Created: 2/12/1962

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vasa pardonsit pilot powers

v Reescns ior Fardei

Hoseoy Eotaesx 'c Service ioO0

S^-reae Soviet Presldiua. after examining tha

petition c* tht parents of American pilot Francis Garyo vas ecoi*anod in the Soviet Union, and tafcirj into account ths tdcissloii by Pi-vers Lha: te bedcst serious crisis, as veil as being proaptadesire, to improve relations betveeo the Soviet Union and ths Ur.Itfti States, hasecision tc pardon Freaci3 Garyad to head bio over to tie Aaericsn authorities.

U.S. Presstass in Russian to Europe lSjo Off 10

(Te:ct) sar.cunced decision oi.t'ue USSRoviet Presidium to pardon Francis Powers in the interests oi" Improving. relatione sar.Bged to $et into tbe late editions. aoroiag papers, which published it under snorrious banner headlines. An AP correspondent reports free Moscowowers Isft his plaaa of inprisorcent -with tboi vill neverover Soviet Russia again."

vki pi-lot van

vas ecndTned in the Soviet Union, and tapirs intobe iflrlatifn by rover* thai he hadcat serious crine, as veil a* caicf pronptedesire, torelations between tbe Soviet Unior and the Ubfttatf States, hasecision tc pardonary Powers an! to hand hla over to the Axericen authorities.

V.S. press Coverase

>toeecv TASS in Pusslan to EuropeS3ebruary

(Test) nnounced decision oi ths USSR Supre-te Soviet Presldiua to pardon Prancl* Powers in the interests of. relations nanarcd to get isto tbe late edition*. aortinshich published it ender envious bcimer headllnee. An AP correspondent reports frca Hoscov thrtt powers left bio place cf iorcrlS'-m'-nt with th* followingI vill never flySoviet Ru3*ia again."

/ Approved (or Kfcieice

Original document.

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