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Joint Study Group Recommendations No.and 22
The attached Coordination Staff memoranda, which are forwarded for review, respond to instructions of the DCI in the reference, and contain an analysis of NSC-approved Joint Study Group Recommendations Ko.ncluding identification of factors and elements bearing on the implementation of those Recommendations. This matter will be placed on the agenda of an early USIB meeting for discussion and action on the Coordination Staff recommendations set forth inf Attachment B.
Attachment s
Group I
Excluded from automatic downgrading and declassification
MEMORANDUM FOR: Chairman, United States IntelligenceStudy Group Recommendations No.nd 22
1. The attached memorandum for the Chairman, United States Intelligence Boardn the subjectesponse to instructions by the Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) in the reference that the Coordination Staff initiate an analysis of Joint Study Group (JSG) Recommendations2 The attachment concerns JSGNo.ndnly; Recommendation No.ill he reported on separately later.
JSG Recommendation No.roposed the establishmententral requirements facility, initially to coordinate requirements for clandestine and SIGINT collection, and if successful subsequently to be expanded to other requirements. JSG Recommendation No.rovided that the CIA Office of Central Reference be used as the reference facility by the new central requirements body. National Security Council action approved by the President on these recommendations referred them to the USIB for implementation in consultation with the Secretary of Defense and the Joint Chiefs of Staff, because the Secretary of Defense, while concurring with the intent of these recommendations, desired further study on the method of their implementation.
The attached memorandum notes that there are within the intelligence community serious reservations as to the need for or feasibility of the particular kind of action called for in these Despite these reservations, however, the attachment cites many actions taken within the community to improve the development, processing and coordination of collectionumber of them stemming from or stimulated by JSG recommendations.
The attachment concludes that the total effect of these actions, if energetically and systematically pursued and supported, should be substantial progress toward the general objective of the JSG
xcluded from automatic downgrading and
the strengthening and improvement of systems for coordinatingwithin member agencies and the usib structure; meanwhile, deferring consideration of the need for or feasibilityentral facility as envisaged by the joint study croup.
kecc-oiendation; that the attached memorandum be circulated to the usib for consideration of the recommendations contained inhereof.
assistant for coordination
MEMORANDUM FOR: Chairman, United States Intelligence Board
Study Croup Recommendations No.nd 22
1. Onl, the Coordination Staff of the Director of Central Intelligence (DCl) was instructed by the Director to initiate an analysis of Joint Study Group (JSG) Recoaniendations2or the purpose of identifying those factors and elements thereof which the community might be able to implement without prejudice to the ultimate decisions within the Department of Defense concerning reorganization of its intelligence elements. The Coordination Staff has Included Information as to its activities pursuant to this instruction in the reports which it has prepared for the DCI on the status of actions on Joint Study Group Recommendations asay and1 This memorandum concerns JSG Recommendations No.ndeparate report onNo.ill be madeater date.
2. Recommendations No.ndhemselves, viewed In the light of the supporting text of the Joint Study Group Report, may beas follows:
a. An interagency body should be established, made up of top-quality experts drawn from and representing the collection and production agencies, which should have full knowledge of all collection resources of the U. S. Government and to which all intelligence information requirements of all elements of the Government should' be forwarded. Thisbody wouldetermination as to the availability in Washington of the information desired, either in intelligence reportb already disseminated or in the usual publicor both.
b. To assist this interagency body in determining whether the information desired is available in Washington, the Office of Central Reference of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) shouldecord of all of the information collected through intelligence media.
determining that the informationequirement i3 not available ininteragency body should assign the requirement tocollector or collectors in accordance within the hands of this body as to theof the various collectors-
body should report to the united statesboard (usib) any failure to act upon assigned requirements.
e- for the time being, this body should concern itself only with clandestine and signal intelligence collection.
3. the action of the national security council as approved by the president concurred in principle with recommendations no.ndnd referred them to the usib for implementation in consultation with the secretary of defense and the joint chiefb of staff. this action was taken because the secretary of defense, while concurring with the intent of these recommendations, desired further study on the method of their implementation.
k. the coordination staff, pursuant to the instructions of the dci, discussed and conferred with representatives of the interested agencies concerning factors involved in implementing recommendations no. it has also participated in or kept informed of developments throughout the intelligence community related to this subject,umber of exploratory studies and experiments.
