Created: 7/30/1992

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minerponsored Talks

Piper Carries 'UN Settlement PW

2 Nicosia KIBRIS ii Turkishul

of ihc "UN settlement plan foreported by Mchmci Ali Akpinar. direclor and chicr editor ofuly)

|Te*l| Thc leaden of the Oreek Cypnot and Turkish Cypriot com mum lie* have held talks under lhc auspice* ofthe UN secretary general (wilhin thc framework of ihc UN secretary general's goodwill mission) and under conditions of equalityomprehensive framework agreement, which constitutes an important step for the findingest and durable solution to the Cyprus problem The framework agrcctncni"will he finalized by lhe iwo leadenigh-level international meeting and separate referendum* will be held by Ihe two com muni Ileaays.


The comprehensive framework agreemenl ts anwhole. After it is approved by the two communities through separatend after the require-menis listed under Ihe heading "Provisional Arrangc-menls" are fulfilled, il will pave Ihc way for Ihea mcommuna) and bi/onal federal partnership and the drawing upew consiitution which will form the haws of relations between the two communities.

The framework agreement is based on tbe high-level accords reached7t isarmony panieuU.t, with UN Security Council.

Tbe comprehensive framework agreement notes that Cyprus is ihe homeland of the Greek Cypriotpoot communities and ihai reLiiionshe two communities are not relationsinorityajority bui between two entities which make up the federal Govern mem of Cyprus.

The comprehensive framework agreement guarantees lhal the Cyprus Agreement will provide for the eslaNish-menitaleingle intemaiional identity, thc independence and lerritonal integrity of which will be safeguarded. Furthermore, as outlined in Paragraphl lhe UN secretary general's report?hc comprehensive framework agreemenl guaraniees that Ibe Cyprus Agreemenl will provide for the cstabhshmenttcommunal and bizonal federal stale based on poliiical equahty and banmoo of this iiaie as well as us unification with any other country either in part orhole.

The comprehensive framework agreement recognizes and guaraniees lhe pcJ'"cal equality of lhe twoThe concept of poliiical equality does noi mean

equal participation in ell the bodies of the federal gov-emmeni However,ramework agree-ment notes the need for tbe consent of the iwofor (he approval and amendment of the federal consniuiion and guarantees the effective participaiion of Ihe two communities in all the bodies of the federal government and the decisions they adopt and Ihc appoinimeni of employees to the federal governmentay which will prevent any one of lhe two communities from making arrangement which would conflict with ihe other's interests. Furthermore, itthai the fcdcraied stales will have equal and similar powen and functions.

The comprehensive framework agreement includeswhich guarantee the functions and power* of thc federal government, ihe establishment and functions of the three organs (not furtherhc effetlive rurtKipatron of the twond lhe effective functioning of the federal government (which -ill require an appropriate mechanism to solve deadlocked problems)

The two communities will accept ihe identity andof Ihc other and pledge to work loew relalionship based on mutual respect, friemhhip. and cooperation. With ihis objective in mind. lhc twowill agree to change any behavior which con-fliclv with this pledge and refrain fiom tiny activity which obstructs thc effort lo realise the agreed solution.

(Adeline Principles

The bi communal and bizonal federation will beby the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypnolin accordance "ilh their free will. The two federated slates wt) retain all their powers, which they will not transfer to the federal government

lhe federal constitution will be put into effect after it is approved through the separate referendum! tq be held by thc two communities. The amendment of the federal constitution will be possible only with the consent ofthe iwo federated slates.

The federal republic will be lhe unitary land of the two federated slates, which will enjoy political cquuliiy. The federal republic will enjoy indivisible sovereignty shared by the iwo communities. Neither of ihe Iwowill seek lo establish sovereignty over (he other.

