Continued antibiotics research hasew antibiotic, actinomycln K, which is reported toancer inhibitor. Herbal medicinecontinue, with particular emphasis on native drugs tortenskm.

Institute o/ Physiology (Sheng-li Yen-chiu-so),Feng Te-p'el. Formerly, part of the Institute of Physiology and Biochemistry, which was divided Inhis Institute Is still subordinate to the Department oft haa departments ofand neurohistology. Current researcharc on the electric potentials of the cortex, the symmetrical activities of the cerebraland the neurohumoral secretion of the sumach.

Institutesychologyen-cWu-Jo).P'an Shu (February The former AS Laboratory of PsychologyWned with the Nanking University: partment on6 to create theinstitute, which is subordinate to theof Biology of the AS. II has departments of: aviation psychology (headed by Tsaondustrial psychology (headed by lilinical psychology (scheduled to move to the Academy of Medical Sciencesensation and perception, and thought and Languages (headed by Wuranches of the Institute are to be established In Kirln, Slnkiang, and Ytoman provincesn cooperation with Peiping Medical College, the institute has success fully treated neurasthenia with combined medical-psycbolcgXal treatments.

National Vaccine and Serum Institute (Chung-yang Sheng-vm Chih-p'tnhlh-chung; Tang, It Is also known as theInstitute Oft is believed lo be subordinate to the Ministry of Public Health; however, this institute may now be under the

jurisdiction of the AMS, inasmuchisting of that academy's Institutesan Institute of Bloiogicals. The central Institute has branch institutes located in Ch'ang-ch'un, Dalren, Hankow, K'un-ming. Shanghai, and Wu-han.hows the K'un-ming branch of this Institute. Particular research Is in the lyophlllzatWn of live racemes and work on vaccines against polio. Influenza, Japanese Band yellow fever. It also studies serum proteins, the formation of diphtheroid toxins, and the nutrition of bacteriophages. The instituteproduces vaccines for brucellosis, cholera, typhoid and paratyphoid, tetanus toxoid, typhus, plague and pertussis, as well as gamma globulin and BCG for tuberculosis.

Peiping Medical College {Pet-chinetuch-yuan).Hu Chuon Kuelhe medical college was founded2ort of Peiping University, bul became independent3 and subordinate to the Ministry of Public Health. There areof medicine, pharmacology,and public health. The college also controls four hospitalsharmaceutical factory. Thereeavy emphasis on PavlovianIn research and some interest in nutritionalew coordinatedtreatment for neurasthenia has beenIn cooperation with the Institutepecific research projects include: problems of blood preservation and transfusion; Influence of suffocation on liver function and of pneumonectomy on renal functions; changes of renal functions after Injection of agentsto the brain, and to tlie ureters and renal pelvis; change of gaseous content In the blood after arterial or venous transfusion following loss of blood, observation of change of lactic acid and glucose In the blood after Injection ofhe brain: relation bc-


hyrxl&yioddlsm and liver function: and cf-feet ot concussion of brain on shecX,

ctrtt {Vhttnpk YfTKhiM-ywin),dent: Lu Cnih-chun. This Institute ww reorganitod on0 from on tnsUsutc which had been ratabJiahed under the Kims try of Public Healtht Is still sub-ordinate to tho ministry, mid appears to have taken over Uie traditional medicine section df the Academy of Medical Sciences as well There iseipmg Institute of Traditional Medicine, which consist*edical college a* wellospltat both of which are probably affiliated with the research Institute. Tba institute has iepnTODenla of acupuncture andeaded by Gnunternal medicine, siiritery und traditional drugs. Typically, the research is directed towards the study of medicinal herb* and the theories of Chinese traditional medicine* Wore specincajiy, studies art conducted on ttte fttetna of cirrhosis, hyrxftentton, cancer of the cervix uteri, and roUornrelitttt.

drug* for frhtPOKcnJeilalood-preasare. end theUrA. Hat publishedapert oo bene end pnoraeeogPcola Been: abou2 inw.

lac Dr^-PhjtlDlosy; one of Chine* teedtnc

phyaloloffete Head, Dt>lcoon of Anlmel end Komen Phyiletoax vmpln* umv^nlty. tine*hine Medkol Collrae. In Member of Bioiotr

l^<uertaient.nlvarilLy. IPO-It Cheirmui

T1 and vice cfcelrmenOiin* Pnyo-

Af thef tht and *tudy of the phytJ-

fltoar Swirty Mfenber; ScJtoUflc CnmnulW IntlttuU

wbloh uiveeUcaw allowed ou of baetertal warfare by VM+ force* in Kceea and Hortbeut China (eoe eUo fiteno* T4 of than Sproke KnsUsh ^ery well Bdotated durlna the IttPt, end ha

rul-ohen (mS/GMTWi:,

dallame In todocrlnolofy and teeiytcheUat ret-iurch. Profeucr, DtedrtBbtnt of Phjitolujcy. InfUtale of Sx-ntrtmntal Medicine,tloceead of tbe Dccortrneot of Phyttaljfy* China Union MedicalloWn Member:ft sereed oo CcmraUtce, Ail-Cnlna

