Created: 3/31/1967

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I. Position ol' CountryUSSR, and Eastern Europe, excluding Poland and. Production

The USSR und East Germany urc the only countrleo in "Grouphich

produce aizeable quantities of chemical analyala equipment. Czechoslovakia and Hungary produce token quantities of such equipment. In general, the output ofnstruments lo not believed to be quantitatively or qualitatively adequate for the present, and rapidly expanding needs of theountries.

Although the USSR is probablyetter position than the other countries in Group Y, it liar, reported production saortageu of chromntographs, automatic tltratora, toagnetlc gas analyzers, optical-acoustical gas analyzers, and related Instruments. East Germany and Hungary also have cuaplalned in recent years about the inadequate output of chromatograpbs ond other chemical analysis equipment. Furthermore, evidence Indicates that the quality of certain-types of analytical equipment produced by the USSR end &st Germany does not measure up to standards.artial listing of analytical equipment produceo. in the USSR, see attachment i. )

B. Trade

Althoufji UM USSR, Eaot Germany, and Czechoslovakia have exported

chemical atuilysilo equipment (principally to other Communisthese countries do notet ejeport capability. The need to import from tbe Free Worldx-ctcd to continue for occjc tier because of the rapid expansion

scheduled Tor the chemical and petrochemical industries and because of the increasing role of automation.

The USSlt, Easl Germany, and Czechoslovakia have attempted to procure, chemical analyui3 equipment from the US on several occasions in recent years. The types of US equipment sought by these countries include thc followiog:

gas chromatographsnalyzer androgrammer)

oxygon analyzers


indicator, model6

In addition to direct efforts to procure these items fromhe USSR, on at least one occasion (ln the. chromatograph originally orderedestern European firm. It is also possible that. analytical equipment has been incorporated in chemical plants which Free World firms have supplied to the countries in Group Y.

Bie countries inlso have purchased chemical analysis equipment produced by Western European countries and Japan. Hie current trade agreement with Japan calls for the annual value of Soviet imports of measuring and other instruments to double duringeriod. II. Position of CountryPoland and Romania)

A. Production

Rumania is not known toapability for production of chemical analysis equipment while Poland.'e capability for such production is limited.oland claimed to havehromatograph for measuring tbe gas content of metals, but it la doubtful, that such types of sophisticated analytlcul equipment are mass produced.


Both Poland and Rumania are heavily dependent upon other countries for advanced typea of analyolo equipment for their chemical industries.

Although some imports can be wide from the USSR and East Germany, there ti, no doubt that Itumania aad Poland would prefer to purchase fron the US and other Free Uorld countries who are experienced ln the production of chemical analysis equipment. Poland has attempted to obtain oxygen analysis equipmentS firm (Beckmon Instruments, Fuller ton. Calif.). We have no firm evidence that efforts have been made to divert US-produced chemical analysis equipment from Western European countries to either Poland or Rumania, but some US Items may have been incorporated ln plants sold to thcee Ccexounlst countriea. III. Country Croup Z (Communist China and Cuba)


Chinamall, yet growing, capability for production sophisticated analytical equipment used in the chemical industry. Demands for such equipment, however, are likely to remain well in excess of production for BOmc time as China pushes forward vith its program of chemical expansion and modernization.

Cuba, on the other hand, lacks the capability to produce chemical analysis equipment for modern Industry.

ChIna relies heavily on Western iuropc and Japan for the specialized types of analytical equipment needed for its'chemical process industry. hina's purchases of gas chromalMgraphy equipment from one UK firm alone amounted to. Thc purchase of precision instruments of all types (including chemical unalysio equipment) from Jupnn has grown sharply frommillion37 million, and3 millionn addition, China probably hau received varloun types of sophisticated analytical equipment ln conjunction with chemical plants purchased rrom tha Free World. There la no evidence that sales to Chins by Japan or Western

oiropc have Included chemical analysis equipment mnufactured by US firms. The Chinese, hovever, are fully aware of technological advances which have been made in. and elsewhere in developing modern devices for chemical analysis and they undoubtedly will attempt to purchase US, or equivalent, equipment. The types of chemical analysis equipment which China Is interested in acquiring include:

Continuous viscometers

Kinetic vapour pressure analyzers cj Infrared spectrophotmetcru

Flame photometers

Large quartz spectrographs

Optical pyrometers

Microptic polarimeter


J J Farinographs and extensographs k) Pressure viscometers

1) Ultraviolet ana visible spectrophotometers Cuba has relied to some extent on tbe USSR for chemical analysis equipment. Tlie Varu Gas Analyzer Plant in the USSR claims to have supplied muny instruments for the Cuban chemical Industry. Cuba's shortage of odoquute analytical equipment has been evident in the past and la presumed to exist at present. On at least one occasion, there is evideace that the start-up of an important Cuban chemical plant was delayed by the shortage of automation Because much of the Cuban carnival Industry was built by US firms, it seems likely that the Cubans would attempt to obtain US analytical equipment for use In thc various plants. It Is preuused, therefore, that some US analysis equipment has been supplied to Cuba through indirect channels. The UK currently lo negotiating the sale to Cubaarge fertilizer plant which undoubtedly will Incorporate udvnnccd equipment for chemical analyalu.


ana of Chemical Analysis Equipment Produced In thc USSR


analyzer GDItP-1

GasRegistering and recording type, infrared absorption)

determine concentration of oxygen in combustible and inert gases and in different gas mixtures.

To determine the content of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, aaesonia, and methane for preparing synthetic unaonia, and carbon aoooxide in the air.

analyzerThe rmoconduc tome ter)

determine the content of hydrogen, ammonia, sulfur dioxide and argon for the production of hydrogen chloride, carbide, ammonia, and sulfuric acid.


Gas analyzer PGFZG:

Gaa analyzer PGPUA:

Gas analyzer PGF:

Gas analyzer

(automatic registering type)

Magnetic gas analyzerM:

Magnetic gas analyzer type MGK-6:

Tiicrmochcmlcal gas analyzer:

To determine tha content of hydrogen in combustible and inert gaflea and their mixtures.

To determine the content of cokehf) and of benzine

To determine the content of.

To determine the content of methane

To determine the content of hydrogen in gas environments within limits

To determine tbe oxygen content of various gaseous mixtures.

determine the oxygen content in various gaseous oixtureo.

etermine tbe content of oxygen and hydrogen during the electrolysis aod generation of water

determine thc content of oxygen in mixtures with unsaturated hydrocarbons.

control of the composition of

gas flows directly ln technical InBtallatlonn.

- 5

Analyzes complex from

to the butane group.

Analysis of organic liquids and gases with temperatures of up toegrees.

determine concentration or reacting

analyzersaaed on the principle of

absorption of infrared radiation.

Original document.

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