The federal republic willingle international identity and citnenship. both of which will be established through federal laws based on the federal constitution

The federal constitution will safeguard the identity, integrity, and security of Ihe two communities as well at Ihcir political, economic, cultural, and religioushe right of the two communities to use their own language also will be safeguarded All cm/ens will be equal in Ihe eyes of lhe law.



federal republic willecular entity and Individ-tub wiih religious affiliations will noi bc allowed lo be chosen for appointment lo political posts in lhe federal government or the fedcralcd slates. The officialwill be Greek and Turkish. Meanwhile, lhe English languagemay be used

The federal republic will have its own flag, on which iwo sides will agree The federal flag will be flown al all buildings and points, replacing all other flags. Each federated state will have us own flag

The two sides will agree on the holidays to be observed and Ihese occasions will bc included in (he federal consiitulion

Thc two federated states will have equal and similar powers and functions. Each federated stale willingle community.

Fach federated slate wilt adopt Hi own decisions ia connection with its administration. The decisioase adopted will be in harmony with the federal consiitulion.

The federal government will noi infringe upon Ihe powers and functions of the two federated stales

Thc federated stairs will be responsible for theof securily and law and order in accordance with tbe federal constitution.

Thc two sides will cooperate during ihc transition penod on lhc use and protection of hisione buildings and shrines which arc sacred lo the two religions.

Constitutional Aspect* af the Federation

The powers, functions, and structure of the federal government -ill comply with Ihe above-mentionedobjectives and guideline principles.

A The powers and functions to bc transferred lo Ihe federal government:

The powers and functions of the federal governmeni will bc as follows: All thc powers aod functions of the federal government will belong to the two fedcralcd states. The two federated sates will jointly decide on the transfer of powers and functions lo the federal government or the iransfer of powers and (Unctions from Ihc federalto them.

The federal governments powers and function*:

Foreign affairs <thc federalcd Slates can conclude agreements with foreign countries and internationalheir own potential fieldsin foreign affairs will be in accordance with the federal republic's bt communal ruiiureL

Central bank functions (including ihe issuing of money).

I Coordination of customs and internationalnternational use of the airport and ports

budget, tam. immigration, and citizenship.

hii matter wdl be considered in ihc light of the guarantee and illume agreements).

Federal Justice and federal police

S. Federal mail and telecommunication services.

and trademarks.

Appointment of federal officials and employees (according to Ihe principle ofercent Oreek Cypriot and M) percent Turkish Cypriot).

Public health, environment, protection and use of natural resources, and weights and measures.

oordination of work in the tourism and industry

structure, establishment.

The federal powers and functions will be executed by the Icdeial government or by the delegations of the federated slates in accordance wiih the agreements to be reached in that regard.

B. The federal government's and functions:

I. Legislature.

The legislature will be made upower and an upper bouse The speakers of the (wo nouses will not be from the same community. Nor will the speaker and deputy sprakrrouse be from the same community.

All law! must pan both houses

The (owes house will be established by the Greek and Turkish CypnoU on the basis of lhco JO percent ratio.

The upper bousebe established by thc two federated stairs on ihe basis of SOercent ratio.

The enactmenl of laws will be subject lo Ihepnncipk of majoniy vote in the two houses.

The majority of Greek and Turkish CypriotIn lhe lower house may decideeparate majorily may be required among the representatives of ihe two communities in the lower house on matters related io foreign affairs, defense, seeunty, budget affairs, the uua-tson ivstem. immigration, and citizenship.

The separate Oreek Cypriol and Turkish Cypriotnly groups in the lower house must establish an accepted quorum in every meeting. If this quorum ts not established in two consecutive meetings because of the failure of one or both of thc groups to attend the convocations with the required number ofthe chairman of the meeting may call forthc houseenod of not less than five days and not more thanays. The majorily of the upper house willv enough touorum, [as published)

Thirty percent of Ihe total number of the representatives in (he lower house willuorum.


toe two houses fail toevolutionraft Law. then they ratal move to set in motion the necessary mechanismsonsensu* to guarantee maintenance of the federal govern mend functions.

A "conference" committee will be established for thai purpose. This committee will be made up equally of two members each of the Greet aad Turkish groups in the federal ksjslaiive organ.

