Created: 5/13/1966

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SC No.6

CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Directorate of Intelligence6


Reaction to Communist China's Third Nuclearreliminary Survey


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World reaction to Communist China's third du-clear explosion has produced no major surprises, though thereumber of reactions of more than usual interest. Particularly striking is thethat the Japanese aro beginning to have doubts about their national security and to feel thatChinahroat to Japan. Similarly, the Indian Government is under increased pressure touclear weapon in order to contain tho threatuclear China. Indonesia, since its change of regime, is no longer one of China's sin-cerestfact reflected in its reaction to the nuclear test. Pakistan is warmer in itsthan it was in the past. In the Westernthe countries on the west coast of South America are beginning to bo disturbed at theof future Chinese as well as French nuclear tests affecting the Pacific Ocean area.








European Communist Countries

The Soviet Union, as it did with the first two Chinese nuclear explosions, merely reported the latost detonationne-sentence TAS3 announce-pient, which also mentioned that the Chinese device contained thermonuclear materials. In Czechoslovakia, Prague Radio pointed out the "negative worldand criticized the Chinese for distortingefforts to halt the spread of nuclear weapons, Yugoslav reaction was marked by alarm and sharp criticism. Belgrade's TANYIIG onayoviet Foreign Ministry official as saying into questions that "we are against nuclear tests and have proved this by signing the Moscow treaty.11 Bulgaria and East Germany reported the test onlyews item-! chievement and added that the Chinese would never use their nuclear weapons first. Nothing as yet has been heard from Poland, Rumania, or Hungary.

Far Eastern Communist Countries

Both North Vietnam and the Liberation Front in Soulh Vietnam not unexpectedly responded quickly with high praise for Communist China's third nuclear Hanoi's reaction echoed its statements following the two previous Chinese tests and was equally laudatory regarding China's technical skill. It described the explosionnew tremendousof the Chinese people." Liberation FrontNguyen Huu Tho, essage to the Chinese, called thesplendid achievement demonstrating the clear-sighted leadership of the CCP headed by Chairman Mao,'1 Thus far. there has been no reaction from North Korea,

Western Europe

There has been no official reaction by West European governments to the Chinese test. Most of the West European press stresses the greater urgency for disarmamentonproliferationbut thereotable lack of panic inrequently expressed belief that this teat by Itself will not change the strategic balance in Asia or leadore reckless Chinese foreign policy.

In the recognized technologic to the crea Birmingham nuclear dev take overt in Vietnam nuclear ins

Kingdom, the Manchester Guardian the test asemarkable scientific ana alut said it was leading

tion ofuinous white elephant." The Post (Conservative) noted that Chinese elopment would make China less likely military action against the United for fear of US retaliation against tallations,

the French and Italian Communist papers were critical of the Chinese lest. They denounced the Chinese statement citing Soviet-Americanas tho reason for the Chinese nuclear weapons program. Thenita in Italy said, "We remain convinced that nuclear disarmament is more than ever necessary, and we reject as grotesque the assertion that the possession of nuclear weapons is necessary to China in order toantastic collusion between the USSR and the United States against China or any other people."

Ueutsch-now that Peking has the bomB. for it toore moderate policy. It notes, however, that "maybe this is only Western logic."

Middle East

In West Germany Die Wo It (Hamburg Independent) regretted me explosion, but said it did notanyone nor could it be expected to have "an direct political or military consequences landfunk considers lt logical,

only reaction thus Arab statesommentary newspaper in Damascus which clear explosion asreat the end

ons. The paper

far available from theyrian Government hailed the Chinese nu-achievement" marking the imperialist monopoly of nuclear weap-used tbe occasion to extol Communist China in general and to criticize US policy onand Formosa. Tho commentary probably reflects Chinese Communist influence among some of theeditors of the paper as well as the generally radical orientation of the present Baath socialist regime which seized power in February.

Turkey, or

has been Iran,

noted reaction from Greece



In India the net effect of the Chinese test was to increase the intensity of demands that New at on with its.own nuclear weapons program.

significant shift inst ion, particularly within Congress Party ranks. About one third of the members of the Executive Committee representing congress partyof Parliament,pecial meeting convened to discuss the Chinese blast, spoke out in favor of building the bomb. Several of these legislators had previously been opposed to an Indian nuclear weapons program or hadait-and-see attitude.

Official government spokesmen, however,New Delhi's previous policy of restraint. After condemning the Chinese testgrave hazard to the-health and safety ofikely to be affected by radioactivexternal Affairs Minister Swaran Singh declared in Parliament that the new explosion did ndt vitiate earlier He added, however, that Indian policy will be kept constantly under review. He said New Delhi still looks upon world nuclear disarmament as the best guarantor of India's security. Prime Minister Gandhi also re-emphasized that Indian nuclearwill be limited to peaceful applications. She reportedly told the Congress parliamentary executive, however, that the policy is not Irreversible.

The Indian press reflected almost universal alarm at the new Chinese test, and most papers callede-examination of India's policies. There was little agreement, however, on what India's response would be..

