Created: 4/1/1966

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the Effectiveness of the Initial Huclear Strikoront During an Offensive Operation

by General-Mayor A. Rcaashkln,f Military Sciences. Ivanov, Candidate of Military Sciences Colonel A. lubulin Lieutenant Colonel A. Mlronenko

The success of an offensive operation by formations of around troops will be determined above all by tho affectiveneas of the initial nuclear strike of their rocket troops aimed at gaining Immediate superiority over the enemy fro* tho very first minute of the transition to nuclear operations.

The present article will consider several ways of increasing tho effectiveness and shortening the duration of an initial nuclear strike by rocket troopsront during an offensive operation. These Include in particular: uninterrupted mainte-nance of high coavbat readiness of rocket troopeuclear strike and for rapid transition to the condition of highest readiness; raising tha efficiency of the control of rocket troops, and increasing the operating reliability of gyroscopes ofuidance systens.

The effectiveness of the initial nuclear strike dependsignificant degree on the readinoan of rocket troops to mount EKo strike in the shortest poBaible lime aftor recoivlng the radio sAfinAl. ordering them to do so. But this does not mean that"the strike readiness of all rocket troops oust be the sane throughout th* whole period of non-nuclear operations, it is obviously most expedient to increase their combat readiness as information is received indicating enemy preparation for the immediate use of nuclear weapons, with the transition of rocket unitsigher degree of readiness taking place as rapidly ee possible upon receipt of the appropriate radio signal, which will be broadcast over all corrouiiications channels.





the present time there are concepts defining the combat readiness of rocket troops in peacetime {routine, increased, and full) and aleo the combat readiness of launch batteries in the preparation of nuclear strikes (No., 2A, There is presently no conceptigher degree of combatof rocket troops than "full".

aitsoved fob sllfapt date: 7


Original document.

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