The teat of the draft laws or resolutions lo be agreed on by the "conference" commute* will be submitted lo the two booses to be approved

If Ihe federal budgetot approved by one or both of the houses, the "conference" commitlec will fulfill the requirements and. with thc approval of the two houses, lhe latest lederal budget and provisions related to Ihe questtoo of inflation will remain in effect.


The federal eiecutive organ is made up of the federal president, federal vice president, and the membersederal council of minister*

The president and the vice president symbolize the unified structure of Ihe country and thc political equality of Ihc two communities.

(The approach of the two sides on electing ihe president and the vice president has been different. The Greek Cypriot side prefers that the president be elected by popular vote. Tbc Turkish Cypriot tide has calledoiatiDg presidency system between the iwo coramunii.es)

To enable ibe federal govcnuncnl lo make ann office, the president and the vKe president will

serve as thc heads of their respective communities

dunng the first eighl years of the republic

The council of ministers will be esubhshed by seven Greek Cypoot and three Turkish Cyprvoi members. The president and the vice president will elect tbe ministers from their respeebve communities and appoint themncchanism which tbcy bolh will sign.

Oneministry of foreign affairs, theof finance, or the defensebeto the Turkish Cyprtot side. Thc preside nl and ihc foreign minister cannot bc from Ihe same community.

The president and tbe vice president will deliberate oe the agenda of thc council of ministers and individually make additions lo tl.

The council or ministers adopts it decisions on the basisajority vote However, the council of ministers* deo-mo ns related to foreign affairs. desVme. security, budget affairs, uuation. immigration, and cilireoship must be approved by the president and the vice president.

Arrangements regarding foreign policy and the establish, menl of the foreign affairs organization will be described in the federal constitution

The president and the vice president will have tbe right to individually or jointly veto Ihe legislative decision) related to foreign affairs, defense, secunly. budget affairs, taxation, and citizenship.

Thc president and the vice president have thc right to individually or jointly return Ihc decision* or laws adopted by thc legislature or by the council of ministers to be reconsidered.

J. Judiciary

Thc supreme court ts the federal judicial organ. It is made up of an equal number of Greek and Turkish Cypoot judges, who will bc appointed by lhc president and the vice piesident with the approval of the upper bouse

The supreme court wdl represent the highest body of Ihc federal constitutional court and the federation. The chairmanship of Ihc supreme court will be appointed from among the Greek and Turkish Cypoot members of the supreme court on thc besn of rotation

The two federated slates may establish their own fedei-ated lower courts.

The supreme court will concern itself with mailers conflicting with the federal constitution and federal laws Furthermore, it will fulfill the other functions which the federal constitution and lhe federal laws will empower ii to perform.

Each of thc federated states will have their own judicial organs to deal with matters which, according to the federal constitution, will fall outside the junsdiction of the supreme courT?

The federal constitution will establish the procedure required to guarantee lhat federal laws and ihe furictioosof the executive organ comply with tbc constitution.the federal consiitulion will provide forompetent mechanism to enable the federated slates to work in the legssiaiivt, esecutivr. aad judicial domains in accordance with the federal constitution.

c Hasic rights (including Ihe three freedoms lol'mow ment. settlement, and right of ownershipl) and political, economic and cultural rights

Thc basic right* and freedoms accepted ai thelevel will bc included in the federal constitution.

The federal constitution will safeguard the freedoms of movement, settlement, and ownership. These freedoms will be realized in light of? high-level agreement and Ihe above-mentioned guideline principles.

The freedom of movement will be put into effectwitbouifor normal policethe republic is esubhshed.


effort will be made lo realize freedom of settlement aod freedom of ownership afterstion of reset Ue-meni. which will emerge afler land arrangements arc

made, is resolved.

The fcdcraied slam will organize implementation of ihese rights in accordance with ibe federal coosiitulioo and Ihe criteria established for tbc transition penod.

Ihc entry of individuals from one of lhc two slates into the other can be obstructed if they arc known for participating in or creating violence or harboring hatred against individuals of the other community.

