Created: 6/17/1965

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by; Jamn Erltt

- lrhed Ly Athcnciunow

* Indexed

- * "

Tho book describes tho- trial of Colonel Jtudolphresident In tho United StotooC op tolmo'of Thop tho ectmiel fa*defendantJy freer. thU pcliii of view. ThV greaterf Itthom.rttore connected with tho trial auch as the Author1*Ma oeccptaoeo of the defence In Eft unpopular caso ofh- Indictment; tho scloctlon of tho Jury; InnumerableIho dofonooho examination of tho witnesses; Iho lummatlono by Ocfoaso and tho prosecution; tlic Instructions to tho Jciy by the * VJudje; tho ejinoimoement cf tho verdict pndnd, .tho author'* participationhe action rotuliins nited* cltlaenhcldoviet prison. >'orAHEI.wae not, buto and primarily

client, tui educated end honotto served his country and hadto hove been caught, Tho author considered It Ma dutyMm from Ihe gallowsow! n* thet tho Government failed to

At tho trial, the Government's cose was bused almost oxclutlvcly

the testimonyABElt'a deputy. W. Colonel Rofno KAYfIAMEHi tttnacii recalled lo tho USSR becausehU Inefficiency, lie dofected In Parle to tho US Embassy end revealed to tho US eutho, itirs

, ACEh'i CttlalOnCeJi. functions and activities, Tho defense Counselhis main prooccutlonA YUAN EN,igamist, rlcoholic and cmbesOor, based largely on the man's own admissions. Hut hi* clearoncrete testimony withstood Iho vehementnni convinced tho Jury. The rcbuk:Ilty.

The defence did re! put /hsi. onwit no at. etand end he apparently

not reveal to Mo lawyer anything about his personal background, contactsiM activities. Eut he helped tho prosecution bylundov long beforourprlelng blunder for such an eMperlanccd



HAYKANEN knewonlyn cod amo ond, according to Instructions from Moscow, was not nupposed to knpw where ho lived. At one meeting between the two men, llAYHANEN loWhat hen urgent need of photographic mctcrlolr. j. took htm into Ms Brooklyn studio. It woo n'gh't nnd.MAYIJAMEN did not know the addroos '

. of the studio but o.he approximate location. Afterwhile ADEL was resting In Florida waiting for things totho FBI located the studio, broke in and found tho following toolsreel profession:ct, cyphor booko,filmo for microdot photography,umb or of various)devices. In addition, they found ft photo picture of tho COHENsix thousand dollars. All oi thio mittciinl wap Introduced by prosat the '

At the request of tho Government some matters were ollmlnotcd ho court's prccpodinga for obvious oocuvtiy rocioons. Thaty " lo much mote detailed information In tho book" about afeoat thefew content* with tho'

r.gents or prospective agents ara incurionod In the book.UImpossible to glean from thlaloar plctuvo of tho cxtont, -effectiveness and main objectiveo of tho net headed by ADSL,

Tho nftmo of helenao montloncd during.tho trlnl, butpasoant. Five thousand dollars was to bf> delivered to hor bya letter drop, but ho.kept the money for himself*

Tho casogt. RHODES wao also Introduced during tho proceeding to demonstrate the recruiting methods of Soviet Intelligence. s recruited by MGB agents whtlo eorving at tho US Embassy In Moscow. At the tlmo of ACEh'o trialo already tinder housond was being Interrogated by tho FBI, Later ho was tried and HAYHANEJN was tho mala witness for the prosecution In thot caoo so well.

ABE I* was oontenced In7 tooaro Imprisonmentfine of three thousand dollara. In2 through thoDONOVAN, he waa releasedrison and onebruary ho waa for Francis Gary POWERS,ilot who wascntonco In the Soviet Union. -The exchange took placoBrldgo which links tho US sector of Berlin with the Soviet eono

HAYKANEN vtt.ii hilled1ar accident oa tho Pennsylvania Turnpike, The author calls itysterious crash".

A nurnbor of Interestingoncerning moduo operanditho

Covov storyt took four full years ol carefulo. for "fAYHANEN, tlicIn tho United Scntco. AYHANEN wasMoicow to aooume tho namo of Eugene Nicoll MAKI, tinborn In Idaho, whomail Child traveled Inith his parents. It In njsumed that Inll f MAKI'j. family we-ro doad. 1IAYHAKEN was smuggled tothe trunkar driven by two Soviet officials accredited His first task was to ootablloh thatMAKI. HAYIIANEN bribed two false wltncsseo who'to that effect. Thon, for two and half yearsaa Eugono MAKI In the cltleo of Tampere and Tuvku,factories; building oafco and doing auto-tody, ropalre. InappliedSt the US Embassy in Helsinki. thatn American cltUch, borndaho andirth cortlflcato to support In Ms application he alleged that his mother was born In'.'York and that hiss born in Finland and wasAmerican cltisen. Ho also claimed that when hoyears old ho traveled withay ants to Estonia whoro ho : with his mother until her death. HIo father, he' ,diedo strenghtcn Ms story. 1IAYHANSN .iv Finnish zlvl tho saino Tho US passportto him'onnd ho was ready to travel to

