Created: 3/18/1961

OCR scan of the original document, errors are possible

Air Force, 1

Hr. Juea PAULA Baez Office of. Miami, Fie.

The undersigned, FARISPIN LUCARCIAember of the Armed Forces of Liberation, calls upon you to Increase the monthly pensioneceive; since,eft for thistated tbst my wife, Mrs, Nora

ha'dj but in recent months ray wife has bad to send money to Cuba in order to hel? my pa rente, who at present arc nob recevinj anything.

hehat my frther was

iired anc: receiving Eis pension, which he stopse< ieivinp several months ago, this being the reasoi jucstl am making, since by helpingnd ebild short of financial resources.

Please pardon the troublem causing, you,the expectationou will be most willlne toI

Sincerely yours,

Crispin L. GARCIA. Pilot

Fuerca Aerea,

Sr Juan Paula Baez Ofleina de. Kiaral, Fla.

El qua suacribe4 CSISPIKRHAHDEZ,a Fuertae Literacii'c,stfd ne sea aura-ntada laue ccnaual-cnte recibo, todac a] sal'r para ccte canoanento nice conatar que rai esposs Sraotei5 hi jo, eran los unicos que depcndlan tie fS; pero eti Ice ulliAns oescs mi cspoaa ha tenJio quo eetar enTiando dincrc parain des padres que actual-sente no per-ciben nada.

Aalnleno le elpufico que ai padre era rctirado cobran-do su pensi6n, la cual he dejado de pcrcibir desdc hace varlos nests siendo este el cotivo de la peticicn que nape ya querfarloa dejo falto de redijo.

atedclrva perdoaer las molsstlas que le puedaera de sua eejores descos en arudarme, queda de ustcd ntenta=*nle.

Original document.

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