Created: 3/22/1961

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wamumm ratiat cnma

Deputy WrtflWr (latollldoaco)

Cuban Reaction to Anti-Castro "Invaslooa"

1. Aumt froa the iocoptioo of too Caatro radiate la Januaryit baa systomattcally sought to identify tbe C8 with attonpta to destroy; the Cuban revelation and to replace iteactionary dictatorship lite Entiata'a. afterhad boon ia power onlyonth, Caatro lapostile latoat oa the part of theshan hoeporter that If tho OS should intervene la Cuba, Mthoro willead gringos'* la tho atroota.

S. lac idea to, such as tho9f Havaaa (by plaaea that actually dropped only nati-Caatro loaf lots) and tho0 explosion of -tho French aaonnl-tion ship La Couhro, oars ssgsiflsd sad distorted further .to create tho Imageoatlla, aeerossivsovsraaoat. JKvory such incident vaa exploited tally la as attemptiscredit tho US asd croato ayapathy tor Cabsaall nationending up to Its powerful neighbor, and (S) to Justify tbe military buildup la Cuba and tho tasoslUoa of police state controls. uban CoaoBuoiat leader later Is reported to have explained that moat of tho important acta of the Castroach an the ae inure of private businesses and the


oocUlUilloo Ol tho ocqcqcj, NN possible AS

hsreaa It souls' save boaa poll it-cally Impossible to tsks suss aeUoas "is th* asso at social las." Byastro was publicly predicting aa "invasion" by oooatcrrevolutisnariss froa the OS supported by "lsporialisnM ao4 ssUed an Cabana to prepare for the aacrlficos they aust aaks to eafeguard their revolution.

the US cat the Cobaa sugar snots la Julyreactions to US "aggressions" becamed vers accompanied by public ssamaacee thatthe decisive aupport of hasour formal appeals la theshore It has received strong Soviet Bloc

lta appeal to the OK Security Council on

ulyhe Castro ragine eased for consideration of tbe Mdaagor to nor Id peace" posedggressions" agalaat Cuba. Tho Cuban conplatat, prompted by the US out la Co ha'a Bttgar ousts, also referred to the "repeated threeta, harraas-aeats, asmeuvara, reprisals, sad aggrsssloos'* agalaat Cuba by lho ooaplalat vaa aubaequently referred tb, bat only after Cuba had received considerable later-national publicity. The Seventh seeflag of American Foreign hi ulsters la Costa Rica la August provided Cubs with another

opportunity to condemnaggressions" aad this tine Cuba

publicly condoaoBd oUiar La tin aasrlcsnfor their "servile"toward the US.

openinguMBV CtMrtl fcaaoahly inCastro headed taa CBiw delegation, providedten for Cuban attacks against the IB. Later laaha doreloirmoat ff anti-Castro atMd reaUtanoo

la tin Juscaanray montaiaa provided taawith another pretext lor attacking the ra. Taa laaatagnaa antl-Castro "erpadltloa" in Oriente Provincectober, evidently frees Florida tad composed of foUovsrs of taa bated Batista harwhaan aasf errer, aaa used farther to identify tbaith taa nest dlecrodlted segment of taa counterrevolutionary slesoat. Taa expsdltlaaarlesokly captured and tea of then, including threecl tineas, vara suBs&arlly executed, ew days later, taa capture far governjaeat forcesumber of guerrilla figators fa taa Rwcesbray areaanother opportunity to atop up attack* on "imperiallat auuaeuvera by taa OS." By October, Cuba was also accusing the GuatemUan and other*lackey" govercuaenta of latin America of complicity in "OS plots against Cuba."

Cuban government reacted to taaand tbe capture of an aro drop la taa Eaea&brayagaia appealing to taa XMi Foreign sinister Boa oa

ctober naked for tba inclusion of an item oa the General Asncatbl? agenda on the "various plans of aggression and acts

rrnnr.Tl ;

of intervention which the OS Is carrying out" against Cuba. Th* ssxt major -invasion scars" anaprosagaaoa carrpalga was developed la lata December and early January vbsa Cuba again appealed to the far dlnnaselda of am "lasdnoot IS laraalon" of Cuba. Ga the reooenlagwt the cs Coaeral Assembly this aoath, Soa again urgentlyearing of Cuba's charges. . .r-

7. Go fll Parch, the Cuban sosvrawat announced the capture of five Members of another aatall "landingncluding one American eltlsea. Cuban reaction to the several "landings" that oars discovered, as sell as to the various fllghta over Cuba by "pirate planes" and arse drope, have net varied notably except that0 "Invasion" received nor* la tease exploitationonger period of time, probably because Its apparent assoolatlan with the fiasferrer group provided for sore effective propaganda.

I r, *

... r. . .

Bxmaaras d. bheuks

- dmdletaat Director Current Intelligence

Attachment: Annex


cc; dscx





"leadings" by nntt-Caatro exiles la Cabs

Cubanis the

BaydOto were larea ay*double aiout*oreoa lute lending in Lou Tltlae proviio*ominicao aircraft to aupport what they had baaa lad to bailor*arge-scale anti-CastroAfter landing, nine- pesseagera and taa two pilots vara tilled or Castro lsapllod HE coapllcity la taa affair.

6 OctoberST-aan group, apparently eenpesed

of Kaaf errer folloaera, landed oa the north coast of Orient* Province. They were captured la leaseek- and throe OS citizens and eevea Cohens in the group were executed.

IS Octoberantl-Caatro leaders, loo lading

"Mine" Mss^landed on the south' const of Oriente Province and were Joinedussber of peasants to aet up guerrilla redoubt. Gdwernaeat discovered landing only aose days after It took place and

ttach oa cuaorrlllne. Prlaclpals oeenpod*

OB level base, dees taaann reported wida-epreed runoraaadln* oa the northof Orlasrta Province. 'eseat roedblocre la taa area noted by fiaent pTOonaal toad to con-firm reports andIn Cuban prceornndn towaaay have referred to thisbe rnvoraiaeat announced tbe capture of five boa,8 eitinea, whe bad landed oa tba north coeat of Plaar del Rio province earhe nightares la aa "eras laden setae- launch.-The Aaorleaa waa Idaatified aa Aaguet- -

Original document.

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