Created: 11/23/1992

OCR scan of the original document, errors are possible



Relief Flights to Tuzla Airfield

Tuzla airfield has the capability to handle Western humanitarian aid flights.

Tuzla, one of the last Muelim strongholds along the strategic route connecting Serbia with Serb areas in Bosnia and Croatia, is suffering from some of the heaviest fighting in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

British troops were fired at last week while returningNHCR relief mission to Tuzla, the first delivery to reach the city in several weeks.

Bosnian Serbs almost certainly would oppose reopening the airport for fear of strengthening Muslim forces in the region. They might target relief aircraft with man-portable-SAMs and anti-aircraft artillery.

Assuming adequate security, Tuzla airfield probably could accommodate enough flights to supply aneople in the Tuzla-Zivinice area.

UNHCR criteriaequirement ofetric tons of food per day, which would entail eight tolights daily.

eather conditions, particularly fog, will generate periodic delays in aircraft operations. The airfield lacks ground approach facilities, electronic navigational aids, and radar. Snowfall occurs from November through April, with an annual average of just overnches.

he roads from the airport to the towns of Tuzla and Zivinice are hard surfaced and narrow. The generally poorer roads beyond the Tuzla-Zivinice area and the lack of storage and ground service facilities limit the airfield's role inroader area.

smstmiroi release


A POL storage area has relatively low-capacity, above-ground storage tanks and possibly underground tanks. Relief aircraft could carry enough fuel for the return to Zagreb, or fuel storage bladders could be placed at the airfield.

The airfield includes five marked helipads. An auxiliary highway landing strip able tor similar-sized aircraft, is about four miles away.

Northeastern Bosnia and HercegoMnm


Original document.

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