Xrowteder, In IStt. Educated in

Ihe UalUd AUIm, tbe United Klnrdrc,.

tnd has e

land. Hai vmtrd tbe VSSiL ana ttflc eonfereocee In Germanycupuxnd rtnbwdAlthough mtlrnai dtecftbed at poUtkelly dUmterosWd he la frtendrr to tbe Oxn-

Buntet rcftme Krtnrcf hai tofteecwed

tttntiM totted upon toacrpts or Pevtoviaa

li.&fMU.lMlttVr^AatmtoUQL Institute of Anttblottts,l. fltaff

end director, Antibiotic* laboratory* National end Berum terUtete Coleo known ae Central

ofISfZ-e? fleered an Watlnofct

In UM. Received In tne United Btetra Attended

utUdctlc* ryrapcela tn friend In ISM, end Cwho*

linow>dtP of rntvu

niil Perty of CVuna. Rreverth development of blotter for treatment of plant pelrxn-ent end antitumor

end production of

of: The Pieduotson of PenfcLltf

anretn Ulit.' Doriv 1ft* CHAO Cb'ene-chla (CHAO (dlOl/llU/atUi.

Dr^Pbu-mxeutiref eh neee pftMHiUixtoeltL iJifmtee iiiittitii* Manee* aa cent* about Iftd.

nf rhrrtci. kSMiwmellrt tnd Clwmieuy. AB Edixotrd tn Prince end Bilteertead. end wuikcd ta Para for

ueht Keewarcb: pliyttAlofdrel efferu of the

ti Cfclnooi

vtaKe to

Poiaod, end the usnyt lUtearch: plerue prerennonntetefy> Born: IS*?.

C1TWO edicine and penul-

Moay; profewionellr capable and ateacher. Superintendent of the Central PtopU'iof Peiping, sinoe et treat list end ai of ISIC. Cllniral of mcc^tne el bothlca Onion Medina]

CuOtpje end et thr Pelptnc* tn Ihe early

tioe't. Member: DepartsuQt of BloJogy and Eartfc Brieueei, AS: China Medical AatcciaUoo ivW prreMeni

ilnce ISM), fVr*rtJ on the Coeamtnvton fee MteUrel Re-

teereh. Minulry of PublSeSK; on the Heelth Puboclty Plonntnc Commntoe. AU-Chlaa Auorlatlon for the mwrratnotlen of flrlenUfiF Xnowltdga. In EMS; ud on the Committee fee inierfiow of Knowiedce of

S*Ure end Wretern Medicine, China Mtdszal AukU^

and Oermeny, he he* elt-nded

ta Paklktaa.

i*tc**aluij end IrnCe-Bom:ANOMtB^eMcay; cue of the We dint anU* blotlrelna. Director, In-rtltute oflnce IM Kemd on tbeu>mllUe of the Institute of Applied Mjcoi.ow the Inetnnte of AU

tendfd Ftrrt Ttei^onel CDnference on IDettroo Mxro**

ropy in Jepan, October ISSA3 rtdted Poland et

the rnrftettoo of Ih* Pohth Arademyaces. Ro-

aianfi: preparation of entlWotlee, end reeeareh oa

(WO Len*^hou,deecilbed at the beat

para^loletiet to China. nrabv. li#pArtiarr.t

of Peraettolosx China tJoton Meebrel Dolltfe rrcemerly peeping Union Medlfnl Ootiegci,9 (cborrmen

of thlt drpertmenl tine* lilS2>. Hv1rt*



F^roniriOEV, AE, atnrc at Jceit tWu. Itnfteereher, In-

iMlule of PnreeltlC i+ Academy of Mcdloel

Aclritfcr tn VM. Mrrnter: preparatory ociruriiuee. FirU All-Chin* ScloatbLi Conference.fItotomototlcal SncJcly of Chin*;rMtminutr orerved on inieenr-ttonel dctentinc ComotlnloQ for th* InveMtdrcfcei of

the FVU Caicvrnioc Bacterial Warfere la CfrlTU end Korea. IW. Averted tjetor erkrnt* by the A3 tot wk on cortr*.mwrU etd tyoMtuhj la like UK ted Klngd*** Re-

