Created: 1/9/1969

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I FcmaiitEO

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aeroer no.

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tojrci :

Eocay Piiioa and Pacllitleeof alratrlkes

lo thr KftengSevan ftegion of Xleng Khouang Province

was an enemy prison' In addition, enemy anti-power generator for tb* Khaag Khar Sani. In tbe priaon, claimed there mould be future

SeveralCaucasian, sa English, interrogatedsubjects Including the defeneea of* Long ng and Sam Thong, the security guard of General Vang .and the American and Thai preaeec* In Laos. Alr-

rrmto Roveaher

Uledilitary policemen andatbet Lao


bug possibly bousing horth Vietnamese preaeotatives In Khar* XAar vas partially destroyed by sunoary.

End of

A oveaberPatbet Uo prison was near ths


, acx

Of twoourn for prisoner* and six eulltr boveea for the prison etair. There Ml aleo aj eteruilding la the prison coapound. However, the riflefor the soldtera lo the irei rather tbaa for tba prlaos. The Patbet Lao kept tb* rice Id tho prison coapound because Ld not think alrstrlkes would be mad* on tba priaon. Coutct: Tba prison8 Kbay baa beoo

o! iir( BaVHanJepSI there. Bar


* and one STUM antiaircraft KUna ware

orested mountain top at Pbou Sanl bad nevar been bit by alrstrlkes.'

generatoi ai

hours, lii>i.0 boura,00 boura. Prison guards told hla that tha generator supplied tha power for the Xhang day ridlo atatloo. ftgeaVsyCosncnt: Tbeee boura are tbe approximate boura tberoadcast*.)

0 boura sllassembled to llatan to Patbet Lao radiotbe broadcasts tb*ommander. Lieutenantod tba broadcaeta andropagandalecture* always covered the following general material:

i" a. It was foollsb to rally to the Royal Lao Government because tba government was corrupt, did nothing for the Lao peopla, bad sold amcb of Laos to tha Americans, and wasuppat of tha Americans. Also, the Patbet Lao will eoon occupy all of Laos and those who have rallied to the Royai Lao Government will be punished.

. B. ao Porees ware defeating the Royal Lao Government everywhere la Leoa. Ativa loyal Lao Government regiments ware defeated, and at Ptaou Phaoyal Lao Government soldiers and SO American* were killedreat deal of radar equipment waa captured.

C. Tb* Patbet Lao will mooa attack and. capture huong Soul.

olitical school SO meters east of tarn for prisoners to attend prior to their release. consistederies of propaganda lectures exhortto go forth and work for tbe revolution. Ooof school, prlsoaera were aaslgnad toP|the1 battallona. 4apaanwftcobimant: Three other^aWawawkr who

eon ,

released Iron ' prlaoo^fldJ,VimJVfip<ld to Pat hat Lao

engineering unite. Sh,(cs

B. Duringat tbe prison b* waa

Inlrrrojilt;jiTlylQO^Timee^ Soma of;Captain Bouoaou, cblef Interrogator at theKhamay, Bonnaon's deputy; master Sergeantadmlnlt'rator; Lieutenant Coloneltbe 6thao Battalion; Major Tblab,Xleag Xhoueeg Military Aegloo; Major Koukhaeo, Patbetofficer 'ft tbe Rortk Yletoaaese Army; andletnamcBa officers. Oa one occasion a aucaslsn waa Chin, sislaches tall aBB had Blown hair,a,-


Tot Caucasian spoke Chinese to hit luwprmrirectly to

lo spoken

Roys; Ua Government educational system

r new roads andexisting roads In covorament controlled areas

c- The attitudes of the residents and student* lo Vientiane toward the Patnet Lao sod the Hoyal Lao Government

D. The taaatlem pollclcn of toe loyal Leo Govern* ana governmental controls over private businesses

Presence of Thai soldiers In Lao- and the possibility of training Lao soldiers In Thailand

F. The possibility of the presence of AmericanIn Lao*


The poselblllty ofMtry into

ijoa oy President Johnson or Tics Prtaldeot bumphrsy

H. The strength and deployment of troopa Inand 'ia* arcs*

X. ie possibility of villagers la Long Tleng and Saai Tho of being sreed and the attitude of these villager* toward the military leadership

J. Genonl Vang Peo; Ble health and the seriousness

Ofhe received at Ma Itaeng,

the atrensth of his security guard and the number of guards accoapanylng bin at aoy given time, hta standard of living and ounber of Ms wlvea

. K. The possibility of Long Tleng havlu radar to warn acalamt an air attack.

