Created: 1/2/1968

OCR scan of the original document, errors are possible



: Three POWo Seen in HONS NGU

District, KIEN PHONO province, DATE OP REPORT iEnroute _

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croat VC cemmo-Liaison5 in

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cfclef identified the American and one of the Koreans as sergeante and said tho rozalnlng Koreanoctor. The chief said they wore being sent to Cambodia



or about. and two Korean POWs were observed at VC coeeio liaison5 in HONG NGU District, RISK PHONG Province, The station chief, named SAU THANH, identified. POW and one of the Koreano as Sergeants and said the remaining Koreanoctor (he did not say whether military or civilian) and said that all of them had been captured at MY TKO City (DINH TUONG Province) during the TET Offensive. Tho station chief said that the PCWs were going to be taken to Cambodia and held there as POWs. He also said that other PCWs had passed through his station at infreouent intervals but did not elaborate.

None of the POWs was tied but they were made to lie down togethermall un-enclosed bamboo mat. They were not permitted to talk to each other but it was obsorved that they sometimes did. During tho hours of darkness one armed VC Btood guard over them but during the daylight hours the guard was removed and they became the responsibility of eight sentries who were posted around the area for station security. They were given the same diet of rice and fieh0 hours) that VC station personnel received. They were not physically mistreated,

None of the POWs appeared to be wounded or sick but they all looked tired. All of them wore black pajamas and were barefooted. They did not wear ringo or watches. Description of tho POWs was as followBi

a. . POW wasotors tall,eavy build and weighed aboutilograms, had abort cut brown hair, blueight redong face and long eideburas. He shaved buteavy board. He had no visible soars or marks.

b; The Korean oergoant was5 meters tall,eavy build and weighed aboutilograms, had black hair, blackightong face. He had anentimeter long scar near his left wriet.

e. The Korean doctor was0 meters tall,edium build and weighed aboutilograms, had short cut black hair, brownight complexionound face. He had no vieible Bears or marks.

U, Because of the language barrier, none of the VC talked with the POWs. Sign language was used to give them instructions to eat or move. Station personnel said that the POWs had been brought to theays before the observation and that It was expected that they would be held at the stationays longer awaiting the arrivalommo-liaison escort.

Original document.

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