wren eoeitroi erf anltfm end fjnrtuU Um: im


crDeni wen end on* of Lbr pot rerre/rh niiytf-OidfkU in Communist Dtti.niutute ot riiyitrJory. AA.e. Director. Inctllul* of Phyxl* oloey end BtotbcrrJrcy,S Mmi^ Drptrt-mcot of Bttilofty EwthH. Received erTcnrv twerd from Ctittnc/htte Cultural Fauudedon incrrcd on nunterou*cornmltteca and hito various international ictew tineBefore xdrant ot thetudied end conducted reeeerch in Lhe United

iltntde, Ibe United gUsgdiMi. end riermeny HU en

excellentnd reportedlyIhtf tone Hotelwinner*hee titlediter

im Km atoo enede eeAenCflc Adj to Tody*rtteeret UtMl. end. SpraU tjrtMA

oruikiefed enum men let. K'^iivi peripheral stnaji cretem. parltrulerl*lp

lei nraomuAcular tran^iaskex end Ihe centrel nery-

OUi tlr In not fcoown to here publbriied enj

ttleiiMftf paper*I. when he oo-euthured The Reixt of ihir Coceuie titoci In Ncrvce by Anodel Cutfffitt'* Horn; 1WT.

hcn-heienr brilliant virulorM

weU-tralncd end Tory

tCOooi pe/tmrtit

sf Virofcht. Acedemy ofcterxee. etnee Ita BerwdeWerie; UenKh Keaeucfa

Cr-wnr-.Ktrmt la |M> KrcVf

the intmuthfteJ Mer.tinc Cromtelon tor tbe Ineeecine* tioo of Perte QxKerntfid bw tn Chinend th*toir Hu freaoentiy inkle (throe time*1 eJone). Heeenrfh: rwuro-tropic yirteiee,iterti dfuephallUi end Columblt flX uu viral end rloketUetl illwute and berterlaJ end pexutitk Olireeee for infarraatlcQ onKketlceie. ere Fecnofi Tl of thie SIS Born:

rTCANO ChAe>-eeei UrTl^raiMir*

ielMfotehed gfcytfcifcn. Preeldene, Atddtntj of etedVei evUncee. Jfen ItfTOwiwileilfcikei Jtcemrch in tte eC&ietry oi Peeek Keeithree^WnvPW lAedm: Colkr> aortedrtytedtcei Cetlonet. from et leut im le tU

Mnnbrr fend fterth BciWacee,

AS; Perty or Chtfi* rtmrOmi. dune

Medkei AietorJeUon. Served on iveliceiej HeeJUih Cmnmlttec in, end oith 8cieni|hel Mb- unit of Tnternatkine: Medlcel prvwotlon Unit duringer lt*cotvod eomo grnduivle oduullon In the United CUttlee. Hu vlsttodR in Uftvend HOT. fkUde polltioei visit to Vletin* In lWi4 end ettmdod tntfiotUoiiel Confreee ot Doctoti for the

8ltKly of Pro^nl Llflni Conditksne. Vlcnne. In

STji-nlint hi In Kor*dIWI Ki^ede. eprake. end wnUft btifflUh end Gernten Utecnrrh: pulmonoryiectlon fororn:UANO Mtn^^hdn.nlerriel mKiLclne; wcit-knowri Apectnllal In hM HHd. Htdtdrchar, Department of Medl-Cfnr. ShenshAl Buroiwl Minlkiil Oillefe* elnco et lout ItGS. Oeen. AtedloeJ CuJIece, from lfrld to et Eeaetembrr; Dtpertmtnl of BlologT endcM. ASeith InUrneUonei Uedltel PrevenUon Unit dLirlner K'jreen *er Kdw:eWd in the United Sinter Viet ted Koter tn IloX enderJen Confrcei of Italicei Worten Ine-Hajrh utrdtovAJTiiler dun urn end cerdUec iiiftvry tor netienU icffrrtiie from nutrej etenoele, ftbrflAtlcn,

rerdkvrenhe foe dwtoelAf teett dUceaee. icfc^loet-EieeeiB end rheotmeUue>

pnDr-Detto: eexelkBt *cVn:iit in >xhcenoipee end cxperlnktateJ rreeercK Derccter. Tneltfle Btopnveke (fof-

mcflr Inetltut*rtrn**UJ Hk>kT7

AS, etnre Ml. Director, IneUUMe of SepcrbncnUl

BkOocy.^anchei, itdWl PecuRy MHfeet;