].. The total strength of Royal Lao Governmentspecifically la Military Region XI and any fu.ure

plant for

The Royal Lao Governmental structure and the atlonahlp between the civil and military authorities.

The Important military and political personalItlas

hontT-Sao. U. Col. Saeng Aroun, and Col. Kong Cluie mere specifically mentioned by the

0. The location of -Pop- Bwell inLoog Tleng or Baa Thong end the nature ef bisk. tUJtfCoeamsst i SAID repressntatlvs Ino*4g, la kwn la

the Sam Thoeg-Long Tleng area as -Pop- Suell.)

f'. Th*duties on goods brought late"^Cst"

C. The conmunlcatlOBs network betweea thereglooa In

a a

4 of %

' B. Tfaei prices In Long Tleng end 6am *Thong. ^<

answer most of tba Questions

xplcaptor*chool teacher wouldauch Information. gave Lone Tleng market prleeathat most civilians lo Loop TimeSaa Thong alia Interrogators they already

knew th> eosvera to th*c^ TiengThong because-there wure^Pathet Lao intelligence e lied, he

would bn punished; Cm oneoocaBlOB ba was ledquad where Captain Bounrourirad. On soother

oibtr prlsooera who had previously tweioioLong Tleng ssdboog were ashed to draw maps showing ammoaltloc storage sreaa aod important buildings Id these two areas. The prisoners did aa they were told because they feared being shot If thedid not match. shea the sketches were collectedold that they were not ail the same, towwver, his only punteamedt was tothe next day with oo food.

S. During slrstrlkss sgslast the Khang Kbay area, were sowedunker Dear the prlaoo whereusually view tbs strikes. Id Kay Ib&S,o ISstruck khang Ehay foronsecutive days, wars later taken to Xfaaag Khar to help losupplies. these prisoners

that two anaunltlon storaRobuiTdings, three rice storage buildings,ilitary supply warehouse had been damaged or destroyed. Oneptember four Al-E's attacked Phong Saves, and ffigsmsaswamVkPeiird Iroa other prlaonarailitary police camp naaoeen bit sod thatersons bad beeo killed and aboutad been wounded. There vera heavy sir strikes on Khang Qij sod Phong Sawas forontMutlte daya In Novraber. oveaberS Jet was hitI antiaircraft gun the pilot successfully balled out. Bight s'^ored cars andatbst Lao troops moved out to capture the downed pilot. The pilot, however, was rescuedelicopter before the Pathwt Lao column could reach him, and the oolumn van oaught lb the openOS's covering the rescue operation. All eight vehicles were damaged or destroyed aod pearly.all of theDC Pa that Laorre killed. dsmmflasaaf-Bnt: Four soldiers stumbled Into the prisoners' buoaerelirious atats sod clslsed that tbsry were the only survivors of theman column and that all of the vehicles bad been


B. Inmediatslf arturaptured he wan taken from Huong Kgan to prison bytruck, ebruary, while be was going through Khang Knap, one of the Patbst Lao soldlare pointedalf-destroyed brick building sod said that It was the Korth Vietnamese Kmbaasy. Several Other nearby buildings were coepleteiy destroyed. CJ ICoihqI; The building was Incorrectly described by the soToTsr as so. embassy, but it may haveuilding used by Korth Vietnamese representatives lo Kbang Kbay.)

fc Field Diss em i State Army8 PSAID ObMACTAir Fbrca CIMCPAC PAC7LT PaCAF

Original document.

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