5. discussions within the intelligence community with respect to these recommendations, as well as consideration of the exploratory efforts, have made clear that there are within the community serious reservations as to the need for or feasibility "of the particular kind of action called for in these recommendations. questions have been raised as to the feasibility of comparing and coordinating,ingle central office for the entire community, requirements which vary widely in form, content, subject matter, specificity, and timing, and differ markedly among agencies and for types of collection. it hes been pointed out that many, if not most, requirements areof continuing information needs, more often generalized rather than specific or detailed requirements that can be satisfied at any given time or through any particular collection means. information requirements related to highly sophisticated collection techniques, such as space surveillance and overhead reconnaissance, require special treatment and are being effectively coordinatedunctional basis. the areas suggested by joint study groupno.or initial experimentation, namely clandestine
and signal intelligence collection, have formal coordination mechanisms in the interagency clandestine collection priorities committee (ipc) and the sigint committee. the needingle central office to police duplicate requirements has been questioned, both as to the seriousness of the problem and the possibility of other remedies. finally, concern has been expressed as to the effect of theseupon command channels and established operational concepts which could lead to serious administrative and management problems-
6. despite these reservations concerning the precise terms of jsg recommendations no.any improvements have been made by the intelligence community in the development, processing and coordination of collectionumber of them stemming from or stimulated by these and other recommendations of the joint study group. among the actions which contributed to such improvements, many of which are also the results of continuing efforts by the agencies involved, are the following:
a. usib has revised and refined the priority national intelligence objectivess well as approvedstatements of requirementsumber of fields such as space surveillance.
b'. .'various usib committees have strengthened theirof requirements, as for example the revised ipc lists and the new comint and elint requirements lists.
compatible system for numbering requirements hasby the cia, the defense intelligence agency (dia)state department.
has been charged with registering, evaluating,priorities to all department of defense (dod)requirements and those levied upon dia by non-dqdsystem for discharging this responsibility has beenii in the process of evolutionary development, includingregistry which ia compatible with that beingcia.
office of central reference in the cia designedfor and conducted an experiment in the indexingby machine-procebsing of individual collection based on thisequirements registryauthorizedrovisional basis, to report to astaff requirements coordinator. the registry is to
provide managenent-type information end subject-area coverage of requirements originated in or levied upon cia. ia requirements committee has been formed to consider collection guidance and requirements problems within cia. while the specific scope of its activities and responsibilities is not yetorking group of this committee isevised collection guidance program designed to provide more adequate guidance to collectors upon whom cia levies requirements.
f- under cia leadership, improvements have been made in the us-uk travel folder program, especially related toand notification as to the satisfaction of requirements.
g. the state department has initiated,imitedrogram of annual guidance to foreign service posts for reporting in fields of primary intelligence interest to the department.
7- the total effect of these actions, if energetically and systematically pursued and supported, should be substantial progress toward the general objective of the joint study group recommendations, namely more effective coordination of collection requirements throughout the intelligence community. the role of dia in integrating dod requirements should reduce markedly the problem of interagency coordination of requirements, and facilitate such coordination between and among cia, state, dia and the national security agency. made in the requirements system within cia should offer further benefits to the community at large. continuation and strengthening of state's program of reporting guidance to overseas missions would help serve the community's needs.
8. actions taken or being considered by the individual agencies, supplemented and supported by the usib and its committees, provide an eesential foundation on which any system of community-wideof intelligence requirements must be built. further development end evolution of these agency programs should therefore be pressed forward vigorously prior to determining the necessity for or merits of any central facility for coordinating all intelligence requirements.
9- recommendations:
a. that usib members, collectively and in their respective agencies, encourage and support the strengthening and improvement of the systems within member agencies and in the usib committee structure for coordinating the development and processing of collection requirements.
b. That, pending the results of further action pursuant to a. above, USIB defer consideration of the need for or feasibilityentral requirements facility as envisaged in Joint Study Group Recommendations No-
Original document.
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