Ciwtenf UnlvfreUy. from mi untH el li-ut IfM

or rvpeztmvl of UHMtey. . Ap-Fteci-HerWlv AS, IvH Mrmhor: DcpertTicnv

ty end Bertherved onnnnileelon for the inwtijfeUon oJ the rofte ConrcrntntWerfere In Koroe. end on Itrlertc* Ikhoterehlp Cccnmlttecr AS, in tn Ocrmeny, end hu *lfl<odn ifdl end lotl tn Oermen. Br-i'iiOi. end Fftnrh. Itftteervh: hormoner oepormtentolbcyolotT, expcrlinentBl morpboloirv, endorn: eboutiv:n extremely fapebt* IHieotor, rletlooeJ Veodne end Semm In ell tut* (eleoheDlT-et. Ur: iMimrtment or

Die: Hwxt?th worn

CommlUae CliUf dlrvetor. Chine rootoloiKnl 5o-

rtoty Served on TteltoneJ lleerth Heecurbend ooAkimtntc CoaunlestonInvcetliatM of PeeU Ctatrerivlnjito Kiwm iAd Chiiuvlinrvrkd on reererch tn tbe united

fiteue end the Untied tOnrdoee Me huie Am to teointr tbe tre-choenn vtrw AeieodedInurneiteel Mectlnc ofKu.derdlrnUoorfch: broken* eeprcteiiyfr*er. unobotne end ud eerunu end eo*ocev*r Born. IW

)rnepeoie doctor of ebtlltr Director. IneUiole of Stood endAcedemy of MedkeJ ItM Ctieirnieii. Deporttnent tology tlbHi endertn*mt of eboul 1M3 oflt Chine Union Medlntl CoJIrer^ Arrrcd on Cammittep forof Nellve end Weetcm Medicine. Chine MedkeJ Aeeoclelion,3 Attended echool In tht* (rnitfttl atnlee Lreder of Chtnoic ectcn* tlfk deUontlon to Oroolt04lovekle and the United Arrh Itppubitc In IWfl llcieercfi- dUeuttt or Ibe blood and hlCbHorn ebout IttO. rSAMO Yu-chuen. Dr^Neurornelomyt the loedinf breln end nerve aprcLelUt In Chine Cbelrmen, Department

of AnatOfny,t+titenl c4 ilnce at leut


HclHttrflcrjfjtutc of Ftjcbattm AG;azC Of dimtoft. Clllna tSodvlj of Amiomj.

Edneiled In th* Guttedi wft*r* h* gtodlM endw

Di. C J HnrJcK fclttl tUHirvh;

who ttvlmd hLa ^putatton x* a

if aa* Btv-ArmUtrvr A&

jia.w* of WifciaTa*:

rf CStrv* ^lu.h-utVUlE^iUhd mJt-

nlf-tfW AUiw*dt4 TWid tn.Cartfiim ofiMld le.

and outfllJaa. Born ibot>iHitd ImCtltCAM mJuilt* Jiabl UiitUAi lartntrle:Mi ^lf&*n.

rtffartnicnl cJ.Itti*tof7 andai. Art trb^nHiuv ChinadvfUrPiuv, China IwUdl'Si tfccfctr Rtealwdtat wort jfi

Omiu. ifclJoa Oiaaipirid tin* award la ;SM

rateduih iti>rfu Oo^rj&ta.t# to. cot*-

for thel U

In thu United

ttn Woilh Rotaa. Vltttod RtiaunU la ltoV (ttacueh: rKrtfiw ind

^etuialorn; iirmt im.

China Vnton

Seut lifia Cntrf.of

AcfcWmy ofcdkiil ffdenou, CPl^lnre IMA IVtTOber:oottoay and AS; Ic terra ttoaoi1 Society of ^ftfODi;

Lion of tht uaar* rn iw. and of Uuitt*

ofof II.*tn Muf4ttd 1ft lh-

DoiUd lb rwitc lha unnn in IKA Ukd

tfGi.ilofAurirliaJ tlWlr./rCM fe4T*^

VIfO. utf

tktflMnrdncv tsf -



(I) Co^ObUiiiei and trendsCot-imuniBt CbsiA'xof the IciporliiiVC*k rxorfuctkn fortvss oyj>

