Created: 5/3/1963

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FOB! Director ot Centralncc

Developments ln the Trill*

of QLeg Pealovakiytvii i* kynne

i. Taildefine* the probable uppor andlimits to Soviet propaganda exploitationtha trial, RjM reperted toar in Mescow. and in th*nnextativ* Clandestine Sorvicvs planning forcti*a.

1* ad mim variants Id Soviet propaganas exploitation!

a. *rpl*ltatlpa> If tha hevlctlo "KititJ, it tea tryaad PunkovsUr separately, th* latterlosed trial withublicity except for ih wiounce-aot of tea verdict aad sentence Ta* Soviet* committedowarar, t* aa open trial far Wynne whoa the* chose to cover hi* klBaapplagngary as as eatreditlan action* at press re parts have specifically eaaeuQced that the -fan* trial will We epea.) In this minima* publicityb evenly would probably aet aapearitaass inan aati-u.ad U* Jt* prepagaaaa weald ee United. Th* at. ft. official* already aaaad By th* Soviet areas Batt Moscow (Montgomery, Oavlsoa aad German) night not Bfr declared earsooa non grata.

exploltetioni At thea full shew trial coal*stage* to prevldet* th* etsosur* of American and Britishagalmsl the WSSx. Mere, Paakevsklyn oaen court and might even Baearn* ceerrt ftoncomitant trial. In suchwe expect that besides th* U. S. officials alreadyth* pre-trial puklleity, British iavolvoaent vealdut la appropriate detail; rem*ovalIjr'g caseBo iuaatlficdfo**ph J. Batik andthe USSR aaM

aa* tajik Ba*travelled there

naCher. *viu*ace la Soviet Bands cool*example, the full teit ef theve vreta Poakovskiy infaall partprinted lc the Soviet pros inomtalmaaddresses *nd telephone numbers In th* u.ad in the PUG action against all implicated American



and British officials still la Moscow would almost certainly folio*t should bs noted,that beyond providing extensiveto the charge thatSoviet official committed espionage in bebalf tf. and British Intelligence, thcra is little that could be azposed la the trial. Vithout estcnslve fabrication,of sabotage, assassination, covert political actios,ould bo extremely difficult to substantiatelnclngly* "

Review cf Probabilities 1 Available evidence Is insufficient to predict which course of action the Soviets willalthough recant Moscow reports tend to indicate tbat the stag* is being sat fcr an Open, ataxiaua publicity trill. (The mail reportedly reserved for the trial of Wynneseating capacitynd it' .has been announced that the trial will hr op on.) There I* none reason to think that there have bnen on* or nor* causes of plan or at least of timing since the case was discovered by Soviet authorities. The initial burst of publicity in November and De2 was abruptly cut off; the long delay in bring, Wynne to trial cannot be explained by the need to conplwte theinvestigation (from the counterespionage poiat of view, much of the investigation had to be done before tbe trap was sprang on Richard Jacob; pre-trial publicity and buildup (surfacing of the Popov and Olga Reus cases,as been sporadic and diffuse. Semething*very uncharacteristic for the usuallyoviet propaganda machlae. One possible- explanation Is that th* Soviets have had second thoughts about the possible adverse effects that the publicity of th* Pvakovskiy case might hav* on tbe Soviet military establishment in connection with the receat iaportant personnel changes in the nllltary hierarchy (tbe cississai and apparent arrest of, th* replacement of Marshal Zakharov, etc.)

4. Evaluation of propaganda Impact of Trlsli ahatever coursection the Soviets choose, it appears that the Wynne and penkovskly trials will pressnt nor* problems to the Soviets than to us. As far ns. involvement is concerned, the Soviets have alreadyheir bigg*st guns in tha publicity following th* detention of Richard Jacob;an us* th* trial to document thslr charges, but/they canaot add anythingy way of exposure. Tbe British situation Is rathart inp*ct. hesiaes Syanc himself, thus faT th*r* hav* only beenallusions to the

role played by British officials In the case, tfynne ieosition to Implicate three or fourfficers hy trueand the ravelatiea that the pregnant wife ofBritish Embassy efficerd aor clandestine street ateetlnfs with an aspi00it* age at siay welltrong effectritish press still smarting fros the trestaent it received fro* tho ladcliff* Tribunal.

