1. Plana for an extensive reorganization for tbe CIA-directed Meo operation In north Laos,lnearlyllay, are no* being inplementod I
the iHHlslance of1 -
tlon calls for the division of the Meo forces of0 into three basic types of units:
Units which will be volunteer,and mobl le,
Units which will be volunteer,local area or defense forces and,
units which will be volunteer,duty reserve units responsible for localand initial defense.
This organization also touches on the command structure of tbe Meo operation, communications, and special operations. IVJfVJJ
being implemented.
reported that this reorganization is now unaeT
capabilities in Intelligence in two fields:
continues to maintain Its present gone* collection which are primarily
is further envisaged tbat military intelligence capabilities vill cover to some extent compliance with or violation of tbe Geneva agreements by enemy forces. The latter would include such Items as withdrawal of Vietnamese troops from Laos and possible violations of the cease fire by enemy forces.
Onune Colonel Vang Pao, the Meo commander,umber of Meo commanders and members of his own staff. Colonel Vang Pao spoke of tbe accomplishments of the Meos in the pastonths and spoke of tho current situation. Colonel Vang Pao told his commanders tbat Moo troops should koop their unit Integrity and retain their organization and weapons. However, the Meos should aot launch attacks of any kind against tbe Communists or Kong Le forces except as ordered by Vang Pao. ouvanna government were replacedommunist government, tbe Meos should, said Vang Pao, if tbo Moo-held area became completely untenable, be prepared to relocate to other parts of Laos, Thailand, or South Vietnam.
Plans are continuingaos staybeblnd bead-quarters In Thailand in implementation of previous policy guidance. These plans calltaybeblnd hoadquartess in northeast or central Thailand with radio communication from Meo intelligence cadres In Laos to the staybeblnd command post in Thailand.
8. otal ofao and tribalInto six counterguerrilla groups arein areas of central and south
central Laos^Thegroups^oased at Thakhek, have the mission
of harasslog enemy supply lines on and nearndn central Laos and collecting intelligence on enemy activities. Heavy enemy pressure forced three groups to return to Thakhok from the Routerea in early June, and these groups are being retrained. One group which la in process ofase north of Tcbepone (in south central Laos) appears better qualified to fulfill its mission because of better leadership and motivation. The other groupsimited capability for harassment and intelligence collection which it is hoped can be improved with training and better leadership.
Original document.
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