4 tMjOBiatf& gJpJft

xfXdtoth and ir.f^tcd topzWcttorJ. Whileot 4ppri>4Cii the detail ajid rvftnrmcDt cvt-3cDtbeow It Trig

pn^reai con,pfcp*iWe tn nuny rdbvpoct4u dcnuvycucavod Ln lfwliat.lral otItoI b> fjwiU4td by Ir* pmtS-Dfrit 4rnd byCTiirme Axrt^Uirml

overrovljiaaJ orrtriiit^ry rcifLTtb pro^rmrnBt andhAAtfl It placed on app:imihAtiClv Much of the work dtv^iatcdtwarch by Uiilna'4 vct> fjclmryayropM anat-ysto ofaccx^piiitoiwith -Irong eir.phaau on Uvat froca Spriet

nuciivDar ot cdittttan^nary rc-tttaJcJtnaiAoc] ntetanUallj at4tk aJVrr lb* tniUaJ err^aieAkKi ofnivc: theovrrrijyct was ratabllahetl,ljwi>tml+ facdltica. and poraonnijl are bemg: piOPtlalWly expanded andjatoratorit* and WologJcal pcOuuctlM* unit*Of whkhith lhe natloiialwaearch plaiu, are oeina:In manyktijuap itiowtna* the bocaUon of veUrL-^xry rwarch andaiia'b-wu In Ccrn.xiir*at Cliina tntncT Mintand Chkaa waa nrvxaaT tMlWUii>Te4etinan4ni LU> tdot thaii tanhe rairaa: ptocew of oVveic-rxni; davirilned andertjiary ntMaxch peiaonnel willc^niW^mUlo eftortfrtod of ae^eral ywx. Whlto adu^Uonal pirpaiallori torTDtaarijh haa been reiauvuly active, mort itnpb44l4 haj been piacad on ti^lnfpeiw^el atrji itfian and fielde(

Dntnf Xtm Tknt Five Year tlan, afrittiilure in Vrffrmlat Uveof all* oct support lor ioduAWai expanakai^ but rrwre fundi ant now being ailrxatcd to aupporteaaedi>ducUon enterprtwaCoirxrau-nlatt^ntxe Uie Insp^rtanco of vet* erinaryrana of ftujTr.entiJiirirducUon and. although tna actual fuitda dmted to IU dmtoptwtt are no% known, tneraptd 4TpanatocL of iiirjiary rawmrcti faefc-tka and jjfanant aatfawalti aUoocaup-port,

C3uaa*irvscajchcra are actively par-UctpaUng hi Intemaltcnaleeungd andcJUefly within the coui)lrie4 of tbe Soviet ftprwrerluenec; butrowing Dinnbff nave ventured into other artoa aahe foveniniant alao haa tant voUrlnaryto aoutbaaat Aatanhnical adnin aaKjcane* praf^aana. tn ecnatSdVrratko of Lbe afuteta own veterinary rwMrch tarco. thla actianpparentiyropa-tandt iDmura,

ackground and orgcnttaltimThe ancient Heritage of "tradilional veterinarywhich had gradually deteriorated intimes, is encouraged and blended with the stimulation of contemporary scientific veterinary medicine in China today. The Importance ofanimal disease controlactor inproduction, vividly demonstrated by Uw former Japanese puppet regime In northeast China and Inner Mongolia. Das been recognized generally throughout mainland China.

Veterinary laboratories in Mukden. Ch'atlg-ch'un. and TSlngtao were established and were elaborately equipped by Uie Japanese. Theseare known to be In operationbut references to additional modemand details of the type of research underway are lacking. The present government hasveterinary research Institutes In 2Ssuch as those In Swchwan. Hupeh, Kwangsi, Yunnan, Kwelchow. Klangsl. Sh&nsi and Honan. but Utile information Is available regarding their facilities and the character of their research. Brief references are made also to "brotherly"research and biological productiontoerum and vaccine planthas been established in Lhasa.

The quantitative- advances tn application of all forms of animal disease control measures during the past decade are phenomenal, andof qualitative advances In modern disease investigations and research is obviouslySince neither the Japanese, in China'sareas, nor the pre-World War IIin mainland areas made any substantial effort toward training native veterinarians beyond the technical level, tho country was facedostwar situation in which less thanualified



Chin ear veterinarian* were available: to direct aodaat and disrupted veterinary .lysterr,

After Woaid War IX China was dependent on rejef organen. chaffy UMUtA. Cor dev^+jp-rnent of fermgeocyontrol programs, which Included rebuilding and augmeftUrg bo-logicai production iac^utaea Plana were onlyImplementedut tha newIn mainland Chma immediately look up the Iasx or vvlxrtjiary education, organisation of Itesi services,ponsion of laboratory, rvnearcb and biological factlitlea To carry on niliuruum diteate control measure* and provideveterinary educassoesu requirements China hai and wili ccntinue for some time toer*3tot on aeettt tertifiiraJ traCsing and aamUnre