. Ispacthe Trial ja the Soviet uolent from the Soviet point ot viewp the problems presented by the Penkovskly affair, aro Batch *mr* serious andFor wave thing, laofo Soviet satioaal security, the cass is unprecedented ia classical espionage history. It will he trumendBUsly daHglai to these whe ar* held responsible mad sincecircle of friends,sod unwitting, atceapUces was larg* and highly placad, the strugsl* to oscap* or affix responsibility could assume coasiderabls proportions, Although it Is true thattrwul* mould take plac* Im sayublic mi rims ot- ths ITaaxevskly affair, ao suttar hew carsfully the facts arm staalpulatod, la houndd oxygen to flames that ar* already teaching dangerously high.

Bichard lie 1ms Deputy Director (Plans)


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Specific TUnas

Jlvsraphy ar extensive"

t rtntograph of Penkovskl"il uai'Jrn^ithUprinted with tho orticl.. Thi IT?*will vili hoU ho stressed

valor eoriag la"service one- hi. eoMtrV oreat.be spoxiod viu, u. CRU

c. Defanilyc Son* uoateru contacts ofvea thoughiuvolvenenttodegree conprooiilng' -bo night be cited in the trial,hcv mltht toy about their relations -it* ki-in tba Sweat that thoy receive publicityar* asked by the preis


d. fficial Statoaeot aad Balaaie of Documental 'In the event that the trialtrong eatl-Aoeri can't urn in its propaganda, it aay bo appropriateigh o. S. Gcvornanat spokea*an taoaeeat. Thafaromment following the guidelines and strategy-mentioned labove will ba prepared. In addition, two Soviet docwente. Gal) lactone oa Soviettacbaiqnos im tbe D. S. and an the techniques used for conducting meetings with agents vlll be prepared forto tho press as documentary evidence of tho nature of Soviet eipioeage. Tho first of those documents is partiealarly significant far its content, and tba latter because the author is currently assigned to tho Soviet Embassy la Baahiagton,

tor loae-Term nxpsonot*wwi

cusilons batwoen the British ano ourselves ceaceraiag leag-torm exploitation Bivo taken place already. Our plaai will bo reviewed in detail in cenveriatloes to take place la London nt approximately th* time efan* trial in Moicow. A* presently foreseen, the aajor effort will Be tho preparation of theof Penkovskiy, based upon tbe voluminous Information from contacts with hla. to proiont as the rough lr and as carefullypossible Peukovskly'i owe views oa tho mature of the Soviet regime. Its hiitory and its preepecta. To accompany those memoirs, appropriate documents mill be selected from those available t* uase to the public. Theae two items, tb* memoirs aad th* docuoenti, would then b* made public with tb* explanation that they hadleft in

further toloaao of Document! on Soviet Although this proposal vlll require careiulin the light of our long-range publicity plana la addition to numerous otherthe questlee of the reof tvo ether documents la also being given Ono of thesen extremely belligerent exposition of Soviet strategy and the secondescription ef Soviet chemical warfare pleaalng. ease nf these docuaoata might be most appropriately effected through tba Deportment of Defease. The roloat* wouldongtoward supplying documentary proof of tho eagres live nature of tho Soviet rekUa

** films for Lope-Tern Exploitation! Preliminary dis-

etweenritish" andc

tOrO exploitation have taken plac<

th* feast in th* parsona1 possessiononfidant who was char-itd br Penkofskiy with walla* that; public in th*t histo stnaxfl* eeatast th* partr dictatorship is th* Soviet Union led t* his arrest. This explanation will str*ss the Idea that PeakovsHy's arrest nnd trialroa servlc*estern intallleeace agent, hut rather frati his burnlai deslr* t* fight th*ia* as currently established, Za addition to other coaslderatloaa. puttint this plan into effect veuld hav* toinal.rosolutlon of tho fats of Vraae* la thohowever* preparatory woiV oa ths nanolrs has hocua In Louden.

Original document.

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