Created: 8/4/1969

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SUBJECT : DAN ANO Station Konthly Report for9

No Incident* Involving hostile activity against tha DaRang Air Baaat vara repartee" during the oonth, but ruonrs pare let that large scale rocket and perhaps ground attacks could be forthcoming at anytlno. ear, relativelyaids did shako the buildings and windowsbut no daaage resulted.

The DaXang City and Air Base curfews remain unchanged,00 hours00 hours respectively. The base curfew In still applicabledi^^enous pereonnel only,urfew incidanta involving personnel downtown were reported. Two (fcmplorees wore arrested and detainedhort period of tine bf theolice for en alleged House Record discrepancy.

The moeber of Southern Air Transport flights increased tremendously over the previous aonthotalimilar number of such flights is expected ln August. Traffic has bed to resort to utilizing TCI per-scmnel to aaelst in handling these flighta and RKD will oost likely lose the services of one crewood part of the tins during the last half of August if the preeent scheduling of those flighta continues. has been received fron TRAP security to permit three Traffio utility personnel to remain on the base overnight when required.

American personnel wore barred from using the KACV Field Ration Mess located near th* main company hoatel for two days, but customer co-signed travel orders, specifying that crew members were on bonifide TCS status baa resolved the problem to date. Permanently assigned American personnel have tbe option of electing either Field Ration Mess or Commissary Privileges but are not entitled to both.

Duo to Iheernatlve tocompany hostelIn the time available, it

was dsclded to rent these premises for anoLllf six months, the duration of the present lease renewal. Tn tbe Interim, it will be poeslble to sore precisely determine what the expected flight crew BON requirements will be.

No further information baa been received fromompany regarding their proposal to assume the operation of the Danang Terminal Snack-bar. It Is planned, however, to drawreliminary agreement for approval the next tine their representative visits this offloo. Prom cceaarnts Bade


SuaUKCTi DAN ABB Station Monthly Report for July (Cont'd)

by repreoantatlves of the Base MOO Club, llttlo or no laaroveoaat on* ba expeeted froa that quarter. They eean to he of the opinion that the Saavafc-Bar operation la laalgnlflnarit aiSMsnifl to their other eoaedtnanta and would Just aa eoon be rid of the raeponeibility for running it.

cgrroraa mAT/ioc

Tha YS-kl Air Operations Of fleer haa indicated that he will make aa official co-plaint If the handling of SAT fligfate In any any inter-feras with the Air -ceriea Traffie oparatlan. Two of the throe) personnel froa Traffie, who presently newt these fllghta, are teebnl-eally Ground 8errioes personnel, and although it Is not always poeaibla for than toull eight hours at Air Aserlea and also aaat 8AI flights at nine o'clock at night and fire o'clockho anrning, tha basic Traffic reopens lb illiy has net been aXfeeted.

WMl bu alsooaa interesttill ths atationterminal In order toayout eisdlar to that atonpletely enclosed, air iw^lt tested waiting roc-. rojeet would require the reenval of hall" of two walla which provide tha anin support for the roof of the aauUattsaj in addition to tho airTbs aediflaations eould ho done, but It would bo quite expansive and would soot likely require customer funding.


The nose hangar Lean-to was eighty five percent eonplete at tho ond of the aonth and abowld bo ready for final acceptance by add August. Ono atool angle will have to ho removed temporarily froa tho looe Hangarcit the atuc-awnt of the aiding retired for tho east and of Loaa-to elnce the natcrlale received from aha-Trang wereew iteao.

Vork was atarted on tho Deneag Stotion Klsetrio rower Diatrlbatlon Project. ather major aodiflcatlon was aado whereby using existing Mdergroand power oabla It will he poeaibla to eliminate all overhead power lines. Mot only will this Method contribute to tha bettor ap-pearaneo of tho area. It ehenld alao require fewer aanheura to aoeeanliah. The installation ofTA transforms?. ahonld ho completed la early Anguat.

Since the station paving pro Jest has been deferred for an InoauTlniU period, consideration la being given to the possibility of obtaininggravel, in oashange for the eeaent presently on hand, to eorer the highly travailed areas and planting grass In tha reamlning

subjkcti DANAMD Station Monthly Baport for July (Cont'd)

portions. Thio pita would not provide for any needed drainage but It would reduee the aaawnt of duet and and now experienced.


The station tlaa dock au roeeived, ocnvvrtad toycleiao card ryetan won Initiatedngnstrial bealo to determine what problen arena night aria*, Scrroral geneiator etartulovns have aado It aeooatary te adjustoci frequently, but byugust It ebould be pooelhle to atari keeping employe* tiao and attendance records with tlaa cards rather than attendance restore.

'payroll fer the nonth totaledi Potty Cash expenditures for th* aonth totaledI


total revenue faying declinedoor* aa euapaj id to thenonth. Altbongb AID flying lnareaae slightly, Paebaaar rejcnilrosanrU wore redaoed apprnxlaatalyercent, Bavcnno lossesoars aa ooaanursdO houre during Juno.

