Created: 12/1/1968

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SPIOS VOOR NATO. By Ererf Ret/Jen. (Amsterdam:an Csnnep. p. O. J

' Evert Rcydon. an engineering officer In the Dutch merchant marine, was recruited by lliroreign Intelligence Servkerom then1 the Dutch Servke. in conjunction with Ml* uved primarilyannd Flintagrol in Sonet ports at winch hit (hip catted. In July hecichanl marine colleague were sent as legal travelers by automobile on in observation million lo the USSR. Ai they attempted to leave the country, onugu;t. they were anetteJ by the KCB. In Octoberere tried, found guilty of espionage lor NATO, and sentenced toears in prison. In, after considerable behind-the-scenc* negotiations, theywd and ic'umcd wTheReydou's colleague, who had Hood up nubly daring his trial, telling the court he aai proud of Mi service* to his country and theheydon did nota nervous breakdown soon after hi* return andutch mental (attirotion everHcvaon lounvi cnreturnnipping companies, moit of which do business with the Pice.ould not white him With official help heas station but failedo of It. heail driver at the time he wrote this purported autobiography.

The publication of the book in7 createdtir In the Dutch press and war even noted by the Soviets In their demotic broad-carts. This wasReydou was theuUhrnin to have written about his espionage eiploiu for his cvuntry and her allies since Worldut eiccjxrecounting the disclosum made at his Moscow trial, he off en lhetory with littleto his actual activities. The following caveat, which. In (mall print on the inside of the face plate, Is calculated to be missed by most readcrt. betray* the real lose of the book "All lhe situations "in*of thtdescribed in this book live only in the Imagination of lhe writer, and hopefully will live only In the imaginatton cf the reader."

The book is divided Into threehedetails Reydon's youth, his entering the Dutch merchant marine, and ha recruitment

for Release.




Bootii Dj'eri

andNATO iyu*helhe I' K. and Ptanet, -the second tel't of purptMtrd etpiwagcpi faunhe Bnt:ih. in the Middle tin,he claims he wasunJer

a BOAC ewer, and the ihiid covwi hit irjining dxpauh, finocd plaits, captuie. inlrnogalion. mil. and impnwiiiaevt in the I'SSH.fa's hetiihlike in lhe MiJJ'rard mrt Ciry row cm, (ireviiie Wynne, and others in his Snirt pAwn Theilledhisth women ol wn-in nalu>nautiri. Including in American collegem the MiddV Ka*i.

ie k'Utru srlfimage lo (her hre WenIUond he may ha>tthe aaSa olhock, bvt thli cheap, flamboyant itory can only drgtadc hn ieat conmbv-tion.

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Original document.

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