Created: 1/2/1969

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. Pilot Captured near HON GAI



8) SAIGON, Vietnam





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AM3 Series LlOlhj SheetVjdition

A MSANOI, StockANOIjdition 2.

1, hree journalists wereicycle tour through the forests surrounding HONity. QUANC NINH Province, when0 hours, they noticed many aircraft in the sky. This was the first time that aircraft had overflown the area. Tho aircraft were attacking an unknown area in tho vicinity of the city, and at least two aircraft were observed going down> burning. our, when tho attack seemed to be over, the man returned to the city,

Z{ On tho way back to the city, the Journalists heard several rumors about the attack. People said that at leastet aircraft had participated, and that one pilot had been captured. When they returned to the office, tho journalists were told by local personnel that some journalists had set outoat to witness the rescue and capture of one pilot, who had landed In the sea.

3. At0 hours oneto the building where the^3>

pilot was held. The pilot wasoSm, aboutyeters in slae, and was sittinghair, with his arms folded and his legs crossed, uarded by two armed soldiers. The pilot was dressed in white underwear, and#beoause he was sitting down, it was Impossible to estimate hin height and weight. The journalist took pictures for aboutinutes, but could not talk to the prisoner because no one present spoke Ehglioh.

U. During theob, pictures of the pilot wore


liehed in various newspapers. The picture were identified asSTnd was part of an article that contained the statement of the NVN government protesting the attack. The pictures taken by the Journalist were not published, possibly because ho had subadtted them too late. However, the published photographs were virtually the sans as the ones taken by him.

5. Inhe same journalist was informed by Major LUU THANH,

reporter at the NHAN DAN Newspaper,risoner namedST was heldCW Facility located in an old Chinese school on YEN PHU Street, HANOIU). The journalist expressed his interest in seeing this man and LUU THANH, after pointing out to him the difficulties involved because It was not on official business, told him that he would see what could be arranged.,

.6, Some days later, the journalist and LUU THANH went to the POW facility.

Rumors had been circulating through HANOI that the POW'such better ration than the NVA soldier, and they intended to see for themeolYes the meals the POW's received and also toalk to the nan called AN-VO-REST. The gate guard had to ask the permission of the chief of tho installation to admit the journalist, and after waiting omites, both were admitted. They were led by two guards and an interpreter inside the



and LUU THANH pointedOWar corner, and saidwasUST, at the same time asking the Journalist if that wasJournalist asked the guard to load him to tho man, who washis backolumn of the main building. The man waspajamas and was gazing at the sky. The Journalist asked thehe was doing, and received the reply that the OH washis family through the clouds. The Journalist then asked him ifany letters, and the reply was affirmative, however thiscommunication was much quicker. The Journalist, with the aid of'had the above discussion with the POW for loss than 5the interpreter had to get back to his pfcher duties, andnot have time to ask the POW for hie namecould

not be sure that the POW he saw inf was the same as tho man he took pictures of inU. In his opinion, all Europeans look ^p> somevhat alike, but if anything, the first man he sawointed face, 'W" while this man's face looked

Tho departure of toe interpreter terminated the conversation. The Journalist stayed in the compoundotal of aboutinutes, and spent the remainder of the time watching abouttUort play in the centere compound. He was unable to check out the POW'a ratiorj, because meals were not served at that time.


Original document.

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