This elaborato and carefully prepared cover story was-- ijtvcnan whose charactor wao mJoJudgxd and whose alcoholism acta of bigamy and sc^uandromanla woro overlooked*

1US paid dearly for this bad nssossment.

Recruitment According to HAYHANEN, ABE I- oald'ltractice of Soviet intelligence to recruit huuband and wlfo.

HODES, serving at tho US Embassy in Moscow, was recruited by use of blackmail. He celebrated tho impending arrival of his wife end daughter to Moscow In the company of two' Russianof the US Embassy one ofemale. .KHOD7CS got drunk end elept with the girl. After that, ho wao

. contacted byf/ictzlo end pcrouadcdV, collaborate. Ho worked for the NiCVJD daring the entlro time of Ms sc.-vlco In Moscow* After Ms return to tho USA# AUEI.madc an attompt him and rnako him continuoollaboration.

TrainingAYHANEN'V training for Mo mission In,States consisted of theurriculum:lessons; driving and repairing of autoinobllos; codingadvanced photography techniques. Includingthe text to plnhcad size and trcstmcnt of Ihe film to makeand pliable so it would fitollowed container; suchcoin or

Compensation HAYHANEN as deputy resident wao paid onth0 travel

Doad drops HAYHANEN was acolgned three drops byoscow center*. Two of thorn bo doscrlbed; onoole between the sidewalk and tho wall; the other tho bateomp-poot.

Another typo of drop was alsoagnetic container was attcchedemp-post. Tho parson who was to' receive the contents of the drop would stend nearby and would actook-out while the contnlncr was boing ettached; the' 'look-out would retrieve it

Concealmenticrodots woo used frequently during the first period of ABElVs oporatlon. They were hidden, under the staplonagazlno milled to Parle. Manyid not reach their destination and tho practice was'discontinued. Another dcvlcoollowed coin. Tho device was roadoplit coinittle hole containing tho trigger. '- '

CommunicationBSJe recorded radio messagesapoi, recorder, then he replayed the tape and put tho message on paper.

Cortaln limited communication signals wevochalk signs drawn on certain pro-determinedtho followingorlsoatal line meantavemyertical lino meanteceived thoono of my

s Instructed by the Moscow, contor no*ransmit personal data, tho place of work, and the address in tho scrno message, even If tho data woro enciphered. '

Concerning the author, the book provide* thocu details:

Jo.ncs Brltt DOWOVAN was born In Now York Cityo completed Fordham University pnd Harvard Law School rndoted New York lawyer. b- *ar, be wasresistant lo the Director. and liter ho was assistant to the US prosecutor at the Nuorcmberg trials. o succeeded In obtaining the rclcaoe0 Cubes' and Americano from Cuba. At present, he Is president of the Board of Education In Brooklyn, New York. -

Thc^nalyste extracted sufficient counterintelligence data for|ncouvoe of their analysis.

wore checked with tho following

Alexander Mikhallovtch KOUOTKOV otedrepared in Borlln by tho Russian Con.mlltoo for German economy. It wao stated that tho Soviet Union was trying to Incrcoso Its tredc relations with tho US.umberf Soviet missions consisting of engineers and economist* rrived In the US during tho mbntho immediately preceding tho' ate of the memo. at of these missions wao contained In Iho capturednu KOKOTKOV was listedemberho dclogation of tho Peoploa1 CommUoarlatc for Agriculturo. "'

In tho couroo of the IntorrOgftllon of Copt. Aloxandor I1KVD commlsear who was captured by tho Germans ono revealed the namecumberVJ>officers. Among then wao the namo fnu KOHOTKOV, who V SHIGUNOV oddember of the Soviet Embassy In the US' before tho World War II. ggjg sHsoelaSBSab

oreign Ministry memo- .

randum, datedist of complaints -rnado by the Sovic: Embassy In Borlln concerning mUtreatmont of Soviet cltUcns by tho Gorman Police. Among the Sovlot complaints was tho matter concerning fnu SHJSHKiN, anf tho Soviet trade mission in Mannheim, vdiooc houso was conrchod onl4 Tho scavch. It was said, produced no results.

Original document.

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