Security and Cearaatee

Tbe federal republic and the security of tbe Greek Cypnot and Turkish Cyprtot fcdcraied slates will be guaranteed. Thc demilitarization ofthe federal republic remains an objective.

0 Guarantee and Alliance Agreements will remain valid, with additions made io leinforcc them

Thc Ircaiy of guarantees will guarantee (he federalindependence and territorial intcgniy and rule oulwith another couniry in part, whole, by partition, or division- This treaty will provide security for ihe Greek Cypriot end Turkish Cypriot federated stalesuarantee against an attempt by cither of lhe two communities to unilaterally change tbe federal republic's new constitutional order.

A balance will be established between tbe number of Greek and Greek Cypriot troops and their miliiary cquipmenl and the number of Turkish and Turkish Cypriot troops and their military equipmentenodonths leuipsia as published, numbci of months not given] after the two communities holdreferendum! and approve lhe comprehensive framework agreement.

A calendar wiB be drawn up lo reduce ihc Greek Cypnot and Turkish Cypriot uniu lo an agreed level and have the non-Cypriot units, lo which thc Alliance Agreement docs not refer, withdraw from lbc island This calendar will be followed bi line with the steps that will be taken to implement rhe action program cited in tbe supplement

The Alliance Agreemenl will provide for deploying Greek and Turkish regiment* in Cyprus The two regj-meou wiD be of equal sirrngih and have tbe same equipment. Each nf the two regiments will be made upen. (ellipsis as published, number of men noi given) The Greek regiment will be baaed in lbc Greek Cypriot federated state and will be unable to enter ihc Turkish Cypnot federated slate. The Turkish rrgimeni will be based in the Turkish Cypnot federated sinie and will be unable to enter ihe Greek Cypriot federated staie.

The federal republic willederal armed force under the joint and general command of the president and ihe vice prcsideni aod be made up of Greek Cypriot

and Turkish Cypriot units, which will be equal in icrms of men and miliiary equipment

The Greek Cypnot unit will be based in ihe Greek Cypnoi federated state and Ihe Turkish Cypriot unil in Ihc Turkish Cypriot federated state. The president and vice president wiD jointly decide -here ibe units will be based

A reserve force will not be established and military and paramilitary (raining will not be given to civilian groups.

The Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypnot uniu will work to improve mutual respect, friendship, and closebetween Ihe two communities, lo perform joint social service) in every pert of the federal repubhr. and lo contribute toward the welfare and wellbcmg of the two com muni lies.

The federated states and lhe federal republic will each have their own police organization All paramilitary activities and lhe possession of firearms, except those held under license for game bunting, wiD be banned through the federal republic, ll willederal offense lo violate this ban. The importation of firearms and military equipment other lhan thai approved by tbe federal government wiD be banned and dm will also apply io ihc transit of firearms and miliiary equipment

Thc icprescniatives of the ihree guarantor powers, (he two communities, end UNFICYP |UN Peace Force in Cyprus) willatch com mil teefler thc iwo communities hold separate referendum* and approve lhe comprehensive framework agreemenl

Tbe watch committee will;

Monitor Ihc establishment of an agreed numericalbeiween ihc Greek and Greek Cypriot miliiaryand theii cquipmenl and (be Turkish and Turkish Cypriot personnel and their equipmentomhs (ellipsis as published, number of months not given) afler tbc two communities hold separate referendum* andhe comprehensive framcwoik agreement

Monitor Use implementation of the calendar lhatbe drawn up to reduce the size of the Greek Cypnot and Turkish Cyprioi uniis and to have all the other miliiary units not referred to by the Alliance Agreemenlfrom the island.

The irealy of guarantees, in line with the federalpledge to remain committed to thc CSCE principles, will call for establishing an audit and verifkaiionio be established by the representative* of the guarantorhc president and thc vice president The United Nations win provide support personnel to help the commiltee fulfill its ussks-

These task* will be to investigate any development lhat the federal president, lbc federal vice president, or any of the guarantor powers may regardhreat to cither of the two communities or in lhe federal republic's security.


commitlcc will make reeommeons forinR any procedure ihai il see* ai conflicting with trie arrangements called for by thc Guarantee and Alliance Agiecmcnlt The sides musi show immrdiale goodwill and comply with Ihese recommendations

Tbc UN Secunty Council will be asked to reconsiderandate from tbc poinl of view ofthe audit and verification committee


Considering the7 agreement, the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot communities agree on the letriiory that will be under the jurisdiction of their respective fedcraied states.

