Created: 7/8/1963

OCR scan of the original document, errors are possible


MEMORANDUM POR: The Director of Central Penkovskiy case

alreadyemorandum giving our viewswe believe Penkovskiy may have been caught bv thealthough we have to date received no precisewhich leads us to believe that we have aould like to add the followingwe received the middle of last week froT. Pfammmmmmmla controlled debriefing conductedtaffofflcerAgency.

respect to Penkovskiy, Source stated, "our

StfeJ reali2ed that some important? out of the Soviet Union. iscreet

oe and by the Process of elimination led to Penkovskiy. when pressed for details as to whether Soviet agents in the United States had learned of the inform-


ccording to Source, Khrushchev mentioned in2athering in Kiev attended by Tito and

h?hIS'*thatadQt of harm buto?n! so,me gooJ.n the grounds that nowM technological advancement

rCeclalmed that because of Penkovskiy there

^ILl an? changes made in Soviet defense but thathanges tend to be minor and not basic/


Richard Helms Deputy Director (Plans)


Original document.

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