b aCasoa axeaaag am acveicewgrrof wlvrtrtaryhe People's ftepu>-be of Chin* art reported superficially In available scientific publication* and LramlaUnm VeterV nary reaearch periodicals issued In reoanl yean apparently avoid th* inclusion oror propagandain various reporU oneterinary achievement* publUhed in Soviet edeatlfkandew veterinary research pro>ecta In Chinameant_ Amonghe* Inveaibyirmt lo determine the typat and attenuation keaia of rinderpest vaccina* art the moat outstanding While these studies followhe work OT If ir kamura of Japan and other researcher* in Africa.eaearch veterinarians- have applied stud* lea of vaccinal suseeptihiuty to different type* of tattle using avunrzed. ^plnlaed,d. and ovuUaed vaccina* Yarkrua vtru* atramavarious paaaaft or back peases* berets have Men worked out to produce vacctne oonfem^ nU avaawanaty. wtthou* urvdue rwactM to the type of bovine for which IU oa- it intended.ajor achteeernent. ainoa cm* of th* rnoat scr> xu obstack* in rtnderpeat control and ecadxa lion hai been th* objection by livestock raisers to

Reaearch In hot choUra, probably China'* serious livestock disease, rwoantly has resulted In the ex ponded use of modified attenuated vaccines whicn praiuce more durabt* and longer lastingthan tn* cryatal vtolet vaccine corn* xnooJy used tn China in the past Details regard-eg ^he me^hodi of [nrduVatfcm are notnd tt appears Lkaiy that th* modification hosts Lre rabbit* and that much of the vaccine isfrteh tn th*for immediate use Re* trencea are made lo lyophtalian to preaerve arid rxund th* viability of Uu* type cf vaccine.researchers have not succeeded in fftav

DCtaiiig the vaccine foe use tinder adverse ccndi lions, since repcrta Indicate that atf the vaccinated ptga in Cummunnit Chma. panjeu-LarCy those in rsenott areas, are still ncmcnised with crystal ttrj*rt raceme

OUnsiesa In iqiiiiaas. caused byeacllef and paJUaaavty senota tn nortiiern. areas, has been th* subject of rnrmOrahleattoo. Since Oil* disease, both th* chronic and acuta forma, is much loo prevalent to eradicateeat and slaughter program,t-nartans have employed methods of treatment Recent reportsombined Hilfomttha-tln* and mallctn treatment resulted in recovery of an estimated 7S% In animals recently aJTecUd.uch lower recovery rata In thoeeaffectedone; period Researchersthat recovery reacting from tha type ot treatment tt lesa spectacular In China than thatsa. where similar work has been attempted. Other couatria* haw* reported dOvbt* tulhe ose of asOfbnajtUoaa. maUrm, or coenbmatxms of thawe therapavUe maicrWa.

FtjoVand rr*tru th diaaaav. reportedly catsstn^ aerv ow losses tn recentrstigated. virus type* "A" and "O" have been ioca liftedeported new typeChina Bao-ahan) la said to occur inChina TTua may be Identical to the Asiasolated in otlter nearby aoutheaat Asian countries. This workccomplished mth Soviet assbtanoa. wtth tha actual typing pftbahiy accomplished In Soviet insUtuticas. }or<-and-rnouth illxan research has resulted tn theof at Wast one major focc-and-hotociealsuon bt iTursnaneUialson oi several vaccine ptoductsononn*oit Chtoa.

Other veterinary reeeorrh of algnlncant latereat Is the Identmratum of newly discovered arJmal Pftnatate species Itieae mveatlgatlona are rela-Urely recent and It ia too aa/ly to deteraUne if

important tt. IiIt m' .vel/ puri-urc.

Another phase of vnterlnary reaearch is directed toward cvaluaUon or th* effect and practicabtUty of simultaneous Immunisation wtth combmcdpparently tucceasfu) reaulta are obtained using simultaneous hog eholara and sw*ju> *ry-atnciwa yaocmea.

c SxiimscAjrr tawaaarw racssarraa

fAsf Ca*aatrsaareJi Isua^rax* CTun^ptH>eA sTo^eweA Tew-cAsa-soj Fat-mxarr DcparTeaeaf. Sa^kmp Chief Lobcng. This waa formerly known aa the Central Kesearcn Institute of th* Bureau of Animal In dustry, and a* the Central Reaearch Institute of

otlmuih IWj

China TbU institute operates under the Ministry of Agriculture And coordinates with tbe Academy ol Agricultural Scienoes. It is theveterinary research in&toilaiytn dealing with animal disease problems in about Ave provinces of tbe central eastern coastal area Research work originally strewed development of rinderpest vacdjwa adaptable for the various breeds or cattle In China. In recent years, research onnew immunizing agents for swine disease has become Important In nearly all available pubis-cations* the trend In research appears directed toward production of more effecUve racemes or other btotoglcala. Buildingsajor part of the equipment for this laboratory were built and provided by UrlRRA, but report* describeexpansion in facilities and equipment Basic equipment was adequate for both research arxl biological production, and It was the first laboratory other than those equipped by theto have IjoprtiUaaUoo apparatus