The followingreakdown of flight tiao generated by this station during Julyl


_ *

Revenue loosse) for the aonth are broken down as followei


Cuatoanr neiwrcUatlona


AfUr ooanaa at Ue beginning of tho nonth, too Motorola Remote THT/DHFe laid in operation eontinuously. Both SCO and Ground Radio pereonnel agree that the eysten Is now working satlafaoto-


laoocdmg and avtgolag message*70 roopsetlvoly.


SU&OCTi DAIAKO Station Monthly leport for July (Cont'd)


With tho nxMptina of tho nwmvrmm SAT flights oohodnlod Into Danang, wcrkload rooninod fairly constant. esult of eloeo eoordlaatlon with botha oat of procedure* regarding pnsoengor proeeeeiag, baggage limitations, aod manifest olaao oat tlaa* wore forealatad which hnv* greatly rodaaod many of tho minor rafoblono previously onaounterod. An claotrio Mcrkoteer waa received fron Saigon whleh has olgnlf laantly lnereaaod tho ef floleney af tha etatlon'a baggage handling eye ten.

Passenger and oargo statistics for the aonth are aa followe t

ransonaors In raasonaers Out Carro In Cargo Oat


Contlnaatal Air Service* flights war* handled by this department during July.


A BUok Tlaa Cloak vaa received daring tho month and thokey sUtlons aawith this aye tea were Installed at variousaround the facility, light curveUlanec of the area aan aow bo cloealy monitoredermanent reourd taps Is printed whoa the security guard punches Iniven etatlon. This system may prove snffieiaortly effective to eliminate any requireaont for ooparate COBDB waxehouse esourity personaml,


A algnlfieant reduotlen ln pcrocuaal, both TO and indigences, was aeeceKpliahsd during July. Total pereonnel strength declinedo hz. The individual a* Deration* ware baadled smoothly andlnlnmn of ill will.

SUBJECT* DAXAMQ Station Monthly Report for July (Cont'd)


RXDotalrrlrlngeparting flights, of vhleh ooTon of tho lattor wore dolayod dna toce. otal of throo ovt atation resorerioe ware parf ornad Including7 cylinder ohanga at Che-Lai. ho angina or propeller ohongoo voro required daring tho aonth. Hoar/ avrvieoo totalod eight, all ovt two Of whiah war* porfomadl Onircraft.

tOMDotalfere utllisod In hostel islntenar.ee.

Although too expected creditaa net reoeivod oa tao Jane invoice, poeitlTo aaeurmnoae wore glTen that substantial portion of it would bo Included In July, la order to atniaao theee probloae in the future, tha ooapany oparatod QMC truck will bo utilised to aadto all plsk-ejne froei BA olaee aoot requests for credit rooalt froai over-ahlpawarte and billing* for itaaa not resolved.

PDO aecoapliibsd the re-paint lng of the throo atation MUeohiehi Jeeps and one aloro-oua. All ooarpany oparatod vehlolso aro now painted bine.

Oripin.i] Stoned by WINSTON C. CAM JIBE

eel file


July was an active acoth which saw tne ccetpletion of two major project a. The nearn/To end the Scooter Shed were completed and the ARs closed. Both pro>cta were firdahed well within the allocated funda. The remaining open AR for power and light distribution will be completed in Auguet.

There has been conelderable military activity in the hille surrounding KHA, all being visable from the airport but, little acUvity ln town.

Bostel II contractaa completed and cortformed with noin rent.

A good month.



Station Traffic acUviUes have increased over the prcrioce aonth. Aircraft arrivala/dapartu res, cargo and passenger he reeling were auch higher then Juno but, still remain considerably lower than the aaaa aonth

Tho poeiticn of Traffic kanager has removed fron1 contract. Thio was in accordanceetter submitted to BK/SGN.

In line with the cost reduction program, TM la to bo croea-tralned with CR duties with the shorter flying tine snd hours, it is felt that one American personnel can handle these positions at SKA. This requires, of course, greater operations support fron SCil Cperalione, FCD, and Hcnagment at ERA and SU are cooperating in this venture which can mean conelderable savings to the company.







Total ..


-a- nxm>Li ufoaT9

roblem Id this area Th* one retaining sore spot

hereby twoh* personnel areeg io the Cords/Usaid area la

aung worked on. Paperwork to changethe Cords/tseid payroll hasbd toed.


The Motorola TiiF haa performed well during thle period with only minor cutagee. We aro experiencing an inordinate amount of interference onF. Several local atatlona cut In asking flight watch very difficult,


One driver was exceased leaving four regular drivers. This requiresimited amount of overtime each wwek, but la on theavings to the coeepany.

C.Rir.tT Ft-CPl'CT (See attached)





Percentage on


The SZ Jeep was stolen on the morning ofnd recovered byowntown repair yard early on July 9.

Five security personnel wore released ea aurplua to the noeds of thla


FKhSLvra. (See attached)o problems. LfCAL 1 Mo problaa*.

nctnjcM. ghvicrs

ore: night







Original document.

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