Created: 11/9/1962

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DM appears to betoore forceful policy to effect Katanga's In letters to Adoula and Tshombeovember, the UN described the lack of any substantial progress on theplanause for concern; it emphasized that the plan had been submitted forpure and simple" andnot to be an object of oint-by-point analysis of the plan's the UN attributed more blame to Katanga than to the central government and called on Tshombe to accept or reject the plan.

Although the lettersno reference to force nor any threat ofhant told the Congo Advisory Committeeovember that if he had not receivedreplies byovember he would consider the plan "scrapped" and would then adopt an alternative policy. Be would not elaborate on thebut in the lestmeeting onctober he had speculated that the UN would have to use overt force or cut off Katanga's revenues to convince Tshombe that it meant business. He believed the more practical aolution would be to cut off thealthough thla too could lead to severe fighting.

Indonesia has offeredapacity of 64

part ofan contingent, and the UN is seeking additional Jet aircraft. The Indianhas informed the UN tbat

for the tine being it will leave

its troops in the Congo.

Under Secretary General Bunche believeshow of force may enable the UH to attain lta objectivesight. He has Indicated that tbe UN's next move will consist of 'administrativebe UN has already placedgovernment customs and immigration officials atairport withouta responae from Tshombe. Bunche estimates that the UN could move Into the mining towns


Jadotvllle, Kolwezl, anH Klpuehl without being challenged by the Katangan gendarmerie.ove would curtail Tshom-be's mining revenue, but,Bunche's estimate, it la very doubtful that these three mercenary strongholds could be soilederious fight and without US airlift support.

Adoula and otherofficials, fearing that the US and other aestorn powers are backing away from thw UN plan, are planning to exert more military pressure on Tshombe. N officer reportedovember that ANC forces had advanced to within oneuarter miles of Kongolo.

Is still detaining more thanillion worth of UN supplies at Sakanla on the Northern Rhodeslan border and at Dllolo on tbe Angola border In spite ofssurance that the nonmllltary goods would be released. The local UN representative has said that the UN preferred to let thelie for two or throe works more Bni! Implied that continued Katangan failure to release the UN gooda wouldasis "for other US action, notthe use of force." wift occupation of the two towns would enable the UN to control all Tshombe's copper ore exports while bypassing the main Katangan defenses.

Foreign Minister Bonboko is in the US seeking transport planes.

Tho Congolese Parliament opened in Leopoldvilleovember in what proved to be an antlclimatlcas the senate failed touorum. Thehopes when Parliament finally gots down to business to be able to topple Adoula on lhe question of theor bis failure to Integrate Katanga, but lt now appears unlikely that they will have sufrtclent votes to do si, (grmrr an




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