Created: 6/7/1969

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: AKG Station ;ionthly Report for9

During the sonth of May there were approximately five occasions in which the city of DaNang received hostile fire from eneny rockets. None of these incidents were of sufficient intensity to merit detailed reporting, but thoy do point out Viet Cong's continued capability to launch such attacks. The Increasedctivity anticipated prior toand Buddha's birthdatcs failed to materialize, therefore plans for night3 at the airbase were cancelled,

A curfew exception for our essential personnel was received froa the Office of the Xayor of Da/fang, but it was in tho forn of ono approved list. The requests for curfew oxenptions were so numerous that the issuance of individual passes was precludod, but otherew TCH employees being stopped at check points, no serious curfew incidents were reported. The Aaoricon Consul advised thoy would offer all possible assistance should any personnel be arrestedesulturfew violation.

The number of Southern Air Transport flijjhts into Daiiang increased from April, totaling eight round trip and three one way missions. All these flights were net by representatives froaperations and Traffic even though there were several arrivals during curfew and the early morning hours. None of these personnel ever failed to report for work as scheduled duo to handling theso flights but there were generalized complaints as to their efforts going seemingly unrewarded.


One outstation recovery was necessary; cnayustained daraoge to both propellersanding at Koi-An, approximatelyilos south of DaMang. Efforts to have tho aircraft lifted back to DaHang that evening by helicopter were discontinued duo to high surface winds. Repairs were oado tho following day, which included changing both propellers and ono engine; the aircraft wan flown to Da!lang for further inspection, and subsequently ferried to Saigon.

J. cr: da3ub stationport for9

1 customer has expressed particular satisfaction oar tha performance0 nucbrr two oervlcos at bafting, tho expeditious arrivalTi toarrived the evening of the abovend our parkingch<dulod pansender filiate .djactnt to tho boarding gate rather than on tho back ranp. It wan not possible to perform thu third number two service required on the3 at DoIJang during the month, buteplace-BOnt aircraft arrived in time to permit anflight eche-dule, no etrong complaints over tho ferry cxpvnse werw received.

5 customer continues to be far more roaaonablc and understandlac of the problens involved in tho operation, and those which do covclop can usually be resolved on the local levol.


Contractor eonotruction of theextension to theangar eoaaenced on'ay, and by tho end of tic month, work representing twtrnty per cent of tht bid price was oonpleted. Thw Lean-to cac;onets wore all received froand to date the contractor has not expressed any cisenchantnent as to tho obvious arount of materials which will be required in addition to tin baulcand sluing.

The requirementeliable source of electrical power ia becoming core end *ov apparent, P supplied UO XVA generator van inoperative on several occasions, and waa shut cownreater partay in two Instances. Ibo third generator in six weeks -installed, each successive unit aecxlng loss reliable than tho one It replaced. Theso povrrre aoro than JuGt an inconvenience oince all routine work ccaoes for the duretion duo to lack of interior lighting ln the Cperatlone/Administration building. ro form Art for tne Installation and distribution of city power to tne facility has been submitted and expeditious approval of thie project would bo most appreciated.


iho uselsc clod: for tinuk?oplnA purposes vas deferred until at leant le* June Cue to the Lime clock received0 cycle unit which is incompatible with tneyclo electricity presently available. :inor problems of the instruction booklet printed in Japanese, and company tlaoearde whleh are too wide to fit tho tine clock elot will be morv *asily resolved. The clock is being snipped to Saigon for poesible modification or further ohlpraent to Japan for conversion toye Ice.

^Pl payroll for the month totaled i

ivtty cash expendituroe for tho nonth totaled: tfU

dl'SJlCTi OANUXI Ctation onthly neport9

.-nnui flight tiae increased over tho previous reporting period forirst ttnu this year. 5 flyingours3 hours respectively over April, hcvenan loooos Uiu-ing May More down considerably fron Apriltal0 hours au cooperedours.

Ts> fill owing is tho trvaJalctm of fli. ht tirn pen- rated by this station during


iievnnuo losses for tho ennth aro broken down aa follo'.si

Customer Cancellations




tho "otorolaseesaso becoaing nor* and

nore reliable with experience; It was out of service on oljit occasions during the aonth* lho use of thoack up unit has ninladxed difficulties during thu above periods.

Incccdng and outgoing messages28 respectively.

The only significant problcEi encountered during tne month was tbo decrease of the paosenger seat allocation on Kllj+ito eight for this station. Consequently it may prove -ore difficult tov personnelo Mai as this flight provldee tne nost frequency between these two points travelling southbound.

SMJJ.-CTi DAHABG Station Monthly No-port for9 TRAFFIC (Cont'd)

Passenger ond cargo statistics for the nonth aro as followst









Continental Air ferviee and fourteen &AF caribou flights were handled by thisring hay.


Booed on tho rccomendation of theTeaa Curvcy conducted during I'oy, tho VWJ, cast oner has wrbally approved the upgrading of two Ground Cervices OTM positions to guard slots to provide overnight ruard surveillanco of tho CCi*LS warehouse. rittcn confinution ol thin approval Is expected shortly.

Anwas oubcitted roqueoting authorization lor tho position of Guard fuprrvisor, which if approved, willvieo ci foe tire direction and supervision of the security effort at this station which is presently lacking,


A change in processing procedures st Saigon has shown sono signs of relieving the backlog of visa and extension of stay applications for taKang pursonael. Vhe problen has teccate laUM ocrioua than that which prevailed during April.

The personnel breakdown for Da-fang station during Hny is as followoi

Teaporary Pre-Proceoe rally Hire





0 0







j'T/JLCTi nthly ucport for9iCLS

R'Dotalrriving anodeparting flights, of whichf th* latter wore delayed duo to maintenance. Theecovery accounted for the only engine change and twootal of three propeller enongeo. Ten heavy services were pcrfonaed, including2 nuaber two services which wore supported by TCS pirsonnol fron Saigon. *lth the exception, no aircraft wore delayed due togrounded for parts.

iCWotal3 ninhours, ofere utilized in hootel Tasintciunce and pointing. The cylinder head disc re pen cy on the CX truck was readiedcrvicoablc head was obtained froa local sourcee. This vehicle should be back in eervice during the early part of June.

Aetailed examination of each MSA invoice is planned soarge outstanding credit balance can be reconciled with their fiscal office. Assurances have been givenhat this problen will be rectified in tho Huy invoice.

Original Si-ned by WINSTON C.lnston C. Conors

cci fUo

Original document.

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