Created: 1/29/1961

OCR scan of the original document, errors are possible



four friende, they all wore quite drunk, the one who having hie wits core about hin (KraaaaaaaaaaV> tried to convince hin that it vas time to return lo themeataaaa*refused to listen to reason end threau roken bottle and Lhreo shoti - re fired by aaaaaaVLaa* y' utol (wo have it here and iton fired) one of the Eficts Mttlii|(eaaaaaaaann tho leg.

e hare the following declaration* herei

a) Kr. Kodeato Caalaner doclarun that Kr. tafafafaet tc 1That be refused to return with Kr. aaaaaaanaW-rcounohe did not want the responsability of coating back to the Bneein that condition, onaaaaaae* nho hla in

tho left leg.

Kr.nd Kr. Zaaora declare tliat they were panning by, on hearing the shots they stopped the car and ranlaceaall crowd waa forcing, finding there Nr. eaaaaaaavvho waain the left leg, they carried bia end brought hla back to the Baoe. They say they can not declare anything because of the confusion and that tfcey arrived on tho scene after the shots were fired.

he Ada. of the flnca *La Aurora" declares that thV wounded man and four companloaa were drunk,aaaaaagot intoall dark aanoustach, who wan tho only one of the group wearing grey clotbea, and0 nan ahotBaaaaafaa)

octorDiet aaaaaaaaVound In hla left leg, aadeotty five caliber bullet.



respectfully, JOSE RAUL VARONA.


ASUNTO l do una Pietola

rigade A

l.-Sn el die de lalendo0 liornn kohage enlroga allaafta'--jUa cual*Jafaaa

UafaafaaarJaaaanaaaaa?aa*aatAaaaW pertenoeientaas:i

.-in, la cual no fue ontrogadt por ol 3r. Jofe Brigade,Jo el entae aenaloi* Jo aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV en lo* heeho* ocurridoi en ala Tinea La Aurora, donde reiulto harldo el Sraaaaeat

_ a propla Ola.Jefaturn, por dl-

oho arma.

(.Ruaborto Olfrera. Perez Ofloial de Ola.

Original document.

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