U&rbtn Veterinary Rerearch fnstUuic (tfn-crfc-pmcit-ehta-so) *Hu Hsiang-pi at leastttls Institute, also commonly called the Institute of Veterinarythe All-China Veterinary Scientific Research Institute, and tho Northeast Veterinary Reaearch Institute, was mrganlxed sod renamed6 orrUs Institute issubordinate lo the China

of Apiculture,reaearch of thisis conducted In coilabcration with otherand experimental stetsons, Thoachievements nave been tho development of an effective laplnlsed rinderpest vaccine foe cattle and the preparation. In collaboration with, tne Central Institute of Btotogicals. Peiping, ot labog cholera vaccine. Currently, research is in progress on sheep pax biotoc-calg and various adaptations of several types of foot-and-mouthvaccine Tissue culture growth of the foot-and-mouth disease virus is also underway. Alaboratory tor the study of nationalmedicine recently baa been established at this, as well as several other, research institutes. Research facilities first developed by the Japanese were among the best in China and, according to reports, these facilities, metal mg equipment, have been progressively augmented and improved by authorities of the current government Theis reported toapable wort of the Institute indicab

nel are capable tn modem veterinary research techniques.

Xorth Chixo JLfrievUurat ffeaearcA Institute {Utio-ptn Aano-yrA KVAsaeAtuMa Wen-tleo, at least until 1KJ. Alto known as the Peiptog Agricultural Reresren

XrwtiUite, Thb research facility Is underof tbe Ministry of Agriculture, and research ts coordinated and approved by tbe Academy ofSciences. Two divisions, Veterinaryand Manufacture of Biotogleols, arewith veterinary research. These faculties have long done research, on glanders testing and treatment, immunology of swme diseases,and contagious pleuropneu mon la, and the rpiiooUolegy of brucellosis and tuberculosis. Cur* rent reaearch. particularly by the Manufacture of fijokigicals Division, deals principally with lyopbfl-Ixesttin and other methods of stabilising vaccines for use under rigorous fleOd conditions. Thesewere among tha three or four bestunder the Japanese occupation. Reports have indicated considerable destruction or looting of equipment during the postwar politicalbut recent observation* of dovvet anddelegations indicate that reaearch andequipment have been Improved, both by acquisitions from abroad and from newlyitems by Chinese communist Industry. Technical and profraslnnal personnel areto have had intensive training both locally and abroad with considerable Soviet assistance

rTorttaesf /asflfvfc of Zootcchnkx and Vetert-iww Medicate (ffsi-per Cfc'at-maen' cTua-so),unknown. Thisis controlled by the Ministry ofand research is coordinated and supervised by the Academy of Agricultural searchin this reeled aas ducted by tbe Horthwai one of the drat veterinary educational institutions established after World War n. and some of the current research Is sUU conducted throughby these two institutions. Early work was primarily devoted to feeding and breeding expert* merits of livestock Indigenous to the Outer Mon-iroUan iegKin Recently, tbe trend has been jnwird research related lo control of parasitic dis-

auch -amb

but not die ate t

dysentery, brsdtot. and tovine con-The original research at lan-ehou were adequate Keports of soviet observers In-there has been considerable expansion to new equipment without or quality.

a terras

iaioendry One of 1he most re-

retertnarlaoe in Chine. Dl-ir^dtnndryrcUtary

Agriculture vice prawrav Chi-til. OUKrvct -


Pari Tft-eM


Chaw Pmptfli rWUoft] OaaaeJUve Djcfcrtn-t. Ui IntaiUeaUir. MX OO cefiunlwson thatatvd alfcwad V"h*iaiei of. rtr* ia Cliii aad aTf*s* ftctr-f.?

icreaa of tohwiiitva-ea. aa* that* *rc-

vtaaryator I* tmuua t wtk aa


aai afu Kvavaaia j # aassaeiaej*rr

* lm** * at *sM*af ffiniv aiatli* ka la#

Waal uts**stny aai at Jena* Kaptuuawasaassssw* Cswae at la*it oamno.e*aaae*r. ChirmDeJnaashsi

Ita?1T, tatlaLphtfcwphy

paper* oa mderpesl An tnUeat research

ndm trustor Born: IfOL

PAJfGeterinary medlcmc One ot the more cap*We

of current retrrlnary rfrcsreh. MtmCer. Veterinary

co ^raay" and entero-iosemla. and

an cJcatetdial mfeetton in tharp flu resetted to develop-

xent ol avaccine. Other rereareh Inr-luSuf

reportedly, tbe

HU Kfciir* pi, rtt^Yetertnary med!dne; cspsol* and aetjre researcher. EWior. Harbin VeterinaryiruclxutCt Harem, at leaneputy