Thc map attached to this text establishes the territories of tbe two federated nates. The agreement to bc reached on thc territorial problem will be respected and included io tbe lederal constitution and thc people who will be aflected by the lemtortal adjustments will have the right to decide whether to stay in the same area or resettle in thc fedcraied slate of their own community.

Satisfacloiy arrangements will be made to resettleaffected by the territorial adjustments. This process will be carried out before people are resettled in lhe adjustedund will be established to serve the problem* of Use people who will move because of the temlonaJ adjustments.

Tbe adjustment* will not affect thc water resources thai each of the fedcraied states may use. Water resources in the federation will he made available to the two feder-aled slates, at least in accordance wuh lhcir current needs.

Displaced Persons

The claims made by the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypnot displaced persons arc accepted and will be taken op fairly,pecific penod, and in line with Ihc practical arrangements called for by the high7 agreement and the arrangements to bc made for social peace and harmony.

Areas to be placed under the Greek Cypriotjurisdiction:

Priority will be given to resetlling Turkish Cypriots In Ibe areas that wit! be placed under the Greek Cypoot Administration's jurisdiction and to resetlling thewho will mum to these areas.

The Turkish Cypriots who.ived in the areas thai will be placed under the Greek Cypnotwill have tbe right to decide to stay or move to the arras lhal will be placed under tbe Turkish Cypriotmistral ion. The displaced Turkishho live in the area* lo be placed under the Greek Cypriot Administration will have the right lo optimilar residence in the same area or to move to iheir former

home* or lake up residence in the areas to bc placed under the Turkish Cypriot administration

A bicommunal committee will be established as soon as thc two communities hold separate referendum* to approve the comprehensive framework agreement. This committee wilt make the necessary arrangements required by the homing need* of the people who will be affected by Ihe territorial adjustments

The other areas under Greek Cypriot and Turkishadministrations:

Each community will establish an office to deal with the proMcms of Ihc displaced persons

The question of lhcir acquiring propeny win belo Ihc commumiy that has juntdiction over the property in question (Within this framework, thepersons may aho demand compensalion).

In an aticmpl to solve ihis problem, the litlc deeds of the property will bc exchanged between lhc two offices and consideredlobal and communal viewpoint and on the basis of thc property's value4 Inflation will abo be considered. The displaced persons wifj receive compensation from the offices of lhcir own community, ia cash, from Ihc fund* io bc established by selling property transferred lo ther in thc form of properly. The shortfall will be met from resources thai will be created by "unanticipated taxes" on the increased value of lhe transferred property and thc saving on defense spending. Foreign governments andorganization* will bc called on to contribute towatd the fund io compensau the displaced.resources, such as long-term leasing and other tradean aho be considered-

In either of thc federated states, individual* who,ived or bought property in areas under theof the other federated state, may apply for compensalion. Their heirs may also make such an appeal. And the Turkish Cypriot community's displaced who were forced to move after3 may also apply for compensation

Cypriot residenti in either of ihe federated slates whoermanent home in lhc opposite federated stale and who wish to live in their property again may opt to return when arrangements will be made to change places.

In line with the concept of freedom of movement, priority will bc given to thc permanent residents of Cyprus in either of the fedcraied states, who have leased permanent home* in the other federated state, to return to their propeny if tbcy warn when arrangements are made to change places.

The applications relating to all the claims must be made within six months of tbc comprehensive framework agreement being approved.

The federated state concerned will process theto be madeisplaced persons who wish to


hcir former homes every yearean, "ellipses a* publubed. no numben given) The Marooit.es who.adhe area* io be pUced under lhe Turkish Cypriot fcdcraied staic may decide io iciurn lo ibeir property The iwo fcdcraied slates will consider tbe situation al ihr end of thc period referred to and in light of the espenencc ihey will gain during this time.

