Created: 1/1/1961

OCR scan of the original document, errors are possible


^^Tjj^foUoving additional information from the informant ofof0 expands that report. Parts underlined In red appealed in the earlier report.

1. 5 surface-to-air missile battalions in thaxGa, on alert becauseorTSeholid^

missiles athjci^Jley. flfl.^rgct, Mtn

tt.MBmOP, did not

fly directly over the position of the zone of fira ofevertheless, It waa within the radius of explosion of one of5esult of thisthe, Ila&Us tail and ving' assembly vere slightly damaged and theoyers,oncussion.down. Powers blacked out eeveral times. i'HeQnfloJ.Qua-Vhen.fafl landed nnd when

3. Powers was brought to Moscow by plane, vhere he was met by KUB Chief Shelepin and an interpreter. They took him to Dzorahlnskiy Square, where he was fed and given amdlcal treatment for his concussion.

k. Thera vas dissatisfaction in military oireles that Powers was not turned over to the General Staff, alnce his flight vaailitary Intrusion and his plane had been downedilitary unit. The ORU did not, however, become Involved in the case.

5. Source expressed the opinion inhat Powers vould never be released except in en exchange. He suggested that an exchange vith GRU officer Igor Melekh might have been possible. /Notei Melekh left tbe U. S., prior to source's commit J

64 hrushchevuspension ofto avoid possible political ramifications. /Sotei

Source Comment: Powers would have escaped If he had flown one or onealf kiloaatera to the right of his flight path, not to the left.

2. Source Comment 1 The broken parts of the plane vere not displayed at the Jtoacov exhibition.


9 1war

Original document.

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