Created: 9/10/1993

OCR scan of the original document, errors are possible


subject: latin americas.

10 september

1. haiti: moves against un deployment


1. haiti: cedras moves against un deployment

army chief cedras has privately urged senate leaders to require that the qfunpolice and military

troops might an advance team arrived this meek. the pro-aristide senate president agreed to invite the defense. interior, ano justice ministers to testify on the proposal before the senate next meek and to censure any minister mho refused to do so.

comment: cedras probably hopes to dodge the blame for any failure of the governors island accord. he is likely to pay lipservice to the malval government, mhile undercutting its efforts to prepare for president aristide's return. a debate about the un force in the divided legislature mould delay and perhaps scuttle its deployment, the debate probably would also sharpen disagreement on contemplated laws to separate the police from the army and to grant amnesty to the military for the1 coup and related crimes.

Original document.

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