The period will begin once ihc people who win be affected by lhe territorial arrangements are resetlled and rehabilitated.

Those who decide to return will he resettled after the resettlement of thoae who are affected by lbc lerniorial adjust menu

Ib line with ibe relevant provisions of Use laws, Ihe individualsommunity who actively participated in violence in the past or who are known to currently participate in such activities or provoke violence or hatred againsi the other community will be banned from returning to thc areas under the other federated siaic.

Economic IkorkopovraU and Caarantevs

One of Ibe priorities of the federal republic will be loalanced economy to equally serve the two federatedajor action plan wdl be drawn up io remove the economic imbalance and achieve lhe special measures required to develop the Turkish Cypnot fed-cratedpecial fund will be set up for ihat purpose. The UN Security Council will call on foreign governments and international organizations iolo it.

Employees may be appointed wiih equal pay throughout the federal republiciew toward establishing a

Special measures and safeguards will be considered to prevent the Turkish Cypnot federated state, infrom being harmed by tbe establishment of lhe federal republic. The adoptionew currency or lhe csiaWishmcniustoms barrier may create problems.

In addition to the federal taxation system, lhe federated states can establish and maintain their own taxation sysiems and determine the amount of their laies.

In bike -uh ihe second part of supple men! (F) of the Founding Agreemenl, Greece and Turkey will be retarded as the preferred countries for trade and other relations, whatever iheir nature.

As pan uf the provisionalicommuna) committee will be set before the federal republic is established io prepare these special programs andll will be supporied by lhe United NationsProgram and may ask for assistance from experts in various fields.

The question of lhe federal republic becoming an EC member will be debated and the agreement will be approved by ihe iwo communities through separate referendum*.

Provnigaaj Arrangement.

The provisional arrangements to be effected loibe comprehensive framework irealy on Cyprus immediately afler il is approved in separate referendum* are at follow*;

Bieommunal committees will immediately bein line with Ihe comprehensive framework treaty lo draw up and implement (he election law and lhe federal constitution, esublnh public services, consider claims related to properly and resettlement, resolveof economic development, realize measures relating to thc territorial adjustments that will be valid once the federal republic is established, and immediately effect the provisions ofthe action program referred to in Ihe supplement. The represenlalivc* of the guarantor powers and ihc iwo comm. unities will immediately setommittiee lo strengthen thc Guarantee and Alliancehe United Nations will help thefulfill ihcir tasks. The two sides may employif necessary.

Thc leaden of ibe two communitiesepresentative of lhe UN secretary general will immediately sciommute* io organize ihe provisional arrangements and ensure that the committees referred lo fulfill iheiron time. This committee will also organize Iwo separate referendum* for the approval oftheframework agjcemeni when it is finalized by the two leadenigh-level iniemaiional meeting Thewill be held withinay* of ihe comprebcrrtive framework agreement being finalized The committee will organize separate referendum* with tbe bdp and approval of the United Nations at an appropriate ume during tbe provisional penod to approve ihe federal constitution and appoint federal officials.

The iwo sides' daily affairs during lhe provisional period will be run as usual unless Ihe comprehensive framework and treaty introducessues concerning Cyprushole, for example iniemaiional irade and tounsm, will be managed in line with lbc iwo sides* common intereiu and based on provisional arrangements. With iht* in mmd. ihe sides will agree on and adoptarrangements.

Foreign affairs will be run during the provisional period in line with tbe principles of the comprehensivetreaty and based on the approval of lhe two communities' leaden. Arrangement* will be made lo establish joint delegations to participate in international meelingv

The existing rules, laws, directives, norms, and agree-ments on lhe two sides will remain valid as long as the. do noi conflict with the comprehensive framework


Ihc federal government will consider ihcinternational agreementsecide wheiher or not steps should be taken to change them.

The two communities will draw up their ownand election laws and make the arrangements required to administer their federated states, which will be created once tbe federal republic is established.