The chairman of Pakistan's Atomictatement to the press, termed the explosion proof of remarkable Chinese technological progressribute to Asian scientific skill. He noted that the explosionydrogen bomb had not yet been accomplished by France. The AECanticipated no harmful effects on the Pakistani population from the fallout.

Nearly all of the newspapers in West Pakistan welcomed the Chinese explosion, many of them terming

reat victory for Asia. Several editorial writersore effective voice for China in Asian affairs, with an independent newspaper in Lahore commenting that the USSR and the United States and other Western powers could no longer threaten to use nuclear weapons on Asian nations. Most newspaper writers coupled their praise oftechnological skill with demands that Peking be admitted to the United Nations.

A semiofficial government newspaper in West Pakistan, while congratulating the Chinese on their achievementf commented that proliferation of nuclear weapons was .hardly an edifying development. Itthe hope that with the nuclear powers living onalance ofhey might find it in their own interest to come to the conference tableearch for nuclear disarmament.

Inoreign Ministry spokesman said his government was "not happy" about the testing ofdevices anywhere tn the world, and called for the banning of nuclear weaponsirst stepgeneral and complete disarmament.

Southeast Asia

Indonesia's reaction to the Chinese nuclear blast has been sparse and has been limited to press comment. Its general tone is negative but rationale-indicating acceptance of an unpleasant fact. This contrasts with reaction to the first Chinese testhen the coordinator minister for public relations said that China's feat was an open announce ment that Asians have capabilities equal to those of Western nations and that the West can no longerthe peoples of Asia and Africa.

The newspaper which now reflects the Indonesian Foreign Ministry views has commented that China had joined the nuclear club without foreign assistance and that tho principal threat of China's nuclearis political and psychological rather than It suggested, however, that the "world can expect more difficult times ahead in relations with the Peking regime." One Indonesian Army paper said the purpose of China's explosion was to intimidate the United States, the USSRP and tho weaker powers






China's borders, tries band together proportionately

recommended that those coun-and "reply to the Chinese threat

far, there has been no official reaction from the governments of South Vietnam, Thailand, and Laos.

The Far East

is borne out bfng papers, which for the first tine warn of the possible Chinese menace curlty. Earlier tests had not slgni the popular attitude that Chinahreat to Japan. Theests and of recent Chinese behavior beginning toajor change in

tne lates threat to Japan eaction ln lead-unanimously

to Japan's se-ficantly affected not constitute

ffect of the

is now apparently Japanese attitudes

Chinese test received heavy coverage in all South Korean newspapers. Stories referred to the devicehermonuclear or hydrogen one. Most press comments echoed South Korean Governmentcalling the test lnhumano savagery whichthe world's desire for poace and security. Feature articles emphasized the danger to Koreans of fallout from the test.

Taipei reacted to the third Chinese nuclearby attempting to minimize its impact. The press placed reports of the explosion below stories on Vietnam and reassurances of US protection. spokesmen emphasized that the explosion did not increase the immediate threat to Taiwan but did demonstrate the aggressiveness of Peking and the need to destroy the Communist regime.


President Sekou Toure of Guinea onayormal message of warm congratulations to Chinese President Liu Shao-chlv stating "We have learned with real pleasure of the new scientifico were particularly touched by your offer to renew the meeting of the world conference for the total cessation of nuclear and thermonuclear arms ." In Zambia President Kaunda said that the world great powers had no moral right to condemn Communist China's latest nuclear test. He remarked that as long as China is treated like an outcast "then she is bound to act like an outcast." He said India is the only countryoral right to criticize Chinait is the only countryapability to produce nuclear weapons which hasolicy decision on principle not to do so. Kaunda urged China's admission to the United Nations. Peking radio onay quoted officials of the Pan-Africanist Congress of South Africa and the Southwest African People's Organization otAfrica asChina on its latest feat.

The Ghana radio quoted UN Secretary General Thant's comment that any nuclear or thermonuclear tost is regrettable. It went on to say that it is not any individual country's policy that is ofconcern but the total accumulation ofnuclear potential that is built up in the world. It called on the present nuclear powers to save the world by starting to eliminate the forces of nuclear destruction which tbreateo world peace. In Nigeria also, the radiotatement condemning China and charging that Peking wishes to hold the world to ransom through the possession ofweapons.

Latin America

Countries on the west coast of South America are particularly sens!tive to nuclear tests at this time in view of French plans to conduct such tests in the Pacific Ocean area. The Chi lean and Peruvian governments used the occasion of the Chinese test to reiterate their opposition to atomic experiments and the use of nuclear weapons for warlike purposes. These governments denounced tho latest explosion not


only as being against the authentic policy of peace but also because of the danger lt involves for all humanity. This statement was coordinated ln advance with Ecuador and Colombia. The Ecuadorean Foreign Ministryeparate message condemned the nuclear explosion and slated that tests of this kindlow to the world's fervent desire to achieveIn order to ensure peace.

Tho only Middle American reaction noted thus far has come from Cuba. The Cuban press played tbe storytraightforward fashion, emphasizing"miscalculation" of China's nuclear Cuban-Chinese relations are presentlyow ebb, and the Cubans used the Chinese bomb blastehicle for twitting the United States rather than as an excuse for congratulating Peking.




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