Created: 6/2/1967

OCR scan of the original document, errors are possible

MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Intelligence

Assessment of BLACK SHIELD

Mission XOOr, ?lown7

missile sites were detected Sin this missionj? The mission was aboutercent cloud covered. No singularlyitems of intelligence were reported in the initial readout. However, detailed analysis ia continuing at NPXC. It should be pointed out that although this particular mission was not particularly productive because of weather conditions, it is evident that the system has excellent potential for tho collection of intelligence in this area, under favorable weather conditions.

Both Hanoi and Haiphong were covered with haae and scattered clouds and only partial coverage was available of North Vietnam's major airfields.otal of 68 miaalle sites ware photographed. Of thoseere odcupied,ere unoccupied,ere ID only and one was returned to cultivation. No new SAM sites were detected.

The photography shows that the North Vietnamese have completed an alternate bridge to the recently bombed bridge over the Canal des Rapides, just north of Hanoi. The North Vietnamese had been working on the piers for the alternate bridge prior to the bombing and the bypass was operational someays after the main bridge was interdicted.

Photography of the Yulln Naval Base on southern Hainan Islandestroyerronshtadt class patrol craft,hanghai class fast patrol boats,lass motor torpedo boats, and several LSTs. The naval order of battle is not unusual for this South Sea Float naval installation.

Mission Sidelights

5. The mission aircraft was over North Vletnan for approximately nine minutes. The aircraft entered from the Gulf of Tonkin northwestward up the Red River Valley to Lao Cai then turned aouthwestward over western North Vietnam and exited over the Demilitarized Zone. It was apparently not detected by either North Vietnamese or Chinese radar faollltlem. Altitude over tho DRV was close0 feet while the mission aircraft descended to0 feet for aerial refueling. Speed during the photographic runs was0 knots or Mach 3.

Prepared By:

Original document.

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