A date will be set to apply tbe federal constitution, which will also be regarded as the day on which tbe federal republic is esubhshed.

Declaration for 'Ihc United Nations

As soon as separate referendum* approve theframework treaty, tbe two sides willetter to the UN secretary general asking him to submit thc comprehensive framework treaty and the letter to tbe UN Security Council. This will enable Ihe Security Council to note the decision adopted by lhc iwoto establish Ihe federal republic called for by lhe comprehensive framework treaty.


Thc program to be effected to improve goodwill and dose relations between the two sides ooce thcframework trealy is approved through separate referendum! by the two communities is as follows:

Thc travel of individuals, transfer of commodities and services, and thc flow of capital and international aid to or from Cyprus will apply to Ibe islandhole on an equal basis.

Restriclions imposed on the travel of Turkishwill be lifted. Thc two communities will agree on provisional arrangements.

Restrictions on the travel of tourists will be lifted.

Objections lo international sports and culturalwill be lifted.

Measures will be taken to facilitate freedom ofthe agreement to be reached by the Iwoon the issue calling for minimum formalities to facilitate results.

Matas (Varosha) will bc placed under UN jurisdiction during thc establishment of tbe federal republic and an action plan will be drawn up and effected to restore it.

Tbe effort and amingemenu made to realize miliury* modernization programs and strengthen militarywill bc halted. Thecommunities willwiih UNF1CYPnclude all the areas in which the two sides* iroops are near each other in thc program to demiliuriae the buffer zone. The UNF1CYP members will be allowed to travel freely throughout Cyprus.

A bicommunal committee will be esublishcd to review school teat books and recommend excluding material that conflicts with lhe effort to be made to improve goodwill and close relations between the two communities. This committee may also recommend positive measures to help ihis objective.

two communities will develop goodwill andbetween them. Tbcy will aho esUblishwith Greece and Turkey.

The iwo communities must end lhe complainu ihey have made or are preparing io make to international organizations against each other or against Greece or Turkey.

A bicommunal committee will be esublishcd to study the water problem in Cyprus and recommend

measures to meet the island's needs, including measures relating to lhe supply of water from abroad. Thcmay ask assistance from experts if necessary.

A bicommunal committee will be esublishcd to draw up and implement an action plan to restore historic aod religious places in Cyprus. The committee may ask assistance from experts if necessary.

The two communities willensus, foricommunal committee will be esublishcd. Themay seek expert assisunce.

Tbe two communities will undertake to support tbe work carried out by the Missing Persons Committee lo determine ibe fate of lhe missing persons. With this in mind, thc Iwo communities may ask lhe committee to investigate immediately all the missing persons cases and reassess the criteria used in the work io determine their fate.

Paper Condemns 'Botnts-Ghali Plan'

n Turkishul

(Editorial: "Butnis-Ghali's Seitlemeni Plan'*)

isgusting and undignified design is taking shape in New York, in which Nelson Ledsky and Butms Buirus-Ghali are the leading figures. The "Buints-Ohallhich was drawn up in cooperation with Greek Cypriot Leader Ycoryios Vasilioo, was placed on the negotiating Ublc in the first round of Ihe talks in New York. TheSettlement Plan" was placed on the ublc in lhc second round.

This plan was first published in installmentsreek Cypriot newspaper known for iU close affiliation with Yeoryios VasQiou. The CYPRUS NEWS AGENCY [CNA| later published the texl of the plan.

It is interesting to see how those who have accused us, an independent newspaper, of "violating lhe information blackout" by publishing thc "Buirus-Ghali Map" have remained silent about the official Greek Cypriot news agency CNA's disclosure of ihe "Buirus-Ghalie have seen the foreign forcesimilar approach, accusing the Turkish Cypriot side of violating theblackout.

Wc don't wish io discuss tbis conflicting situation in or outside Cyprus, but it must be knownRISewspaper opposed io secrecy and it will always oppose the designs pcrpetraied against (he people behind closed doors.

Original document.

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