QeiTuneVlenf Sckstanc Wur* CumaUr.Uc IM. Xember. enmnUstloa tbatlleged

y tbe Ucgted States of perm warfare In Korea

. 9cLemtne CarmdlWe

ah. isai aitmfrtfr, *dltomi toard of acta

lCO lAett of Vttarlnary ryttoc* and

m* ssernber. British floral CoQeee of Velorlnaiy MMVlae. IffA Studied ml tbr University

tf Kdtnbur*tt totned. Active snd capableme held ol *KtiU* prai^tra- Born: IKT

lh* ben dttlOT of veterinary mullein* tn Chirta. Cfciof,

tiurlmuy section. East China Aarlrutturai

Research iruHlirte.ead. Decortmfct oi Animal Husbandry end Veterinary Madlfinr. Na-UOosl Otniral Uniiersitj. Xatuuns.tudlad St Kansas CUte Vnlvertlty Mambtc. Sclcnttnc Com-

xaOtmy of agricultural Science*.director. Chinese Asweuiseo of Aasmal Htubiadf y

and Veterinary Murine. 1MV BlolIM in the

sutes prke to Worlderson of blah hv

tiertly and r'ipuitedacuity arid students Kai

ip*eJaured in InfetUou* dUruw of snlroalt and bio-

Mnjiitrtc: acocotlneny of AarlcBl-

turai Gcttaou. ivil- PicsJOefel, XaUcnal Veterinary CoUece. Lan-rboo. ih? iolso de?ul7

dlreclw.of Antmsl Hiitbanory. toenher.

Finance arid nvmaK Osirnlttee. Kocthweit Mtfitiry

BerUo University prior to world War IIcommittee. Department or tSKoc*y. Oojlorj and* Member, editorial board of

Acta tSffrtcvitiirm* Stntt* (Aattcnltoral

nenfferentut hit aura on animal disease* of

orator In inflUah and German,* ChlnesSn Jlss

wceked prtnerpsily to bacterlolw. but Is credited oitfc

lbs IscOaUonrsJytlc virus of rsttla

sgibft trie

Comment* on principal sourer*

The InXormatlori In this Section Ls basedupon material erauebte In the open literature, milufflaent frnrrelly to support the conciu* Unas contained herein domeintnrrna-unaobiedned from resettled sautemiImxui Of research programs had to be deterrninedcare, rn order to arced rfJstatar^reiatJcek* aaernted clean* of ru cream for proper pnrnoeen br the CTOneee on reeenrrh and development were tacking largely due to the fact that Cornmurust CTtina is mainly concerned with production to nd' ranee the economy ae rapidly as possible, aim secondary rmphaslh In moat caeca, being devoted

1 Ciuoevc^jpmcnt of MeUuntae

jrop Bnd

the Veterinary Service

at ciiia*.-

SO, no 10 October

Iteeeareh In Chine in the Part Decade*m? ffiurA-peo (Soomal ef ateUorotocyi, vol So. no. 3. ISM Felptor. veriose Other luin*

1 Chu Oxhim 'Ifetantiac

the academy of Sostnci

fie ttnfca voL S, to. 9 UM


t BolWm MeterUl or the Bast China Sea end the dostbeiD Part ofew-nobvftrle efScience* of Ceean-


and pereonnrl ore being rapidlytn Communist China, and tt is difficult to ascertain properly the ealant end scope of tbeof various raeeorch Instllutes end the cur rent reaearch project* of important, trained ad-mUsta

Tba* feeStwiag are eeaialdered to be some Of Ibe isM important eoureaa used in the per^aratson af thav Section

1 aeSae rarerke ef Urn

fctaaeaai arhOfn) ef evictee with tneSkSS tntae, ve/to-e*utax CYme-ue* "Coeunueartrorreu la izfirtuifr. OnjanJe and fhyeval GhceeiAryne-jkh> (Chemistryim

Crane from ms-sev amnfu vol. I. noforembcj

To-Aua ruv-pco Uearnet of thed<

ia Lnrw. v.OecdeiyCartctraphy la the People'sfvio*

nd GitUxntt* - * *

: Muf^d:

een* Proareee iaState Phyttcs l

Searnffd Stem vol s, no.sse Alto, ether artklm In venous usoea

laTuTexaa ^Report on aurvtytag"

rre-Aef(aurvtylng end Cartnrranhyolrx Ta^co'uHo *Chtna^ Advsnces la CnumUtrr la theDerade" lrb<-ArteA roe fJournaf ofo. ft, Ottcecr iva Pttpins Abu, iuIoui other toauie of the Journalr*

Original document.

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