Created: 4/6/1961

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Increased activity has boon apparent la th* past weak amonggroup* both Inside Cuba and in exile. Holy Week was the occasion for new popular


demonstrations against thein Havana and oleewhero on tho island as tbe Ronau Catholic Church, althoughla Cuba, camsto be Identified among some segments of the opposition as a



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rallying point for the anti-Castro,ft cause.

Intercepted messages among clandestine stations of tbe anti-Castro movement betweenarchpril revealcoordination between units of the underground and Cubans in exile, Preparations for the Infiltration Into Cuba of sen and arms are noted. In one message, datedtation Inside Cuba informed Cubans In kianl that(have) already (been) made for receptionarty ofuaranteedhe message also mentioned "two tons of merchandise." Another, similar message referred to anticipated acts of coordinated sabotage in Havana.

Reportspril that the government had discovered an antlgovernment plot among naval officers and men Indicate that the navy, alvays the branch of the armed forces least*loyal to Castro, has been further An anti-Castro mossage of six days earlier reported that the commander of theCarlbe, one of the navy's five coast guard cutters, was to contact with anti-Castrosad had "promised usercent of the "total navy."

The guerrilla bands in the Escasnbray Mountains continuealthough their strength has been considerably reduced by government action in the past several months. The leaderuerrilla group in thla area reported In late march that -bile the mllltlaaeo seat against tbe guerrillas have usually been effective because of theirstrength, they areeither well trained nordisposed to fight, lie said tbe government faced thothreat of defection by militiamen, but this wasby the Immediate arreat or transfer of malcontents. Be added that most militia unlta are commanded by Communist of fleers.

A Cuban small farmer froa this area who recently escaped from Cuba told US Officials in Florida that his conversations with militiamen during the past several months had convinced hla that many of themood opportunity to defect.

New outbreaks of guerrilla activity have occurredparticularly in Orlente Province and near the Lasatanaas border. In eastern Orients, where one group oflanded In mid-March, there aro now reported to be four major guerrilla bands lo action.

An intercepted message from the leader of one of these bands reported onarch that he had overen, "among thes the turnkey of tbe Bolgula Jail who is willing to open th* cell doore._ .. _


e government foreknowledgeoming Insurgent action la this Important provincial city.

the initiation of action against an Insurgent group in theas Villas border area on that day and reported the travel of Fidel Castro to the area. The western province of Pinar del Rio is also the site of anti-Castro insurgentaccording to

Internationa'. Contacts

The Communists continue to use Cubaase for spreadln-their influence elsewhere in tbe hemisphere. Preparations are under way foreeting of the executiveol the Communist-front International Students' Ualon in next month, and

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Aa "internationallabor oamp" for youths Is scheduled for Cubs Id June. onference of Latin American Women is to be held possibly this month ln Brazil to prepareorld Congress of Women In Cuba later this year under Communist-front auspices. are going outumber of countries, In Latin Aaerlca asaa the Siao-Sovlet bloc, for representatives to participate In May Dayln Cuba.

These various gatherings In Cuba will provide further opportunities for liaison among Latin American and blocleaders and for spreading Castro influence among suscep-tlbls groups from othar countries.

Cuban Minister ofArmando Bart, bow traveling In several blocive-year cultural Agreenoot with the East German regime onirch providing for tba exchange of cultural groups, TV programs, andmaterial. Although East Germany remains the only bloc country with which Cuba does not yet have formal dlplo-aatlc relations, recent East Berlin broadcasts have reported the arrival thereubanpparently permanent, which was greeted by officials of the East German Foreign

Municipal officials of Moscow and Peiping aretouring Cuba, returning the recent visits by the former Havana municipal councilor.

The Econsaw

a resumption of Venezuelan oil shipments to Cuba would relieve tbe USSR of atortion of an expensive burden.

The Cuban refineries aere built to process Venezuelan crude, and have not operated aa efficiently with the Soviet product, whichelatively alga sulfur content. In the "lighter" Soviet crude does not provide tbe quantities of fuel oil required by Cubs, which necessitates largeimports of fuel oil. It is unlikely that Venezuela will soon resume its traditional exports to Cuba. In any event. Venezuela's Insistence on cash payment for its oil salsa would rsqulre Moscow either toCuba with the necessary foreign exchange or toCaracas for its exports to Cuba under some sort of triangular trade arrangement.

Cuban sugar productionto be proceedingormal rats despite frequent fires la the caneflelds. Che Guevara, in hisarch speech, implied that production, hadnearly reachedO tons which the Slno-Sovlet bloc is committed to buy. This quantity, about two thirda of the total expected crop, will be sold or bartered to tbe blocremium price of four cents per pound. The"sacrifice crop" for which the workers are to receive lower wages--is to be sold on the free world market. Morocco, Japan, and Chile have already contracted for Cuban sugar at prices equal to or slightly below those prevailing ln the world market.

recent visit toby the Soviet ambassador to Mexico was followed by that Moscow is to have Venezuela reaume atortion of Its petroleum exports to Cuba. Although the Soviet Union has considerably expanded its tanker fleet slsca it began providing Cuba with all It* petroleum needs ln

At the UK

Cuba's complaint of US "aggression and aets ofmay be dlscusaed ln the ITS General Assembly's mala political committee as early aspril. Certain cambers of the Afro-Asian bloc ars reported planning to preaent ahighly critical of the

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esolution which would call on Havana andto settle their"in bilateral discussions" and ask all UN members tofrom any act that might further aggravate tension tween the twoor some weekspublic position has been that It ia willing and anxious to engage

United Stnton. Tbe Kcxlcar. and Ecuadorean UM delegatestbat It vould befor the Latin American members to submit their own"calling for peaceful settlement" and citing UK Charter provisions relating to use of regional organizations for settlement ofesolution, particularly if it bad Latin Americanwould command vide support inmemoer General Assembly.

In bilateral discussions with the US, provided Suchareasis ofand with an openut that the present attitude of the OS Governmentkc any such dlscusslonsat this time "useless."

Original document.

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